The Fairy Gave Me A Quick Visit

Which One Is My Mr. Right?


~Your POV~

Okay. I don't know what's up with Kangin all of a sudden. Saying he'll protect me and stuff. Yesterday, he wasn't even talking to me. Really. What exactly did I say last night that made him like that? Made them like that? Because you see, it wasn’t only Kangin that was suddenly talking to me, all of them were, well except Heechul.

During Dancing Lessons, Eunhyuk had asked me to be his partner for our assignment, which had obviously earned me glares from the crazy fan girls. But I was grateful because I seriously don’t know how to dance but still, I found it weird that he’d asked me and not Leeteuk. During lunch time, I hang out at the rooftop to avoid the fan girls but somehow, Donghae and Shindong, oh yes, Shindong, one of the many who suddenly decided to talk to me today, found me there and they had even brought lunch. Can you believe that?

"What? You didn't have to bring me lunch. I'm your maid." I had reminded Donghae for the nth time.

"Well, I didn't, I mean we didn't really mean to. It's just that Wookie cooked so much for us that we wanted to share. Since everyone had their own lunch already, we decided to share it with you," Donghae had explained.

"That's right. So let's eat~" Shindong had urged.

I had stared at them both and had wondered what in the world happened. It really wasn't like of them to do that. Well, Donghae? Perhaps. But Shindong? Not sure. But maybe he just got dragged by Donghae. Awww. Donghae's just so... then I had remembered that he knew what I think of him, sort of, so after giving myself a little shake, I had decided to just go along with them to avoid complicated thoughts.

The rest of the afternoon had kind of went the same. In Acting Lessons and Composing Lessons, they had given me an adequate amount of attention that was enough to earn me another set of glares from the surrounding female classmates.

That's how the school day had ended.

So here I am now, sitting in my room, wondering if this sudden change was for the better. I mean, would it make my mission easier? Now that they’re all talking to me? Would I really find the one? What if I won’t? What if-


“Think positive, my dear,” someone suddenly said. And I had recognized the voice immediately.

“Dear? Is that something you should call someone you cursed?” I scoffed. Yes. It was the fairy. I wasn’t really that surprised. I had expected her to show up and ask me about how I was doing and I had been right. Because her next question went, “Ho-ho. Touchy as ever. So~ how’s your stay so far? My neph- I mean- the boys, how are they treating you? Are they nice to you?”

Somehow, even if she really was the one who was responsible for all of this, she does worry about me. I simply don’t know why.

“So~?” she prodded when I didn’t answer.

“Everything’s okay, I guess. I mean, for some unknown reason, they’re suddenly talking to me now. And some of them are really nice, so I guess, yeah, I’m fine.” It wasn’t really unknown but it was so tiresome to explain. I didn’t even know the whole thing.

“Really? Which one of them was really nice?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Why do you want to know?”


Really. Why does she act like a kid sometimes? I mean, you couldn’t really tell that she cursed someone. And you know what, I don’t even hate her.

“Well, there was Donghae, Ryeowook, Sungmin and Kibum. Can’t really say much about the others yet.”

“Hmm-hmmm,” she nodded, as if she already expected my answer.

“So anyway, I didn’t really ask last time, um, how am I going to find my Mr. Right?”

“Easy. Fall in love with one of them and if you don’t die then that’s him,” she said, totally smiling.

I gaped at her. “Are you kidding me?”

“Not really, Sweetheart. I mean that’s probably what you have to do.” Upon seeing my horrified expression, she added in a gentle tone, “Relax, you. You won’t die, okay? Trust me. Just. Fall in love. Let your heart do all the work for you and sit back and relax. That’s all I can tell you.”

Then *poof*. She vanished as sudden as she had come.

Like her advice made any sense. Let my heart do all the work? Yeah right. As if this was actually going to be that easy.

Someone knocked on the door.

“Hey. Time to eat,” Ryeowook said, smiling at me as I opened the door.

