Kyuhyun's Stupid Plan Was Revealed

Which One Is My Mr. Right?


~Your POV~

So we separated from the guys and headed for our English class. For once, there were no screaming girls because everyone’s busy.

Our classroom looked normal so we’re probably doing something wherein we still have to prepare for it. I left the guys at the door and headed for my seat.

“So, do you know what we’re doing?” I asked Marie who was already sitting in her chair.

“I’ve heard we’re doing a play. I’m not really sure. I’m actually quite surprise to this,” she said, gesturing around.

“Yeah, me too,” was what I said before our teacher entered our classroom.

“Settle down everyone,” she said in a loud voice. When everyone did, she continued, “Some of you must have heard about this already, and well, our English class will be doing a play.” Most of our classmates groaned.

“Now now, don’t be like that children. I’m sure you’ll be enjoying our performance,” she assured us. “After all, our play is all about snow white and her seven little dwarfs,” she said, smiling.

“You’re kidding!” I blurted out. But the classroom was already noisy enough so only Marie and the people surrounding us had heard my outburst.

“Snow white? But that’s non-sense!” Marie agreed.

“I hate it, too. But on the contrary, I’m looking forward to who would play snow white and the seven dwarfs,” Max said, chuckling to himself.

“I wish you’d end up playing one of the seven dwarfs,” Marie told him pointedly.

“Me? A dwarf?” he scoffed. “I doubt that. I’m pretty much qualified for the prince.”

“Children! Children! Settle down!” Miss Yang’s voice brought us back to the current situation at hand. “Now listen. Since we only have three days to practice, yes we’ll be performing this on Friday, we’ll divide a single role into three people so memorizing the lines wouldn’t be a problem.”

“I don’t get it, Ma’am,” a girl on the front row said.

“Meaning, three girls will play snow white and the other roles. They’ll do it alternately so it wouldn’t be too much of a burden for them.”

“How are we going to choose the roles?” another girl asked.

“I was getting to that part, dear. Anyway, we’ll draw lots. Girls, line up in here. Boys, here,” she said, gesturing to her right and left side. She then produced two boxes out of nowhere.

When it was my turn, I grabbed a piece of paper from the box without really giving it much thought. I handed it to Miss Yang without even looking at it. After all, what are the chances I’d end up being snow white?

Miss Yang’s expression suddenly shifted from normal to confused to amused. What now? Did I actually pick snow white? O.o?

“Well, what you draw is what you get,” she sang happily and stuffed the paper into the boys’ box. Why did she do that?

Still thinking the chances were too small, I left the table. But just before I could step further, I heard Donghae cried, “What?!! What’s the meaning of this, Miss Yang?”

I turned around just in time to hear Miss Yang say, “I knew it. I’ve switched some of the roles for boys and girls. Oh well, you have to play that part, Donghae.”

Switch roles? Was that why she was acting weird upon seeing my paper? Am I actually ending up playing as one of the seven dwarfs? Noooooooo~~~

“But-” Donghae began.

“No buts,” Miss Yang instantly interjected and innocently smiled at him. Donghae slumped back to his chair.

It was the same with some of our classmates, Max and Ryeowook. It seemed that Miss Yang was right. She did interchange some roles within the boxes. And you couldn’t have imagined my horror when she finally announced that I would be playing snow white...

“…’s PRINCE?! You’re kidding, right?” I blurted out again.

“Sorry dear, to be fair to everyone, you’re not allowed to change. And since snow white’s prince only has a few scenes, you alone will play him,” Miss Yang smiled at me confidently.

“But I’m a GIRL,” I said, emphasizing on the word ‘girl’.

“And so is Donghae.” Donghae threw her a dirty look. Miss Yang laughed. “I mean, so is Donghae’s role. You see, he’s one of the three who’ll be playing snow white.”

The guys laughed at that.

“What? Can’t we both switch then?” I offered.

“Sorry darling. No can do. Some actually had it worse than you. Changmin and Ryeowook will both be playing as the evil stepmother.”

Marie looked at Max and laughed. “Stepmother?” she mocked. “So much for being a prince~”

“Oh shut up,” Max said, crossing his arms over his chest.

 “Now children, pick up your scripts here in the table then you can leave. That will be all for today. But by tomorrow, I expect you to have memorized your parts already, okay?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” we all said in chorus.

“See you later,” Marie and Max said to me at the same time. Realizing they did, they glared at each other then went out. Even if they’re always bickering, I couldn’t help but notice that those two are always together.

