Could My Life Get More Awesome?

Which One Is My Mr. Right?

~Your POV~

Today was actually kind of great. I had my hand finally held by a boy for the very first time. Even the walk back home was fun, with the guys constantly teasing each other who had the best aim and who had the weakest arm. 
The first day of the Quarter Festival was actually perfect, despite what I thought at the start of the day.
When we got home, we immediately dispersed into each of our rooms to shower up and changed for dinner. So after freshening up, I headed downstairs to help Ryeowook with dinner, and by help, I mean sit around and watch him do all the work.
Before I got out though, I remembered my English homework. So I grabbed my script from my backpack and started scanning my lines when I got to the kitchen.
“Wow! I actually have it easy, Wookie,” I told Ryeowook, who was busy cooking, as I flipped through the pages. “I only have like, 2 parts, 3 lines and 2 so- wait, WHAT? I have to sing?! At the start and at the end?!”
Ryeowook chuckled at my outburst. “I thought you had it easy.”
“This is ridiculous. The song ! And my voice will probably mo-” my insides turned ice as I stumbled along the last few pages. Oh this isn’t good. This isn’t good at all.
“If I were that script, I’d be crying out for help, you know,” someone said from the kitchen doorway.
I didn’t look up. Instead, I started noticing that the edges of the script were crumpled. I didn’t realize I was gripping it earlier.
When I didn’t respond, Kibum slid beside the stool next to mine and asked in a sudden worried tone, “Hey, are you okay?”
Upon hearing the question, Ryeowook also spun around to me.
“Yeah, the color of your face is off. What’s the matter?” he asked, his attention fully on me, his cooking momentarily forgotten.
At the sudden attention and the two worried looks in front of me, I realized that maybe, I was overreacting.
“Naah, I’m totally fine,” I said, waving them off as I closed the script. “Just a bit nervous about the singing thing. In our English play,” I added when Kibum put up a confused look. “You all know what happened on the first day of school, right? I’m just a little scared.” This wasn’t really a lie since I AM scared of singing in front of yet another big crowd.
The two of them believed me and immediately started boosting up my confidence. 
“Don’t worry about that. You’ll handle it well. We’ll help you prepare this time,” Kibum assured me.
“Yeah, we have Yesung-hyung and Kyuhyun to give you singing tips,” Ryeowook added before returning to his dish.
If only that was my only problem. Sighing inwardly, I laid my head against the kitchen table.
I wonder why I didn’t realize before. This is a freaking Snow White play we’re talking about. Of course the “handsome prince” a.k.a ME! has to kiss his beloved Snow White, which, in this case, is none other than… Donghae.
Why couldn’t fate let me have one single perfect day?
Not that I’m against the idea of kissing Donghae, it’s just that, OH WAIT. I AM AGAINST JUST THAT. I can’t even believe I thought that. It just sounds so weird. It’s Donghae we’re talking about! Hot, gorgeous, attractive Donghae.
WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING NOW?! Since when did I think of Donghae as hot and gorgeous, although I think I did admit to everyone that he was attractive. Wait, those three are the same.
Seriously, I’m blabbing. It’s just that I’m scared. I know I said rule #2 states that love isn’t necessarily associated with physical contact but still, this is MY FIRST KISS! I have every right to freak out! He already held my hand, now he’s going to get my first kiss too?
What if he isn’t my Mr. Right?! a part of my mind screamed.
But what if he actually is? another part, just a tiny one, told me.
Ohgaaawwwwwwdddd. My mind is so messed up right now just because of that one stupid scene. I shouldn’t have read the script after all.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Kibum asked again, giving my arm a gentle squeeze.
I rearranged my facial expression into a brighter one since he was watching me so closely. “Uh-huh!” I chirped. “No need to worry.”
I am such a liar.
~Kibum's POV~
Something wasn't right with you today.
She was already acting strange while we were in the kitchen. But she acted even stranger when we got to the TV room. She avoided Donghae-hyung straightforwardly, not even bothering to be subtle. Then she insisted that we sit at the edge of the farthest row.
 Is she suddenly mad at him for something? But she picked Donghae hyung to be the prize date. Maybe she didn’t like how their date turned out? Nah, she isn’t that kind of girl.
Tonight, we were watching an American film called John Tucker Must Die. The hyungs guaranteed it was funny and would probably keep everyone awake. I bet they picked it for the benefit of you since the previous Movie night didn’t end well when she had fallen asleep.
And I could tell she was trying her best to stay awake during the entire movie, seeing she kept shutting her eyes and shaking her head. The previous movie night must have really had its effect on her.
So I let her be and decided to focus on the movie myself. In the middle of it, I checked to see if you was still awake and I saw a look of concentration on her face. I followed her gaze and discovered it wasn’t directed at the movie, it was at Donghae-hyung.
What in the world is going on? I couldn’t help thinking.
And just when I was about to focus on the movie again, you did the whole shutting her eyes and shaking her head thing again. And I don’t know if it was my imagination playing on me but I could have sworn at that moment that she was blushing, in the dark, while her gaze lingered on Donghae-hyung.
I felt my heart sank at the sudden realization.
She likes him.
~Your POV~
The movie finally ended. After squeaking a “goodnight” to Kibum, I dashed out of my seat before he could muster a response.
What the heck was am I supposed to do when I was sure as hell that my face was blushing so hard. He was bound to ask me what was wrong, again. And I couldn’t tell him why.
The stupid play scene was still stuck in my head. I didn’t spare even one glance at Donghae during dinner. I didn’t know if he read the script already and I was pretty much not in any rush to find out.
And when he approached me in the TV room, I acted like he wasn’t there and stayed away as far as possible. And even then, during the entire movie, as I watched the characters kissed, my eyes kept darting to Donghae and the faces in the screen would suddenly changed into him and mine, and I had to shut off my eyes and shake off the freaking stupid thought. And it happened more than once! And I couldn't beat back the blush that had started coloring my cheek.
Kibum must have thought I was nuts. > // <
And apparently so, he does. Think that I’m nuts, I mean. And he’s here to confirm it. Because why else would he call my name, not the nickname he thought take note!, just when I was about to open my door.
“Hmmm?” I said, afraid that I would start blabbing about my problem once I said more.
“Um, I just want to confirm,” he paused, staring hard at the floor. Uh-oh! Here it comes! “Um, do you…,” he looked up right into my eyes, “do you like Donghae-hyung?”
And just when I thought my night couldn’t possibly get any worse, I realized Donghae was right there at the end of the hallway, wearing a blank face, also waiting for the answer to Kibum’s question.
GREAT. What a perfect day.
Could my life get more awesome?
And if you didn't notice, THAT, was dripping with sarcasm. 
So. Um, I’m not sure if you still know how the story goes given that I haven’t updated in 3 months. TT o TT. I’m really sorry.
I didn’t really know what to do with this fic anymore. And I don’t know what came over me today that I was FINALLY able to finish a chapter. Hopefully, you guys still remember what this is about. ^^.
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izzie_inlove #3
I've been reading this in one sitting, and I love it! I'm cheering for Kibum~ GO KIBUMMY! *goes back to watch I Love Italy*
cHoKyUhYuN03 #4
So she's probably gonna choose Donghae or Kyu, right? I'm still Kibum biased... So, hopefully he might be able to get a bigger part?
Wow, tough choice... :/
update !!!!!!!!!!!!1
th_oneandonly #8
Yay! You updated!
th_oneandonly #9
Update soon! I've been a silent reader .. Kind of.. Please update soon!