
This One Thing

“It’s raining!”

He stops when he hears a pretty voice, almost slipping on the dirt, all too unworthy of his shoes.

 “Your highness!”

“Silence!” He practically screams out.

“I’m sorry for-“

“Jin please.” He pulls to the side, hiding behind a couple of trees. “Come on you’re making it obvious!”

“If anything is making it obvious maybe it’s that you’re still acting all high and mighty outside the palace. You know you probably shouldn’t be doing that if you’re really set on blending in wit-

“Jin! You’re here as my friend not as my advisor! So please?” The boy gives him the puppy dog eyes.

“Fine. It’s raining anyways at least it’s dry under here. But why are you starring at that girl so much anyway?”

“Her voice…. I can’t explain it, it’s like I’ve heard it before somewhere.” The boy watches the girl play in the rain, her laugh a delight to his ears. He doesn’t know why he’s so fascinated, so stuck on her.

“Hayoung you’re crazy! You’ve been up there 3 times this week! Let’s go inside already, please?” The girl next to her says.

“I’m going Subin.” She says and smiles softly, yet something about her smile isn’t right. It’s sad.

“I’m going back then; I’m not getting sick today.”

“Very well then.” She says, and walks right past the boys, not even noticing them. She hums her melody still.

Jin looks at her for second, a confused look on his face. “I don’t know why but she seems familiar.”

“Have you met her before?” The boy jumps at the thought of an introduction.

“Let me think about it.” Jin says, but the boy too impatient to hear an explanation goes off and follows her further into the woods.

The humming fades and she sings instead.

When the world grows dark, and the rain falls quietly everything is still

Even today without a doubt, I can’t get out of it, out of the thoughts of you

I know it’s over now, I know it’s just reluctance

It was my pride that kept me from stopping you

It’s just that I kind of regret it

Her voice is now shaky. But her song intrigues him enough to follow her up to the clearing, where she sits in front of a mound.

On rainy days you come and find me, torturing me all through the night

When the rain starts to stop, you follow

Slowly, little by little you will fade as well

“Woohyun…. You’re like this because of me. If only I could have stopped you from leaving then maybe I could have seen your face again, once more. You used to like the rain…. The rain is all I have left.”

“I figured it out! She’s the young widow!” Jin yells.

Jungkook’s face goes white as he hopes the girl won’t turn around. But she does, her eyes red from crying. The rain is unable to cover the tears rolling down her face.

“JUNGKOOK!” Jimin yells.

He jerks awake and a drop of sweat drips from his forehead.

“He’s pale.” Taehyung says, moving closer to take a look at his face.

“Is he okay?” Namjoon asks from the front seat.

“WATER!” Hobi screams. Jin opens a bottle and passes it back to Jungkook who drinks a good amount before gaining some color again.

“What was that?” Jimin asks.

“Just a bad dream.” Jungkook says quietly.

“Sometimes reality is scarier than a nightmare.” Suga says.

“And sometimes your reality is the nightmare.” Namjoon’s words send chills down Jungkook’s skin.


“Have you seen their comeback stage? It’s so beautiful.”

“You’ve seen it Subin?” You ask your friend, who is all too excited about BTS, and not worried enough about final exams.

“I bought both of the albums….. Hey do you think you could get them to sign it for me?”

“Why don’t you just ask Taehyung?” You ask, as you sit down to eat your lunch.

“I CAN’T ASK TAEHYUNG ARE YOU CRAZY?” She says a bit too loudly, and the eyes turn to her. She sits down with you and whispers “Either way Hobi is my favorite he’s so smiley and cute.”

“You keep telling yourself that.” You roll your eyes.

“No really he is.”


“What are you doing later tonight?”

“Studying for biology, which is what you should be doing.”

“Do you want to study together?” A small smile forms on her face, but you know it all too well.

“And end up watching BTS on the TV?”

“Only until they perform I could care less about the rest of it.” She suddenly gets up. “I’ll be back I think I forgot my book in class.”

You grab her phone, and scroll down to find her last conversation with Taehyung, back in the summer. It’s been months.

“I guess we can be friends…”

That’s such a sad excuse. You shake your head at your friend’s attempt to be “friends” with Taehyung. They probably haven’t even hung out since then.

“Hey Tae can I ask you for a favor?” You send the message. Your last class is on the other side of the campus, so it might be a while before she gets back.

He responds immediately. “Of course! ^_^ what is it?”

“Actually this is kind of embarrassing…... But I’m a huge fan and I bought two copies of the album…. I was wondering if you could possibly sign them for me?”

“:O of course! Why wouldn’t I? I love my fans<3”

“Come over to Hayoung’s house later yeah?”


You don’t respond any further, you just wait for Subin to get back.

“Oh, my phone died. And I still have another class. Do you have your charger on you?”

“No.” You lie.




“Jungkook come with me to Hayoung’s house later yeah?”

Jimin and Jungkook exchange looks.

“Hayoung’s house? Subin is going to be there isn’t she.” Jimin elbows his best friend.


“Heck yeah she is. You’re such a liar.” Suga says.

“Hyung do you even know Subin?”

