
From a box with love
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Apparently my plan wasn't really working. It seems like you can go crazy overnight but It takes more time to heal, unfortunately.

I kept on seeing them, hearing them...And even though I really, like REALLY, tried to ignore them I could not keep myself from trying to save my house from their attacks. 

My lounge had become their headquarter and as I tried to immerge myself in the entertainment offered by the tv, unsuccessfully, I had been the subject of one of the minions' studies for it seems like  'humans are really fascinating' and he(?) 'must learn their anatomy, metabolism and social behavior '. So while I pretended to keep my eyes fixated on the tv screen, the curious alien - read 'odd hallucination of mine' -, whom went by the name of Lay, kept his serious yet amazed gaze on me. Funny enough how I was the one being examined when it was supposed to be the other way round... Probably it was due to the fact that Lay seemed to be really cool about being an alien and all... I couldn't say the same for myself. I did put an unfazed facade yet inside I was just panicking but I had to be strong for myself, my brother, family and friends right? I sighed, Lay beamed, seemingly happy to have witnessed another human behavior. 

Just then two others smurfs ran past the couch where me and Lay were sitting. I could only recognize the y blonde one but not the other... Twelve new names at once were too much for poor memory. After all I did forgot my brother's name once and up until now I still had to think it for some seconds when people asked me for my age... Not that I wanted to memorize their names of course.

Yet some were bound to be stuck on my mind... Lay was one of them. You simply can't forget the name of the being who keeps his huge black-purplish eyes on you 24/7. Even thought I admit he wasn't the creepiest of the bunch. By far the owl-eyed one did win that place...And the nickname 'Owly'. Nicknames are easier to remember after all. 

Yes, I know. I gave my hallucinations names but hey! In some twisted way they are mine right? If I didn't do that they would have given themselves their own names which would have been far more creepier... Independent hallucinations just don't make my day. So far I had a 'Owly' and 'y blonde' already.

Nonetheless they did have names on their own, much to my despair, like Lay and Suho. I believe they even tried to introduce themselves individually but I couldn't recall anything as I tried to restrain myself from listening too carefully to my visions.


I looked around, shifting my gaze from the tv to Lay and immediately went back at glancing the lounge once again. That damn box was still there, the only concrete thing about my madness... Its contents however were all around my house, infesting my kitchen, my sofa and the bathroom. I did lock the bedrooms though. 

It was 2 PM and Taehyung wasn't back yet. The party must have taken a toll on him, he was probably heavy hangover at the moment. I snickered thinking about the things he usually do when he is in such a state... I also could have felt sorry for his friends, especially Kookie whom I found adorably manly in a cute way ( does it even makes sense?) BUT I really couldn't do so as I was kind of offended by the fact they didn't invite me... At least I could have blamed the alcohol for seeing alien smurfs in my house then... Yet the mess they had made in the kitchen was far too real.

What if... They were...Real after all?

I started cold sweating. I suddenly wanted to cry . 

Abruptly, I got up and started pacing around the room. Lay furrowed his eyebrows, my panic became ten time worse. What if I upset them? They could kill me, couldn't they? Such cute killers though  Aishh, Didn't they mention something about loyalty though? Love even... Yet, do they even know the real meaning of love? Eww, eww, no. After some disgusting mental images I didn't know anymore if I wanted them to know the human meaning of the word 'love'. Okay, focus. Love is a overrated word after all and had a huge span of meanings. Yes.  Yes, that was it. 

Slowing down and almost stopping my march I placed a hand on my heavy beating heart and out of reflex I looked down.

And there, down there, on the very floor, standing in front of me from his 20 centimeters height was one of the minions with a smitten look in his amber eyes and a...gentle smile lingering on his lips. 

And that made me loose it, it wasn't a smirk nor a crooked smile, it seemed genuine and that was worse. Without stopping thinking about the consequences I quickly grabbed a cushion from the couch and throw it against him with much strength possible... With the intent of smashing him like a cockroach, I was already re-joying from the thought when I sadly realized that a cockroach wouldn't die from a cushion attack... and beside, the cushion was now floating midair right in front of the creepy little being. 

It shouldn't have surprised you. I mean, you were crazy. To the point you had been able to go insane in one night. Your hallucinations were alien chibi smurfs. 

Probably they were real too.

Of course it was completely normal for them to have supernatural abilities, eh.



Apparently not.

I not-so-subconsciously refused to accept reality and preferred to faint again. Two times in a row. What a record. 




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WindyWinnie #1
Chapter 10: Just read this today! And they're so cute little squishy babies xDD and what happened to Hyejin and Luhan? Is his power getting even stronger omgggg great story!
shooploop #3
Very interesting!
Chapter 7: That escalated quickly
Taelin #6
Chapter 5: i like this so much , and she likes Lulu aww that is the best , hwaiting
Taelin #7
Chapter 4: i was laughing like a mad woman just now , this is what i call comedy , fantastic i am addicted , wohoo
Taelin #8
Chapter 3: that was too funny to be true , i really like this , i hope you update soon , hwaitiing