Chapter 17 - He's A Good Man

Til I Reach You

Chapter 17 – He’s A Good Man

1 Year Later…

            “Yah, Choi Kyuhyun,” a voice yelled from across the apartment.

            I wrapped the blanket tighter around me and snapped my eyes shut.  “Don’t call me that,” I yelled back.  “Now let me sleep a little longer!”

            Suddenly, my blanket of warmth was pulled away and I was left curling on the bed.  I grabbed a pillow and placed it over my legs and sighed with relief.  But that too was taken away.  I frowned and snapped my eyes open.  “Don’t be mean to me Siwon,” I muttered, taking another pillow to put over my legs.  “Be a good person and let me be warm!”

            “Wake up before you’re late,” he said, throwing the pillow at my face.  He chuckled when it landed in the middle of my face, causing me to fully wake up.

            I sat up and frowned at my best friend, feeling my hair stick up all over the place.  “I’m the boss.  I’m never late,” I muttered, rubbing my eyes before collapsing onto the bed again.  I’m the boss.  I can go in whenever I want.  I hummed in agreement.

            “Stop talking to yourself.  I can’t read your mind you know,” he said.  “And just because your father finally gave you the whole company doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you want.”  He threw another pillow at my face.  “You have to keep up appearances you fool.”

            I sighed.  I hated it when he was right.  “Fine, fine, I’m getting up,” I groaned.  He smiled at me but my façade dropped.  “But seriously, stop calling me that.”

            “I have to get something out of this,” he said with a wink, completely amused by my reaction.  With that, he left my room.

            I sighed before I laid back down onto the bed, feeling the heaviness on my chest all over again.  I thought it was gone.  I placed my hand over my heart and gripped my shirt, trying to rid the pressure off of it.  Alas, it was no use.  I guess I’ll continue living with it.

            Anyways, it was just a typical morning.


            “So, what do we have planned for this year,” I muttered, shuffling through the file in front of me.  Heechul tapped his foot, trying to get organized himself.

            “First thing’s first,” he said, looking me straight in the eye.  “I just wanted to keep you updated on—“

            “I’m going to stop you right there,” I said, putting my hand up.  “Like I said before, I don’t want to hear it.  I have no right to hear it.  So stop it.”

            He rolled his eyes.  “Ever the dramatic aren’t you,” he muttered, continuing to leaf through his file.  “Why can’t you talk about it?  I mean, if you were being honest about moving on, you should be able to talk about.”

            I glared at him, but he was too focused on his papers and continued.  “Because you won’t talk about it, it’s obvious that you’re still stuck on him.  Plus, you never had proper closure and flat out lied to his face.  I don’t think I could have done what you did in all honesty.”  He took a deep breath.  “So, you should talk about it with someone.  It doesn’t have to be me, though I would be best to speak to since I know everything.  But talk to somebody.  You’re not just hurting yourself.  In the end, Siwon will—“

            “Heechul,” I exclaimed, forcing him to look up from his file.  “Stop it.  Seriously.”

            He frowned, but let it go with a sigh.  I cleared my throat.  “So, what do we have planned for this year,” I repeated, hoping that he’ll actually answer properly this time.

            “Well, I want to continue from the line that we had last year,” he said, picking up a couple of sheets of paper, the awkward tension already starting to disappear.  I sighed in relief since he had answered properly.  “It went well with the public and I think if we tweak it a bit, it’ll be more of a hit this year.” 

            I hummed for a second, looking through the data from last year.  He was right.  That was the most successful line we had from the fashion division last year.  It even managed to take off in America, though not without the help of a certain someone.  “Yeah, I think I can roll with that,” I said, writing a couple of notes down.  “Any other plans you have?”

            Heechul smiled.  “Yes, Hangeng was wondering if you wanted him to design the characters for your new game,” he said.  “Or actually, more like begging you to let him design.”

            I chuckled at the comment.  “Why not, I think this should be interesting,” I mused, remembering how he had “asked” me all of last year.  He claimed that it was his turn as Donghae had gotten the chance to design it last year.  “Anything else?”

            “That’s pretty much it,” Heechul said, closing up his file.  “Do you have anything for me?”

            “Not really, but I do have to clarify one thing,” I said, taking off my glasses.  “Do you have a new designer set for the new clothing line?”

            “Of course, I managed to get the best in the business right now,” he said, standing up in a bit of a rush.  He shrugged on his jacket as he picked up his briefcase.  I raised my eyebrow as he attempted to speed up his actions.  “He’ll come in to meet you some time later this week if that’s all right with you?”

            I nodded, confused, but let it go.  “Yeah, just tell Jungsu please,” I asked, leaning back into my seat.  This was the last meeting of the day and I was completely relieved.  I could finish the stack of paperwork that Jungsu placed on my desk tomorrow.

