
This One Thing

It’s been a few days since you last saw Jeon Jungkook. Not that you’ve been counting.

You finally get a break from both school and work. You’re about to leave your room, when you recall the mark on your finger. You’ve been covering it with a band aid so far, so Jun and Jaeun wouldn’t notice. But the band aid isn’t on your finger. You rush to the bathroom to find one, finally able to relax when you find it.

Jun made breakfast, and you sit in front of the TV watching the morning news when Jaeun comes out of her room and changes the channel.

“Are you ever going to get tired of those crazy boys?” Jun stares at her.


“Didn’t think so. At least Hayoung isn’t as crazy as you.”

“Is that 12:30? Turn it up!” You command Jaeun, and she does as you say. You shout your fan chants, even if they can’t hear you, you’re still supporting your favorite group. “When was this broadcast from?”


“Ah. If only I wasn’t working, I could have gone to see them!”

The song ends and then you hear a familiar melody. The blond one starts rapping. That’s when you suddenly remember the mark on your finger. He must have it too. Even if you haven’t seen it, mostly because you were too busy running away from him.

Then he starts to sing, and something about his smile really throws you off. He looks genuinely happy. Then you notice, he has a lot of rings on his hands. At least 6. “Of course. How else would you hide that without being too obvious.”

“What are you talking about?” Jun looks confused.

“Jeon Jungkook.”  You say.

“What!” Both Jun and Jaeun look at you in confusion.

You finish eating without saying much, lost in your own thoughts. You decide to avoid your pile of homework and go shopping instead. You buy a couple of skirts, some shirts, and a few sweaters since it’ll be winter in a few months. Jaeun texts you to bring her something to eat for dinner, since Jun is out with friends. You pick something up on your way home.

On the subway, you hear some really strange things.

“Gikwang, how could he do that?”

“It’s ridiculous!”

The train stops, and you hurry home with all you bags and the food. You set down the bags. Jaeun takes the food without a second thought. You look at your phone. “Gikwang soulmate” is trending. So is “Beast Gikwang girlfriend” and “Gikwang hands”. You collapse onto the floor.

You look at the photo. Gikwang, holding hands with a girl. Both of their hands marked. The photos taken by Dispatch break your heart because it means that it’s true.

You get up slowly, and walk to your room. You lay there, in your bed, completely destroyed.

Jaeun knocks on the door. “Hayoung do you want food or?”

“You can have it all.” You voice comes out dryly.

“Oh. Okay.” She carefully closes the door. Even though she knows exactly what’s wrong, she knows it’s best not to bother you.

You cry for a long time. Not because Gikwang is your bias. Not because he’s not yours. Deep inside you knew there was no hope, from the moment you heard Jeon Jungkook’s name. You cry because you’re not sure how long Gikwang has been hiding this secret. Has he suffered trying to keep his love a secret?

He’s obviously been dating the girl for a while. You refresh the screen on your phone. Cube has confirmed that Gikwang is in fact dating the girl. There are no other details given.

What about the rest of the group? Did they know? You cry, as the worst thought comes to your mind. You wouldn’t be able to live without your favorite group.

Suddenly the door opens and Subin enters the room and starts rummaging through your closet, finally holding up two dresses, both black.


“The one with the glitter.” You say, sitting up, and she throws the dress at you.




After hitting up 3 clubs you decide to go eat something. Subin’s family owns a restaurant, so you go there.

“Halmoni! What are you still doing awake!” Subin sounds upset as you enter the restaurant.

“I already told you I will cook until I die! Aigoo, you brought your friend! Hayoung how is Jun?”

“He’s alright. Still a None.” You answer. There’s only three other boys in the restaurant, and they all have their hoods up. One of them turns around when they hear your voice, smiling. He turns back to the other boys.

“Fate is real.” He says.

“Didn’t we tell you it was Kookie?”

“Yah stop looking over there, just look at us and maybe we’ll get to hear their conversation.”




“How did you know I was upset?” You find yourself asking Subin.