“Er… You cooked already?” Oh boy. I’m owing Ryeowook a lot.

you, you can’t cook. So let me handle it for you,” he said, half-teasing half-serious.

“Thanks Wookie,” I said. I just had the feeling that calling him by his nickname was okay. And yeah, it sounded okay.

His smile grew wider. “Hey, I should give you a nickname.” He started walking towards the stairs. I closed the door and followed him. “Like what?”

“Hmmm. Let me think about it.”

We reached the living room when Ryeowook said he couldn’t think of anything so he’d give me a nickname later. The food was pleasant. Ryeowook was an awesome cook. The atmosphere was the same as this morning. The awkwardness was gone and everyone was enjoying the meal with light conversations.

Yesung helped me with the dishes. After that, he told me everyone was at the other living room, the one with the TV.

“Hey. Um, if you want, I can help you with your singing,” Yesung said while we were on our way to the other side of the mansion.

 “You would?” was all I said in response. I couldn’t really say anything because of surprise. There wasn’t really a problem with my singing, just that I can’t sing with an audience, but still, it was nice of him to offer. Of course I would decline.

“Uh-huh. I know your voice is totally fine, just that you don’t sing well in public so I’m going to give you some tips about it. Is that okay?”

Did he just read my mind?

I found myself nodding at his question.

“Good.” He smiled to himself.

We reached the living room. Most of them were sprawled on the carpet, some were on the couch. “So why are we all here again?” I asked.

“To hangout, silly. What else?” I looked around and saw that it was Hankyung.

“Why? Are you embarrassed? Especially with me here?” I’m sure you know who said that.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Geez, Kyuhyun. Just because my sleeping state told you that you were attractive doesn’t mean it’s true.”

“So why were you staring at me during class?” The question earned me curious glances from the guys.

Great. He just had to bring that up. “I was scanning the whole room, duh, not staring at you.”

“Really? Then why did you look embarrassed when I caught you?” Is he really going to be this difficult?

“Fine. So I found you attractive ONCE, but F-Y-I, not anymore,” I said just to shut him up. “In fact, I find,” I paused, looked around and said the name of the guy I saw first, “Shindong WAY more attractive than you do.” Which wasn’t entirely a lie. Shindong was adorable and that’s attractive, right?

That silenced him, all of them actually. Then Shindong went, “Awww. That was so sweet. Come here and let me give you a hug.” And before I could say anything, he stood up and walked to me. Then he threw his arms around… Kangin? Ehhhh????

Kangin was suddenly between us. “Ep. Ep. Ep. Did you think you can just sneak up on my little girl like that? Nuh-uh. No one’s getting a hug from her,” he said, shaking his head.

Everyone looked back and forth from Kangin to me.

“You’re what?” Donghae finally asked.

“My little girl,” said smugly.

“Yah. What do you mean you’re ‘little girl’?” It was Leeteuk. Oh no. Is he joining this stupid conversation as well?

Then an eruption of protest began. Only Heechul was silent about it.

But really? I can’t believe they’re doing this. How am I supposed to get to know them all better if they start yelling at each other once I start getting close to one of them? Hmmm. Does that mean I matter to them? I can at least assume that, right?

Let my heart do the work, huh. Great advice. Really great advice. Not.



A really late update. Sorry~ And it probably isn't much. 

And yeah, Orerai's right, I've reached 50+ subbies, THANK YOU GUYS <3 ^^ Really, thanks for your support :DD

Hope you enjoyed reading. ^^.

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izzie_inlove #3
I've been reading this in one sitting, and I love it! I'm cheering for Kibum~ GO KIBUMMY! *goes back to watch I Love Italy*
cHoKyUhYuN03 #4
So she's probably gonna choose Donghae or Kyu, right? I'm still Kibum biased... So, hopefully he might be able to get a bigger part?
Wow, tough choice... :/
update !!!!!!!!!!!!1
th_oneandonly #8
Yay! You updated!
th_oneandonly #9
Update soon! I've been a silent reader .. Kind of.. Please update soon!