Control master

From a box with love
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Kris didn't take it well.

At all. 


From what I coud make out from the snippets of information Luhan gave me the day after I was now his biggest concern meaning he would keep tabs on me and my 'energy shifts' 24/7. Just great. 

The fact that somehow Lay still seemed unable to fully focus and preferred to nap wherever he could didn't make it any better...

Without the healer and with a major problem of unknown identity a urgent meeting was called as soon as possible. 

"Hold on." I eyed Luhan who was casually reading a book on my chair now apparently not bothered by the fact he couldn't read my mind. "You mean Kris wants me in your house. With all of you there?" 

"Feel free to call the meeting here if you prefer."

"Luhan, has he gone nuts  overnight??" I ignored his sarcasm. " this is a potential disaster! I highly advice against it. " I crossed my arms over my chest. The very idea of triggering their powers the wrong way was upsetting and terrifying. It wasn't a joke. 

The blonde flipped another page. "I second that." 

"Then why-"

"But I think that to better understand how it works we should test you and see how it goes."

"You know how it works. You go awry, I panic, it gets worse and we all die."

"Positive much" he smiled flipping yet another page. "But I think that's the wrong order: you panic, we go awry, it may or may not get worse, we make up for it."

" I still don't want to go"


"Don't 'ya' me"

" you will have to learn how to control it sooner or later. And to do so you have to understand what triggers you"

"Luhan, please." My voice cracking. "I don't want to go when it feels like I'm going towards my death. Can't I just see what triggers me from here? Alone?"

At this he finally turned his full attention on me. 

"Hyejin, be sincere now, don't you think that your weariness towards us and consequential fear is your trigger? I think that's were the origin of your explosive energy bursts come from"

"Then why would I go there when I am scared less??"


"Luhan. A little bit of empathy would be really appreciated"

The smile that formed on his face was almost feline. "I would. If you'd just let me use my powers."

I groaned and slid down on the floor to sit cross legged with my back against the bed.."Ugh. You're causing me a migraine"

"Sorry not sorry sweetie, you've been doing the same to me for three days now." I closed my eyes and exhaled.

"Anyway. For once can you trust us? I know it doesn't seems like it but it's you who actually has the control. We are not going to harm you... if ever, you can harm us" he added cheerfully. 

"Why are you so happy now?"

"Not happy. Relaxed." He clarified. "For once it's only me in my head. Sure, I can hear the neighbours but it's muffled and I know how to tune it out. There's also this non-stop buzzing....It's a bothersome interference but nice somehow." He stretched a little " Plus you seem to be highly sensitive to our moods too so the more laidback I am the less aggressive your power is." 


"The point is. Just breath in and out and relax. We are not asking you to control it we are just aking you to relax when we are around." 

"I'll try...."

"And think positive"


"Now. Ready to go?"

Oh sure. Look at me. I am the embodiment of readiness. And courage. But most of all of suicidal intentions.



I wasn't even certain if I really was the one with the malfunctioning power here...




I looked at the front door of their house for the nth time while strongly gripping at Taehyung's car's steer wheel. 

No teleport available now that Kai decided to go on the run.

But inside eleven potentially harmful beings awaited me.

Luhan had said to take my sweet time and relax my nerves before entering. And I did. My sweet time reaching almost 50 minutes now and counting.

At least Kai wasn't going to be there? Yeah, right.

I needed to think of reas

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WindyWinnie #1
Chapter 10: Just read this today! And they're so cute little squishy babies xDD and what happened to Hyejin and Luhan? Is his power getting even stronger omgggg great story!
shooploop #3
Very interesting!
Chapter 7: That escalated quickly
Taelin #6
Chapter 5: i like this so much , and she likes Lulu aww that is the best , hwaiting
Taelin #7
Chapter 4: i was laughing like a mad woman just now , this is what i call comedy , fantastic i am addicted , wohoo
Taelin #8
Chapter 3: that was too funny to be true , i really like this , i hope you update soon , hwaitiing