My Messy Morning With The Guys

Which One Is My Mr. Right?

~Hankyung’s POV~

Leeteuk-hyung was SO wrong when he had said last night that we were all going to have a bright day today. There wasn’t anything bright about the weather at all. Dark clouds, gloomy atmosphere, heavy rain threatening to kick in. Hmm, the weather forecast clearly didn’t say anything about raining today.

I walked to the kitchen hoping food would lighten up my mood. I peered in at the door and saw Wookie cooking. He had explained to us that you wasn’t good with it so he would handle it. We didn’t really care as long as we get to eat. I mean it wasn’t like there was any difference; he had always been the one cooking for us even before you came here.

I headed back to the living room after seeing that he wasn’t done yet. And just when I was about to sit down at one of the couches, you came down the stairs.

“Good morning,” she greeted. Hmm. I wonder why she’s early today. Usually she’d come down when the food is already ready.

“Morning, Baobei,” I muttered as I sat down, effectively using the nickname I picked for her.

“Eh? B-Baobei?” she echoed, moving towards the other couch on my right side.

“Uh-huh. From now on, I’m calling you Baobei,” I said, offering her a smile.

She sat and looked at me for a while, letting what I had just said sink in. Then to my surprise, she laughed a little. “So does that mean you’ve caught Kangin and Donghae’s disease as well?”

I chuckled. Disease, huh? “Something like that. The truth is, we all kind-a did. Caught the disease, I mean.”

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“Everyone decided to give you a nickname.”

She stood up from her seat and blurted, “No way!” I laughed at her reaction. “Yes way.”

“But.. how could they- what are they thinking?!”

“It was actually Heechul’s idea.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Heechul?” I know. I couldn’t believe it at first, either. But whichever way is it, it was his idea.

“Yep. So you are letting me call you Baobei, aren’t you?” I asked with puppy dog eyes.

She stifled a giggle. “Well, I guess I would now, since you told me the truth. I mean it seems like you’re always the one who tell me the things that I needed to know. So as a payment, I would.” I smiled. And Donghae said it wouldn’t be easy. “But, I have a question though, why Baobei and not just plain Darling?”

It was my turn to say, “Eh?” She knew what it meant? Yet why didn’t she react immediately? And she was actually letting me, even knowing what it means. Maybe she likes it?

“I mean why say it in Chinese and not just plain English?” she continued. I tried to detect any feeling of pleasure in her voice, but there was none.

“Eh, you’d prefer if I call you Darling?” I said hesitantly.

She just shrugged. “I better go to the kitchen and help Wookie,” she said, getting up.


Okay? So she’s letting me call her Darling. Yes! Wait ‘till the guys hear it. >:D My mood was actually better, even with the bad weather.

~Ryeowook’s POV~

“Hey!” you greeted me. Even without turning around, I could tell it was her. Well, duh. She’s the only girl in this house.

“Hi,” I greeted back, pausing at what I was doing and gave her a warm smile.

“So~” she cooed. “What are you going to call me?” How did she know?

She answered even before I could ask her. “Hankyung just told me. So, what’s your nickname for me?”

“You really want to know?”

“Of course. So I can tell you if I will let you or not.”

“Soul Mate. Because, you know, I think we really get along well with each other.” I hope she doesn’t think I’m way too ahead of myself.

“Soul mate, huh,” she said then paused. Uh-oh. What does that pause mean? I gave my head a shake and told myself to stop being paranoid.

“Well, it sounds okay.” She suddenly said, then gave me a smile. I also smiled in relief.

So the entire time I was cooking, she just sat there at the stool and watched me. Then she and Sungmin, who joined us a little later, set our breakfast, which is bacon and eggs, in our Dining Room while I called the guys.

~Your POV~

I actually woke up early today and decided that I should help Wookie, only to find Hankyung in the living room and ended up talking with him for a bit. I found out about stuffs, weird stuffs, and proceeded to the kitchen. Wookie and I talked some then I just watched him. When everything was done, he went to tell the guys that breakfast was ready while Sungmin and I set the table. And looking at Sungmin, I wondered what kind of nickname he came up for me. Hankyung’s was, hmm, unexpected and Wookie’s was, I dunno, just right. I wonder what I would feel at the other guys’ pick.

