The heart wants what it wants.

Just one look

That night Jackson laid in his bed thinking about chloe, looking for the exact moment that he had started falling for her. He tried to remember, he really did, but ended up with nothing. Chloe was an amazing girl he liked everything about her, he might look like some player but Jackson was not a player he was a relationship kind of a guy, a feeling kind of guy, he listened to his heart in all matters of life and his heart told him just never to live like that, and it might not seem like it, but Jackson was very inexperienced when it came to love. Heck is this what love is suppose to feel like. Sure he liked Chloe, but love? Well now that was a whole different subject. He would like to keep it at just like right now.

He called the most important person in his life to ask for advice. No one knew him better than this person. And he trusted them. The phone rang and rang until someone picked up on the other end.

"Hello?" The voice said.

"MUMMY" he almost bellowed into the phone like he did every single time when ever he called his mom.

"Kaka" she said with such love, jackson wanted to run to her this second. "I was wondering why you hadn't called today! My son's been very busy right?" She chucked.

"Busy yes, but never too busy to not call my mom." 

"Cheesy cheesy huh. Well what else can i expect you live for cheese." She chuckled.

"Mummy." She fell silent listening to the serious tone in his son's voice that she rarely ever heard.

"What is it? Are you okay? You're not sick or anything are you? What's the matter?" Mama wang asked now really concerned.

"No mom i'm not sick. But yeah i do have something to ask though. Umm..." He trailed off. He could talk to her about anything, he knew that, he had never asked her advice for this sort of thing.

"Yes?" She encouraged further.

"Well there is this girl....." He fell silent. He didn't know how to continue.

"Hahahaha" she laughed. "My my the day has come when my son is asking me advice for girl problems. Aigoo you've really grown up. Go on i'm listening."

"Well yeah so i met her a few years back and...." Jackson told his mom everything about him and Chloe. She listened in silence, other than the occasional hums.

"So you love her?" She said directly. Apparently mama wang was not known to be subtle just like her son.

"No mom, i dont know about love yet. But i like her a lot. And i have no idea what she thinks of me. How do i find out how she feels for me?" 

"My god! Why are all guys so hard headed? You don't really need to find out. I bet you can pretty much see it all over her face but like i said guys are just too dumb to realise all that." She sighed.

"Mummy! Help!!!" He whined into the phone.

"Hehe ok, she hasn't said anything yet right? I'm sure she is struggling just like you are to figure it out herself. She hasn't pushed you away or asked you to leave her alone right? Then you can take it as a positive sign that she does wants to be with you. And the rest will fall in place on its own. Don't worry too much." He could practically hear her smile.


"Don't doubt your feelings kaka. The heart wants what it wants." She said simply.

"Yeah. Mummy i miss you." He said his tone sad.

"Oh baby i miss you too. I hope i get to meet that lucky girl who managed to snatch your heart away pretty soon."

" i hope so too. You'll love her, and she'll love you." 

"I know. Ok now your father is on his way back from work and i have to heat up the dinner. ok? I'll talk to you again Jackson." 

"Yes mom! I MISS YOU AND I LOVE YOU!" He shouted into the phone. She chuckled.

"Love u too baby. Bye~" 

"Bye mom~" he said and hung up and took a deep breath. The heart wants what it wants, his mother had told him. And she was right. Of course mother knows best!!

His heart did want chloe. Badly now he only wanted to know what she thought of him too. Mark came into the room then. 

"Was that mom on the phone just now?" He asked. 

Jackson just hummed his yes.

"Well somebody is not up for much conversation tonight!" Mark said.

"Look who's talking." Jackson said and scoffed. Mark just hit him with a pillow and sat down next to him on his mattress.

"What's on your mind? Tell me. I know it's eating you up inside so why not just let it all out? Tell me." Mark said

"It's chloe, its like she's all i think about all the time now. I can't get her out of my head i'm trying to figure out my feelings for her and i don't want to feel all this towards her, but its like she's pulling me towards herself and i'm too weak to resist. Heck i dont want to resist."

"There idiot,you said it yourself." 

"Huh?" Jackson was just confused.

"You said you didn't want to resist then why are you even trying, And like what is your problem? I know you totally like her."

