This Was SO Not My Day!

Which One Is My Mr. Right?

~Your POV~

I woke up at the sound of my alarm. The moment my head hit my pillow last night, I drifted to sleep. So now, I am fully recharged.

As I had said before, everything was arranged for me by the fairy. So after I took a shower, I wasn’t surprised when I opened the closet and found my uniform hanging there. The things that I would need for school were also already in my desk.

I still don’t really know what my plan would be. About how to identify my Mr. Right, I mean. They were all unique yet so similar at the same time. It was so hard. Maybe I would find out something useful in the school later.

So I went down and had breakfast. Luckily, there was already food again. This time, it was Ryeowook who cooked. When we were done, Kyuhyun kept muttering how bad I was at my job.

“Really, you should have woken up early. I can’t believe you let Wookie cooked. What’s your purpose then?” he said in my face.

Such a brat. It was so early in the morning and he was already looking for a fight. I mean, really, what’s wrong with him? I didn’t even do anything to him. Sheeesh.

“Oh, don’t mind him,” said Donghae as he passed me. We were now walking towards the gate “He’s just doing it to get your attention,” he said, looking back at me, his eyes smiling.

I figured he was teasing. Because how could I believe him? Even Kyuhyun denied it.

“And why in the world would I do that Hyung?” Kyuhyun called after him.

Donghae just grinned at Kyuhyun.

Our ride to school was a bus. There were already 5 students inside when we got in. And they all stared at me with those questioning looks. Especially right after Ryeowook called, “Over here, you! ” from the back of the bus. I wonder why.

It wasn’t a little later when I found out.

The students in XXXX University adored the boys. From Leeteuk down to Kyuhyun. They were considered as a group. The elites among elites. It wasn’t really surprising. They were all good-looking and they stood out so much. I guess they were talented as well.

I watched how the girls screamed at the sight of them and after that, I decided to keep a distance. No one paid much attention to me since I was closed by and all their heads were focused on them. I guess they’re a good cover-up. I already had my study load. And in it were all the information I needed to locate my classes. So I would be absolutely fine by myself.

My first class, English, was in Building A, Room 37. There wasn’t any teacher yet so the room was in a disorder. Students were huddled together, one group to another, talking. I quietly slipped in and hoped that no one would notice me. Because I had realized that I was a new girl. Some of them have already known each other over the years. And I was determined not to attract any attention. I probably would have succeeded. If it weren’t for a voice, a loud voice that called my name.

“Over here, you! ” I heard Ryeowook repeat his line from the bus. He was across the room and he was pointing to a seat beside him. Nearly everyone looked at me, curious who I was.

I froze. Then someone patted my shoulder, “you, why don’t you sit beside me?” It was Donghae. Great. How did I end up with the two of them in a class? Isn’t the school big enough? Aren’t they aware that they’re giving the girls here enough reasons to hunt me down by offering me seats beside them?

I was already used to a lot of attentions before and I’m telling you, I’m sick of it. I was actually hoping none of the students here in my new school would notice me, especially since they have the boys here. But no, all they did was offer me a seat and that was it. But I guess they were just being polite, wanting me to feel that I belong and not out-of-place.

I glanced at Donghae. Then at Ryeowook. Then back again. I didn’t want to pick one. Because that would mean that I liked one of them more than the other.

I actually thought I was trapped but then my eyes caught an empty seat at the back as I was looking back and forth.

“No thanks,” I told Donghae politely. I looked at Ryeowook and shook my head, smiling apologetically. Then I went and sat on the empty chair and pretended I had to get something out of my bag, completely ignoring every stare that was thrown at me. After a while, they got back to their own conversations. Phew.

“That was new,” the girl beside me said. “I’ve never really seen them talk to anyone besides their ‘peers’ before. Well, my name is Marie. You’re new, aren’t you?”

“Of course, she’s new. Why are you even asking?” the guy beside her, who was looking at me, said.

Marie noticed my confused expression. “Oh. This is Max. Don’t mind him. He’s a bit retarded,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“Now I’m the retarded one?” the guy called Max scoffed. “Oh, puh-lease. Don’t embarrass yourself.”

Before their argument could go on, our teacher entered the room. Everyone settled in.

“Good morning class! Another new sem, huh. Well, how was your vacation?” she asked. Well, she seemed nice. I guess I’m gonna have fun with this class.

“Now, let’s start the class with introductions,” she said, smiling. Everyone groaned. Who wouldn’t? Introductions are out of season. They should skip that whole thing. I guess it’s not really that much of a big deal, but I hate being put on the spot.

“Let’s begin with me. I’m Yang Yeun-Ja. And I will be with you for the rest of the sem. Now,” she said, looking around for her first victim. “Let’s proceed with you next,” she looked at Donghae.

The way the girls and guys looked at him when Donghae stood up showed he didn’t really need to introduce himself.

“Annyeong! My name is Lee Donghae. Please take care of me,” he said, flashing that smile of his. All girls had squealed. The guys grunted in jealousy. Who could blame them with Donghae here?

