Take. But give back please

From a box with love
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I don't really get Lay.

That's all I can say about him after a whole week with him.

He usually goes from quietly analizing his surroundings (to the point he seems dazed) to expose his conclusions in a very straighforward and inopportune way and then go on with his life like he didn't just mine your mental stability...

I was trying to readjust from my unexpected trip and kept on the act of my public and social life like nothing happened and it was working. Saturday night clubbing with my bestfriend, studying during the week and hanging out with brother. I even visited my parents in my hometown all the while Lay kept me a silent but always vigilant company. To be honest it was awkwardly refreshing to know I had a support or just someone who had my back at the end of the day but I was really enjoying his quiet presence when he decides it's time to start an actual conversation that implies more that just fact about human physiology...



"Why don't you have a partner?"

".....what...Why are you now asking me this Lay??"

"I am trying to understand you"

"What's there to understand?" I shift on my chair uncomfortably

"You are fully capable of reproducing and are subject to hormones, I checked, but unlike the majority I don't see you with a stable partner"

He checked, he said. But of course. I snort.

"I'm still confused as to why is this relevant to get to understand me better, you already know everything about me... I mean, if I had let you, you'd have come to the bathroom with me to study the process of- ah, what am.i saying.... and for the record it's normal nowadays not to be in a stable relationship, you know... and I don't want kids, thank you.so much."

He observes me for a while before sitting down on my desk. We just came back home and the day had been kind of long for the both of us but he is surprisingly showing signs of tiredness. I probably didn't pay him enough attention but there's something unsettling in him not being just...himself, as in the always caring and smiling Lay. Or the seemingly high Lay.

I dont know what to expect from this new, more vulnerable version... so before he can confuse me with another question or a reply I ask directly.

"Are you okay?"

He looks disoriented for a second. "Me?"

"Who else?" I smile, reaching out to take some due papers for classes I hadn't finished during the wee

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WindyWinnie #1
Chapter 10: Just read this today! And they're so cute little squishy babies xDD and what happened to Hyejin and Luhan? Is his power getting even stronger omgggg great story!
shooploop #3
Very interesting!
Chapter 7: That escalated quickly
Taelin #6
Chapter 5: i like this so much , and she likes Lulu aww that is the best , hwaiting
Taelin #7
Chapter 4: i was laughing like a mad woman just now , this is what i call comedy , fantastic i am addicted , wohoo
Taelin #8
Chapter 3: that was too funny to be true , i really like this , i hope you update soon , hwaitiing