I Won!... Or Did I?

Which One Is My Mr. Right?

~Your POV~

What was I thinking?!

Making that stupid bet with Kyuhyun when I’m surely going to lose. ><. How am I going to make sure Henry doesn’t win?

Aish! I face palmed myself. A chance to make him do anything I say was just too tempting to refuse.

“Don’t worry. Everything will work out,” Donghae said, coming up beside me.

That’s when I noticed that everyone was behind me. They all had this hwaiting! faces.

“Thanks guys.”

“Now, let’s split up,” Leeteuk suggested, waving his own map at us and thus, everyone spread out in two’s and three’s. Donghae went with me.

I looked at my map and sighed. There were so many possible places for the stamps to be in .How are we supposed to do that before our next class schedules? Now that I think about it, Kyuhyun said Henry had a head start of 4 hours. Did he skip his class activities just for this?

Wow~. Why did h- Wait, I’m the prize for the guys, right? He’s doing all this for me? Awww.

Wait! I got it! How could I have been so stupid? This was the answer all along!

Donghae looked at me curiously because I was suddenly smiling ear-to-ear.

“Let’s go find Henry,” I said and without any question, he shrugged and followed me.

About 20 minutes later, Donghae spotted him behind a plushie booth.

“Henry~” I called and when he looked up and realized it was me, he froze and drop his map and stamps on the ground. I giggled. He was so cute.

“Hi,” I sang happily. I could already picture out Kyuhyun kneeling down before me. *secret evil laugh*

He looked from right to left as if he wasn’t sure I was really talking to him. So cute~

“Henry, will you do me a favor?” I asked sweetly. He had to agree, right?

“S-sure,” he stuttered.

I had to snicker again. “You weren’t nervous before, why suddenly nervous now?”

“W-well... I, uhm, practiced that little speech a hundred times before confessing to you,” he said, shyly rubbing the back of his neck.

“For real?” He likes me that much?

“Uh-huh,” he nodded timidly.

“Well then, what if I’m going to ask you to give me the stamps you’ve collected, will you do it?”

He suddenly looked crestfallen. I knew he was saddened by my request but I think he really was going to do it. And to prove me right, he handed me the stamps a moment later.

“I’ve just found the last stamp right before you called me. You could turn it in now,” he said, trying to be cheery but disappointment covered his tone.

I took the stamps and felt bad immediately. He did all this to go on a date with me. And I’ve taken that away. Wait. I got it.

As he was turning around, I said, “Henry, is it okay if I ask you to go with me to the Quarter Festival Dance?” I saw a poster when we were looking for him and I found out that the Quarter Festival would be closed by a dance.

He turned around, hope evident in his face. I smiled inwardly. “I don’t have a date yet and I know it’s still this Friday, but is it okay?”

At last, he smiled. “Are you sure? Because I would really love to go with you.”

This time, I smiled. “Absolutely.” He was now a friend, I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with it. And besides, I need to return the favor.

I could feel Donghae’s gaze at my back. I bet I have some questions to answer.

“I gotta turn it in now, Henry. Thanks. See you,” I said and waved. He nodded and smiled.

When we were on Building C, heading for Room 14, Donghae suddenly spoke. “Do you like that Henry guy?”

I looked at him secretly. He was trying so hard to compose his expressions. “What if I do?” I asked but only to .

But instead of going, “You do? Aigoo~ My best friend is growing up!” or “You better not tell Kangin-hyung or else, he’d freak out.”, he suddenly froze on his tracks.

“Are you okay?” I waved my hand in front of him.

He seemed to have snapped out of whatever he was entranced with and said, “Yeah. Sure.”

“Good. Because I need to ask you a favor, too,” I smiled sheepishly.

“What is it?” He looked at me curiously.

“If I win, I’d have to ask one of you on a date, right? So can I choose you?”

His puzzled look became more confused. “I thought you like Henry.”

