The dawn of a friendship

From a box with love
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"Where is she?"

"I don't know..."

"She.. She is ok, right Hyung?"

"I- Sure, she is. Her human brother was with her"

"You mean him?" Chanyeol pointed at a guy sprawled on a couch snorting loudly with his mouth open...

"Yeah...?" Luhan replied unsure.

"Did someone attack them?" Kai asked while scrutinizing the scene in front of him. Human bodies were bestrew all over the  mansion in the most embarrassing or uncomfortable positions. Yet they seemed to breathe just fine.

"Perhaps a biological weapon?" Tao wondered while poking at someone stomach. No reaction whatsoever.

"They are weird indeed... You might be right this time Tao..." The elder finally agreed with his dongsaeng . 

"Perhaps we should have called the others..." 

"For what? It's not the first time she disappears anyway" The tallest stated.

"But...I've never felt this way before..." Tao said uncertain.

"You might be just sick" Kai winked.

"Yah! I'm not! And I wasn't the only one! Ask Luhan too"

Luhan was indeed restless, his mouth set into a thin line while his eyes darted everywhere. Kai furrowed his eyebrows, if Luhan was this worried than something must have been really off with their human. He knew his Hyung cared for the human despite all but he rarely was this obvious about his concerns. He admittedly felt unsettled by the whole ordeal.

"They are weird but their vital signs are ok so let's not worry, ok?" Chen tried to comfort his team mates. Just then a young male groaned displeased making them all jump, just to slump down right after that.

"What a scare" Tao huffed.

"Luhan?" Chen called.


"Don't you think this might be that weird ritual Lay was telling us about some time ago?" He wondered out loud to also let the others know.

"How did he call it?" Kai mumbled.

"Something with fluids..." Chanyeol recalled rubbing his chin

"Wa– Wac. No... Wo..."

"Watered!" Tao screeched

"Wasted! That's it!" Kai finally managed to remember.

"Yeah, whatever..." Chanyeol made a face "It doesn't make sense anyway " Why would humans waste themselves? How can you even 'waste' yourself? It was out of his comprehension.

"I believe you are right Chen" Luhan once again agreed "Their thoughts are completely unintelligible..." He murmured displeased... Not that they always made sense when it came to humans anyway.

"Do you think she is watered too?" Tao asked.

"Wasted" Kai corrected.


"Is it a bad thing?"

"Not necessarily" Chanyeol patted the younger's shoulder " But it doesn't seem to be a good one either..." He frowned. Tao's face fell. His anxiety was starting to radiate out of his body and somehow affected all of them. They had only one task... Could it be that they failed it? Was this the reason behind their restlessness?

Luhan, aware of each of his friends' conclusions, paled even more.

"She's near" He only stated when they approached a closed door on the first floor of the unfamiliar house. They stood in front of it with mixed feelings. From their prospective the door was huge and intimidating and somehow they hesitated to enter the room.

"We could be discovered if we open that door..."

"Do I need to remind you we are already on our way to blow up our identities by being here in plain sight?"

"Do I need you to remind me, Kai?" Chanyeol hollered back. The dark skinned one glared at him.

"Will you stop it!?" Tao lost his patience but he was only ignored by the other two.

"Kai." Chen called when Luhan made no attempt to move from his spot. "Go check it" He asserted. The younger huffed but compelled to the order and vanished shortly after. The other four waited outside without uttering a word. Tao's was too preoccupied by Kris's wrath if something happened to their human, Chen was worried about their safety, Luhan was stressing over his beloved funny Hyejin while Chanyeol was anxious just because all the others were worried. 

Kai reappeared in less than five seconds with an unreadable face and only offered his hand to gesture them to follow him.

They once again teletrasported into the room, which was clearly a bedroom, and stood there appalled.




Their human was lying on the bed...While embracing another human.


Actually it seemed more like she was strangling the other but both were motionless and could be passed for death if it weren't for the faint movements of their chests. 

The aliens stood there, uncertain on what to do... She was alive but she didn't seem to be doing really great...

Luhan recovered first and jumped on the bed walking straight toward the humans's faces. The stranger was obviously a male and, much to the little alien's displeasure, had his arms laced on his human's waist. Kai soon followed him and looked at the two, interested.

"They connected!" He stated cheerfully as he took in  the sight in front of him. "Lay would be excited to see it!" He claimed. 

"Really!?" Tao asked as he joined the two on the pillow were they were standing.

Luhan groaned inwardly, the youngsters still didn't quite catch the real meaning of what they called 'human connection' but he wasn't going to spoil it for them. Kai was almost there thought. After all both their species used ual reproduction to keep their lineage alive. At least, they used to.

Chen was being silent as he too made his way toward the pillow while Chanyeol's smug grin got only wider as he came closer. 

"...So?" Kai interrupted the silence.

Luhan just touched their human's cheek and concentrated on her flow of thoughts. It was unclear and confused but overall worrisome. He was only able to catch sparks here and there or short glimpses of what had taken place the night before and he felt bad instantly. He used his powers to take off the stranger's arms but convincing her to let go of the man was revealing itself to be a more complicated matter. It almost drained him of his energy and he cursed his current state of weakness. He loathed their situation on this planet and would gladly go back if he could. All of them would but nagging about it wasn't the wisest policy and neither the most effective one.

Chen who was the most observant there sensed Luhan's uneasines

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WindyWinnie #1
Chapter 10: Just read this today! And they're so cute little squishy babies xDD and what happened to Hyejin and Luhan? Is his power getting even stronger omgggg great story!
shooploop #3
Very interesting!
Chapter 7: That escalated quickly
Taelin #6
Chapter 5: i like this so much , and she likes Lulu aww that is the best , hwaiting
Taelin #7
Chapter 4: i was laughing like a mad woman just now , this is what i call comedy , fantastic i am addicted , wohoo
Taelin #8
Chapter 3: that was too funny to be true , i really like this , i hope you update soon , hwaitiing