Chapter 22


"Are you sure it's okay?"

"'Yes, Momo, you've asked that for the tenth time already. My parents are okay with it."

"It's just hard to believe and worrying you know."

Mina sighed, she guessed what Momo said was true. Her parents used to dislike Momo and even wanted to get her away from Mina, yet they were now alright with letting Momo go over for a sleepover.

"They've changed," Mina smiled at the thought of the happy family she had now.

"What if they still secretly hate me?" Momo wondered out loud, making Mina unable to hold in a chuckle.

"My parents aren't like that, Momo. Besides, even if they do, I'll never let them do anything to you." Mina grabbed Momo's hand and started to walk towards where Jae was waiting for them, not letting the other girl let out another word of protest.






"Wow..." Momo's mouth was agape from the moment Mina opened the door. She knew Mina was rather rich when she saw her house during the time she had sent her home, but entering it was another thing. The house was huge, grand, high-class. Absolutely suitable for a princess-like figure like Mina.

Almost right after they entered the house, a lady came out from the kitchen (Momo supposed, considering that the lady was wearing an apron). "You're back, Miss Mina. Dinner will be ready soon, but Sir and Madam have not come home yet."

Mina let go of Momo's hand which she had not let go of since the car ride, and ran towards the lady, engulfing the lady in a hug. "Ah Aunty Kim~ I told you to just call me Mina when my parents are not around!"

"Oops, old habits die hard, Mis- Mina. I've been calling you Miss Mina since you were a little kid, until one day you told me not to."

"If only my parents did not insist it that way," Mina said, loosening the embrace. It was then that Aunty Kim managed to take a good look at the other girl who was awkwardly standing just a small distance away.

"So, this is the girl you've been talking about? Hm, what was her name again?"

Mina was about to answer but Momo beat her to it. "Hello, I'm Momo." The girl quickly walked ahead and bowed. Aunty Kim smiled at the polite gesture.

"What a pretty girl. Good catch you have, Miss Mina." Her comment made both of the girls blush. 

"Well, I'll bring her to my room to put things down first. We'll come down shortly!" Mina informed, taking Momo's hands in hers again and heading towards the stairs. "It's Mina, by the way."


"Sorry about that," Mina's attention returned to Momo. "She's always like that."

"It's okay," Momo smiled a little thinking about the cute sight she saw just now, "You guys seem close."

"Yeah, she's been working here and taking care of me since I was still in pampers," Mina explained. "She's the one I've been relying on all these while." Aunty Kim was the one who gave her the attention, care and love her parents was supposed to. Back when her parents hit her, Aunty Kim would be the one who help her tend to her wounds. All these without her parents' knowledge though, for they were not too comfortable with the idea of them being too close.

"That's nice to hear," Momo replied, glad that there was at least one person who was by Mina's side through the tough times she had.






"You're a really sweet girl, Momo." Aunty Kim complimented. After giving Momo a brief tour of the house, the two girls were now seated around the dining table, chatting with Aunty Kim while waiting for Mr and Mrs Myoui to be back. 

At the comment, the girl of subject looked down and blushed. She received praises often, but she never knew how to appropriately respond to them. "Thank you."

Just then, the sound of gates being opened could be heard. The sound that Mina was so familiar with - a sign that her parents were back. 

"Oh, they're here!" Mina stood up to run to the door to welcome them home - something she had been doing ever since her parents started to show her the love she had yearned for. She grabbed Momo's hand, and was about to run off when she felt the girl tense up slightly. Looking over, she realised that Momo was looking rather nervous.

Giving a light squeeze to the hand that she was holding, Mina said in a soft but assuring tone, "It's going to be okay, Momo. Besides, it's just dinner, why are you so worried?"

Momo felt a little better, and found herself pondering over the question posted to her. Right, why exactly was she so worried? Was it because Mina's parents did not like her previously? Was it because she was never too good with socialising with adults? Or was it because this felt crazily like she was meeting the parents of her girlfriend?

Momo guessed, if Mina said it would be okay then it would be. She relaxed slightly before following Mina. First impression counts, she reminded herself. She could not screw this up, not even one tiny bit, especially not when they were the parents of someone she had intentions of crowning the title of "Momo's girlfriend" to sometime in the future.

The poor girl was so nervous that she kept taking deep breaths in attempts to calm herself down. Each second seemed to take forever to pass, and Mina's parents seemed to be taking forever just to park the car, come out from it, and enter the house. Her attempts to cool herself down did not go unnoticed by the owner of the house. Mina put her hand over Momo's shoulder to give her a side hug, which made the girl look at her. 

Mina gave her a smile, and though the smile did not do much to reassure Momo and calm her down, it did make her enter a momentary trance, lost in the beauty of that simple smile.

Then the door opened, making Momo snap out of her dreamland, she immediately looked at the door.

Mina laughed at Momo's reaction, the sweet laughter that Momo loved so much. But right now, Momo could not focus on it. All that was going in her head was, oh .


A/N: 205 subscribers! You guys are really the best ;_; I'm really happy that there are people enjoying this story :)

Momo's meeting Mina's parents - a step ahead in their 'relationship' progress I guess.

Anyways, I'm really excited for Mimo's stage on HTS this Wednesday! Are you guys? ^^


Hope you guys liked this chapter. Do comment! ^^


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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun