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From a box with love
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That was it.

I was done.


"...Who's the boy?"



"Hyejinnie! Tell Oppa~"

And I dared to think he was witty...

"I... "

"Does he makes speechless only by thinking of him!?"

"No! That's not– Taaaee stop it!"

"I'm mad"

"I know"

"Like, seriously, when did we stop talking about our love lives?"

"We never started Taehyung"

"I'm gonna tell mom anyway"

"Go ahead then"

"She's gonna be ouuuutraged"

"I will do it the next semester!"

"Dad's so gonna imprison you in the house"

"Yeah, right"

"And he's not gonna love your child!"


"And then, then a tragedy shall fall upon you"


"...Like that ice-cream of yours"

"Mmh?" I looked down to find that my ice-cream had completely melted and had stained the front of my shirt.


I face-palmed myself but I was feeling considerably better than this morning. Even after all the things that happened I could still find the normality I needed in the small things, like my brother's idiocy. The joy.

"Whatever... It's not a great deal" I smiled for the first time of the day. "I will change it at home" 

"Awww, you're so cute~" He cooed while pinching my cheeks like an old grandma.

"Ugh–" I tried to slap his hands away but he was putting more force in the act than usual and it reached a point where I thought he might have been venting his previous anger on me but when I thought it could not get worse (people were staring)...

"Ohh by the way! We're going to Suga's place today!"

That, I liked. This was not such a bad bad day after all.

"Tonight?" I asked hopefully.

"Nope!" He smiled evilly "Now~"


Not now. I looked like a five years old girl that got to taste ice-cream for the first day of life! And children let their clothes eat their food before them...If you know what I mean. No way in hell I was going to Suga's place like that. 

"I have no business there" I stated dryly.

"I do~"

That was a new bottom in the history of bad days.

"But... I cannot go there like this..."

I never got a chance to go to Suga's place before...I really couldn't afford to show up like this, for the last ounce of dignity I had in me at least.

"You really want to dress up for my friends?" he asked in a scary all of sudden serious manner. Protective brother mode activated.


"That's my baby!" He exclaimed and resumed to drag me somewhere also known as the mysterious place where Suga inhabited.

Yes! Yes! I wanted to dress up so what! 

Actually not really dress up, more like make myself presentable... I did sleep only two hours and had just taken a tricky exam after all.

Saying that I looked haggard was an understatement... Oh right, I also had ice-cream smeared all over my shirt. 

"Now now, Taehyung let's not act immaturely alright?" I convinced. "You can go straight ahead there and I can reach you guys afterwards" I stated.

He sent me one of the creepy smiles of his and kept skipping forward.

Diplomacy was never my thing. 

Especially when you try it on stubborn aliens.


A lump formed in my throat immediately after recalling that I used to label my brother as an 'alien' in my head before. Now I had to pay the consequences and bear the burden of sharing my flat with other twelve real aliens.

A second and heavier lump hard to swallow followed the first soon after realizing the smurfs aliens had ditched  me too and that I no more had to share my house with them, at least not all of them at once.

Which brought me back to the little erts of the day before.

A shudder ran down my spine.

That was for the better... I couldn't get too attached to them, I only had a deal. And the love as they meant it was only a mere definition of a mutual relationship with benefits. I was food for them. They were literally parasites, cute ones but that didn't really matter.

...I had no real benefits from them, did I?

I was messing up big time.

Where was my life heading to?

Even my academic life was getting worse... Not to mention my love life. I was still lying to my whole family. Actually the whole world. 

And you wonder why I was depressed... Yet I refused to let the secret out... I was proud of being the only one aware of their existence. 

I felt sick for thinking so but I wasn't so sorry to come clean out of this mess.

"What's that grim face for?" A new voice asked.

I literally jumped out of my skin but before I had a chance to recover a hand delicately placed itself on my forehead. My heart jumped out of my chest too.

"S-Su–ga?" Eww what was that!? S-Su-ga? Seriously. I couldn't have done worse.

"Hyejin?" He smiled amiably, subtly mocking me.

Were we already at his place? When did we get here? 

"Told you she's out of it" My brother snorted crossing his arms. Suga only shifted his hand from my forehead to my hair and patted my head affectionadly.

"Let's get inside, shall we?" He only replied. I followed in a trance. Suga's spell guys. Undeniable.

I did enter a big mansion with expensive furniture and all but all I could focus on was Suga's hand lingering above my waist as if to safely guide me through the house. My skin was  trickling and he wasn't even really touching me...

Perhaps I had forgotten how it felt to be with non relative males of my same species.  In their place. On their sofa. Apparently I was sitting on a sofa now.

...How would his bed feel like?

Oh gosh... I am twenty-one not fifteen! Put yourself together woman! I tore my gaze off from Suga's shirt in front of me, he was still there, and fixated my stare on the very much more interesting floor. Even Suga's pavement was cool.

Hopeless, that was what I was. Especially since I could feel my cheeks burn hot now.

"Mmmh" He murmured while kneeling in front of me so he could look me in the eyes. His pitch black eyes searching for clues on my face. My stomach felt like

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WindyWinnie #1
Chapter 10: Just read this today! And they're so cute little squishy babies xDD and what happened to Hyejin and Luhan? Is his power getting even stronger omgggg great story!
shooploop #3
Very interesting!
Chapter 7: That escalated quickly
Taelin #6
Chapter 5: i like this so much , and she likes Lulu aww that is the best , hwaiting
Taelin #7
Chapter 4: i was laughing like a mad woman just now , this is what i call comedy , fantastic i am addicted , wohoo
Taelin #8
Chapter 3: that was too funny to be true , i really like this , i hope you update soon , hwaitiing