
This One Thing

“So Jungkook...”

“AHA! I KNEW IT WAS JUNGKOOK! Oh wait sorry I’ll let you speak. What happened?”

“I was with him yesterday at dinner and I don’t know I guess it’s stupid…”

“I still want to know.”

“Subin… I overheard Taehyung say that Jungkook was going to tell me he doesn’t like me.”

“He doesn’t like you? That doesn’t make any sense Hayoung! Did you talk to him?”

“No I just left.”

“Hayoung! The poor boy is probably so worried! Did you think about him at all!”

It runs through your head for the first time the whole day. Is Jungkook worried?

You take out your phone, the only message you’ve replied to is Jaeun’s this morning. The brat is bothering you about taking a picture somewhere so you agreed to it so she would leave you alone. You’ve been avoiding the 22 missed calls notifications. But you do something you didn’t want to do, read the unread messages.

Hey are you okay?

Where did you go?

Is everything alright?

Something came up right?

Are you ignoring me?


?????? Hayoung???

You left to Japan like that? Are you serious right now? You didn’t even tell me you were going to go there!

Could you at least tell me what I did? I mean we were just sitting there on our 100th day and you ran off like that?? Hayoung please. I’m begging you. I didn’t sleep all night. This is driving me crazy.

Hayoung we need to talk.

You sigh and finish the rest of your lunch.

“What’s next?”

“Well I’d prefer you’d make up with Jungkook already, but I guess since there’s still time before the concert, let’s go shopping.”

It’s different from Korea, enough to distract you, the language, and the people. Maybe you should text Jungkook back? You shake your head and follow your best friend around the whole day, not noticing she’s been texting a lot of people too.




Jungkook gets another text, from Jaeun.

“OMG Jungkook where you going to break up with her?”

He’s confused about her question.

“No why would I do that??”

“Oh no. oh… ummm… Jungkook… she thinks you were going to tell her you don’t like her.”

Jungkook shakes his head. Is that really what little she thinks of me?

She thinks this is a game, doesn’t she.

Jungkook closes the messages, puts on his headphones and prepares for the plane to take off.

Hayoung, you’re mine.





“Did you see the part where he almost tripped and fell off the stage? Oh my gosh he’s so silly!”

Seeing your best friend enjoy herself reminds you of when she went to see Beast with you.

“Yeah I really thought he was going to fall.”

“And then when he lifted his shirt up oh my goodness I thought I wouldn’t be able to live!”

“You’re not going to be able to sleep but that’s a different story. I’ll meet you upstairs, I have to go get that picture for Jaeun.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?”

You shake your head. “It’s okay, I think I need to go by myself for a while.”

She tightens your scarf. “Come back safely.”

She watches you walk off and you wave. Your phone leads to a beautiful Avenue. You climb the lighted steps and it leads to a beautiful park, full of lights. You take a couple of pictures of the huge snowflakes, the Christmas tree.

A girl approaches you with her camera. You take the picture for them, and it saddens you a bit. Her and her boyfriend look so happy in the picture. You look around and notice you’re the only person who’s alone. Of course, what kind of crazy person walks through a couple’s park alone?

You put your headphones on and walk around, taking a few more pictures, otherwise Jaeun will kill you. Just as it starts to snow, your phone dies. You turn to walk back to hotel room when a familiar voice hits your ears.


He stands there starring at you, and suddenly all the anger comes back.

“Please listen to me.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Then tell me. Tell why you’re mad. Tell me why you left like that. Why you didn’t answer my calls!”

You can already feel the lump in your throat start to form. You’re about to turn around when his words break the snowy night.



“I said I don’t want to lose you.”

You feel a tear start to roll down your face. “I don’t want to lose you either Jungkook.” You run over to hug him. He holds you so tightly against his warm body, and you hug him back taking in his scent, not feeling like ever letting go.

He softly kisses your forehead, then his hand finds yours and you walk around the town. You stop to get some hot chocolate and continue on your way.

“Jungkook, I’m sorry.”

He shakes his head.

“There’s an explanation…”

“You can tell me later, but first…” He holds his hand out. ”Spend the night with me?”


“It’s 10:13 pm. Stay with me, for the rest of the night.”

“The rest of the night?”

“Yeah.” He smiles and you smile back, nervously. He starts going in a direction you’re unsure of. “What are we doing?”

“You’ll see.” He holds his hand out and shakes his head again after seeing your hesitation to take it. You feel the smile fade slowly off of your face, and he smirks.

“We don’t have all day Hayoung.” He gives you a small peck on the lips, and you hold onto his arm as he walks you through the crowd. Couldn’t the kiss have been a bit longer?

He leads you to an ice skating rink, and even though it’s late there’s still many couples skating.

“Umm Jungkook maybe we should do something else.” You stand at the entrance of the rink.

