
From a box with love
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I had dinner, I went to sleep and the next morning I headed to classes.

For all I knew Taehyung didn't seem to know what had taken place in the house the day before... Or in my head.

I'm not saying I managed to completely focus on the lessons and lectures but I managed somehow. Yet I was fidgety and nervous. Reality seemed...Dull and also I didn't trust myself completely too. I probably didn't utter a word during lunch at the cafeteria, I let the boys do the talking. Jimin and my brother seemed to be okay with it too. Kookie would stare at me from time to time but I shrugged it off, staring blankly was was of his habits after all. 

Once done with classes and forced socialization I went to my part-time job. Nothing too fancy or laborious, the usual saleswoman in a clothing store. 

Hours went by lazily and I reached the end of my shift. Yet I didn't go home straight away. I felt kind of uncertain and dizzy at the thought so I didn't take the bus and preferred walking back instead. The detour took approximately one hour longer than the bus ride. At 10 PM I was standing in front of my door.

I don't know for how much I stood there.

I felt sad, scared and lost. I was petrified. And I just wanted protection. For the whole day I kept on feeling this ominous feeling of emptiness that sent chills down my spine. I was supposed to feel happy, not void.

Sighing I finally unlocked the door and pushed it open. I crept in silently. In the dark I could make out my brother snoring heavily on the couch with one leg hanging down. But, apart his snoring, the house was silent. I gulped down my fear and inspected the kitchen: It was empty and tidy. Frowning slightly I went upstairs to check the bathroom and lastly I entered my room. It was just like how I had left that morning. 

But the freaking box was still there. 

I froze. 

Did I feel guilty? Why did I feel uneasy?

Swiftly I grabbed my pillow and pajamas and ran into my brother's room. He was peacefully sleeping on the couch after all.






My hysteria subsided after one week without hallucinations but I still couldn't sleep in my room for that damned appalling box stood on my desk as if it was judging me, hard.

Nonetheless I didn't have the courage to go near it, even less touching it and of course in my condition throwing it out seemed impossible.

Admittedly I felt...Guilty.

I felt compelled to keep it in its place, as if my desk was its rightful place. As if it belonged to me and I, to it. Oh sweet heavens, there I go again.

Now I feel committed to a box.

Isn't it lovely?

I exhaled and fully entered my room heading toward the infamous thing. Nothing had changed. It still was as lame as ever with its 'Love me <3' on  top. But it was empty. 

And its emptiness was draining me out of energy. I felt bipolar, annoyed and grumpier as the days went by. I missed creepy Owly...

-"Can I keep him?" I asked to no one. I was talking to myself, again.

-"Just him??" I clarified, sitting down on my comfy chair in front of the box while I started to analyze it. 

I pouted as I concentrated, the moment I touched it I felt energy bolting up in my arm yet, alarming enough, I didn't feel alarmed. No panic, no uneasiness.

I retired back to my bed with my eyes fixated on the box while holding my arm. 

-"Sorry" I whispered softly before falling to sleep on my bed for the first time in eight days.







I woke up to the sound of a loud crash downstairs but I kept still in my bed. It seemed familiar but I didn't want to make empty assumptions so I sharpened my hearing. 

-"CHANYEOL!!!!" an authoritative voice roared. 

I think I smiled, oddly enough, when I jumped out of bed and ran in my lounge. 

-"Owlyyy!!~" I chanted as soon as as I entered it -"...And you..." I finished less eager while scanning the room as there were other eleven unwanted guests looking back at me. The grumpy one with the bad attitude scowled at me and I childishly made a face at him. I couldn't care less. I  missed my creepy Owly hallucination. And this time I welcomed my madness with open arms...Literally. I took  him by surprise when I crashed him in my arms, squeezing him like a soft doll. I couldn't see it but I felt a killing aura just after some seconds of hugging so I unwillingly put him back on the couch. Seems like grumpy boy was jealous of the whole ordeal as his eyes were murderous and he had his fits curled. The others instead seemed astonished.

-"But I just asked for Owly!" I whined pouting. 

That crept some of them out as they were staring at me with their mouths open, aghast. except Lay, who had his usual 'I'm examining you and you are so fascinating' stare, and Cockroach who had a knowing look on his doll face.

-"In fact I didn't miss you" I stated pointing at him, frowning.

-"y much, uh?" A raspy voice asked. 

-"Oh the irony" I spat back, looking down at the y blonde

-"WHAT!?" He shrieked -"Listen you!" He yelled -"Ungrateful, liar, deceiver, unreliable, moody weak human!" he started nagging, I scoffed.

-"Baek—" One of the tallest called placing a hand on the Blondie hothead, all while another one whined a weak "Hyung~". Owly face-palmed himself.

-"No Chanyeol

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WindyWinnie #1
Chapter 10: Just read this today! And they're so cute little squishy babies xDD and what happened to Hyejin and Luhan? Is his power getting even stronger omgggg great story!
shooploop #3
Very interesting!
Chapter 7: That escalated quickly
Taelin #6
Chapter 5: i like this so much , and she likes Lulu aww that is the best , hwaiting
Taelin #7
Chapter 4: i was laughing like a mad woman just now , this is what i call comedy , fantastic i am addicted , wohoo
Taelin #8
Chapter 3: that was too funny to be true , i really like this , i hope you update soon , hwaitiing