“No. But I know you like her, and I know you like getting hurt. Let the girl go.”

“He’s too stubborn for that.” Jimin sighs.

“I’m on my knees and I’m ready to get hurt!” Hobi sings from the other room.

“See. Hobi found your theme song.” Suga shakes his head.

Jungkook sits silently as he’s reminded of Subin and Taehyung’s fate. His mind drifts to this morning’s vivid memory. Why is he suddenly remembering all of this today?



“YOU TEXTED TAEHYUNG WHAT?” Subin’s face is beyond red.

“Shhhhhh. I can’t hear BTS on the tv.”


“You weren’t going to a fan meeting so how else are you supposed to get it signed by your favorite? I’m just helping you Subin.”


“And who do you expect to believe that, you were all over Tae like two seconds ago. ‘He needs to sing some more his voice is so pretty’ Please.”

You see Jungkook standing at the doorway, but continue to let your friend speak as you let them in.


Jungkook smiles a bit and you see Taehyung’s face turn a bit red.

“You’re a lucky fan Subin.” Jungkook says.

Taehyung holds her stare for a second before she runs off to your room and shuts the door. Taehyung runs after her, and you can hear him trying to get her to open the door.

“She’s so cute.”

“That’s enough to fluster anyone. I mean Tae is pretty handsome. Subin just has the luck of being his favorite fan.” Jungkook shakes his head. “do you think they’ll start talking again? That was kind of a lot.”

“Probably. She has to be friends with him. When they didn’t talk through that one dinner I saw it. They at least have to be friends.”

“That’s some cold stuff right there, but you’re right. What are you doing anyway?”

“Well we were studying for bio but she’s hiding from me now, so I think the study session is over.”

“That’s so embarrassing Taehyung!”

“I’m the embarrassing one?”

“Yes, I’m leaving.”

“Hold on, I haven’t signed your albums yet.”

“Taehyung!” She says but she hands him the albums.

“I’m walking you home too so don’t you dare leave!” Taehyung scribbles all over her album, both of them before handing them back to her.

She quietly reads the inside of the albums before putting them in her bag.

“I’ll see you tomorrow at school Hayoung. Bye Jungkook.” She says before walking off. Taehyung gives a small wave and a smile as he follows her out.

You catch Jungkook smiling to himself.

“What is it?”

“She really likes his voice she said…. I was wondering. Do you perhaps like mine?”

“Of course. But you probably won’t like mine. I can’t sing to save my life.” You mumble as you attempt to continue to study.

“Oh come on, it can’t be that bad.”

“Fine. I’ll sing for you.” You say but your cheeks light up. The doorbell rings so you get up to see who it is. “Here, pick a song. I’ll sing whichever one you want.”

He scrolls through your music when he stumbles upon something that sends chills up his skin.

“Oh you forgot something Subin?”

Jungkook turns to her and back to the phone, taking headphones out of his pocket and slowly putting them on.

“Hayoung I can’t find it!”

“Fine let me help you.”

The melody starts and he swears out loud.

“What’s wrong Jungkook?” Taehyung asks.

But Jungkook doesn’t respond, his ears are still taking in the melody coming from the phone.

“Whoa he looks into whatever he’s listening to.” Subin says.

“I guess he really likes BEAST.” Taehyung laughs.

“What song is it?”  You ask.

“On rainy days.” Taehyung says before walking out with Subin.

Whatttttttt up subbies? ^_^ 

XD don't worry i didn't forget y'all exist >.> although it probably seems like that. Anywaysssss here's some Jungkook for y'allllllll

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Chapter 1: Holy crap, this is such a beautiful concept! Thank you for writing, I can’t wait to read the rest!!
Chapter 20: So, I just found this fanfic... I can't get enough!! Please update as soon as poossible \(^_^)/
I'm SO Happy you updated!!! This story keeps getting better pls dont leave us hanging for too long authornim! ^^
Alyssaluvsehun #4
Chapter 20: Omg now I'm wondering what'll happen when hayoung remembers her past life:/ update soon authornim<3 hwaiting
Panda12XOXO #5
Chapter 19: Crying and whining jk sobs bcus theres no chapter after 19 i hv tk sacrifice my time for today's night from studying XD
Park_Jimins_wife #6
Chapter 19: The dream is confusing me!!! And what does jungkook mean by the scar that he did on hayoung?!?!?, omg this is sooo interesting and i'm getting so confused!! i really like this story (new reader btw) because i cant tell what is going to happen which makes it really good!! I wish that when u find ur soulmate, there will be a black ring on your finger (like this story), so that u dont have to get hurt about breakups and u know who u really is going to end up with!!! Anyways pls pls pls update soon!!
Chapter 18: I love how hayoung always has to remind jungkook to breathe XD also "why does he have mittens on?it's summer" was adorable ♡.♡
Chapter 18: The prologue killed me. I shall be holding my funeral with fellow ARMYs XD
OMG I thought you were gone *hugs you very tightly*
rubilizbeth07 #9
YASSS!! Can't stop reading
Chapter 17: *takes cookie gladly* author-nim I missed you!!!ㅠ.ㅠ
I thought you might not come back *cries*