A thing for who?

From a box with love
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Useless to say I did start to act strange after that episode. 

Weirder than usual, that is.

I like to think I could tolerate twelve chibie aliens housemates, who up my energy to survive more importantly... And have superpowers, let's not forget that too.

But the whole mind reading stuff was really taking a toll on me. 


Here a list of objectives that would fit my latest behavior: skittish, restless, paranoid... And seen from another person's point of view my actions were absolutely incoherent...

I tried to act as  the unfazed though girl but I was no more able to go near Luhan without either burst out laughing or crying at my despicable condition. 

'Is he hearing me now? Perhaps not but if he can...Oh no. I just thought Xiumin was chubby, he's gonna tell and they're gonna hate me. Smile, you did not think that. Deny. But he knows! Nope. Nu-uh, deny till the end. Yeah right! I'm so screweeed.' ⇒ One of my typical inner monologues when near that alien cockroach.

That even wasn't one of the worst either. You see, I have a rather wild imagination that leads me to some extravagant conclusions and ideas and, usually, I don't mind. Because I'm glad those thoughts are private... Or at least, were.

Now, Luhan knows that I lie basically everyday; that I would like to poke Owly's lips everytime I see him; that I'd love to be smart enough to be able to build some kind of shield around the house that would block Kai from teleporting inside and leave him out forever ( and be happy about that) just to remember he could use the door in that case; that I mock Tao and Kris's embarassing relationship in my mind everytime I see them, that I failed my last exam; that I like to imagine them as animal plushies going around the house...That I am still freaked out by them somehow.

He literally knows everything.

And I so happen to hate it.


I tried to avoid all of them once again, staying out in the campus or at work the whole day, sleeping on the couch and sprint out of the house at the first sun rays when the next day would come. Sadly, even the fleas of my Neighbour's dog noticed I was getting tired by this new lifestyle. Kookie asked me what was wrong, Jimin and J-hope tried to cheer me up, my brother knocked me on the head for not spilling the beans, Heunji (my bestie) forced me an a shopping tour, Suga frowned the whole time while Jin was carefuly examining a flower he found on the way. Namjong was flirting as usual, lucky him.

Avoiding the smurfs was not working after all.

So I resorted to act and think weirder on purpose.

Laughing whenever I felt like doing it, skipping around the house happy with my own choice of not cooking that day, torturing Owly, talking randomly about cats, answer 'no' for a whole day to everyone just because, spinning on place when my thoughts were drifting in the wrong direction, attempting to learn beatbox, speaking and thinking in mixed languages and more importantly when I could not keep my flow of conscience at bait I would hit myself on the head, hard. Or a well assested pinch on the forearm would work too.

In the end even the other aliens noticed that I wasn't acting accordingly to common human behavior. Lay kept a strict guard on me and not so secretly checked my vital signs and general condition, Kai and Owly became my watchdogs, y blonde didn't respond to my arguments anymore, Chanyeol tried to make some jokes but it appears that aliens and humans don't share the same sense of humor as after all he was the one laughing like a madman, not me. Suho tried talking to me with no avail. The others tried to help me around and be delicate. It wasn't Kris's style to help me out so he didn't care.

Luhan at first tried to act as it was normal for him to read minds. Upon witnessing my stressed self he tried to reassure me, creeping me out even more. He finally gave up and kept his distance.

Somehow on the way I ended up liking him and seeing him so sad was bothering me but I couldn't help myself from running away from him.

It was only normal right?

I wasn't really crazy after all. I knew it. I hoped so.


And so weeks passed.




It has been 4 months since the first day I received that lame box now and I kind of adjusted to my new lifestyle. Having a double identity and working for aliens instead of humans was always my greatest wish, really. Someday I felt like the human race's backstabber. Have a fine handsome man, lady? No, thanks. I prefer chibies. As in the sense of aliens. 

I sighed. 

It was now summer and the heat was killing me. I was sprawled on the floor like a human starfish trying to cool my sweaty self down. The summer session was officially open and I was doing rather ok. I needed to pass the last exam and I would be free to hang around with my bunch of friends. I just needed to bring my brain temperature at an acceptable level for functioning properly...

It wasn't working though so I gave up and went upstairs to take a cold shower. 



He smiled sweetly. I wanted to beg him to freeze me but I kept my mouth closed.

"What's up buddy?"

"We want to show you something!" He beamed. I cocked my eyebrow. I didn't see the smurfs for days...With either of them gone or me too much engrossed in my studies to further notice them. Oh look! A Baek there, a Owly here and a Kai a little bit of everywhere, no cockroaches in sight, though.  Yup. The usual. 

"It's not gonna be ok if I say no, right?"

"Right!" He nodded furiously.

"Right" I mumbled, "Well, lead the way" I surrendered. Goodbye books, I hope not come back. Little alien bring me into your dimension and pamper me, your source of life, for the rest of my life pleasee~


Turns out, the way he led me to was longer than expected and after forty minutes of walking under a scorching sun I gave up. I was willing to do a lot of things in order to escape my due studies but cosplaying as a in-process-to-be roasted chicken was  not one of those. 

"Yah! Where are we going uh?" I panted. He poked his head out of my bag looking quizzically at me. Him! I groaned. "Call your awesome teleporter friend please" I begged. "Or freeze the sun" I offered sarcastically.

"So you do think I'm awesome!" An annoyingly familiar voice teased.

"For a smurf, that is" I confidently spat back.

"Smurfs aren't forever" He winked at  me from the shadow he was hiding in. I blinked. Twice.

What was that supposed to mean?

"Diamonds are, so do something about it and

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WindyWinnie #1
Chapter 10: Just read this today! And they're so cute little squishy babies xDD and what happened to Hyejin and Luhan? Is his power getting even stronger omgggg great story!
shooploop #3
Very interesting!
Chapter 7: That escalated quickly
Taelin #6
Chapter 5: i like this so much , and she likes Lulu aww that is the best , hwaiting
Taelin #7
Chapter 4: i was laughing like a mad woman just now , this is what i call comedy , fantastic i am addicted , wohoo
Taelin #8
Chapter 3: that was too funny to be true , i really like this , i hope you update soon , hwaitiing