I Fell Asleep Watching A Movie

Which One Is My Mr. Right?

~Your POV~

If they knew that our dinner was cooked by Ryeowook, they didn’t let on. Instead, they just ate quietly. Sungmin stayed behind to help me. It wasn’t until we were done with the dishes and a bit of cleaning that I found out why.

“Finally done!... So, what kind of movies do you like?” He suddenly asked me when we exited the kitchen.

“Nothing in particular. Depends on my mood. Why?” I answered his out of the blue question.

“I just wanted to know if you’re going to like the movie that I picked out for us to watch tonight.”

Movie? Watch tonight? What is he talking about?

Just when I was about to head for the direction of my room, Sungmin took my arm and stirred me to the other direction.

“Where are you going? The TV room is this way. Have you forgotten?” He asked, sounding as if we do this all the time.

“Uh. TV room? I don’t remember you asking me to watch a movie with you, Sungmin.”

“Of course not. I didn’t need to ask because this is compulsory.”

“Compulsory? Are you kidding?”

He just stared at me as if I was from another planet. “No, silly.” Then he smiled. “Actually, everyone is waiting in the TV room. We better hurry. You don’t want to face the wrath of Heechul-hyung, do you?”

 “Why is this compulsory again?” I asked when we started walking.

“Because Monday night is always movie night.” His answer was bright. Is Sungmin the type of guy who likes movies?

“Isn’t movie night always on weekends?”

“We do things here differently,” he said with a small smile.

Sungmin opened the door to the so-called TV room. I said so-called because it wasn’t really just a normal room with a large TV in front. It was actually like a mini theatre with 40 seats - 10 columns 4 rows - in the middle and a really large flat screen TV glued on the wall.

Everyone had already settled in. The movie was just beginning.

And guess what the movie is. My Sassy Girl. These guys like chick flicks?

“So where do you want to sit?” Sungmin whispered.

I looked around. The sitting arrangement was like this:










































If I would sit beside Donghae, there was Heechul on the other side, so X. If I’d sit with Ryeowook, there was Kyuhyun. And if it’s with Kibum, there was Hankyung. I don’t really have anything against Hankyung but I still don’t think that would be a good place to sit. And besides, I want to sit beside Sungmin because right now, beside him would be the least awkward seat.

“Anywhere as long it’s beside you,” I whispered back not really caring how I put it into words. And even when I realized it, I didn’t really think it was a big deal. But still, Sungmin stiffened. “Uh. Are you okay?”

“Mm-hmmm,” He mumbled, leading the way. His face seemed to be a bit red. I couldn’t really tell though, the area was dark. Maybe it was the giant TV’s reflection.

The new sitting arrangement was like this:











































Nobody noticed that we were already there except Kangin and Leeteuk who were sitting on the same row as us. From time to time Kyuhyun would say, “How could he let her do what she wants? If it was me~” which he wouldn’t finish because Ryeowook would go, “Shut up Kyu, you’re ruining the moment.” which I think is really funny, and cute I guess, because they both look like little kids.

This type of movie isn’t really my type so it wasn’t surprising when my eyes began to droop and eventually, I fell asleep... without knowing that my weakness was about to be exposed.

~Sungmin’s POV~

I know I’ve seen this movie a million times and I already know how it ends but still, why didn’t the girl show up? I feel sorry for the guy. I bet he thinks - *flop* Huh?

I suddenly felt my right shoulder a bit heavier than the other. That’s when I noticed that you had fallen asleep, on my shoulder. I suddenly forgot everything else, even the movie, and all I could do was look at her sleeping face. In that instant, I thought I could watch her forever without ever getting bored.

Is it because I find her pretty? Or is it because of what she said a while ago?

When our aunt told us what to do, I knew that I would be doing exactly what she said. But now, I’m having second thoughts whether I should really try and charm this girl or whether I should not. I’ve been observing her since yesterday and she seems really nice. She doesn’t seem to be the type that would fall for someone so easily and I’m not really sure what the other guys think about her. I really want to know whether they would really give aunt’s mission a try, and whether I should too. So when she said what she said, even though I knew what she meant, still, for a fraction of a second, I had wished that somehow, she would really choose me over everyone else. I know it sounds crazy but looking at her now reinforces that wish.

I was probably staring too much because I didn’t realize that the movie had ended until I heard a meaningful cough above me. I looked up finding Kangin-hyung looking awkwardly at us. The lights were back on.

“Movie’s over, Sungmin,” he muttered.

“Er... right.”

Just then, everyone woke up, stretching and yawning and asking what time it was. I still didn’t budge, afraid I’d stir you up.

“My, my. I didn’t know Sungmin had it in him.” I didn’t look up to see who it was. Instead, although it was totally against my will, I gently lifted her head away from my shoulder and laid it softly against the back of her seat.

I stood up. “Who’s going to carry her?”

“Not me,” Heechul-hyung immediately said but I swear I heard uncertainty in his voice. Weird.

Everyone looked around. I knew most of us were more than willing to take you to her room but the problem was who among us was bold enough to admit that he was. Because one way or another, it would mean that he likes her, whether only as a girl, as a friend, or something more.

I was sure Donghae was about to say something when all of a sudden, you stirred up and mumbled something in her sleep.

 “Eh? She’s sleep talking?” It was Eunhyuk.

“Maybe she’s really awake,” Siwon supposed behind him.

“Yah. Maid, are you awake?” Kyuhyun stupidly asked. Of course she was asleep.

“So who’s going to –”

“Why is Kyuhyun always like that?” you suddenly mumbled sleepily.

By then we really thought she was awake but then she continued muttering.

“I never did anything to him. And Heechul, too.”

We all turned around to look at Heechul-hyung. “What did you do?” we all asked in unison.


It was silent again. you ’s even breathing filled the air.

“Hey, I got an idea,” Kyuhyun suddenly said with an evil smile and went around and sat beside you. “you?”

We thought Kyu had lost it but then you answered. “Hmmm?”

Kyuhyun’s smile grew even wider. “How about I ask you some questions?” Uh-oh. I can see where this is going. Kyuhyun is really wicked. One day, just one day, and he had found you ’s weakness.

“What kind of questions?" you answered in a soft childish tone.

 Now Kyuhyun was grinning. “So far, who among us do you like the most?”

Oh boy. This is going to be one heck of a long night.



**Sigh** I guess I can’t really update as fast as I want to guys. Sorry. I hope you will all stay patient with me :D. Thank you <3.^^.

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izzie_inlove #3
I've been reading this in one sitting, and I love it! I'm cheering for Kibum~ GO KIBUMMY! *goes back to watch I Love Italy*
cHoKyUhYuN03 #4
So she's probably gonna choose Donghae or Kyu, right? I'm still Kibum biased... So, hopefully he might be able to get a bigger part?
Wow, tough choice... :/
update !!!!!!!!!!!!1
th_oneandonly #8
Yay! You updated!
th_oneandonly #9
Update soon! I've been a silent reader .. Kind of.. Please update soon!