“Why?” He floats around on the ice flawlessly. He judges by the expression on your face, and his guess is correct.

He holds out his hand once again. “Hayoung I promise I won’t let go, and even if you do, even if you fall, I’ll be there to pick you up.”

His words almost make you emotional again, and you know you’re going to have to talk it out later on, but you take his hand, as he slowly leads you onto the ice.

You do a few laps around the rink, first slowly, then a bit quicker. His hand keeps you from falling, and he even grabs you with the other hand, if it’s to keep you from falling.

After about an hour you let his hand go.

“You think you have it?”

“I hope.”

You take a couple steps before unsuccessfully falling against him, and the rink wall.

“Oh my gosh Jungkook I’m so sorry are you okay?”

He gets up, and gives you both of his hands, helping you back onto your feet, pushing you against the rink wall. His lips harshly clash with yours, and he kisses you with so much eagerness. You kiss him back, feeling the perfectness of this moment, and that’s when you realize you wouldn’t be able to let go of Jungkook even for a day.

When he pulls away you can’t contain yourself. “I’m so sorry Jungkook I accidentally heard Taehyung say something and I just had to leave I couldn’t handle it I’m sorry but I swear I didn’t do it on purpose I was going to tell you about Japan later that night but then-

He puts a finger to your lips. “What did you hear Taehyung say?” His face is serious but his eyes are big with curiosity.

“I over heard him say that you were going to tell me you never liked me.”

His expression softens and he chuckles quietly.

“Hayoung, I never liked you. I always loved you. From the second I saw you, from then I loved you. I love you Jung Hayoung.” He takes out a small box, and opens it.

“Do you like them? I got us couple rings.”

His is plain, plain silver. Yours has 7 tiny dents, the one in the middle slightly bigger than the rest. You’re still a bit thrown off by what he just said but it doesn’t stop you from asking him.

“Why is it like that?”

“I will put a stone, for every year we spend together. When I put the last stone is on there, you have to marry me.”

“Jeon Jungkook are you really proposing to me right now?”

“Jung Hayoung are you really rejecting me right now? If only you could switch soulmates, woops, what is that black mark on your finger? Hey I guess we’re stuck. Besides, you agreed to marry me.”

You’re confused for a second but you suddenly recall one of the first few times you saw him.

“Do you see this? This is the one thing you can’t escape. This mark, it’s stuck on both of our fingers, forever. Jung Hayoung, do you realize what that means? You’re going to have to give in to me eventually.”

 “Oh really. We’ll just have to see how wrong your words are then.”

“And if I’m right?”

“I’ll marry you.”

You laugh hold the ring in your hand, before putting it on. He smirks before you both slowly moves towards the exit of the rink.

You’re walking hand in hand again, in this unfamiliar city, when you stop at a crosswalk. He looks at you, smiling with his eyes.

 “I love you too Jungkook.”


WAH writing this chapter made me so happy, ain't love a beautiful thing~ LOL maybe i should find myself a bf -____-


I believe Jungkook's came out today haha~ y'all okay kookie stans????? You need a kookie maybe???? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 

Suga's had me like (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


LMAO see y'all next week, or hopefully before that if i get time to write ★~(◠‿◕✿)

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Chapter 1: Holy crap, this is such a beautiful concept! Thank you for writing, I can’t wait to read the rest!!
Chapter 20: So, I just found this fanfic... I can't get enough!! Please update as soon as poossible \(^_^)/
I'm SO Happy you updated!!! This story keeps getting better pls dont leave us hanging for too long authornim! ^^
Alyssaluvsehun #4
Chapter 20: Omg now I'm wondering what'll happen when hayoung remembers her past life:/ update soon authornim<3 hwaiting
Panda12XOXO #5
Chapter 19: Crying and whining jk sobs bcus theres no chapter after 19 i hv tk sacrifice my time for today's night from studying XD
Park_Jimins_wife #6
Chapter 19: The dream is confusing me!!! And what does jungkook mean by the scar that he did on hayoung?!?!?, omg this is sooo interesting and i'm getting so confused!! i really like this story (new reader btw) because i cant tell what is going to happen which makes it really good!! I wish that when u find ur soulmate, there will be a black ring on your finger (like this story), so that u dont have to get hurt about breakups and u know who u really is going to end up with!!! Anyways pls pls pls update soon!!
Chapter 18: I love how hayoung always has to remind jungkook to breathe XD also "why does he have mittens on?it's summer" was adorable ♡.♡
Chapter 18: The prologue killed me. I shall be holding my funeral with fellow ARMYs XD
OMG I thought you were gone *hugs you very tightly*
rubilizbeth07 #9
YASSS!! Can't stop reading
Chapter 17: *takes cookie gladly* author-nim I missed you!!!ㅠ.ㅠ
I thought you might not come back *cries*