“I saw ‘Gikwang’s hands’ trending, okay? I’m your best friend I think I would know when to take you out.” She makes a kissy face at you, and you laugh.

“But Hayoung did you hurt yourself?” She grabs your hand, and the worn band aid around your finger falls, revealing the black mark. Her eyes widen and suddenly she looks angry.

“Subin I was going to tell you but-

She takes a deep breath. “Does anyone else know?”

“No I haven’t told anyone.” Subin lets out her breath, all too happily. There is laughter heard from another table. You almost turn around but then Subin’s halmoni brings the food.

“Yah why are you laughing!” Jungkook asks in a worried whisper.

“She’s keeping you a secret!” Taehyung laughs even more.

Jimin catches his breath. “Oh I think I just grew some more abs! Don’t you see, she cares about you.” He smiles at his own comment, starring at his blank finger. “Where are you, my love?”

“Subin, you have to promise not to tell anyone.”

“Okay. I won’t tell anyone.”

“His name is… Jeon Jungkook.” You say as quietly as possible. Subin looks up at you, and stops eating. “What?”

“Did you save a country in your past life? Do you know how many girls would kill to date Jungkook? Do you even know?”

The boys try really hard to not laugh, Jungkook looks like their words are news to him.

“But Subin, did you ever think that I don’t want to date Jungkook?”

The boys faces all turn serious.

“Why don’t you want to date me?”  Jungkook turns around, and his eyes meet Hayoung’s. She looks down at the food. Everyone else is the room is speechless. Did he really just do that? He can’t even believe it. Regardless, he follows through with his act. He gets up and walks over to the girls, sitting down next to Hayoung.

He stares at his hand. “Do you see this? This is the one thing you can’t escape. This mark, it’s stuck on both of our fingers, forever. Jung Hayoung, do you realize what that means? You’re going to have to give in to me eventually.” He says harshly. She looks at him angrily, and he holds her stare tentatively. He’s not sure if she can see right through him.

His words set her on fire. What happened to the cute kid who tried to approach her last time? Did he leave that side at home? “Oh really. We’ll just have to see how wrong your words are then.”

“And if I’m right?”

“I’ll marry you.”

Hi there my lovely subbies! I apoligize for taking so long to update this! Kind of a rough week at school~ but it's all good for now ^^ i hope you enjoy today's update :D

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Chapter 1: Holy crap, this is such a beautiful concept! Thank you for writing, I can’t wait to read the rest!!
Chapter 20: So, I just found this fanfic... I can't get enough!! Please update as soon as poossible \(^_^)/
I'm SO Happy you updated!!! This story keeps getting better pls dont leave us hanging for too long authornim! ^^
Alyssaluvsehun #4
Chapter 20: Omg now I'm wondering what'll happen when hayoung remembers her past life:/ update soon authornim<3 hwaiting
Panda12XOXO #5
Chapter 19: Crying and whining jk sobs bcus theres no chapter after 19 i hv tk sacrifice my time for today's night from studying XD
Park_Jimins_wife #6
Chapter 19: The dream is confusing me!!! And what does jungkook mean by the scar that he did on hayoung?!?!?, omg this is sooo interesting and i'm getting so confused!! i really like this story (new reader btw) because i cant tell what is going to happen which makes it really good!! I wish that when u find ur soulmate, there will be a black ring on your finger (like this story), so that u dont have to get hurt about breakups and u know who u really is going to end up with!!! Anyways pls pls pls update soon!!
Chapter 18: I love how hayoung always has to remind jungkook to breathe XD also "why does he have mittens on?it's summer" was adorable ♡.♡
Chapter 18: The prologue killed me. I shall be holding my funeral with fellow ARMYs XD
OMG I thought you were gone *hugs you very tightly*
rubilizbeth07 #9
YASSS!! Can't stop reading
Chapter 17: *takes cookie gladly* author-nim I missed you!!!ㅠ.ㅠ
I thought you might not come back *cries*