"I don't know how she feels about me." Jackson admitted in a small voice.

"You really must be an idiot. I've met her one time Jackson, one and even i could tell that she looked at you with such affection and sincerity. You'd have to be blind not to notice all that. She obviously likes you too." 

"You think so? Well how did you know with noona?"

"I don't know i just did, i knew she was going to be difficult but i would never leave her side no matter what happened. You know the feeling you feel when you just look at them and realise, that this is the one. That's how i felt when i saw her." Mark was smiling so wide his cheeks were about to split into two. It was a smile of a happy man.

"Dude you're so whipped!" 

"I am, and you are too. Don't you run away from that. The wang ka yee i know does not run away. Just think about it."

"I will." With that mark opened his laptop and buried his head in it. Jackson turned in his bed and waited for sleep to come.


Chloe was in her café that early morning and was just organizing some things on the counter, her workers weren't here yet and she was happy listening to moonlight play in the background in a low volume. The bell at the door rang and she thought it might be Jackson her heart beat crazily at the thought, but was disappointed when a girl in a very professional looking attire walked through it, she must be headed to work she thought, but it was even too early for people to head to work. The girl who just walked through was beautiful and she spoke in a very mild but still commanding tone in her voice.

"I thought you were supposed to complete that work weeks ago, what do you mean it's not done yet?"

"I'm already done with my programming and i was waiting for yours so that we could pull out the final copy of the game but you have decided that you will not let us complete our work before deadline." She said all of that very calmly.

"Fine then, i want all of it on my desk at the end of the day and i don't what you have to do, finish it." And just like that she hung up no parting greeting, no nothing. Wow this was one fierce woman. Chloe saw the whole scene unfold before her eyes.

"Hello! How are you this morning?" Chloe greet her brightly in an attempt to make her smile,and it worked as a small smile tugged at the corners of the woman's lips.

"Fine, thanks. But also in desperate need coffee." 

Chloe chuckled. "What may be your order then?" she asked with a smile.

"An americano, with no sugar no syrup please. " 

"Coming right up, why don't you go take a seat?"

She watched walk towards one of the tables and sat down, all the while looking at her phone. Chloe made her order and went to place it on her table. 

"Thank you." The woman smiled a sweet smile.

"Enjoy your coffee." Chloe smiled too.

She went back to sitting at counter and doing what she was doing, and she suddenly remembered the cupcakes she had just baked this morning. That girl looked like she could use a cupcake right now. She got one from the backroom ,placed it in front of the girl she looked up with surprised eyes.

"I'm sorry but i didn't order this." She said politely.

"I know you didn't, it's on the house. You look like you could use one of these right now." She smiled at her.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you, you're so right. You know what there is just no one here right now, why don't you grab a coffee and sit with me." The nice woman offered. Aw how sweet of her.

"Sure" chloe readily agreed.

She grabbed her coffee and made her way to the table. 

"I'm chloe by the way, it's nice to meet you." She introduced herself.

"I'm eunhye. Good to meet you too. Wow these cupcakes are DELICIOUS. can i get one more?" 

Chloe laughed "sure" she said and got her one more cupcake.

"So is this place new? I've never seen this cafe before even though my workplace is so close from here."

"No actually, we've been here forever. Though i'm the new owner. My aunt used to own this place."

"So now you just bought it from her? Well that's cool."

"I love this place." Chloe looked around lovingly.

"I'm thinking i just might too." Eunhye said. Chloe chuckled.

They both talked about this and that but soon eunhye had to leave.

"It really was nice meeting you Chloe." She shook her hand.

"Yes it was really, have a good day at work."

"You too." Eunhye said and walked out.

Chloe thought she just might have made a friend.



More days passes as Jackson still couldn't go see chloe because if his schedule where he had mostly been overseas doing concerts and showcases. They both talked every single day though. He called her every day,and she told him about her day. A few days before she told him she had made a new friend, and refused to tell him more about her new friend and that he will just have to meet her. He wondered who that would be.