“I do, but not like what you think. And he wasn’t one of the prizes. If he was, I could have asked him to return the favor.”

“So is that why you asked him to be your date for the dance? To return the favor?” he eyed me warily.

“Yeah. What did you think?” I laughed.

“Nothing. So, uh, why me?”

We resumed walking. Lunch break was almost over.

“If I have to go out on a date, I'd rather have it with one of my close friends.”

“Close friends? But so is Wookie and Sungmin and Kibum and Hank-“

“And you helped me look for Henry,” I cut him off.

“So did all the guys,” he reasoned out again.

I hit my chest with my hand and said teasingly, “I’m wounded. My “best friend” doesn’t want to go out on a date with me.”

“No, that’s not it,” he instantly replied. “I was just... wondering.”

“So you won’t mind then? Coz if you really do, I’ll ask someone else. ”

“No, don’t. I won’t mind. It's no big deal, after all.” And with that, the tensed Donghae disappeared.

~Donghae’s POV~

“Now let’s go and bring Kyuhyun the good news,” she sang and was almost jumping her way towards Room 14.

I chuckled. Geez. This girl is so random. Saying she likes Henry then “asking me out” and saying she doesn’t really like him that way throw me back for a second. Don’t get me wrong. Henry was a nice guy but, for some reason, I was kind-of sad she had asked him to be her date for the dance. But the bad feeling immediately went away when she asked me to be her date as the prize.

Silly me~

“We’re back~” she announced. Kyuhyun smirked upon hearing her voice. I bet he thinks you had given up and had returned to surrender.

“So. What should I tell you to do first?” he said, massaging his face with his right hand.

“And why would I do what you say?” you walked over to him and said, “Here are the stamps.”

“Stamps- What?” Kyuhyun wasn’t expecting this, that’s for sure. “B- Bu- But...” he trailed off.

“Sorry, Kyu. Looks like you’ll be her slave for a week,” I told him, shaking my head for added effect.

~Kyuhyun’s POV~

“... her slave for a week,” Donghae-hyung told me as he shook his head.

Her slave for a week. Her slave for a week. Her slave for a week. It kept echoing inside my head. How. Did. This. Happen.

“Go announce the winner so we can begin this thing,” you urged, waving me towards the mic. So I guess she really is my nemesis, huh.

“Wait, since you win, who are you going to date?” I asked, suddenly curious.

“Donghae,” she said, beaming.

W-WHAT? Donghae-hyung? An even bigger surprise on my part.

“Why?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking.

Both of them raised an eyebrow.

“What do you mean why? Why are you even asking?” Nemesis eyed me cautiously.

I couldn’t seem to hear her. Even the being-her-slave thing was forgotten. All I could think of is she’s going out on a date with Donghae-hyung. A date! With Donghae-hyung!

“Kyuhyun? Are you listening?” Donghae-hyung asked.

I think he was saying something else but I couldn’t remember. you looked at me weirdly and she asked Donghae-hyung something in a whisper. As I watched the two of them together, I realized something. It absolutely made no sense to me but this was what my mind came up with.

I lost the bet alright. But I’m not going to lose the girl. Time to step up my game.



Er. Late update again ><. Sorry. I really had a hard time thinking what to write. And this is what I came up with.  I hope the chapter was fine. I couldn't write the date in this chapter after all because I'm still thinking what'll happen. Thanks for reading. ^^.

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izzie_inlove #3
I've been reading this in one sitting, and I love it! I'm cheering for Kibum~ GO KIBUMMY! *goes back to watch I Love Italy*
cHoKyUhYuN03 #4
So she's probably gonna choose Donghae or Kyu, right? I'm still Kibum biased... So, hopefully he might be able to get a bigger part?
Wow, tough choice... :/
update !!!!!!!!!!!!1
th_oneandonly #8
Yay! You updated!
th_oneandonly #9
Update soon! I've been a silent reader .. Kind of.. Please update soon!