Thanks For Cheering Me Up :)

Which One Is My Mr. Right?


~Kangin’s POV~ (During your singing performance)

I walked past Room 14 in Building C and heard something that wasn’t quite right. Thinking I heard it wrong, I went back. And there she was, with her eyes closed, singing. But... just as I had said, it didn’t sound... right. I wondered what was wrong with her so I decided to silently watch, but in that moment, I felt a strange impulse. I didn’t really get it, but as I look at her, I suddenly wished I could step in and take her away from the horrible audience that awaited her eyes once it opened. The thought of her embarrassed made me feel... scared for her.

No sooner had my fear been confirmed. The look on her face when she saw her classmates clearly showed she wished she’d disappear in front of them. And I wished I could have taken her away, too.

Moments later, the bell suddenly rang. And I cursed it for being so late. As the students piled out of the room, I noticed Kibum standing on the other door, watching her as well.

Did he have the same kind of feeling for the girl? Wanting to save her without knowing why.

The girl – I should stop calling her that – you walked out of the room through the other door. She didn’t even notice Kibum standing there, staring at her. I pitied her and somehow, I wanted to cheer her up. But before I could move, I saw Kibum followed her, carefully keeping a distance so she wouldn’t notice him. I let it go.

Who was I anyway? And why did I suddenly have that sort of feeling?

I shook my head.

Get a grip on yourself, Kangin. You don’t even know her... yet, my mind silently added.

~present time~ Kibum's POV~

I still have a class but I figured I wouldn’t take long so I followed her. At first, I wasn’t really that much interested in her, it was only because I was curious why Donghae-hyung was nice to her last night, suddenly walking her to her room. But looking at her, I suddenly had the urge to cheer her up.

It was obvious she didn’t know where she was going. I couldn’t really blame her. With what happened, especially on the first day.

She eventually climbed the stairs heading for the rooftop. Crazy thoughts started filling my head, of what kind of things she might do to herself there. I quickened my steps. And when I opened the door, I found her by the wall, hugging her knees, her face buried on it.

“Hey,” I said, stepping forward, getting closer to her. “Are you okay?” I didn’t know why, but worry filled my voice.

She looked up. Surprisingly, she wasn’t crying. She just stared at me like she couldn’t believe I was there.

“I saw what happened,” I said, regretting it as soon as it was out of my mouth. Her face reddened in embarrassment and she just buried her face on her knees again.

How is that cheering her up? I thought. I barely knew her yet seeing her so down, I couldn’t stop myself from caring.

Maybe it’s because of the fact that she’s a girl, I told myself. Yes, that’s probably it. I’ve been so used to the toughness of the guys that seeing a girl looking so down suddenly caught me off guard. Yes. That’s probably why I’m acting like this, I convinced myself, satisfied with my excuse.

I sat down beside her. “It wasn’t that bad,” I lied, unable to think of anything else to say.

To my surprise, she laughed a little, but it was gone as swiftly as it had come.

“You should have seen their faces. Kyuhyun was even holding back the urge to laugh and Yesung couldn’t even look at me. I know there isn’t a reason why they should care about me, but still, that only proved how bad I was,” she said, her face still buried on her knees.

Suddenly, what she said stung me. For some unknown reason, I didn’t like how her thoughts were hanging around Kyuhyun and Yesung.

When did you start caring who she’s thinking about? I couldn’t help asking myself. You barely knew her, I reminded myself.

“It’s okay. It’s only on the first day. Everyone would forget it,” I said. Sheesh! I am so NOT good with this cheering-up stuff.

“I wish they would. But I couldn’t really care less. It’s the teacher’s opinion I’m worried about,” this time, she looked up.

I sighed. “He’ll forget it. He’ll eventually find somebody else worse than you. Although I’m not really saying that you were that bad.”

She laughed again. “You haven’t really tried this before, have you?” she asked me.

“Tried what?” What is she talking about?

“Cheer someone up.”

So she caught me, huh.

I grinned, somehow finding the situation funny. “Yeah~,” I admitted.

She laughed again. And this time, I realized I wanted to hear her laugh more.

She looked at me. “I don’t really know why you did this but,” she hesitated, her gaze on me deepened. “Thanks, Kibum,” she said sincerely, her lips suddenly breaking into a grateful smile.

If there was something that I liked more than her laugh, it was her smile. It looked perfect on her. Simple yet strikingly charming.

I stood up. “You’re more than welcome,” I said, extending my hand.

She took it and stood up as well.

“Now, you weren’t skipping classes, were you?” I asked her, suddenly aware that too much time had passed.

“My schedules are free right now,” she said brightly.

 “Well, good for you, but not so much for me,” I smiled sheepishly. “I actually have a class right now. And I’m late. See you later?” I asked making sure she was really feeling better.

At my word, she looked guilty. “What? Why didn’t you say so? Go now!” she said, giving my arm a light push. I smiled at the touch.

“Alright. Alright. See you,” I said as I waved goodbye.

She smiled as she waved. I smiled one last time before hurrying down.

“Geez, Kibum. What has gotten into you?” I asked myself out loud, still running. I still had no idea how all of that happened. Then I remembered her smile at me as I was leaving. That picture suddenly filled my head. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought. “I love that smile.”

~Your POV~

Kibum smiled one last time before leaving.

What has gotten into him? When he introduced himself in the house yesterday, he only gave me a nod. And now he actually stayed behind knowing he’ll be late for class just to cheer me up. He even smiled.

But it was really sweet of him. And it did make me feel better. Thanks Kibum.



Hey guys! An update from me.^^. Turned out my scheds weren't that full :D. Hope you like this little chapter. At first I thought, the guy should either be Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Siwon or Leeteuk, but I thought of another situations for them. Well, that's all for today. Thank you <3.^^.

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izzie_inlove #3
I've been reading this in one sitting, and I love it! I'm cheering for Kibum~ GO KIBUMMY! *goes back to watch I Love Italy*
cHoKyUhYuN03 #4
So she's probably gonna choose Donghae or Kyu, right? I'm still Kibum biased... So, hopefully he might be able to get a bigger part?
Wow, tough choice... :/
update !!!!!!!!!!!!1
th_oneandonly #8
Yay! You updated!
th_oneandonly #9
Update soon! I've been a silent reader .. Kind of.. Please update soon!