
This One Thing

“I want to go on a picnic!” He whines.

“Jungkook isn’t it a bit hot for a picnic?”

“Ahh… yeah. But not right now. I mean its noon still and you’re working.”

“Oh, right.” You completely forgot you were still at work for a second.

“Noona…” He sighs deeply.

You’re really tired, as usual from the morning shift. You sigh as well. “Fine. We can go.”

“GREAT I KNOW A PERFECT SPOT IT’S GOT A GORGEOUS VIEW! Oh and by the way I’m already halfway to the shop.”

“JUNGKOOK.” You roll your eyes into the next dimension. You’re trying to hide your smile, you love when he decides to visit you, but you don’t like when your coworkers tease you forever.

“Oh. I mean, I’ll see you in a few. Bye noona!” You hear his chuckle on the other line before he hangs up for good.

He’s decided to mess with you today, and if the phone call didn’t make you sure enough of that, the fact that he showed up the last 5 minutes of your shift made it clear enough.

You act like you don’t notice him sitting in the corner but your coworkers still tease you relentlessly, mostly because they remember the day you met.

After you clock out you walk right out and he walks a few steps behind you. He pulls at your hair, and you try to ignore it. But he pulls at it again, so you turn around and he buries his face in your neck as he hugs you tightly.

“Why are you ignoring me Hayoung?”

“Why did you come?”

“Ah I get it. You’re embarrassed. That’s too bad. Because I plan to spend the whole day with you my love.” He backs away slowly, looking you in the eye. “Wow you’re colder than the AC. But you’re really cute when you’re mad you know that?”

You turn the other way and his fingers pull at yours. “Hayoung, the grocery store is this way.”

You laugh and walk with him, although really it’s such a bad idea for you two to shop together. Jungkook wants to put everything in the cart so you just decide to have him push it and you pick out the ingredients for the picnic food.

“Hayoungie can we get some watermelon?”

“Jungkook watermelon is too expensive.”

“I’ll pay for it.” He says, and starts to grab one.

“Jungkook.” You eye him, as you’re looking for something else.

You find it after two seconds and Jungkook is halfway to the cart with the watermelon.

“Jungkook, don’t you dare put that watermelon in there.”

“I said I’m paying for it!”

“And I said we’re not getting it.”

He puts on his puppy face, and you laugh. “It’s not going to work.”

“Jagi, I said I’ll pay.”

“Okay but put the thing in the cart already it looks heavy.” Not that he can’t carry it, if anything he’s been working out. But really you just need him to put the watermelon down before either it or he gets hurt.

Jungkook smiles and tries to hide why he’s laughing.

“Let’s go already.” You say. He pushes the cart happily after you.

As promised, he pays for the watermelon. You walk with him and he helps you carry the groceries all the way to your house, but all along the way you notice people starring at you.

When you finally get to the house you ask. “Is there something on my face?” He shakes his head in response. “Then why is everyone starring?”

He laughs again, mysteriously.

“What do you know?”

“Everything.” And starts taking things out of the bags.


“I’m not telling you.”

You go to hug his backside, before you attack him with your hands. You try tickling him but the boy is solid rock.

“I’m not telling you.” He says with a solid tone.

“This kid won’t laugh.” You mumble.

“I have 6 hyungs if they can’t tickle me you can’t either.”

“Okay I guess you’re not getting any of the cookies I bought.”

He laughs at your pout and you continue making lunch, although at this speed it might be dinner. Kami comes in when you’re about finished with everything, just wrapping it up.

She lays down on the couch, and hesitates on turning on the TV. She lowers the volume and watches it for a while. Jun was right, the baby really is wearing her out.

“Kami do you want some watermelon?” You ask.

“Do I!” She gets up almost automatically and walks over to you guys. “Oh, but what’s with all this food?”

“We’re going on a picnic.” Jungkook answers.

“A picnic? Oooo.” She says. Her phone vibrates and her expression changes. She sighs, and the she looks over at you.

“Hayoung can you do me a favor?”

“What is it?”

“Can you watch the baby? Jun wants me to come to a dinner tonight and Jaeun hasn’t been home in days.”

“Watch him?”

“But the picnic…” Jungkook mumbles.

“Take him with you. I mean you know how to give him his bottle and honestly he probably won’t wake up for a few hours. I know his sleeping patterns, mostly because he’s messing with mine.”

You look at Jungkook and his eyes are as wide. He looks back and you and smiles, his eyes letting go of the tension they held.

“Okay.” You finally say.

“Thank you so much!” Kami gives you a quick hug before she runs off to change. She comes back with everything you’d need in case the baby woke up. She puts it in the bottom of the stroller, and out the door you go, Jungkook with the picnic basket and you pushing the stroller along.

Jungkook giggles a lot and you can easily tell he’s fascinated by the tiny creature in the stroller.

After about a 15 minute walk, and multiple eyes and heads turning in your direction, you reach the spot Jungkook was talking about. It’s a shade under a nice big tree and it has a gorgeous view.

“It’s soo pretty!”

Jungkook laughs as he sets the blanket down. “I knew you would like it.”

“Oh shut up. Let’s just eat.”

“Whatever you say,” He says before stealing peck on the lips.