Then he was followed by random students. When it was Ryeowook’s turn, the girls’ reactions were the same. Then followed by random students again. Marie and Max introduced themselves as well. The teachers kept asking them questions about this and that. I dreaded my turn. But luckily, the class was over before that. Students rushed outside.

“Well, see you later,” Marie threw me a swift glance before going outside as well.

I took out my study load and went to my next subject, Singing Lessons, Building C and Room 14.

Before you get confuse or anything, let me tell you about the school system here. This university is basically a special school for talented people. Talents specifically focused in the entertainment industry. So the subjects that are taught here are just basically about Acting, Dancing, Composing, Hosting, Modeling and Singing. And we also have Normal Lessons which consists of English, History, Math, Science, and P.E.

Don’t ask me how I got here. Since I, myself, don’t even know if I really am that special. Smart? Oh yes. But talented? Definitely a NO. But since I’m only a fresh man, I wouldn’t really have to worry about any Majors since that would only apply to the junior students and above. And by that time, I think I’ve probably found my Mr. Right. Well at least that’s what I’m hoping would happen.

Luckily this time, nobody paid me much attention because there was no one who called my name. So I sat on an empty seat with satisfaction. Before I got the chance to look around if one of the ‘guys’ were in the same class, a middle-aged man entered the classroom.

And guess what, he wants us to introduce ourselves. Great. And there I thought I already escaped that thing. And the worst part, he wants us to sing a song. As in SING an entire SONG! All I could do was pray that like my first subject, we would run out of time.

The singing began. And wow, my classmates were great! My jaw was practically hanging all the time. It dropped more when I saw Yesung stand in front and started singing as well.

Is his voice AWESOME or what? But the more important question is: WHY IS HE IN THIS CLASS?

The girls screamed. The guys watched in awe.

“Very well done, Jongwoon!” our teacher said, clapping his hands.

“Thank you, Sir,” he bowed then went back to his seat. You couldn’t have imagined my horror when I saw him high-fiving Kyuhyun.

My goodness! Kyuhyun is here as well? I am SO not giving him anymore reasons to make my life a hell by teasing me. I just can’t sing. As in no freakin’ way am I going to sing in front of them. Please let the class be over! Please let the class be OVER! Please let the –

you, you’re next,” I heard our teacher read my name from his master list.

No way am I doing this! LIKE I HAVE A CHOICE!?

I walked to the front and prayed with all my might that I would realize that I was dreaming and that I would wake up soon. I waited. No such luck.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and started singing.

Okay. You might be thinking this is one of those stories where the main character surprises everyone with her amazing singing skills, but you’re absolutely wrong. Well, I AM good at singing. But not in front of many people. Because as I had said, I’m not good at being put on the spot. I tend to get nervous and really mess up.

Well, I surprised them, alright. No denying that. I didn’t hear a sound after I started singing and I thought, ‘Hey, maybe it’s not that bad, after all.’ I even made my voice louder thinking they wanted to hear me even more. But then the teacher suddenly yelled, “STOP! STOP! STOP!”

Uh – oh.

I was afraid to open my eyes. But then I had to. And there they were, gawking at me, their mouths hanging open, shocked at how unbelievably bad I was. I even saw Kyuhyun holding back the urge to laugh. And Yesung? Looking sympathetic? Well I couldn’t really tell. He wasn’t looking my way.

“Who taught you to sing like that?” Our teacher asked, looking appalled.

“Uh... No one?”

I wish the floor would open up and swallow me whole. Or that somebody would shoot me right now. Really. This is the worst! And I’ve been through a lot, believe me.

And before the teacher could say anything else, the bell rang. After giving me one last disappointed look, our teacher said, “Well, that’s all for today.”

‘Now you ring! Where were you when I needed you?’ I silently cursed the bell.

I mean, come one, what an impeccable timing. Not.

The other students quickly disappeared. They all threw one last look at me then poof, they were gone. Probably to tell their friends about me.

I sighed. I walked out of the classroom without knowing where to go. I ended up in the rooftop. I leaned on the wall and sank to the floor. I was devastated. I hugged my knees and buried my face in it.

“Nice going,” I told myself. Sarcasm.

Then I suddenly heard the door opened.

“Hey,” the person who entered said. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice full of worry.


Hey guys!^^

Bad news, I might not be able to update tomorrow. That's because school is starting again :(( and I may not have much spare time, though I will really try hard to update. I just wanna say thanks again.

Love lots <3.^^.

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izzie_inlove #3
I've been reading this in one sitting, and I love it! I'm cheering for Kibum~ GO KIBUMMY! *goes back to watch I Love Italy*
cHoKyUhYuN03 #4
So she's probably gonna choose Donghae or Kyu, right? I'm still Kibum biased... So, hopefully he might be able to get a bigger part?
Wow, tough choice... :/
update !!!!!!!!!!!!1
th_oneandonly #8
Yay! You updated!
th_oneandonly #9
Update soon! I've been a silent reader .. Kind of.. Please update soon!