Donghae and Ryeowook joined me on the hallway. “Why?” they both asked.

“You tell me,” I answered.

Donghae sighed. “If I had known about this, I could have suggested another activity for our class.”

Right, they were in the committee, after all. But it was too late now. “Let’s just do this, guys.”

Ryeowook and Donghae nodded.

“Well, I’ll see you guys later. I’ve gotta go to Singing Lessons and find out what’s in store for me there,” I waved as I started walking and they both waved back.

When I got to our Singing Lessons classroom, it wasn’t in its normal state. All the chairs were at the side leaving a huge space at the center and Kyuhyun was standing in front. Our classmates were all facing him, looking eager to hear what he has to say.

“Alright guys, listen up,” he began. Duh! He didn’t have to say that. All attentions were on him already. “You don’t have to worry about our event. I’ve got it all planned,” he said with a smirk.

He got it all planned? Why do I smell something so suspicious about it?

“Kyuhyun-oppa, what kind of event are we talking about anyway?” one of the girls asked.

“Since I’m in the committee, we were allowed to have our event as a game. More like a scavenger hunt.”

“A scavenger hunt?” Many suddenly became excited. “Can we participate, too?”

“Sure sure. But I need most of you to be the facilitators. Are you guys up for it?”

“Yes!” they all shouted. Only Yesung, aside from me, wasn’t as excited as them.

“All right, the game will begin on lunch break. You guys be ready when I start announcing, okay?” he clarified.

Everyone started nodding. “Alright. See you at lunch.” Then he waved everyone off.

Pfft. Why is he acting like a boss? But wait, he is kind-of our boss.

“You should be thankful I change the prank a bit,” Kyuhyun whispered into my ear when he passed me. EH?

“Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! Just what are you planning anyway?” I yelled at him. The others didn’t notice. It was that noisy.

He just smirked and walked away.

Since lunch break was still an hour away, I ended up visiting the other guys in their classes. Some of them and the classes that I’ve passed by were doing Magic Shows, Dance Performances, Plays, Puppet Shows, Talent Contests, Art Shows and other stuffs like organizing games and events such as dunk tanks, balloon dartboards, food eating contests and many more.

Wow, this week will be so fun. I just wish I could try everything out before the week finishes.

So anyway, lunch time~. To the rooftop.

A few minutes later, Donghae, Siwon, Leeteuk and Hankyung joined me, bringing with them a picnic basket. Where’d they get that?

“Why are you always eating here anyway?” Hankyung asked, flopping down beside me.

“Because it’s peaceful and quiet,” I said casually, mumbling my sandwich. “And here, no one glares at me.”

“Do the girls bully you?” Leeteuk asked

Before I could answer, there was suddenly a booming sound. Kyuhyun’s face flashed in all the giant screens around the university.

“Hey everyone! Having a good time?” he asked, winking. I could hear all the screams going around the campus. “So anyway, it’s time to begin our class event. Are you guys ready to participate?” There was another round of cheering.

“Our activity will be Scavenger Hunt where anyone is welcome to participate. And to spice things up, the prize is pretty much special.”


“All participants should go to Building C, Room 14 to register. You will then be given a map and all you’ve got to do is follow whatever’s in it. And now for the prize, the first one to collect all the stamps of the said map will have the chance to go out on a date with either of these guys here,” a picture of Leeteuk, Heechul, Hankyung, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook and Kibum flashed in the screen, “or this lovely lady over here,” to my horror, a picture of me, ME!?!?!, me!, flashed in the screen. WHAT THE?!?!?!?!

“So when I say go, you can all begin registering…” he paused, taking in a deep breath. “Okay, ready… GO!”

After that simple two-letter word, chaos broke out.



Hey guys. Sorry for the late update. The prank might not be much of a prank after all. My mind couldn't really decide what to write and so I've ended up with this. Enjoy. ^^

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izzie_inlove #3
I've been reading this in one sitting, and I love it! I'm cheering for Kibum~ GO KIBUMMY! *goes back to watch I Love Italy*
cHoKyUhYuN03 #4
So she's probably gonna choose Donghae or Kyu, right? I'm still Kibum biased... So, hopefully he might be able to get a bigger part?
Wow, tough choice... :/
update !!!!!!!!!!!!1
th_oneandonly #8
Yay! You updated!
th_oneandonly #9
Update soon! I've been a silent reader .. Kind of.. Please update soon!