Chapter 14

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I lift her small figure and put her in the bed. I tucked her inside the blanket to warm her up and checked her temperature with my palm. Cold. Too cold. Too much sweat.

“Sunbae, can you hear me? Open your eyes! What happen to you? Oh my god!”

I looked inside her drawer to find if there is any thermometer. I found one and put it inside . Then I left to kitchen and take some mineral water for her. While I take some mineral water I can see a pink post-it in her make-up desk labeled as ‘Doctor’. I peeled it off and use her phone to call the number.

Enter Password.


It worked.

“I thought she might be stupid for having the same password but it might be not too stupid this time.”

I press the doctor number written in the post-it and a name ‘Se-Day’ come. “Se-Day? Is she really her doctor?” I press call button and wait for dial tone.



I can hear some dial tone and some couple of seconds later the phone owner picked up.

“Why?” the other line answered.

“Excuse me, but…”

“Who is it? A guy?”

“Se-Day doctor, right? This is Sehun, anyway. I’m Yoon-sunbae's junior.”

“Yes, yes, I know. What happen to Yoon?”

“I found her collapsed in her room just five minutes ago. I shook her but she didn’t wake up. I found your number labeled as doctor. Can you help her?”

“Oh my God! Yoon! … What date is it?”

“December 16th…”

“Wait for five minutes and I’ll be there. Put a blanket on her and wipe all sweat in her head and watch her palm, don’t let her hurt herself. Wait for me. Do you get it?”

“Yes, yes, I will.”

“Thank you in advance.”

She ended the call and I sigh long. I tighten the blanket to her body and took clean towel to wipe her sweat.


“Is she even alive?” I asked to myself. I put a finger under her nose and I can feel some air blew. “At least she’s alive.”

‘…and watch her palm, don’t let her hurt herself…’

“Palm? What could she do with her palm?”

I opened her blanket and find for her left palm. She make a fist with her palm. I opened the fist she make and gave it a bit massage. I looked at the upper part, it looks fine. Then I flipped her palm and taken aback.

It’s bleeding. The inner part of her fist is bleeding. The cause might be when she make a fist, she hold it too hard and make it bleed. I checked on her other palm and it was the same. Both of her fist are bleeding.

I went to the living room and take her aid kit. I was wondering why she always have tons of Band-Aid scattered in her home. This might be the reason why.

I back to her room and put some betadine to stop her bleeding and put on some Band-Aid to cover each of her bleeding spot. But

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Chapter 32: Amazing ?
this story deserve to get more upvote
weeniehun #3
love love love
mitaki2 #4
Chapter 32: This story is so underrated ㅠㅠ hopefully more people will get to read this wonderful fix! Thank you authornim for making this story

For ME, the ending did not really answer a lot of question and stability for their future. That kinda bothered me in a way. But nonetheless everything was beautiful
itsSweety #5
Chapter 32: Rereading this story again and still amazed with the story. Definitely sweet one <3
This story deserves an upvote.
Chapter 32: Omo!! Your story is so so good! Awesome!!
itsSweety #8
Yah authornim! You made me think i read an angst story. you don't know how grateful i knew the ending is an happy ending. I like this story. Everyone has problems not only love problem. That made every character feel real and drown me in your story. Thank you for writing n sharing this beautiful story. This will be one of my fav
Chapter 32: Omg this is so beautiful. I love this story and every chapter you really did great authornim