Chapter 01


"Momo ya, you're hereeeee!" A girl exclaimed loudly, successfully attracting everyone's attention as she ran straight into the arms of the said girl. 

"Sana," Momo replied, joy evident in her voice. A wide smile was plastered on her face too. She whispered, "I know you love me, but can you be a little less embarrassing? Look, everyone's staring at us already."

It was then that Sana realised what Momo said was true. Pulling away from the hug, she held tight onto Momo's hands and walked away. "Sorry, let's head to somewhere with less people!"

Momo shook her head. Even after not seeing the girl for a few years, she was still the same.


"Momo ya, it has been a long time.." Sana couldn't stop smiling, she was just so glad to see the other girl again.

"And you're still as noisy as ever.." Momo joked, cracking up at Sana's response - pouting and hitting her. "Yah, don't do that, you look really ugly doing that."

"Ah Momo-chan, you're so mean!" Sana turned away, which made the other girl laugh. She decided not to anymore.

"Okay okay, I didn't mean it. I missed you too Sana ya.." Momo shifted closer, planting a kiss on her forehead in an attempt to sooth the girl's feelings. 

"Momo-chan...." Sana wrapped her hands around the other's waist. 


School started, and as Momo entered her classroom, she couldn't be more glad to have Sana in the same school as her. If not for Sana, it would probably be the end of class by the time she arrives at the classroom.

However, as much as Sana could take her to her classroom, facing a whole class on her own was another problem. As she entered, the class fell into absolute silence as everyone turned their heads to face her.

"Ah, you must be the new transfer student from Japan.." Momo looked towards the source of the voice, seeing a teacher scanning through a pile of papers.

"Hirai Momo."

"Ah yes, Hirai Momo. Class, take good care of her as she is a new student okay? Momo, you can sit at the empty seat over there."


"Erm.. Momo-ssi.." Momo felt someone poking her, waking up immediately at the unfamiliar voice.


"Class is over.."

Momo shot up upon hearing that sentence, face red with embarrassment. "Ah.. okay.. thanks.." 

She quickly walked out of the classroom, taking her phone out to contact Sana.


"It's your first day and you already fell into deep sleep? Momo-ya, you don't want your grades to be failing like in Japan, do you?"

It was only when Momo's face darkened that Sana realised she had said the wrong thing. Reaching out to grab the other girl's hand, she continued, "Sorry.. I said the wrong thing again. But really, Momo ah, he wouldn't want you to be like that, right?"

Momo stayed silent. Though she knew the girl hated hearing it, she knew she had to say it. "Look, Momo ah. Imagine if he sees you like that, do you think he'd be happy? He-"

"Stop it, Sana ya." Momo stood up and looked away. "I'll come back later." 

Sana sighed. Just as the girl walked away, another one came from behind, putting her hands over Sana's shoulders and kissing her cheek. "Who's that, baby?"

"My cousin, Momo.. She transferred to this school today," Sana replied, turning around to look at girlfriend. "Sorry could you wait here for a while? I'll talk to her and come back with her soon, then I'll formally introduce you guys to each other, okay?"

With Tzuyu's nod of approval, Sana ran towards the direction Momo left from. Though the latter walked away as if she wanted to be alone, Sana knew better - she was fully aware that a fragile Momo really, really needs someone by her side.

"Hey.." It did not take her too long to find the girl who left, sitting on the kerb, looking down with her forehead placed on her arms. As expected by Sana, the girl was shaking and sobbing sounds could be heard. The slightly younger girl sat next to her, putting her hand over the girl's shoulder. "Hey I'm sorry.. You know I didn't mean to make you upset, especially not today when I finally saw you after a long time.. But you know what I'm trying to say right? It's been years, Momo, and you have to move on. After all, Auntie sent you here hoping that you can leave the painful memories behind and restart here."

She did not receive any verbal nor physical reply, but she knew that the crying girl was listening. She wrapped her other hand around Momo and pulled her tighter into her embrace.



"Mummy, Momo is home! With Sana!" The cute little voice of a seven-year-old rang through the entire house although the two girls were barely at the gate. Upon hearing the voice, Mrs Hirai ran out of the house, squatting down and opening her arms for the little kid to run into. Little Momo excitedly ran into her mother's arms, proudly exclaiming, "Mummy, we got back our results again today and I topped the class again!"

Mrs Hirai ruffled Momo's hair. "Is that true, my dear? Mummy's so proud of you."

Little Momo beamed. "Sana topped her class too!" She ran out of Mrs Hirai's embrace, only to grab Sana's hands and enter the house. Mrs Hirai could not help but smile at the two kids. Momo was her only child, so she was really glad Sana was around.

"Grandpa!! Both Sana and I topped our classes!"


Back in Japan when the two girls were still little kids, they spent a lot of time together. They lived nearby, though not together, and more often than not Sana would head over to Momo's after school, before her parents went to fetch her home during evening. 

They were childhood friends, cousins, bestfriends. Even though Momo was touchy in general, if there's one person she'd never let go, it's Sana. The two grew up together, and after that one time which Momo got rid of some other kids who were bullying and teasing Sana, she vowed to protect Sana for life. Despite being the same age, Momo was a little older, and that made her want to behave like an older sister for Sana, especially since she had no real sister and Sana really felt like a sister to her.


Sana sighed as she reminisced the past. Now, Momo still had the existence as an older sister for her, but she no longer saw the same Momo.

The Momo she knew was intelligent, diligent and determined. The Momo she knew excelled in whatever she did. The Momo she knew was happy. Genuinely happy.

A/N: First chapter up! Do comment^^

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun