I Met The Rest Of The Guys

Which One Is My Mr. Right?

~Your POV~

After ‘our’ fall on the stairs, everyone helped us up and asked if we were alright. Miraculously, we weren’t really harmed.

The stairs led to another living room so we all settled there. To sort out everything: the confusion over my identity, the reason behind all the chasing and the introduction of all the members of the house. We all occupied the 4 couch that were facing one another. No one sat beside me. And there were like 12 of them around, including the ones I’ve met outside the gate.

“Alright. First things first,” said a guy, the one I shoved aside, while looking at me. “Who are you?”

Before I had the chance to answer, someone said out loud, “There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you.”

We all looked around. It was Ryeowook, carrying a tray full of delicacies. He was coming closer.

“You know her?” asked a guy, the one I rolled down the stairs with. So he hadn’t really known that it was me.

Ryeowook looked at him as if to say “Are you serious?” then he sat beside me and gave me the tray. Seeing that the guys’ expressions were still the same, Ryeowook said, “She’s you, remember? Our new -,” he looked at me and I realized he didn’t really want to address me as a maid.

So I put down the tray on the table in front and said, with a trembling a heart, “Maid. Your new maid. The girl some of you met at the gates a while ago? Ring a bell?” I don’t really know what’s making me nervous. I guess it’s the fact that I’m surrounded by 13 guys – gorgeous guys.

“What?” Some of them blurted out, probably the ones who had met me. “But you –”

I took a deep a breath. “Forget that, okay?” I said, finding it easier to talk to them. “My name is you. And I would really appreciate it if you guys would introduce yourself, too.”

It took them a second to absorb what I said, I don’t really know why.

Then one of them stood up and held out his hand to me. I looked up. It was the guy I saw in the room. The guy who was changing his shirt. The guy who had perfect six-pack abs. The guy..., okay you get the idea who it is. “Alright then, my name is Choi Siwon. It’s -,” he hesitated, somehow embarrassed, “it’s nice to meet you.” I bet he was thinking of the moment we first met. I wouldn’t actually call it nice. Really embarrassing, YES. But nice? Not so much. But the way he said it, he seemed sincere.

So I shook his hand and said, “It’s really nice to meet you, too. And I’m really sorry about what happened. I never meant – I didn’t know,” I said, shaking my head.

“Nah. Forget it,” he said, his lips curving into a smile. “And I’m sorry for startling you, too. If I didn’t suddenly walk towards you, you wouldn’t have run and the falling thing wouldn’t have happened.”

I couldn’t help but stare at him for a second. I thought about the last two smiles I saw. And like them, Siwon’s smile had that X factor. And just like how Ryeowook’s smile was different from Donghae’s, Siwon’s was unique as well.

And looking at it, I swear his smile was enough to send one million girls screaming.

And if I was in the right place, I would have screamed, too.

Now I was eager to see the other guys’ smiles. I’ve seen Donghae’s, Ryeowook’s, and Siwon’s and I’m sure the others’ smile would be as unique as each of them.

Siwon returned to his seat. The others started introducing themselves, but unlike Siwon, they had stayed in their places.

The next one to speak was the guy I had shoved aside.

“My real name is Park Jung-Su. But everyone calls me Leeteuk. I’m the eldest here.”

Then he hesitated, actually contemplating whether to smile or not. But then he did. And I was right. His smile, like the first three guys, also had that X factor.

His was the kind of smile that seemed to be so focus on you. And it was enough to make your world stop revolving and just focus on him, too.

And my world would have stopped revolving if it weren’t against the fiber of my every being. I mean surrendering to his smile would put me in a very dangerous position. You haven’t forgotten the curse, have you? I cannot let my guard down. Even with just his smile. Their smiles. And I’m actually about to face more.

“Call me Yesung,” said a musical voice. I didn’t recognize his face but his voice was so comforting I actually thought I already knew him. Then he smiled.

It was a very warm smile. Not the usual friendly-warm smile, but the welcoming-warm kind of smile. It was so warm, I bet even the iciest snow would melt at his smile.

Good thing I had already prepared myself, or else, like any other cold stuff, I would have melted as well.

Then it was followed by a chubby guy. Even without a muscular body like the others, it was obvious that he belonged with the group. Something about the way he said, “I’m Shin Donghee,” and the smile that followed that told me that he really was one of them.

His smile was kind-of like a child. And it was so cute it can practically make everyone go “awwwwwww”.

And I would have.

Except he was immediately followed by the next introduction.

It was the polite guy. The very first one I had met. The one I had thought as “the cutest guy I had ever met. “It’s nice to meet you again,” he said earnestly. “I’m Lee Sungmin,” he said, smiling shyly.

His smile was meant to be shy, but to me, it was captivating. It was enough to make anyone forget everything else. Everything but him.

And I almost did.

Except I caught myself at the last minute.

The next one to introduce himself was a white blonde guy. “Name’s Lee Hyukjae, but call me Eunhyuk, ‘k?” Then of course, there was the smile.

His smile was so infectious you couldn’t help but smile too. And I did. His smile was just so full of energy. I bet even the most raging storm would stop if he smiled. That’s how much positive energy his smile had.

Then he was followed by Kim Youngwoon, Han Geng, Kim Heechul and Kim Kibum. They didn’t smile. They just sort-of gave me an acknowledging nod. Welcoming acknowledging nod but no smile. I wonder why. Oh well. Better than nothing.

I thought everyone was done. Then I noticed someone staring at me. Like he still couldn’t believe that I was here. And yes, it was the guy that I had body slammed towards the stairs. He seemed to be thinking deep about something. Then he decided. He stood up and walked towards me.

He smiled first and my heart almost, ALMOST but didn’t, skip a beat. “Cho Kyuhyun,” he stood up and took a step towards me. He took my hand, shook it and said, “A pleasure to meet you.” And all the while, his smile was there.

The kind of smile that could have broken open the heavens and let all the angels swoop down. And he was supposed to be evil. Ironic.

If I didn’t know that he was planning something, he could have opened my heart, too.

I swallowed. I looked around. I’m in danger. My heart is definitely in danger. These guys are more trouble than I thought. There’s no telling what would happen to me now.

I have to be VERY careful.



Sorry for the lame smile description guys XD. But I actually had fun making them up. I hope you somehow like this chapter.

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izzie_inlove #3
I've been reading this in one sitting, and I love it! I'm cheering for Kibum~ GO KIBUMMY! *goes back to watch I Love Italy*
cHoKyUhYuN03 #4
So she's probably gonna choose Donghae or Kyu, right? I'm still Kibum biased... So, hopefully he might be able to get a bigger part?
Wow, tough choice... :/
update !!!!!!!!!!!!1
th_oneandonly #8
Yay! You updated!
th_oneandonly #9
Update soon! I've been a silent reader .. Kind of.. Please update soon!