            He walked to the door before stopping abruptly.  “I would bite you and tell you to do it yourself, but I have something to tell you,” he said, turning around to face me, his hand closing in on the knob.

            I straightened up in my seat, the tone of his voice bothering me slightly.  My eyes found his and he kept his poker face up.  “What’s up,” I pushed, anxious to get it out of him.

            Heechul took a deep breath and closed his eyes before I heard the words that brought the pressure back to my chest.

            “He’s back.”


            I dropped my briefcase on the floor and slipped out of my shoes as I loosened my tie.  I walked over to the kitchen and ed the top of my shirt before grabbing a glass and cold bottle of wine from the fridge.  I quickly poured myself a cup.

            “He’s back.”

            Heechul didn’t need to elaborate any more than that.  I knew who he was talking about.  But, I should have known that there was a reason he had brought him up earlier during our meeting.

I stared at the cup before downing the drink, not bothering to properly savor it.  It was a waste of good wine, but I didn’t care.  Slamming the cup down, I poured another before repeating the same action.

            The front door slammed open and close, and I knew Siwon just got home.  I heard him sigh before picking up what I assumed to be my things and putting them away.  In another situation, I would feel bad for making him clean up after me, but not right now.  Definitely not right now.

            “Yah, Kyuhyun,” he yelled out from the living room.  “How many times do I have to tell you to properly put your things away?”  However much he complained, I knew he was never truly bothered by the fact that he had to clean up after me.  Actually, I think he actually enjoyed it.

            He’s a good man.

            I didn’t respond and drank another cup.  How many has it been?  How long have I been here?  The door to the kitchen swung open and in came Siwon, still dressed properly in his navy blue suit.  Was he ever disheveled?  “I figured I’d find you here,” he teased, grabbing himself a glass.

            I rolled my eyes but stopped abruptly, the action making me feel dizzy.  “Wazz it to you,” I slurred, leaning against the counter for support.

            Siwon was about to pour himself a glass before stopping and facing me.  He quickly set his glass down and reached for mine, realizing that I was completely and utterly drunk..  I desperately tried to dodge his grip, but I was drunk and he was so much faster than me.  He set my cup down before taking a deep breath.  “How many Kyuhyun,” he asked, pulling the wine bottle away as well.

            I shook my head before abruptly stopping again.  Shisus my head hurt.  I gripped the counter before reaching towards my chest unconsciously.  “I d-don’t even knows anymore,” I said slowly, trying to keep myself together.  I can’t.  Not right now.  My vision started to blur and I rubbed them in an attempt to clear it.

            “What happened Kyuhyun,” he asked, reaching for my shoulder to keep me steady.  I tried to shake my head again, but couldn’t be bothered to at this point.  It hurt too much.  “You wouldn’t be drinking if nothing happened.”  He then used his right hand to gently brush away something on my face.  “And you certainly wouldn’t be crying.”

            It was then that I realized that I had been crying.  I reached up to brush away my tears before letting out a light hiccup.  “Shiwon,” I cried, letting myself go completely.

            He gripped me tighter and it wasn’t until I laid on the couch that I realized that he had carried me over to the living room.  He gently sat me down before sitting beside me and forcing me to lie on his lap.  He hummed a little and brushed his fingers through my hair, probably figuring that I would talk when I could.  I slowly started to relax but I couldn’t help it.  It hurt too much.  At this point, I didn’t know if it was my head or my chest.  It just hurt.

            “Kyuhyun-ah,” he gently called out.  “Take deep breaths and go to sleep.”

            I attempted to listen to him.  It was the least I could do after bothering him.

I took deep breaths.

            In and out.

            In and out.

            I can’t put Siwon through this all over again.  I need to control myself.

            In and out.

            It was then that I started to relax.  “Siwon,” I whispered, feeling my eyes getting heavier and heavier.  The fingers in my hair stopped for a second as he listened intently.  “He’s back.”  With that, my eyes fluttered close and I was dead to the world.

            However, I knew that he stopped running his fingers through my hair for good.


Light seeped through my windows and snuck into my eyes, causing me to groan before turning to face the other side of my room.  It’s too early and I drank way too much for my own good yesterday.  I covered my face with a pillow and snuggled with my blanket even more.  It’s so nice and quiet this morning.  I smiled at the thought before sitting up abruptly.

