What Happened Last Night

Which One Is My Mr. Right?

~Your POV~

I awakened at the sound of my daily alarm.  Get up. You have to cook, I told myself.

I sleepily sat up, with my eyes still closed. My back and neck felt a bit sore.

What did I do yesterday? Hmm. Let’s see. It was the first day of school. I was embarrassed in front of my classmates and teacher. Kibum cheered me up a little later after that. There was the modeling class. Then we had dinner. What else? Hmmm. Right. Sungmin and I went to the TV room and we all watched a movie. There wasn’t anything tiring about that. All I can remember is... I fell asleep.

My eyes jolted open as I remembered what happened. I freakin’ fell asleep. That’s what happened. So how did I get here in my room?


They couldn’t have found out, could they? And even if they did, they’re not really that mean, right? I mean they couldn’t have asked me anything, could they? 

I looked at the clock. It was 7 o’clock. The bus wouldn’t be here in another hour. I quickly showered and changed into my uniform. It was 7:30 when I finished everything. I took my bag and headed for the door. I slowly opened it, fearing one of them happened to be passing by outside. But luckily, no one was there. So I went down and headed for the kitchen. No one’s in there either but I could tell that it was recently used.

Sheesh. Where is everyone?

That’s when I heard my name. Kibum was standing at the door, smiling brightly.

“Good morning, you.”

“Er... Morning. Where’s everyone?” I didn’t really want to ask but I had to anyway.

“In the dining room. We’re all waiting for you.” He seems to be normal. Maybe nothing happened at all.

But when I got to the dining room, everyone was already done with their food but they were still on their seats. Only one plate was untouched. Mine.

Uh-oh. The atmosphere seems to be screaming the word: AWKWARD.

I sat nervously and stared at my plate. I couldn’t really eat with all their gazes at me.

“What’s wrong?” To my surprise, it was Yesung who asked. Since when did he start talking to me? Hmmm.

“Uhm. Guys. Did I... er... do anything weird last night?” I asked, to which they all gulped.

~Super Junior’s POV~

Everyone looked around. Looking from one face to another. But nobody seemed to be brave enough to tell her what had happened. Anyway, here’s how it went.

~flashback~ last night ~ Eunhyuk’s POV ~

“So far, who among us do you like the most?” Kyuhyun’s question echoed in our ears.

I bet he thought that it was really funny. Listening to you talking in her sleep.

“Like the most?” you softly repeated. Then silence followed. We didn’t really realize we were holding our breath as we waited for her answer.

“I’m not really sure. Besides a few, most of you don’t even spare me a single glance.”

Where did she get that far-fetched idea? It was SO not true! If she only knew how many times I was looking at her at school.

“Eh? No favourites? Hmmm. That’s impossible.” He paused, thinking of another question. “Alright, let’s get back to that later. How about, which among us do you think is the most handsome?” Kyuhyun was stopping himself from laughing at his silly question.

This time, we all leaned forward to hear her answer.

It was ridiculous, I know. But we still wanted to know. =P

“Handsome, huh. Hard to tell, really.” Figures.

“What? You don’t think we’re handsome?” Surprisingly, it was Hankyung-hyung’s voice that I heard next. I can’t believe he’s going with this.

“What I meant was you guys are all good-looking that’s why it’s hard to tell.”

“You’re no fun. You don’t answer my questions,” Kyuhyun said, shaking his head.

For a while, it was silent again. Then she said slowly, “The truth is, I find Donghae and Kyuhyun really attractive.”

I swear Kyuhyun’s face was as red as a tomato. Donghae, too.

~Kyuhyun’s POV~

“...Kyuhyun really attractive.”

For one long moment, I forgot where I was. Those simple words had hit me really hard in a weird way. And all I could do was look at her intently and let myself reddened.

“And Sungmin and Ryeowook are so adorable,” she continued. The sound of her voice snapped my mind back to reality. “Like the cutest in the planet.”

How come they get the ‘cutest in the planet’ while I only get ‘really attractive’? *pout*

“And Siwon, Leeteuk and Eunhyuk seem to have the most well-built bodies, not that I’ve ever seen it, well, except for Siwon’s I guess, and Heechul’s really pretty, his skin so white smooth, and Yesung has a very nice voice,” Hey! So have I~, “Kibum seems to be a real gentleman. Shindong’s charming and Kangin and Hankyung don’t rank last either when it comes to good looks.”

“Hey~ I only asked who’s the most handsome and you start spouting those silly things.” Everyone shot me a glare. What. Don’t tell me they listened – liked – what she said. But as I looked around, everyone’s face seemed to be having the same color.

