When Weird Things Started To Happen

Which One Is My Mr. Right?

~Your POV~

“You must be tired,” the younger cute guy suddenly said, breaking the silence that had started to kick in. “And probably hungry.” He strode forward and looped my arm with his as if we were close. One second I just stared at him. The next I was letting him do what he wanted.

With other guys, I supposed it would have felt weird. But somehow, with this cute guy slowly dragging me along with him towards the mansion, it felt just right. Which is really weird considering that I don’t even know his name. I don’t actually know any of their names. Except for that really nice and totally gorgeous guy who was the only one who had the courtesy to introduce himself.

Lee Donghae, I said in my head. Even his name sounded nice.

“Uhm, what’s your name, by the way?” I couldn’t help but ask. I mean we were practically walking arm in arm. I had the right to know.

“Ryeowook. Kim Ryeowook,” he muttered. His expression suddenly softened. Then he turned to me. “But you can definitely call me Wookie,” he said, his eyes twinkling in this childish sort-of way. Then he had a big smile plastered on his face.

And I’m telling you. It’s one of those rare smiles that would carve a deep impression in your memory. Just like Donghae’s smile. The only difference was Ryeowook’s smile was more innocent.

It was a smile that could cheer you up whenever you need cheering up and if given the chance, it could probably light up the world.

And somehow, I actually felt better. Knowing that there were at least two guys who cared about my being here.

We suddenly stopped. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn’t even realize we were already inside the mansion. We were in the living room and it was an amazing sight. The place looked so clean and sparkling I suddenly thought they didn’t really need me here as a maid.

“Nice, right?” Ryeowook muttered beside me, noticing my expression. Then he led me into one of the most expensive looking couch I had ever seen. “Alright. Wait here. Let me whip up something good for you to eat.” And before I could say a word, he disappeared into a long hallway. A really long hallway. And I was all alone.

Donghae and the other four guys who were with us a few moments outside didn’t show up. And I started worrying about my bag. One of them had it. Oh well. What could he possibly do with it anyway?

So I decided to shake things off and relax. At first I started to stay put just like what Ryeowook told me. But this place is just so big to contain me in a single couch. Still, I tried. But then I began to feel all stuffy because of the wig so I took it off. What the heck, anyway I’m sure they would find out sooner or later. As if my look was any big deal. I mean neither Donghae nor Ryeowook seemed to have cared about it. The others must have the same opinion. Except for that one particular guy, you know the devilishly handsome guy.

So I stood up and decided to do a little exploring on my own, leaving my wig there on the couch and the weird glasses, they were blurring my view anyway.

And I realized that it was a bad idea. Exploring on my own, I mean. Because after 10 steps or so on the hallway opposite the one Ryeowook had just disappeared to, I already felt lost. And when I ended up in a really large hall, I knew there was no going back.

Oh well. At least I know I’m still inside the house.

So I proceeded with my initial plan: explore the mansion.

In front of me, there was a huge stairs that had split into two. One going to the left and the other to the right. I took a deep breath and started ascending, heading for the left one.

I was walking again on a hallway. This time there were doors on either side of me. I know I shouldn’t but I decided to open one, curious what’s inside. And the instant I did, I regretted it. Because the scene that followed must have been one of the most embarrassing moments in my life.

So there I was, innocently opening the door wide. For a second, it looked empty. But I swear you could never guess how red my face turned the next second when my eyes landed on a guy who was obviously taking off his shirt. His hands were still up, his shirt stuck above his head, when his eyes landed on mine. I honestly couldn’t tell which face was redder: mine or his. As if he had anything to be embarrassed about anyway. Not with those perfect six pack abs. I’m the one who should be embarrassed, no wait; I’m not the one being caught half-. But that’s practically my fault. Oh somebody shoot me now.

He finally took off his shirt then suddenly, he started walking towards me.


I couldn’t really read his expression. It was somewhere between embarrassment and confusion. But out of panic, I stepped backward and without really knowing where I’m heading, I ran as fast as my feet were capable of.

I heard him yelled “WAIT!” but no way was I turning back now. Not in this lifetime. The mansion must be really big since I hadn’t reached any dead end yet. And at the same time I was thinking that, I slammed into something –someone, I mean. It was so hard that I actually ended up in the floor.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, extending me a hand. I looked up. Out of all the guys I saw today, he seemed to be the eldest. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't as cute or handsome as the others.

I actually started reaching for his hand then I heard someone yelled, “Stop her, Hyung!” from behind.

Crap. It was the , I mean half- guy from before. And okay, he’s still shirtless. What is up with that?

So I stood up fast and shove the guy aside, the one who just lent me a hand and then I started running again. The shirtless guy helped the guy whom I just shoved. I let myself glanced at them. After a quick exchange of words, they started to chase me.

WHAT am I doing? Running away like this as if I was some kind of a criminal.

And what in the world are the two guys behind me thinking? Actually pursuing me like this.

Things couldn’t get any worse, could it? But apparently, when you start saying something like that, things are bound to get worse. And it did. Because just when I thought I was seeing an escape, another set of stairs just a few more paces away from me, someone ascended on it. And with my speed, there wasn’t much time to stop. I practically body slammed him and believe me or not, we rolled down the stairs. Good thing the stairs was designed with a 5steps-hugespace-5steps-hugespace-5steps pattern. So we only fell down 5 steps then we landed on the huge space, him on top of me.

And guess who the guy is? But with my luck, it wasn’t hard to believe that this guy suddenly showed up here when moments ago he was outside. He was still wearing his jogging suit. Remember how he hinted how disappointed he was when he saw how unattractive I was. Oh yes, it was the devilishly handsome guy. I’m not sure if he knew that I was the same girl. But the look on his face right now is definitely priceless.

He was either mesmerized or trying so hard to choke whatever that was stuck in his throat. But I figured it was the former since he suddenly brushed back a few strands of hair that was obstructing his view on my face.

He was about to say something when we both heard, “Ahem.” And judging by the sound of it, more than one person was saying it. That’s when we realized, I realized, that people were surrounding us. I don’t know how many but I was sure that they were all guys. And by the look on their faces, we were in an absolutely awkward position right now.

My face started to redden again.

Great. Just great. Not.

I’m telling you. Don’t EVER explore a huge mansion full of guys all on your own.

Because weird things are bound to happen.

And it’s only the beginning.



Hey you.^^. Thanks again for dropping by. I hope you like this chapter even though I know it's really messy. Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions. Don't forget to comment and subscribe! Love lots <3.

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izzie_inlove #3
I've been reading this in one sitting, and I love it! I'm cheering for Kibum~ GO KIBUMMY! *goes back to watch I Love Italy*
cHoKyUhYuN03 #4
So she's probably gonna choose Donghae or Kyu, right? I'm still Kibum biased... So, hopefully he might be able to get a bigger part?
Wow, tough choice... :/
update !!!!!!!!!!!!1
th_oneandonly #8
Yay! You updated!
th_oneandonly #9
Update soon! I've been a silent reader .. Kind of.. Please update soon!