            Whoa, how did I get into my room?  Where’s Siwon?  I gripped my head tightly, trying to control the aches.  “Shisus,” I muttered.  It hurts so much.  But Siwon.  He’s probably wondering what the heck happened to me.  Oh, wait.  My last words to him echoed through my ears and I whacked myself with a pillow.  Really?  Really Kyuhyun?  Did you have to be so over dramatic?  He’s probably really mad at me.  I sighed and looked around, managing to find a magical glass of water and a note.  I picked it up and read it, preparing myself for the worst.  However, I should have known not to.

            Like I said, Siwon was a good man.


I had to leave early.  The pill should last you through the day.  Take it. 

We’ll talk later tonight.


            I spotted the pill and quickly downed it with the glass of water.  I then stood up and searched around the house.  The dishes were washed and put away.  The clothes in the front hallways had been picked up and put into the washer.  The pillows on the couch were neatly organized.  There was no sign at all of what happened last night and there was a nice plate of breakfast on the dining table.  Jeez, I’m such a jerk.  I sighed before sitting down on the floor.  I honestly don’t deserve him or the couch or breakfast right now.  I don’t deserve anything.  I slammed the hard wood floor.  I let my emotions rule me again.  I mentally screamed before slapping my cheeks with both of my hands. 


            He’s back.

            I yelled out gibberish before collapsing onto the floor, feeling the coldness of the hard wood floor on my back.  I gripped my chest, which had started to throb again.  I muttered curses under my breath as I ran my hands over my face again and again.  Why did he have to come back now?  I mean, I have no right to say anything.  Of course I have no right to say anything.  I was even the one who said it.  However, I couldn’t help that the thought of him being back in Korea bothered me so much.

Wait.  Hold on.  Kyuhyun, calm down.  It’s not like I’m going to see him at all, right?  Not unless I flat out search for him.  And I don’t plan on doing that at all.  He won’t search for me either.  Why would he?  I hurt him too much last time.  So why would he?  The feeling behind that question caught me off guard and caused a new emotion to build up, but I wasn’t familiar with it.  I shook my head, deciding to deal with interpreting it later.

            I took a deep breath before relaxing.  The throbbing in my chest lessened, but I knew it wouldn’t fully disappear.  I sat up and stared off at the wall in front of me.  “I won’t see him,” I declared to no one in particular.  “Even if I do, we’ll simply say hello and go on with our lives.  Nothing will change.”

            I nodded before standing up and shaking myself off.  “You’re a strong and independent person,” I said, chuckling to myself.  The phrase had a light and joking tone in it, but it didn’t stop it from affecting me so much.

            Now let’s change the pace.  I prepared for work, but left the breakfast on the table untouched.


            The phone rang, distracting me from the work in front of me.  I picked it up and set my glasses down.  “Kyuhyun,” a voice said sternly.

            I flinched at his tone of voice and closed my eyes.  “Yes Siwon,” I muttered, trying to keep face. 

            “I came home early and what did I find,” he asked.  He didn’t wait for me to answer.  “An untouched breakfast!  What did I tell you about health first?”

            I struggled to come up with words.  “Or, is it because you hate my cooking?”  The tone behind the sentence caused me to panic.

            “Wait, no, I just woke up late,” I said, trying to get my words out as fast I can.  “I didn’t have time to eat!”  I couldn’t come up with a better excuse.  However, if I told him the truth and said that I didn’t deserve it, he would hang up, drive over, and shove food into my mouth.  “Don’t worry, Jungsu brought me some breakfast from the company’s cafeteria.”

            I heard him sigh on the other end of the line.  “What am I going to do with you,” he whispered through the phone.  The tone in his voice seemed to imply a double meaning and it hurt.  There was a moment of silence and I couldn’t help but think about what had happened last night. 

            “Hey, Siwon,” I started, hesitating for a moment.

            “Yes,” he whispered.

            “About last night—“

            “No, stop,” he said abruptly.  “If we’re going to talk about this, we’re going to do it face to face.  It’s the least you can do.”

            My heart ached, but this time for a different reason.  I nodded, but realized that he couldn’t see me.  “Okay,” I whispered simply.

            “Okay.”  There was another moment of silence and all I could hear was his breathing on the other line.  “I’ll talk to you later, okay?  Get home safely.”

            “Of course.”

            “Good bye.”

            With that, he hung up and I leaned back on the chair.  I sighed and stared at the pile of paperwork in front of me.  I need to finish this as soon as possible so I don’t keep him up waiting for me.

            It’s the least I could do. After all, he’s a good man.

            Right as I was about to get back to work, the phone rang again.  I sighed in disbelief before picking it up yet again.


            “I’m sorry it’s abrupt, but Heechul’s here and he’s demanding to see you,” Jungsu said hesitantly, sensing my slight annoyance.

            I sighed.  He sure loves to do everything spontaneously.  “Send them in,” I said, slipping my glasses on again.  At this rate, I’ll never finish all this paperwork.

