Chapter 6 - Little Moments

Til I Reach You

Chapter 6 – Little Moments

            I looked over at the man sitting on the bench, swinging his legs back and forth while gazing up at the stars.  He’s humming a song that I can’t recognize but couldn’t help but listen to.  I gently tapped his shoulder, drawing him out of his daze.  He stopped swinging his legs and turned to me, giving me a smile bright enough to light the streets. 

            “Are you ready,” I asked, lending him my hand to help him up.

            He nodded and gladly took it.  “Thank you for taking me home,” he muttered, bowing slightly as we made our way down the street.  “I’ve always hated going home alone at night.”

            “Then you shouldn’t have refused it in the first place,” I said, giving him a small smile.

            He nodded again and faced forward.  Silence seemed to fall down, but it was a comfortable silence.  And, it gave me time to think.  I couldn’t help but sneak glances at the man beside me who wouldn’t stop smiling as he swung his hands back and forth.  Neither would he stop that little hop in the steps, which couldn’t help but put a smile on my face.  The weird feeling in my stomach is there again.

            Siwon’s words echoed through my head again.  You like him.  Well, of course I like him.  In fact, I like most of the people I’m with.  They’re all my friends and you’re supposed to like you’re friends.  I understand that, that’s not what he means, but how could ‘like’ go any further?  Is there supposed to be a deeper feeling?


            I get that.  But what is love?  Is it a constant feeling of happiness?  A feeling of loss?  A feeling of emptiness?  A feeling of satisfaction?  In all honesty, does anybody actually know what that feeling is or are they all disillusioned by strange feelings that they do not understand and label it love?

            And, how could I love a guy I met once and just recently found again?  Isn’t love supposed to grow over time?  Don’t get me wrong.  I’ve experienced or learned about things through books, but the feeling of love develops after a long time.  It doesn’t happen abruptly.  Does it?

            I shook my head to rid of my thoughts.  Why am I even bothering to think about this?  In my state, I shouldn’t even be thinking of love when I don’t even have the basics of emotions figured out yet.

            “Are you okay,” Sungmin suddenly asked, stopping in his steps to look at me in concern.

            I stopped in my steps too and gaze into his concerned eyes.  I don’t love you.  “I’m perfectly fine,” I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck, hoping that I didn’t seem too weird.

            He giggled and my stomach seemed to flutter a little.  “You should laugh more often,” I unconsciously said, before widening my eyes.  Oh god, I really hope he doesn’t think I’m weird.

            He stopped giggling and turned away, but I could see a smile form.  My heart tightened.  I don’t love you.  “Don’t embarrass me Mr. Cho,” he said, gently punching my shoulder.

            “Kyuhyun,” I said abruptly.  “Call me Kyuhyun when we’re out of the office.”

            He turned his gaze back at me and smiled warmly.  “Okay, Kyuhyun,” he whispered, his eyes twinkling.

            I sighed happily, smiling back.  “How much further do we have to walk,” I asked, looking around the street.

            “Actually, we’re here,” he said, gently patting my shoulder.  I looked to my right and saw an apartment complex.  We were here.  That was quick.  We made our way to his door.  “Thank you again.”  He bowed and gave me another warm smile.

            “It was my pleasure,” I whispered, gazing at his smile.

            He opened his door and walked in.  “Good night Kyuhyun,” he said as I made my way down his steps. 

            “Good night Sungmin,” I said, waving before turning away.

            I don’t love you. 

            My heart throbbed again.


            “So, I heard that you took him home,” Heechul teased on the phone as I dried my hair with a towel.

            “How the heck did you know about that,” I muttered, sitting down on my bed.

            “I have my ways Kyuhyun,” he said ominously, but the giggle that echoed ruined the effect.  “Anyways, did he tell you about Kangin?”

            I frowned.  “What,” I asked, curious.

            “I guess not then,” he said, pausing for a second.  “They fought recently and I’m pretty sure they’re on a break.”

            Oh, so that’s why he was so down.  “Ahh, I hope they’ll be okay,” I commented, setting my towel down. 

            “That’s it,” he asked after a moment of silence.  “No ‘Now’s my chance’?”

