
Which One Is My Mr. Right?

~Your POV~

Besides the messy breakfast, the rest of the day was normal. Even with the rain, the girls were still screaming their heads off when the boys arrived. They still shot me glares with no apparent reason. And I still ended up eating at the rooftop, only this time, Marie and Max, for some unknown reason, joined me. The only thing different about today was every time the guys see me, they call me with the nicknames they came up with, which, by the way, only earned me another set of curious glares from their crazy fans.

And truth be told, the routine was pretty much followed the next day. Breakfast, Kyu’s annoying remarks, school, screams, Donghae and Wookie’s thoughtfulness, glares, lunch, Kibum or Sungmin or another guy shows up, more glares, home.

And Friday was the same, well, almost the same.

My last class, Hosting class, had just ended. Sungmin and Hankyung had already gone to the bus where the others were waiting and I was just walking to get there, when all of a sudden, a guy blocked my way.

Like seriously, he just dashed forward, stretched his arms sideward and yelled, “Wait! Wait! Please wait.” And when I did stop, like I had a choice anyway, I mean he was like, right in front of me, he exhaled and yelled, again, “My name is Henry! Will you go out with me?”


“I really like you. Please go out with me,” he said, this time with a bow.

Helooked up, his eyes hopeful. He looked so adorable I was actually tempted to say yes.  It was only a date after all. Right? It was a harmless little friendly d-

“I’m sorry.”

I was surprised to hear the words because it was definitely not me who said it.

~Heechul’s POV~

What a boring day. Sometimes I wonder why on earth I am here.

I was walking on the hallway with these thoughts on my mind. I was heading for the gate where the others were waiting, when out of nowhere, I heard someone yell, “Will you go out with me?” In normal circumstances, I would have ignored it and would have headed straight for the bus. But now wasn’t like any other situations because the girl who was just confessed to was… our maid.

Without any warning, my feet just moved and I suddenly found myself saying, “I’m sorry.”

Maid’s head snapped in surprise to my approaching figure. She stared at me as if I was from another planet. “I’m sorry,” I said again as I tugged Maid’s backpack, “but she has plans.”

And with that, I started walking, towing Maid at the same time. So Maid was walking, more like dragged, backwards.

When the guy was out of sight, Maid struggled to free her backpack from my hold. I let her go immediately. Now that the threat, I mean the guy, was gone, I returned to my usual demeanor.

“What was that all about?” she asked, one of her eyebrow rose.

Hmmm. Now that I think about it, I don’t have a single clue why I did that.So I shrugged her question off and began walking again.

“Yah! You rejected him for me and you don’t have an explanation why you did that?” she asked, incredulous.

I turned around and said, “That’s right. I rejected him for you, shouldn’t you thank me then? Because the way I see it, I actually saved you from an embarrassing situation."

But the look on her face told me otherwise. What?! Was she going to say yes if I had not interfered?

“Why are you even talking to me?” she asked as she started walking as well.

Good question. I don’t know the answer myself.  “Why shouldn’t I? We live in the same house, that’s normal,” I said instead.

She eyed me and muttered, “You’re weird,” before walking ahead. I guess she was just surprised that I was suddenly treating her normally. Why hadn’t I treated her normally before anyway?

I racked my brain for the answer. Oh wait, right. It was because of the ridiculous mission where I’m –we’re– supposed to make her fall for me –us–.

~Kyuhyun’s POV~

Finally! It’s Saturday tomorrow. And do you know what that means?

Starcraft wholeday! Oh yeah!~

I was humming a nice and happy tone as I was entering my room when my phone suddenly rang. I looked at the caller ID. It was Henry.

“Hey buddy. What’s up?” I asked in this really in-high-spirits voice.

“Kyuhyunnie~, I have a favor to ask you. Will you help me?” His voice was the opposite of mine.

“What’s wrong?”

“You see, there’s this girl that I like…”

“So? Ask her out.”

“I did but your cousin interfered. I think he likes her.”

“What? Which cousin?” Wow, this is news. I’m going to have something new to tease them with. Kekeke >:D.

“It’s Kim Heechul.”

“What?! Heechul-hyung?! Are you sure?” Heechul-hyung? Liking a girl? O.o

“Yes, Kyu. When you was about to give me her answer, Heechul-ssi just popped in, rejected me and dragged her away.”

“WHAT?!! The girl you like is you?” This is even bigger news: Hyung liking the maid.

“Uh-huh. So help me Kyu. Ask Heechul-ssi if he really likes her and if he doesn’t, I’ll ask her again.”

Suddenly, a plan began to form on my head. I knew exactly what to do. >:D

“My my Henry. It seems that you really like you.”

“I do, Kyu. And I’d do anything just to take her out on a date.”

Awww. Poor Henry. “Don’t worry buddy, I’ll do more than just that. Just wait, okay?” I assured him.

“Really? Thanks, Kyu. You’re the best.”

“I know, right? Kekeke~ I’ll call you later then.”

“Okay. Bye, Kyuhyunnie~ Thanks again.”

And the line was cut off.

~Your POV~

“What else do you need, Wookie?” I asked as I handed him the knife.

He looked around and said, “I think I have everything,” with a smile.

“Okay,” I muttered and took my place in my usual stool and began watching him do his thing –cooking.

I couldn’t help but think about what happened earlier this day. Why in the world did Heechul meddle? For the past few days, it was clear by his actions that he wanted nothing to do with me. And now he suddenly shows up doing the most unexpected thing?

And was he right? Should I have thanked him instead? I wasn’t really planning to say yes, was I? And even if I did say yes, there wasn’t any harm in it, right? It was just a date. Right?

“There you are,” I heard someone said. I spun around, finding Kyuhyun, with a smirk on his face, leaning on the kitchen door.

I gave him a frosty stare before turning back to watch Wookie again. I found out in the last few days that I had developed a defense mechanism against Kyuhyun. Meaning, whenever he was around, my guard would be up, turning myself cold and unresponsive.

He chuckled at my actions. “I was planning to change my mind but it seems like you’re giving me a reason to stick with the plan.”


He entered the kitchen and sat on the stool beside mine.

“Nemesis, I have the perfect prank for you,” he proclaimed, smiling down at me. If I didn’t know that he was purely evil, I would have melted at his smile.

But wait! What is he talking about?!

Before I could ask him, he took off from his chair and left the kitchen with an evil chuckle.

Just what is he planning to do?



Please Read ^^

Hey guys! I'm really sorry for only updating now ><

And I kind-of need your help. It's just that I'm having a hard time thinking of scenes when I don't know who the girl's going to end up with. So can I ask you to vote? I was thinking of making a poll but there are 13 guys. So would you please just put it on a comment?Just comment the name of the SJ member you want her to end up with. Pretty please? ^^

Thanks. Love lots <3. ^^.


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izzie_inlove #3
I've been reading this in one sitting, and I love it! I'm cheering for Kibum~ GO KIBUMMY! *goes back to watch I Love Italy*
cHoKyUhYuN03 #4
So she's probably gonna choose Donghae or Kyu, right? I'm still Kibum biased... So, hopefully he might be able to get a bigger part?
Wow, tough choice... :/
update !!!!!!!!!!!!1
th_oneandonly #8
Yay! You updated!
th_oneandonly #9
Update soon! I've been a silent reader .. Kind of.. Please update soon!