Key: Rescue Mission

The Curse

"I'm going!",Key stated,"There is nothing you can do to change my mind. Onew is hurt and sick I want to be there for him.".

"Key I understand where you are from, but I don't think it's a good idea for you to come along.", Amber commented,"You are still a bit hurt. Your body can't take another beating if Jonghyun were to catch us.".

"I don't care I want to see him, I want to be there for him.", Key stayed determined,"There is nothing you can say that will prevent me from going.".

"Jonghyun will be able to sense you. We won't even be able to reach him before he kicks us out.", Minho commented.

"He will be able to sense all of you before you even enter the Main House.", Key stated feeling a bit annoyed,"I'm going even if I have to go on my own.".

"I believe Key should go.", Taemin stated,"It will make Onew hyung feel better.".

"He will be able to sense me but he won't be able to see me.I'll go in snake form", Key said as he walked up to Luna,"Please hug me I promise I won't bite you.".

"I still don't think this is a good idea, Key", Amber mention,"We will bring Onew back safe and sound, just stay here please.".

"I'll hug you Key.", Luna smiled..".

"Thank you.", Key smiled.

"Fine.",Amber sighed,"Let's get going now. Taemin you have to lead her to were Onew and Ryeowook are as fast as possible. The amount of time me and Minho will be able to distract Jonghyun won't be much.".

Taemin nodded,"You better not fall behind, if we don't get to them fast enough it will be your fault.".

"I'll try my best.", Luna smiled.

"It will be no ones fault. Lets stop wasting our time and lets go.", Key said.

As they walked to the Main House everyone was in complete silence. Key was feeling a bit overwhelmed with emotions he was exited to see Onew again, but he wished it was in different  circumstances. Once they got near the Main house Luna hugged Key and he slithered inside Taemin's shirt wrapping his snake body around Taemin's torso.

Taemin shivered a bit,"Your cold!".

"That doesn't matter stay focused!", Key hissed. 

"Sorry.", Taemin answered.

"Are you sure this is the closes place and safest place to hop the fence?",Minho asked.

"Yes I'm positive. Don't worry nothing will happen to Luna.", Taemin responded,"I marked this place last night, now get going.".

As Amber and Minho felt Taemin began to climb the fence, accidentally kneeing Key's body."That hurt.", Key hissed.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying my best here.", Taemin responded.

"Would it be easier to climb if I hug you?", Luna asked.

"Don't even come near me, I would never let you hug me.", Taemin replied.

"In his case it would just make things more difficult.", Key commented as he slithered out of Taemin shirt and onto the wall,"I'll go on ahead.".

"Key come back, you can't leave me alone with her.", Taemin said.

"Sorry, and please hurry.", Key said before heading down the wall and slithering away as fast as he could towards Onew. His whole body ache but he didn't care he didn't care he wanted to be by Onew side. Once he arrived to Ryeowook home he slid through the bars and entered the dark room. Key was having a difficult time seeing, but he was able to sense where Onew was due to his body heat.

"What are you doing here?", Onew coughed.

"What you aren't happy to see me?", Key asked as he went up Onew's leg.

"I don't know I can't really see you.", Onew said.

"This is no time to be joking Onew.", Key hissed.

Ryeowook a candle,"It's this better?", he asked as he sad on the opposite side of the wall.

"Thank you.", Key said as he wrapped himself around Onew torso resting his head on his shoulder."Look at how he left you, I'm so sorry.".

"It's okay.", Onew said,"You are okay right? He didn't hurt you did he?".

"No, he didn't hurt me.", Key lied not wanting to worry Onew. "It seems like your fever went down, your body doesn't feel that hot.".

"What Taemin gave me worked.", he smiled.

"We need to get going now.", Taemin and Luna rushed over, "Some of Jonghyun personal servants are heading this way.".

"Onew come on what are you waiting for? Get up.",Key said a bit confused as to why Onew wasn't moving.

"Do you need help getting up?",Ryeowook walked over to him.

"No, I'm okay.", Onew sighed,"I'm not going, I'm staying.".

"No your not! Have you lost your mind?", Key hissed. He was extremely mad he felt like biting Onew, to knock some sense into him.

"I can't go.", Onew stated,"Jonghyun will go looking for me.".

"Hurry we only have like five minutes.",Taemin commented.

"If you're staying, I'm staying.", Key said. He didn't want to leave Onew locked up here, especially since Jonghyun could come any minute and attack him.

"Key I love you, I'll be fine, please trust me I'll get out of here.", Onew smiled,"Ryeowook do me a favor and get Key off of me, I have to make sure he leaves.".