            I knitted my eyebrows.  “Why would I say that?”

            “Because you like him,” he said bluntly.  Why does everyone keep telling me that?  “I’d figured you would jump at the chance.”

            I tilted my head, confused at his comment.  “I would do that?”

            There was another moment of silence.  “No, you’re right, you wouldn’t,” he commented and I could picture him nodding his head.  “But then again, just because you don’t have feelings doesn’t mean you don’t have impulses.”

            I shrugged.  As if he could see me.  I sighed.  “It’s getting late,” I muttered.  “And your imaginations are running wild again so I better go to sleep.  Say good night to Hangeng for me.”

            “Of course, night Kyuhyun,” he said, before ending the call.

            I set my phone down on my bedside table before settling myself down on my bed.  I have to wake up an hour earlier tomorrow so I can get to the office a bit faster.  I have a web conference at 7 sharp.  Who am I meeting with again?  Oh yeah, the Smith Company from America. 

            I hope Sungmin’s okay.  He looked really down earlier.  But didn’t Heechul say it’s been a while?  Was it something else then?



            Why am I thinking about this again?  Am I that concerned for that guy?

            I found my mind wander to the sad look on his face earlier.  He seemed really down and out of it.  But he was fine during dinner.



            I took a deep breath and composed myself.  Why do I care so much?  Am I really that grateful for what he did?  I am.  Of course I am.  But why such a concern?

            Is this concern?



            I need to fix myself first.  So stop yourself from concerning yourself with others.

            I nodded and closed my eyes, feeling sleep slowly take over me.


            “Good bye,” I said, nodding my head to Mr. Smith as he closed the chat.

            A light knock came on my door.  “Is the meeting finished,” a small voice asked.

            “Yes, please come in,” I said, not looking up from my work.  From the corner of my eye, I saw two figures walk into the room.  One walked to the desk across the room.  Sungmin.

            Suddenly, a pair of hands came onto my face, covering my eyes.  “Who is this,” I asked, frowning.  I lifted my hands to attempt to lift off the hands from my face.

            I could only hear a giggle.  “Guess,” the small voice asked, her voice familiar but muffled.

            “I swear Ahra, if this is you,” I muttered, dropping my hands.

            The hands came off of my face and twisted me around to face my sister, a small pout on her face.  “You’re no fun,” she said, settling herself across my desk.

            “I am a very fun person,” I muttered, sliding my glasses on.

            She rolled her eyes.  “Your actions speak louder than your words,” she teased, sticking her tongue out.

            “Why are you here in the first place,” I asked, ignoring her comment.

            “I’m just here to remind you that we have a lunch date,” she said, her smile widening.  “I want you to meet someone.”

            I scratched the back of my neck.  “Do I have to,” I muttered, staring at the pile of work in front of me.  “You do realize that I have work, right?”

            “But you always have time to have lunch with Donghae and Eunhyuk,” she whined, puffing her cheeks.  “Why don’t you make time for me too?”

            I sighed, knowing she was right.  “Fine fine,” I said, settling my face on the palm of my hand.  “Where are we eating?”

            She clapped her hands and stood up, giggling.  “You know where,” she said, winking before turning around. 

            Sungmin, who had been quietly sitting in his chair, finally caught her eye.  “Ahh, you must be Sungmin,” she exclaimed, causing Sungmin to look up.  “Heechul has told me so much about you!”

            His cheeks flushed a bit.  “It’s nice to meet you ma’am,” he said.  “I hope everything he’s said has been good.”

            “Of course,” she said, nodding enthusiastically.  “And you seem to be taking care of my Kyuhyun pretty well.”

            He looked taken aback for a second but continued to smile.  “It’s more like he’s been taking care of me,” he said, bowing his head slightly.

            Ahra laughed at his reaction and turned back to me.  “I better go then,” she said, waving her hand.  “I’ll tell Jungsu to remind you!  Bye Sungmin!”

            The door closed and I shook my head at her childishness.  She was supposed to be older than me but it never seemed that way.  A silent cough from Sungmin interrupted my thoughts.  I took off my glasses and looked his way.  He didn’t look into my eyes and I could feel a slight discomfort in him.  The look from yesterday was back again.  “So, umm, your girlfriend seems nice,” he said, giving me a seemingly forced smile.  “She wouldn’t stop talking about you out in the lounge.”