Before you can protest Jungkook shoves a cookie down his throat. Everything you’ve made is pretty good so far.



He offers you half of his cookie, and you take it.

“Food tastes so much better when you eat with other people.” He says.

“But you always eat with people Jungkook.”

“But I don’t eat with you…”

He looks directly into your eyes, and he just stares at you.

“What is it?”

He shakes his head and grabs another bite. You stare at the lovely boy next to you, as the wind softly plays with his hair. His smile, not hidden by the food he puts in his mouth.

He turns back to you. “Hey start eating, or else we’ll never get to the watermelon!”

You smile and do as he says. The afternoon is spent with him telling you little stories of what happened on tour, the food he ate in different countries, all the activities they did while they weren’t in their hotel room. You start to wonder how someone so plain like you, somehow could belong to this boy, whose everyday life you could only dream of living.

“What are you thinking of?” he says as he passes you a slice of watermelon. You don’t even recall at what moment he took it out.

“Nothing really. Your life just seems so exciting.”

“Of course it is, because you’re in it. I wouldn’t have had anyone to tell all this to if you weren’t here. I don’t really have anyone other than the hyungs and my family. It’s pretty hard to make friends when you’re famous. That’s why I’m so happy for today. I got to do normal things, with a normal person.” His gaze comes back to you, and you look back into his eyes.

Then the baby’s cries break the silence. “Hold this!” You pass the slice to him instead of putting it on the plate, and you see your little nephew who’s finally awake. You carefully pick him up, but he’s still crying.

Jungkook’s eyes are so big, and he stares from afar. You look up at him, the first word that comes out of your mouth “breathe.”

You see the color come back to his face and you laugh, “Come over here. Don’t you want to hold him?”

Jungkook swallows the lump in his throat, and he nods. “Okay, you have to hold him like this. His head has to be supported well.” You show him, before passing the baby off to him.

“He’s so cute, but why is he crying? Why are you crying?” You giggle at him talking to the baby, as if it could answer. Then his face goes serious. “He didn’t poop did he?”

“No! He would smell really bad right now if he did. He’s just hungry.” You say, and you start to look for the bottle that Kami packed.

“Why does he have mittens on? It’s summer.”

“He’ll scratch his face Jungkook.”

“Ooooo well aren’t you a fussy one mister.” He says, and the baby stops crying. “Omo. Hayoung I think he just smiled at me!”

You giggle even more, he’s having so much fun with it.

“WAIT. This means I’m an uncle! Hayoung! Take a picture. This has to go on twitter!”

“Jungkook we’re not married.”

“Yet.” He says and you see a smirk come back onto his face.

“How about we feed him first?”

“Mmmm okay.” He says, and you teach him how to give him the bottle too. You take a picture while he’s not looking, since you know he’s going to whine if he doesn’t get one later.

Some ladies walking by giggle and comment on what a cute family you make.

Then you remember the scene at the grocery store. There were people starring there too. So this is what he wasn’t telling you?

“Oh! He finished it Hayoung! You were hungry weren’t you?”

“Hey I’m pretty hungry too!” You grab another slice of watermelon.

He directs his attention at you, for a second before focusing back on the baby. “You’re just plain pretty.” He teases.

what up subbies! i'm not dead yet i swear! although that prologue for the pt.2 of the best moment in life got me like X_X

school started about 2 weeks ago i think???? i only even know its wednesday because i have a four hour break between my english and korean classes.



wowwww~ great job author nim~ pls find more time to update in the future! now it's time to go do real homework X_X i hope you guys like the update :D

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Chapter 1: Holy crap, this is such a beautiful concept! Thank you for writing, I can’t wait to read the rest!!
Chapter 20: So, I just found this fanfic... I can't get enough!! Please update as soon as poossible \(^_^)/
I'm SO Happy you updated!!! This story keeps getting better pls dont leave us hanging for too long authornim! ^^
Alyssaluvsehun #4
Chapter 20: Omg now I'm wondering what'll happen when hayoung remembers her past life:/ update soon authornim<3 hwaiting
Panda12XOXO #5
Chapter 19: Crying and whining jk sobs bcus theres no chapter after 19 i hv tk sacrifice my time for today's night from studying XD
Park_Jimins_wife #6
Chapter 19: The dream is confusing me!!! And what does jungkook mean by the scar that he did on hayoung?!?!?, omg this is sooo interesting and i'm getting so confused!! i really like this story (new reader btw) because i cant tell what is going to happen which makes it really good!! I wish that when u find ur soulmate, there will be a black ring on your finger (like this story), so that u dont have to get hurt about breakups and u know who u really is going to end up with!!! Anyways pls pls pls update soon!!
Chapter 18: I love how hayoung always has to remind jungkook to breathe XD also "why does he have mittens on?it's summer" was adorable ♡.♡
Chapter 18: The prologue killed me. I shall be holding my funeral with fellow ARMYs XD
OMG I thought you were gone *hugs you very tightly*
rubilizbeth07 #9
YASSS!! Can't stop reading
Chapter 17: *takes cookie gladly* author-nim I missed you!!!ㅠ.ㅠ
I thought you might not come back *cries*