Cats and Muffins

From a box with love
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 I didn't get the cup back. 

I think it was supposed to be some sort of revenge from Grumpy in response to my previous forced eviction but I couldn't really care about a single tiny cup when on daily basis the others successfully managed to either break a piece of my furniture, shatter glasses or dishes, set fire to random objects or try to blow up the entire apartment. So far their reasons spanned from an apologetic 'Oops, I didn't mean to' or 'It slipped?' to some creepy ones like 'I was testing its texture/ flexibility/ reaction to impacts' (And they did actually mean it). I would get mad, get back at them in different childish ways then pretend like I didn't really care and accept their apologies, the rare ones I seldom received. Truthfully I was still troubled by the loss of my Mp3 caused by Cockroach, of my favorite set of sheets when Chanyeol 'accidentally' put them on fire and Xiumin, trying to save the situation, froze all our sorry asses making me sick for a whole week. 

Compared to the mess they made,  the lost cup and Kai's bitterness was a piece of cake.

Actually we went really along as we could comprehend each others deep wishes and even manage to fulfill them: not seeing the other for more than five minutes per day.

Something the y blonde failed to do for example.


Anyway, I had officially became the clumsy girl to the rest of the world. Taehyung couldn't believe it at first but after two weeks of constant disasters he accepted the fact that I probably had caught a rare condition similar to the one Onew had...Just multiplied by twelve. Yet in spite of everything I tried to go on with my life: go to classes, avoiding being socially awkward, work, get back to study and here and there try to make up to their mess before my brother would come back home.

Up until now I managed the hardships just fine, barely alive, but fine nonetheless.

'Don't you feel like a babysitter?' You may ask. Surprisingly enough, not really. They were handful and troublesome, their personalities were wrecked but none of them was really stupid. They did act like they were sometimes, pushing my limits, and did fail to get some really basic and simple concepts of human kind and socially acceptable behavior but, I assure you, when they ventured into the depths of quantum physics, chemistry and molecular biology during their conversations ( to name the ones I was able to recognize anyway), I was the one feeling like a dumb idiot. Not mentioning the fact that between smurfs they used their own language. 

All in all their ability to learn new things was beyond human capability,  but they weren't ones after all.

Luckily for me not everyone enjoyed such types of chats for those happened mostly amongst Suho, Lay and Kris. Randomly Luhan would in here and there too.

I wasn't interested in their alien things but I couldn't say the same for them. Lay kept his interest on me and if that wasn't enough encouraged all the others to stay with me to learn the 'human way'. While I cooked Owly would usually keep me company, silently watching my every move. If, by chance, I wanted to watch the TV I was likely to have the pleasure of sharing my beloved couch with Blondie and Chen. Also, the many dramas they followed didn't really help Baekhyung's diva complex at all. The bathroom was Kris, Suho, Xiumin and Tao's empire. I didn't ask questions though. Tastes are tastes. My bedroom, even with my reluctance, had became their effective den. 

Yes, I slept with twelve aliens lurking in my room. 

That may sound compromising but, trust  me, the truth is sadder than imagination.

I exhumed the huge dollhouse I used to play with when I was a kid, with the excuse of some nostalgic feelings of my childhood, and made it comfy for its new occupants even if it could hold only six of them. So I arranged temporary mini-beds here and there in the room. Even my wardrobe wasn't safe from their incursions. 

Imagine my face when I realized they could make their own clothes... By ripping mines off and sewing themselves more fitting ones. I started buying them some fabrics after that.


Yet despite everything I still managed to get some time by myself as, after the first week, they started going outside in the wide wild world. Usually in pairs or teams. Kai was the one I saw the least for he was always on a mission somehow.

But I did notice that, taking turns, they would come to me and, with different excuses, they would find a pretext to touch me... Even Kai.

I had a feeling they were up my energy by doing so and it was creepy to say the least but I usually let them do that as it apparently had no effects on me. Additionally they somehow seemed moderate enough without me restraining them.

I guess I was starting to trust them... Just a tiny bit, but enough to make me feel comfortable around them. 

I could say that now I didn't really think too much on how to act when they would destroy something. If Chanyeol were to lit up something I would give him a piece of my mind without restrictions.I didn't need a pretext to pick a fight with Baekhyung though, we just didn't match.


"Mmm?" I asked without looking up from my math book. Did I say I despised math? 

"Need any help?" 

I turned around looking quizzically at Coackroach. He pointed the book I was holding. I furrowed my eyebrows, I wasn't going to let that Mp3 destroyer walk over my pride so I sternly shook my head no and went back to those damned formulas. Headache coming in 3, 2,... Aaaand welcome darling.

I groaned in frustration. Luhan was still looking at me.


"I'm sorry for breaking that device" He locked his eyes with mine, he seemed sincere. Did he always possessed such sparkly eyes? " But it was already malfunctioning, I couldn't really do anything for it..." 

"You hadn't had to." I stated "keep your hands off from my things"

He grimaced, his act was really convincing though, I nearly wanted to console him...Not.

"What can I do?"

"Don't touch my things" I venomously answered. Just then something hit me on my cheek, hard.

"What the—?"

"Don't be mean to Hyung!" A very irritated minion yelled.

"Sehun-ah–" Luhan started but was cut off shortly after when said Sehun grabbed his hand and led him away from me.

I looked at the door of my bedroom for a while then went back at staring at the infamous book but almost had an heart attack when a dark-skinned alien appeared on its pages, effectively tainting them with his mini shoes.

"Yah!" I exclaimed.

He didn't bulge nor reply. His intimidating stare on me.

"Cut that of

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WindyWinnie #1
Chapter 10: Just read this today! And they're so cute little squishy babies xDD and what happened to Hyejin and Luhan? Is his power getting even stronger omgggg great story!
shooploop #3
Very interesting!
Chapter 7: That escalated quickly
Taelin #6
Chapter 5: i like this so much , and she likes Lulu aww that is the best , hwaiting
Taelin #7
Chapter 4: i was laughing like a mad woman just now , this is what i call comedy , fantastic i am addicted , wohoo
Taelin #8
Chapter 3: that was too funny to be true , i really like this , i hope you update soon , hwaitiing