Episode 23: Their Love Confession

YGTV: The Spy Edition
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            “Annyeong yeoreobun, this is-”

            “Hyung!” Seungri bursts into the room, interrupting YG from greeting.

            “What?” YG rolls his eyes in annoyance.

            “How come I didn’t get a reward as the MC?”

            “Cause you !”

            “Mwuh?” Seungri drops his jaws. “Well you know what? I can always tell them about the show!” he snaps sassily.

            “Oh no you didn’t! I will rob all of your posters and albums of Uee-sshi!”

            “Hhhmph,” Seungri stomps angrily.

            “Alright I give up. Vacation to Tokyo.”

            Seungri’s eyes light up, “Really?”

            “If and only if you agree to my condition.”

            “Uuuugggh,” Seungri groans loudly, “Go ahead.”



            “This place is huge!” Seungri screams as the camera view bounces up and down.

            “You’re so embarrassing,” Bom whines with her cartoon voice.

            A camera moves toward CL, “Why are you here anyways?”

            “I get rewarded as an MC!”



            “Annyeong yeoreobun, this is your main MC for the next few episodes of YGTV! Guess what I’m doing,” he coos before continuing again. “That’s right yeoreobun, planting cameras in our cabin. This is the family cabin with three beds, awesome right?”

            “Of course I get a bed by myself. Noona sleeps with Chae, and both hyungs sleep together. Oh! One more thing, since this is a secret show, I have no other choice but to put secret camera in my hat and clothes. Sorry everyone if I move too much, making everything blurry.”

            Seungri finishes placing the cameras around the room and walks back to the main camera. “I’m think I’m going to put this up on the ceiling lights to video the whole room,” he mumbles while struggling to attach the camera to the lights.

            “There!” he yells as a different screen pops up. “I’m back with my personal camera! Right now, I’m going to head check out on the couples. Please sit back and enjoy the shaky camera work!”



            “Annyeong yeobeorun, can you here me? This is Agent V.I reporting live as paparazzi!” Seungri whispers as the camera focuses on TOP and Bom. “Right now we have the Alien Couple on screen, sitting two tables away from me!”

            “This is some epic stalking right? Anyways, the sound might be bad, but I think Papa YG will edit it to make it better.”

            “May we have two buttered corns?” TOP asks the waiter politely. The waiter glances at TOP then quickly scribbles the order down onto his notepad. Before leaving, he gives Bom a gentle smile, making TOP’s blood boil up.

            “Here’s your corn,” the waiter grins at Bom as he places the corn down on the table.

            “I like corn,” she giggles before he walks off.

            “Hmmph,” TOP folds his arms in front of his chest.

            CAPTION: Jealous much?

            “What’s with that face?” Bom complains while munching on her corn.

            He grabs the other corn on the plate, “He was clearly flirting with you.”

            “You think all the girls aren’t flirting with you?”


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Omg thinking of YG "winking flirtatiously" made me laugh so hard XDD gonna go read now, this sounds awesome! :3
Lol can't imagine YG winking flirtatiously. This is gonna be great~ I can feel it!
Chapter 26: Ya' should be making a second one
Chapter 6: F-ing TOPBOM
Chapter 2: This is awesome
Chapter 7: Oh god my fricken feels xD seriously this story is going to make me laugh to death it's so cute~!
topbomalien #7
More TOPBOM fics please authornim~ ^^
Ah-Mih #8
Chapter 1: This story is so awesome....why haven't I find it earlier?... :)
Chapter 21: Aww why GD's mission failed?! :(