            I stared at him for a second, trying to process what he said before bursting out into a fit of laughter.  The look on his face turned into that of concern and confusion.  “I think you misunderstood something Mr. Lee,” I said, feeling heavily amused.  “First, she is the most evil person you will ever meet in your life.”

            “Oh,” he said, his eyebrows scrunching.

            “Second, she’s my older sister,” I explained, watching his face convert into that of equal amusement. 

            Sungmin started to laugh and wave his hands in panic.  That bright smile of his returned.  “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry,” he said, the pink tint returning to his cheeks.

            “Don’t worry about it,” I said, shaking my head.  “You’re not the first to mistake it.”

            He sighed and looked into my eyes, his laughter stopping but the smile on his face never dropping.  There was a comfortable silence and I couldn’t help but smile back at the man sitting across the room.

            The door abruptly opened, bringing in an arguing couple, disturbing the atmosphere that was growing that was making my brain slightly confused.


            “And we’re officially done for the day,” I said, leaning back on my chair.

            I heard a light chuckle from across the room.  “Long day for you too,” Sungmin asked, standing up from his chair to pack up his belongings.

            “Of course,” I muttered, standing up to pack my own stuff up.

            There was a moment of silence as we finished packing up.  I headed to the door first and held it open, quickly saying good bye to a rushing Jungsu.  He must have plans again.  I looked back at Sungmin, who was making his way to me.  As he walked past me, he hesitated and stopped, looking into my eyes.  “K-Kyuhyun,” he managed to stutter out.

            I tilted my head.  “Yes?”

            “Would you care to have some dinner with me tonight,” he asked, watching my face for any reaction before rushing out the rest of his sentence.  “I made reservations at a restaurant and I would rather not be alone.”

            He was too close, I realized, looking at the distance between us.  Why’d he have to stop right beside me?  “You want my company,” I asked, smiling at him.

            His cheeks flushed again.  “Would you grace me with it,” he asked cheekily, looking back into my eyes.

            “It would be my pleasure.”

            Sungmin’s smile widened.  “Thank you.”

            He turned away and started to head for the elevator, holding it open for me.  It wasn’t until I turned around to lock my door that I realized that I had been holding my breath.


A/N:  Whaa….so, what do you think?  Is there anything confusing about this chapter?  And yeah…sorry for the shortness.  I’ll attempt to make longer chapters, but the scenes are all quite short and I don’t want to clutter each chapter with multiple scenes and make it seem like it’s moving too fast.

Also, are you excited for the next chapter?  We finally get even more Kyumin…maybe…

And guess what?  It’s July!  And guess who’s releasing something in the middle of July?  Super Junior!  Who’s excited for that?!

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I'm going to tease you all and tell you that I'll be updating tonight as soon as I get home from the hospital! Chapter 17 will finally come out! ^^


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 21: oh wow, I love the update, thx. it seems like kyu will be having another handful of sungmin plan to get back at kyu...interesting
samira1 #2
Chapter 21: but u r keep updating right*O* it's so good *-*
Gyaaaa #3
Chapter 21: Yayyy, i like this difficult Min. Hahaha... XD

Kyuhyun is too cheesy. >_<

Thanks for the update. ^^
Namjoonieisbaeby #4
Asdfghjkllll OMG I approve
baby_catlovers #5
Chapter 21: Yeaaay, I approve cold Sungmin, lol... As much as I love for Kyumin to be together, I don't want to make it easy, it's better for Min to protect his emotional self (better if he got another boyfriend in front of Kyukyu).. Thank you for the update, happy new year!!!
lalaelf #6
Chapter 20: you both deserve happiness
bouboule #7
Chapter 20: happy new year and thank you^^
iamautumn #8
Chapter 20: I feel pity for Siwon :'( He's such a good man .. He doesnt deserve this </3 But I cant blame kyuhyun coz from the start they already knew the real score between them . I hope Siwon would find the right one for him . FIGHTING !!