
This One Thing

“Unnie there’s mail for you!”

“For me?” Jaeun hands you the envelope, pink. Well, this is definitely not a bill.

You wait until you get to school, and then you open it.

There’s beautiful stationary covered in words, words to you.

To my Hayoungie,

              Today’s our 100th day. I’m so grateful for the 99 days we’ve already spent together. Honestly I was worried that you wouldn’t accept me. Noona, you were so cruel!!! How could you do that to me? I went to meet you out in the rain, with the flowers for you. I will always remember that day. You completely mesmerized me. All those Sundays we spent doing homework, it almost feels like I live there with you. All those super late night dates because it’s still a bit hard to hold your hand in open daylight. (I swear it’s not me! Well maybe it’s my fame…) I’m sorry! I must have made it hard on you. Yet I’m happy that I get to call today our 100th day. Do me the honor of joining me for dinner tonight?

Your only Kookie,


After class you meet Subin for lunch as usual.

She spots the letter you’re carrying and begs you to let her read it. You give it to her before half the cafeteria notices and she gets the chance to make it a public reading.

“Awww!!! Jungkook is such a sweetheart! And to believe you didn’t want to date him.” She rolls her eyes and sighs.

“What is it?”

“What are you doing this weekend?”

“Nothing much, just the usual.”

“Do you want to go Japan with me?”

“Japan? Out of nowhere?”

“My rock band is having a concert can we please go?” She gives you the puppy eyes.

“I guess we can go.”

“Yay! This is going to be so much fun we can shop and we can go out and eat and stay up all night! Oh I almost forgot!” She hands you the plane ticket, and you shake your head.

“What if I had said no?”

“But you wouldn’t have. But if you don’t want to go I can invite someone else…”

“No it’s fine Subin, there’s something interesting for a change.”




You’re ready for your date, and you have extra time so you decide to pack early since you probably won’t have time later that night, or even in the morning. You take your stuff to Subin’s house since you agreed to meet up there early in the morning. She wishes you good luck and you head off.

You’re nervous, you usually are at least a bit before dates. But it’s your 100th day, it’s different. It means something. You walk into the restaurant where Jungkook sits across from you. He smiles nervously.

“Hayoung… You look so amazing.”

He always finds a way to make you blush. You don’t know it, but it makes him less nervous.

Suddenly the air is awkward and it’s almost as bad as your first date.

“So umm... how was school?”

“Ah it was alright… How was practice? Anything new?”

“Practice was okay. We just got the schedule of all the year-end programs oh and I think we’re having a concert next year.”

You still feel like your face is on fire. Something is so different about today. You try fanning yourself in the bathroom but it still feels hot.

There’s no service in the bathroom so you step outside into the hallway to ask for Subin’s help. She usually knows how to calm you down.

As you’re typing the message a familiar boy passes by on the phone.

“Yeah… it looks pretty bad….  I don’t think it’s going too well for Jungkook”

Taehyung. The voice is him. “Well he told me he was going to tell her ‘I never liked you.’ It’s like…”

Your heart drops at hearing that, and Taehyung turns into the bathroom.





Jungkook looks once again at the small box, and the shiny item inside it. It’s been a while, and he’s a bit worried. He puts the box back in his pocket. He texts Taehyung, who he knows is in the restaurant.

“Hyung I’m a bit worried…”

“How long has she been gone?”

“10 minutes.”

“Ah don’t worry, I got this. I’ll ask the waitress if she can check if my friend is in the bathroom.”

Jungkook lets out a breath and waits, as he sees Taehyung has called the waitress over.

But instead of a message Jungkook just gets Taehyung’s panicked face sitting across from him.

“Jungkook I don’t know how to tell you this.”

“Just say it!”

“Hayoung is gone.”

The words shock him. Why would his girlfriend just disappear out of nowhere like that? Was he really that boring? No, that wouldn’t be it, would it? There has to be a good reason behind her leaving right? She would have to call him later no? Maybe it’s an emergency?

“I’m sorry, do you want to go home?”

Jungkook nods and Taehyung makes sure they get home safely.

He sits on the couch, lifeless, beating Suga at his game. Suga wakes up from his nap. “Jimin get me some water!”

“Why me?”

“You’re already in the kitchen!” He blinks a couple of times and looks at Jungkook who’s laying there with his eyes closed and his headphones in.

Jimin brings him the glass and his phone rings. “Hey baby what’s up?”

Taehyung shakes his head. “He didn’t even notice that Jungkook is upset.”