            I focused a bit more on the paperwork in front of me and quickly signed a couple more when I heard the door open.  I didn’t look up immediately, trying to focus on the last couple of sentences on the page.  “Yah, Kyuhyun, you should at least greet us properly,” I heard Heechul nag as he approached my desk.

            “Give me just another second Heechul, I’ve been trying to finish this pile this whole entire day,” I muttered, quickly signing off another file.  I gave off a loud sigh before setting the file to the side.  “Now, what can I-“

            My breath hitched when I saw a man standing next to him.  His pale face seemed to shimmer under the lighting, complimenting his warm, chocolate eyes.  His hair was brushed neatly to the side, though every once in a while, it fell and he had to shake it away from his eyes.  He was dressed in a nice pink suit with a black tie, a black trench coat and briefcase hanging from his side.  The view took my breath away and I quickly had to remind myself to breath.  “Nice to see you again Mr. Choi,” he greeted, giving me a proper bow.

            The pang in my chest throbbed incessantly, but I ignored it and stood up, still amazed by the man in front of me.  He reached his hand over for a hand shake and I hesitated before reaching over and feeling the familiar warmth of his hand in mine.  I wanted to relax and treasure the moment, but I knew I couldn’t.  “I’ll be working with you again,” he said, giving me a forced smile.

            I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs; to slam my head through a wall; to get run over; to hide under a rock; to run away.  Wait.  Calm down Kyuhyun.  What did we discuss just this morning?  Aish!  I need to say something.  Say something!  Say something before you make everything awkward.  Use your freaking mouth and talk Kyuhyun!  “Well, damn,” I stated bluntly.

            Dear god.  What did I just do?  Why did you let me do it?  Why the heck did I just curse out loud instead of talking like a normal person? 

Aish!  I made everything worse.  So, so, so much worse.  The shocked look on both of their faces didn’t help either.

            Sungmin was back.

            And more importantly, he was blonde again.


A/N:  Oh gosh, I am so, so sorry.  I got writer’s block for a while and when I planned to update this weekend, I had an emergency.  Then, college apps were piling up, but I finished my first interview last night!  Yay!!  All in all though, because of said emergency, I’m able to sit down and write this right now.  I’ll put it online when I get back from the hospital ^^

Well, the MAMA awards happened last night.  Kyuhyun didn’t win, however much I expected him to.  Seriously, as much as I respect the other artists, At Gwanghwamun crushed the charts last year and he’s still on the charts this year.  What happened?  His vocal performances are to die for…boo…but props to Zion T. for winning!  Seriously, congrats! ^^

SJ didn’t win anything, but that’s okay.  After all, we have the 10th anniversary to celebrate this year and that is winning enough!  Now let’s wait until they’re all back together in 2018!  3 ish more years until they take the top of the charts again!  Fighting!

As for Siwon, fighting!  Please work hard with Donghae in the Police division!  Eunhyuk, keep up the hard work!  Ryeowook, good luck on your police examinations!  As for Sungmin and Shindong, come back healthy soon!  We’ll see you some time next December!!

So, how was the chapter?  Did you guys like the length?  Should I make it longer?  Shorter?  Let me know in the comments!  Lots of love and hugs!  Hopefully I can update again!

By the way, if any of you guys are up for a little competition, I would love a new cover page/background with a blonde Sungmin.  Let me know if you guys want to participate!  I'll put it up and give you a teaser and karma points ^^



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I'm going to tease you all and tell you that I'll be updating tonight as soon as I get home from the hospital! Chapter 17 will finally come out! ^^


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 21: oh wow, I love the update, thx. it seems like kyu will be having another handful of sungmin plan to get back at kyu...interesting
samira1 #2
Chapter 21: but u r keep updating right*O* it's so good *-*
Gyaaaa #3
Chapter 21: Yayyy, i like this difficult Min. Hahaha... XD

Kyuhyun is too cheesy. >_<

Thanks for the update. ^^
Namjoonieisbaeby #4
Asdfghjkllll OMG I approve
baby_catlovers #5
Chapter 21: Yeaaay, I approve cold Sungmin, lol... As much as I love for Kyumin to be together, I don't want to make it easy, it's better for Min to protect his emotional self (better if he got another boyfriend in front of Kyukyu).. Thank you for the update, happy new year!!!
lalaelf #6
Chapter 20: you both deserve happiness
bouboule #7
Chapter 20: happy new year and thank you^^
iamautumn #8
Chapter 20: I feel pity for Siwon :'( He's such a good man .. He doesnt deserve this </3 But I cant blame kyuhyun coz from the start they already knew the real score between them . I hope Siwon would find the right one for him . FIGHTING !!