“So, how was your sleep, Princess?” Sungmin suddenly asked. And I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. I mean, come on, Princess? XD. Well, I guess it was Sungmin-like.

“So what are you? A prince?” I teased.

“Not just any kind of prince,” he said, not minding my teasing at all. “But your very OWN prince.” To which I laughed really hard. Sungmin’s so~ corny, yet funny.

“What’s so funny guys?” Kangin asked as he entered the room.

Oooh~ Here’s my so-called Daddy. “Sungmin said he’s my prince,” I told him when I finally stopped laughing.

“He did?” He turned to Sungmin. “Yah. Sungmin-ah, don’t flirt with my little girl.”

“Pabo,” I muttered as I hit Kangin’s shoulder.

He acted like he was hurt and faked cried, “Omo, my little girl just hit me and called me stupid. Am I a bad daddy?”

I laughed again and this time, Sungmin was laughing with me.

“Hyung, acting is not your field at all,” Sungmin told Kangin in-between fits of laughter.

“Yah. Stop laughing with my little girl,” he scolded Sungmin.

“But Daddy~, your little girl will be sad if you take away her friend,” I said, clinging to his arm, pouting a little.

I don’t know what made me do that but I was suddenly in the mood to play along with whatever they were up to. Even with the nickname thing. After Hankyung told me the truth, I figured it was fine. I was actually kind-of flattered that somehow, I mattered to them, enough to make them come up with a nickname for me. And now, playing along with their jokes and acts just feels natural to me like I’d been doing this for a long time already.

But Kangin suddenly froze the moment I pouted. But he recovered his composure – more like forced himself to recover- and said, “Aigoo~ Daddy can’t do that now, can he? My little girl is just so cute to say no to~” he said fatherly, pinching me on the process, but he was blushing, blushing! XD, when he said and did all that. “Well, go and play along then,” he said, taking off my hands from his arm and slightly shoving me to Sungmin.


I unknowingly ended up hugging Sungmin. The push was so sudden that I had to hold on to him for support. Sungmin’s body stiffened at my hold, like he was really nervous. And the way I could hear his heart hammering against his chest, I could tell that he really was nervous, and for some unknown reason, my heart was suddenly beating faster than usual, too.

“Ahem,” knowing coughs found their ways to my ears. I looked around and found the guys, with their hands covering their eyes, but still peeking through holes, staring at us, with embarrassed expressions.

“Yah! What kind of father are you?” Leeteuk accused Kangin. “Allowing your daughter to hug guys early in the morning!”


Upon realizing what he said, I pulled away from Sungmin. “It was an accident,” I said defensively.

“My my. I’m a little sad,” Hankyung faked sulking. “My Darling is actually hugging another guy right in front of my innocent eyes.”

“Yah! Who’s your darling, Hyung?” Donghae, Sungmin, Ryeowook, Kibum, Yesung and Siwon asked in unison. What a weird combination.

"you, of course. Who else?”And with that, he placed his arm around me and stirred me to a chair. “Shall we eat, Darling~?”

I was holding the urge to laugh as I scanned everyone’s reaction. I’m sure Hankyung is enjoying every second right now.

“Hyung, please let go of her,” Donghae, who sat beside me, politely asked. Then there were others who were much demanding.

And that’s how our noisy breakfast started.

And during the messy breakfast, I learned their nicknames for me. Hmmm. It wasn’t that bad. I could live with it. 



Er. The chapter was probably babbling about random things and bored you guys XD

It's the only thing that I could actually think of for the moment. And I really wanted to update since today marks the 1st month of my fic XD, yey! It's been one month now! Hurray :))

Thank you guys! I couldn't have written this far without your support ^^. THANK YOU <3<3<3.

And again, sorry if the chapter was kind of random. The next one won't be :D

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izzie_inlove #3
I've been reading this in one sitting, and I love it! I'm cheering for Kibum~ GO KIBUMMY! *goes back to watch I Love Italy*
cHoKyUhYuN03 #4
So she's probably gonna choose Donghae or Kyu, right? I'm still Kibum biased... So, hopefully he might be able to get a bigger part?
Wow, tough choice... :/
update !!!!!!!!!!!!1
th_oneandonly #8
Yay! You updated!
th_oneandonly #9
Update soon! I've been a silent reader .. Kind of.. Please update soon!