“You gotta be pretty blind to not see that. What’s wrong with him?”

“His girlfriend disappeared at dinner.”

“Girls are such a problem this is why I’m never getting married.”

Jungkook’s phone buzzes and he jumps a bit. It’s not the message from the person he wanted. He wonders if she’s seen all of his messages, or even just one.

“What should I do?”

“She left by herself so maybe something came up. Sleep it off kid, then look for her in the morning.”




Subin doesn’t ask her best friend why she’s crying, she has a pretty good guess. Instead she shares he bed and her headphones. She knows she’ll talk to her later when she’s done. She sets the alarm for 8am.

You cry yourself to sleep. Those words were way too harsh.

You wake up when the alarm rings, and don’t bother to turn on your phone yet. Subin makes you guys breakfast and when you’re done you head to the airport.

Jungkook wonders if 9am is too early, but he’s desperate. He runs to her house and somehow finds a way to ask Jun if Hayoung is home, even if he’s out of breath.

“Hayoung didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“She’s leaving for Japan today.”

He bolts out of the house so quickly, and as much as he wants to run to the airport, he realizes it would be stupid because she’s probably gone and he doesn’t have much change in his pocket anyways.

He takes out his phone and types. “Hayoung we need to talk.”

Then he calls up his hyungs, speaking for the first time in 12 hours. “Put it on speaker. Guys I need your help. Hayoung left to Japan.”

There’s chaos on the other side of the phone and he decides it’s better to talk it out back at the dorm. The trains don’t move fast enough for him but he has no choice.


When he finally gets back, they’re all sitting in the living room.

“Are you ready to be a man Jungkook?”

“He already was yesterday he never got to give her the ring.”

“Hey I’m talking about today, don’t look back at the past.”

“So here’s what you’re gonna do.”

“You gotta go to Japan!”

“No .”



“You’re gonna go, and you’re gonna get your girl back.”

“Ticket’s at the airport. You leave at 8pm.”

“You have some time to pack, and figure out what you want to do.”

Jungkook nods as he gets up, and makes a call. “Hey Jaeun its Jungkook. Could you do me a favor?”



“Unnie how’s Japan? What hotel are you staying at? Is the food good? Bring me something back!!! You have to bring me something back! Oh and you have to go visit this one place, you have to! It looks amazing at night! Get me a picture! Unnie!!!”

You half smile at her comments. “Okay, unnie will get you a picture, what’s the place?”


Jungkook waits patiently and he gets a message. “That place that you said, she’ll be there tonight.”

“Oh god that face what did you do Jungkook?” Jin asks.

“I found her. If she’s not replying to my messages then I guess she’ll just have to respond to me, in person.”

What's up my fellow armys????

WAHHHH subbies i miss you all!!!!

Believe i wish i had more time to type >.> but everything always gets in the way....

weren't you expecting that to happen???

wooopsss sorry......

but will Jungkook get Hayoung back, that is the real question.............

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Chapter 1: Holy crap, this is such a beautiful concept! Thank you for writing, I can’t wait to read the rest!!
Chapter 20: So, I just found this fanfic... I can't get enough!! Please update as soon as poossible \(^_^)/
I'm SO Happy you updated!!! This story keeps getting better pls dont leave us hanging for too long authornim! ^^
Alyssaluvsehun #4
Chapter 20: Omg now I'm wondering what'll happen when hayoung remembers her past life:/ update soon authornim<3 hwaiting
Panda12XOXO #5
Chapter 19: Crying and whining jk sobs bcus theres no chapter after 19 i hv tk sacrifice my time for today's night from studying XD
Park_Jimins_wife #6
Chapter 19: The dream is confusing me!!! And what does jungkook mean by the scar that he did on hayoung?!?!?, omg this is sooo interesting and i'm getting so confused!! i really like this story (new reader btw) because i cant tell what is going to happen which makes it really good!! I wish that when u find ur soulmate, there will be a black ring on your finger (like this story), so that u dont have to get hurt about breakups and u know who u really is going to end up with!!! Anyways pls pls pls update soon!!
Chapter 18: I love how hayoung always has to remind jungkook to breathe XD also "why does he have mittens on?it's summer" was adorable ♡.♡
Chapter 18: The prologue killed me. I shall be holding my funeral with fellow ARMYs XD
OMG I thought you were gone *hugs you very tightly*
rubilizbeth07 #9
YASSS!! Can't stop reading
Chapter 17: *takes cookie gladly* author-nim I missed you!!!ㅠ.ㅠ
I thought you might not come back *cries*