"Ryeowook don't you dare touch me!", Key hissed as he bit Ryeowook's hand as he carried him away from Onew.

Taemin held Key,"I'm sorry.".

Key looked towards the dark room hoping to at least see Onew once more before he left, but Onew was no where in sight.Knowing Onew, Key was certain that he was probably crying in the farthest corner of the room. You have to trust him, he'll be out soon, Key thought to himself. 

"I can see them now.", Taemin said in a panic,"Luna hug him now.".

Luna blushed a bit as she put her hands through the bars, placing them firmly on his back. A sudden poof was heard as Ryeowook turned into a cat. Taemin carried Key as they all ran towards the fence. Ryeowook was the first one to climb it, followed by Luna then Taemin.

"Should we wait for them?", Luna asked.

"No, lets go before they catch us.",Taemin said as he started to run again.

Once they arrived home Key slithered away from Taemin and went straight to his room. Once he change back into human form he put some clothes on. "I'm going to have to get use to you being here.", Key said as he heard Ryeowook scratch at his bedroom door."Come in.", he said as he opened the door for him.

"I'm sorry that I took you away from Jinki.", he said.

Key sighed,"It's not your fault , you were just being a good friend to him. Actually I want to thank you for taking care of him.".

"I owe a lot to Onew, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here.", he said as he jumped on Key's bed.

"What do you mean?", Key asked as he grabbed an extra pair of clothes, and placing them on the bed,"Here you can borrow these, when you chnage back of course.".

"Thank you.", he said."Did you knew that Onew came out with this whole idea on his own? It's thanks to him that I'm here right now. I guess what I'm trying to say is don't worry about him, he's very smart and I know he will figure out a way to get Jonghyun to release him.".

Key smiled,"Thank you, that makes me feel better. Once you change back come downstairs so you can properly greet everyone.". Key closed his bedroom door to give Ryeowook some privacy, as he made his way downstairs he noticed that Luna and Taemin weren't speaking.

"Key I'm sorry are you alright?", Taemin asked.

"I'm fine.", he replied,"So are Minho and Amber on their way?".

"Yeah they made it out safely.", Luna answered.

"So what going on between you two?", he asked,"Do you two not like each other?".

"I'm going to wait outside for Amber.", Taemin walked out the door.

"I don't think he likes me.", Luna mention.

"Taemin has two sides to him.", Key stated,"He could be very nice, and then next minute he is a completely different person.".

"Does it have to do with his zodiac sign?", she asked rather enthusiastically.

Key nodded,"Yes. I'm sure he'll let you hug him some day, you'll see. Do you want to help me make dinner.".

"I'll love too.", Luna smiled as she followed Key into the kitchen,"I'm really sorry about Mr. Bunny.".

"It's okay, I trust that he has a plan.", he answered,"I'm positive that he won't be locked up there for long.".

"I hope so.", she said as she took out some ingredients for Key."I was really excited to finally meet the cat of the zodiac, my mother told me his story.".

"I hope Ryeowook didn't let you down.", Key commented.

"No, he exceeded my expectations.",Luna blushed.

Key smiled as he noticed Luna's blush,"Let's start cooking.".


A/N:Well that does it for chapter 11 hope you enjoyed it,and please leave a comment it will mean a lot to me...see you all in chapter 12

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mariallia #1
I just read all chapters, minho,s attitude towards taemin is irritating first he did not clearly explain his frnshp with Luna to taemin and always stick with Luna like he didn't care about taemin feelings, n thn he got angry when rywok/Kai getting close to taemin, when minho saw taekai kissing he runway like a coward atlest taem apologize n explain his feelings althgh minho never tried explain his feelings or spent time with taemin he is always with Luna it's like he care more Luna than taemin, evnthgt 2min is now in relationships I think their love isn't strong like onkey, waiting for future chapters, sorry for my bad English. Update soon author_nim
Chapter 29: i missed this story so much..
hoping you'll update it soon..
Chapter 29: Ooohhh i think mommaa is scheming with puppetry in a form of maid... buwahahaaha
Chapter 29: Ok we soooo need another Amber pov
Chapter 28: Wow u made me watch fruits basket bcoz of this story~ i hope to see this finish
Alexis213 #6
Chapter 27: Why!! Why are you making my ultimate bias so mean!! Lol this is really good!! I love it. I really want everyone to get along because its kind of heartbreaking to see everyone in pain. I really want jonghyun's manipulative mother gone!!
Chapter 25: i need to lock jjong's mom
Chapter 22: can i scold jonghyun?
Chapter 16: This is so cute and I'm really excited about it! I love how you picked the zodiac for the characters so well!