The deal

From a box with love
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 I yelled trying to reach the front door as soon as possible, the dumb being behind it wouldn't stop knocking furiously otherwise. Must be my brother for sure, he is dumb enough. I mean. I screamed like three or four times already saying I was coming! One can't even stay in the toiled and do its business in peace nowadays.

"You really are an idiot!"  I burst out once I managed to slam the door wide open... Only to find the entrance of the house empty with no one standing there.

"Oh, I see. So that's how you're gonna play uh? Really mature Taehyung, really." - I walked out of the house and looked at the void alleyway - "TaeTae, seriously, I'm not in the mood, do me the favor and come out already!" - I called while looking for an overgrown boy in the bushes, the only place where he could hide but to my surprise I could find no aliens in there. He must have gotten better at hiding I thought, I must get better at hunting him down then. 

-"Please?" - I tried once again.




-" Fine! "- I would surely improve my seeker skills... Just not today.  I stomped my way back in the house only to trip over a box placed right in the middle of my doorstep. Catching myself right on time before crushing over it I patted my jeans in a not-so-smooth attempt to reagain my dignity after talking to myself in the garden and nearly falling face first. I looked around looking for witnesses. None. I smiled. My ice-queen reputation was safe for today.

I looked at the box. On top of it 'Love me <3' could be read. Just like that. Plain and stupid. Kim Taehyung, you will pay. Puffing I took the box inside and closed the door in the process, making sure I locked my dumb brother outside by leaving the keys in the lock. I was ready to call it a day, a boring day in addiction, when my phone rang. 

I left the box on the sofa and ran upstairs to grab my device to answer just in time, without looking at the caller ID.



- YOU!- I roared

- Whoa whoa, I know you missed me but no need to be so loud sis - I wanted to strangle him as I could perfectly figure him winking while saying that.

- In fact missed you soooo much I've made sure you won't be able to enter the house tonight OPPA~

He seemed taken back for a few seconds - Wha— Why?

-You know why. - I spat back

- Oh... I see... You found out I did eat the last piece of your cake right? I was hungry! And it was your fault by the way! - he started rumbling while I was processing the newly acquired data. - You never cook and the fridge was empty! You have to go buy some groceries also...-

- MY CAKE! - 

- ...Yeah? Who else? Mine? - He laughed lightly then abruptly stopped - Oh wait. You mean you didn't know?- He asked -   Well, that's awkward. - He concluded all by himself. I would have mocked his stupidity if I wasn't too taken by the fact that MY cake was now gone. I growled.

- So, emm, why were you so upset then?- he paused-  Is that time of the month yet?

Oh my gawwd. Why I had to get such a brother?Why??

- Like you don't know, you idiot. - I retorted - Knocking at the door for 10 freaking minutes just to leave before I open the door. And what's with that lame box by the way? Are you running short on ideas on how-to-piss your sister??

- ...What box?

- You're unbelievable! - I yelled ready to shut the call.

- Waaaait!!- He pleaded through the device

-Like hell I will! - I screamed and ended our little pathetic chat.

That's what you get when you devote your whole existence in making your little sister angry. I fell on my bed face first and let out a muffled sigh. I probably stood like that for five good minutes before my phone started ringing again. And guess who? Grunting I got up again and went straight into my bathroom ignoring the call. This time I was going to get ready to go to bed without further interferences. I happily brushed my teeth, washed my face, applied my cream and my hair all while the annoying thing on my bed kept on buzzing. Finally it came to a stop when I got out of the toilet around 10 p.m. I went over  the bed and picked it up: 5 missed calls and a text from that alien. I reluctantly opened the message.

From TaeTae Oppa: Yah! U meany! I had something to tell you u know T-T  I won't be back tonight, party at Jimin-ah's place. Love u <3 What box btw?

At first I was getting even angrier, I mean his little act was getting too long now, but then I started doubting my beliefs... Especially when a loud 'thud' could be heard downstairs.

I did lock the door, didn't I? 

Definetly yes.

So what the hell was that noise? I was being paranoid, I did not heard a noise. Yup. I imagined it. Yet I quietly approached my door and looked at the stairs. The lights were o

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WindyWinnie #1
Chapter 10: Just read this today! And they're so cute little squishy babies xDD and what happened to Hyejin and Luhan? Is his power getting even stronger omgggg great story!
shooploop #3
Very interesting!
Chapter 7: That escalated quickly
Taelin #6
Chapter 5: i like this so much , and she likes Lulu aww that is the best , hwaiting
Taelin #7
Chapter 4: i was laughing like a mad woman just now , this is what i call comedy , fantastic i am addicted , wohoo
Taelin #8
Chapter 3: that was too funny to be true , i really like this , i hope you update soon , hwaitiing