Pffft. They’re blushing? As in Heechul-hyung is blushing! And so are Eunhyuk-hyung and Leeteuk-hyung. But why? All she said was some random words.

Random words that made you blush, too, my mind added.

~Leeteuk’s POV~

Crap. How did I get into this? Actually listening and liking what she’s saying. Not that I like everything she said, only the part about me. Crap. What am I saying? I’m supposed to not like her since she’s a girl in a houseful of guys. Not that I didn’t plan on doing what aunt said. I’m the eldest; at least I should follow orders. And besides, she only said one thing about me. Crap. Here I go again.

“Will someone bring her to her room?” I said waking them all up in whatever trance they were in.

“Uh. I’ll do it,” almost everyone said in unison.

I looked at you. There she was, quietly sleeping. And here we were, troubled with her simple words. In all honesty, they weren’t really much, just a few easy words. For all we know she meant it differently. But still, the effect was already there, left by those innocent words.

~Yesung’s POV~

I know I’ve heard it a lot, but coming from her, ever though it was a compliment squished in-between other compliments, it had made me happy. And now I feel kind of sorry for not having approached her directly. But I will now. At least now I know she has a positive image of me.

“Why don’t we just all bring her to her room to end this once and for all?”

That would be best for us. I mean come on, we’ve only been in a room for a while with a sleeping girl and we were in a mess. What more if we let the time pass by so casually.

“But who’s going to carry her?” Sungmin asked.

“How about I will?” It was Heechul-hyung. “And no one is saying anything about it,” he added, when someone was, again, about to protest.

He pushed past Sungmin and lifted you in his arms. The sight of it made me – us – flinched. I don't know for what reason exactly.

~Heechul’s POV~

What’s with their piercing stares? I looked at the maid who was now in my arms.

Right... Look. I don’t like her, okay? That blush wasn’t intended. As if blushing is ever intended, my stupid mind said.

“Hey~ I’m the one who least like her, okay?” I told them. “This absolutely means nothing. I’m just doing this so we can all get a sleep.”

“Least like her? So you do like her, after all Hyung,” Ryeowook teased.

“Shut up. That is NOT it. You guys like her, I don’t. So I get to carry her. Now someone lead the way before I get tired and drop her.” I was lying. She wasn’t heavy at all.

Donghae almost jumped to the door and opened it. “Come on, Hyung.” Geez. And I thought all he meant was to help her, nothing more and nothing less.

“Hey, I don’t like her Hyung,” I heard Kyuhyun’s voice in the background as we headed out.

And this kid, too. Acting like he doesn’t care. Sheesh.

Look who’s talking, a voice in my head whispered. Shut it.

~present time~

~Your POV~

I could swear there was some sort of flashback that went through their minds as they were staring at me. There must be something behind those weird expressions they’re all wearing today. Satisfaction, embarrassment, curiosity, determination, so much more. What really did happen last night?

But after that weird awkward preliminary moment, the uncomfortable atmosphere disappeared. As I started on my food, they started talking about school. And from time to time, they would ask me questions, just to include me in their conversation.

Really. Why are they all talking to me now?

When it was near 8 o’clock, we went outside to wait for the bus. Then Kyuhyun whispered, “You never really answered my first question.”

First question? What is he talking about?

Then he smirked. “So I’m attractive, eh?”

I felt my cheeks heat up. How the heck did he know? Not that I feel proud of it, but it was the truth. I did find him attractive, as well as Donghae. The others are also good-looking, don’t get me wrong. But on first impression basis, the two of them were the ones that had me struck me the most.

I stepped away, carefully keeping a distance from Kyuhyun, only to bump into Donghae. He greeted me with his smile.

Crap. I suddenly felt nervous. If Kyuhyun had known then he must have, too.

I actually ended up ignoring him and moved farther away. “You okay?” Someone chuckled behind me. I turned around, finding myself face to face with Hankyung. For the first time, he was talking directly talking to me.

“Uh. Yeah. I guess.”

“Just to let you know, you said some things about us last night,” he was smiling yet he wasn’t teasing me.

“I did?” *gulp* “What things?”

“I think you already have an idea.”

Oh no. They did ask me.



I added something... Sorry if it's not too good...  *Sigh*

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izzie_inlove #3
I've been reading this in one sitting, and I love it! I'm cheering for Kibum~ GO KIBUMMY! *goes back to watch I Love Italy*
cHoKyUhYuN03 #4
So she's probably gonna choose Donghae or Kyu, right? I'm still Kibum biased... So, hopefully he might be able to get a bigger part?
Wow, tough choice... :/
update !!!!!!!!!!!!1
th_oneandonly #8
Yay! You updated!
th_oneandonly #9
Update soon! I've been a silent reader .. Kind of.. Please update soon!