I Met My New Daddy

Which One Is My Mr. Right?

~Your POV~

Stupid Kyuhyun, I thought as I entered Building B for my first class today, Math. You see, Hankyung just told me during our bus ride that it was Kyuhyun who exposed my weakness.

Really, what a great way to start one's day, right? Not.

And guess what, my bad day was just beginning. Because I just saw Kangin and the devil himself, Kyuhyun entered Room 15, my classroom. Why is this happening? Is this some sort of punishment?

I sneaked inside and sat at the front. They hadn't notice me. The teacher soon arrived and for once, there was no introduction. He immediately began the lesson, which you know, bored me a lot. Not because I already know what he was talking about but because it was MATH, that simple. So without anything to do, I scanned our room. Kangin was sitting only 2 chairs away from me. And right beside him was Kyuhyun. And he noticed me staring at him. He suddenly had an amused expression. His eyes were saying: Eh? You really find me that attractive that even during class you're staring at me? Simultaneously, he was smirking and wiggling his eyebrows.

Annoyed and embarrassed at the same time, I immediately looked away. His chair was shaking, barely containing his inaudible yet apparent laughter upon seeing my expression. Some of my classmates even looked at him, wondering what on earth was so funny with our boring lesson.

I so HATE him. Period.

~Kangin's POV~

Kyuhyun was trying so hard not to laugh out loud. What on earth was so funny with irrational numbers? I swear, this kid loses himself sometimes.

I looked to my right. you was either paying so much attention to the teacher or she was just pretending. But there was something about her expression that told me that she didn't really care.

Right after the teacher announced that class was over, you immediately went out of the class as if she was avoiding something. Or maybe I'm just imagining things.

So anyway, I left the building with Kyuhyun. He headed for his next class, still wearing that same amused expression. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Poor kid. I glanced at my watch, there was still a lot of time to kill before my next class would start. I guess our math teacher had dismissed us earlier than he should have.

Just when I thought the day was probably boring all the way, I heard yelling and shouting. It wasn't far, just behind Building B. I decided to take a look, anything was better than wandering around with no direction.

There was a crowd of girls. And to my surprise, you was at the center. I heard the mob of girls hurl questions after questions at her. And the thing that bugged me, the questions were about us. Me and my cousins. They wanted to know why she rides at the same bus stop as us - seriously? could girls get lamer?, how Donghae and Ryeowook knew her - really people?, why Kibum was so close to her even getting himself late for class just to cheer her up - eh? Kibum did?, why Kyuhyun was staring at her and laughing the next minute - oh, so that's why, but hey, that could have been anything~ and a bunch of stuffs that probably didn't even happen.

you looked calm. She didn't seem to realize that she was about to be attacked by a mob of crazy fangirls.

"I don't know them. Seriously." Her voice was neutral as she said those words out loud.

Okay. Ouch? I know she said it for her own good but still, ouch.

"Pssh. As if we'd believe you. You'd been involved with more than one of them," one of the crazy fangirls said.

"Duh. They were just being polite. And there I thought you know them. I guess you don't."

"What? Of course we know them! How can you say what you just said?Just admit it, okay?" another one insisted.

"Sheesh. You're the ones obsessed with them. Don't include me, okay?" She tried to walk away, but another one just grabbed her back into the circle. She almost lost her balance.

Wooow. They did not just touch her.

All of a sudden, I felt some long buried protective instinct resurfaced. I knew I shouldn't have revealed myself because it would only cause her more troubles in the future but it was too late. My own two feet brought me closer to the swarm of girls. And before any of them could do anything, I said in a loud and clear voice, "Yah. Break it up."

All heads turned to me. Upon realizing it was me, their eyes dilated for a second. Recovering from the shock, they all started to speak at the same time. First there was a lot of "Omo, it's Kangin-oppa!" then there was a worried "Kangin-oppa, what are you doing here?" and then looking at my serious expression, they went "Omo! Kangin-oppa, this isn't what you think it is." "Kangin-oppa,-" "Kangin-oppa,-" "Kangin-oppa,-"

"Yah! All of you are so noisy!" I couldn't take the noise anymore. They were blabbing and blabbing and blabbing and ughhh, so NOISY. "You know what, just... Just go. Now. All of you."

And they did. All of them went away including you. "Hey. Not you~," I called to her, and I shouldn't have. Some of the girls who heard me rolled their eyes at you and scoffed, "So much for I dont know them." Ooops. Looked like I just added fuel to the fire.

"What!" She trudged back.

"Er. Sorry." What could I say? What's done is done? Nah, that probably wouldn't lighten her up.

She breathed in and out, controlling her emotions. "I know you just wanted to help but I'm sure you also know you just did the opposite." Hmmm, I could tell she was ticked off not just because of this but about something that happened earlier. Hmmm. I wonder.

"Yeah," was all I could say. I mean, really, what more could I say?... Oh wait, I got it. "Uhm, are you okay?" Okay, maybe not the right thing to say. She just stared at me as if I was an alien. "I mean, this doesn't seem to be the problem right now. So... what are you really thinking about?"

Her expressions went back to normal. "You're right. I'm not really worried about this." She closed but thought better. "It's just that I feel... I'm not even sure what exactly, but... ugh.. I can't even put it into words! So frustrating! What I do know is right now, I hate Kyuhyun. I hate those stupid girls. I hate myself for caring. And yeah, I hate you as well," she said, looking straight at me.

Wha- "Why?"

"I don't know," she shrugged. "I guess I just do."

"What? You can't hate me," I said, suddenly thinking of something.

"And why not?" 

"Because, right now, I've decided that you need protection." What? That was random. But I guess it's what I really want.

She laughed. "Protection from what? You and your cousins? Those girls?"

"Well, all of them," I told her, suddenly feeling in the mood to smile. "Since you're away from your family, I'm gonna be one. Kind of like a sub daddy. And from now on, you're my little girl. And no one gets to hurt you or even touch you."

"W - What?! So are you like, gonna be following me everywhere?"

This time, I was already smiling. "No, silly. I'll just be there when you need me." Don't ask me where all those things came from. I guess they sort of just got out of my mouth. And besides, I really do want to protect her, don't I? I just don't know from what evil. XD.



Hey guys. This chapter is so random. It just popped into my mind and I just wrote it. So there. XD.

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izzie_inlove #3
I've been reading this in one sitting, and I love it! I'm cheering for Kibum~ GO KIBUMMY! *goes back to watch I Love Italy*
cHoKyUhYuN03 #4
So she's probably gonna choose Donghae or Kyu, right? I'm still Kibum biased... So, hopefully he might be able to get a bigger part?
Wow, tough choice... :/
update !!!!!!!!!!!!1
th_oneandonly #8
Yay! You updated!
th_oneandonly #9
Update soon! I've been a silent reader .. Kind of.. Please update soon!