Tonight he would be going back to korea, saying he was excited was an understatement. He was going to see her, finally. Just calling her and listening to her voice wasn't enough for him. He wanted to be able to touch her. He was practically bouncing up and down his fans at the airport were very happy to see some extra fanservice from him. They boarded the plane and he was still in high spirits. They arrived in korea,a few days had passed since and he still hadn't met her. He hated his schedule right now. One night when he was home just for an hour mark said something seeing his grumpy mood.

"Me and bammie are going over to noona's place for a while. You wanna come?" His first thought was to say no but then he hadn't met his noona in a long time and he needed to chill for a while, so he said yes.

At noona's place she had made them food, which rarely happened anymore because she was always so busy and Jackson missed her cooking.

"Noona this is really delicious~~" bammie said.

"Eat a lot then." She cooed at him. "You"re awfully quiet." She said turning to Jackson.


"What? I'm eating." He tried saying with his mouth full of rice.

"Ew gross! Chew with your mouth closed idiot."

After they were done eating when Jackson volunteered in doing the dishes noona knew something was weird.

"Yah say it. What is it?"

" say what? Did mark say something? If he did i'm going to-" 

"He didn't. Now spill."

"I like a girl, i don't know if she likes me back." Jackson too got to the point.

"A girl? Who is strong enough to bear with you? Wow they need to be given a medal." 

"Ha ha not funny noona." He pouted.

"You know i'm joking. So tell me all about it." Jackson told noona all about Chloe and then after a while mark joined them. 

"What's going on?" He said while snaking his arms around noona's waist and pulled her close.

"He was just telling me about his friend." She told mark.

"The guy is crazy about her." 

"I know right? I can see it in the way he talks about her. Everyone can see it except for him."

"So true.!" Mark said

"You both do know that i'm standing right here, right?"

"Oh shut up and tell me when are you gonna confess. She seems like a lovely girl."

"Confess? What?" He gaped at noona.

"Oh belive me he's not ready for that!" Mark snorted.

"Idiot wang! Though it's good take it slow. But don't forget to drop little hints. And when you tell her i wanna meet her ok?"

"Yes noona ofcourse." 

"Don't try to fight it Jackson. I did, so i know how it feels but believe me the heart wants what it wants jacks. Don't deny it just embrace it and see how you'll end up being. Look at me and mark."

"I know noona thank you. You're like the older sister i never had."

"Well now you do!" She said and walked away. But her words stuck to him. She'd said just what his mother had told him.

The heart wants what it wants,and he knew now for sure his heart wanted chloe.



A/n: hello people i'm back! Haha..though my exams are going on i was itching to write and i just had to let out my feels somehow. I know this is shorter than the most previous ones but i had very little time to do this. I'll be back with a longer one next time.yaksok! And please leave comments i love getting them. And just to make it clear eunhye noona is Mark's girlfriend and she is a borrowed character from pawlinne17 unnie's fic named take my hand and stay.links for those fic were provided in the previous chapter so feel free to read that. and lastly i wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY WANG JACKSON! i hope god blesses him with prosperity and good health.and i hope he enjoys his bithday! Jackson oppa saranghe!!! Ne readers jjang! Until then i'll see you next time! 


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Please leave comments everyone! I need a pick me up to write the next update.


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wangkonggirl #1
Hi, i freaking love the story! Too bad it hasn't been updated :(
Killerkhaos #2
Chapter 23: Please continue with your story! It's hard to find good Jackson/oc stories and I really love what you have so far. Hope to read more soon
PeriwinkleSwirl #3
Chapter 12: Once the chapter started Got7's confession started and my fingers curled at the chapter and the music.
Chapter 23: I hope Jackson can accept Chole... I can't imagine if I was in the same situation as Chole.... Update soon.... ;)
Killerkhaos #5
Chapter 23: Finally the truth comes out! Awesome chapter! hope the next chapter comes out soon!!
Chapter 22: JYP family is so friendly... I love them... I want to see the couple bracelet that Jackson gave Chole... Update soon..
Chapter 21: Awhhh! Mama Wang is just so sweet and adorable! I wish I could go toJYP Nation!! D:
Oooo I can't wait to see what happens with JYP! :D :O
Chapter 21: Awwwww!!! They are too sweet... His mom is supportive mom... I don't know what else to write... Some of stories I have read, I can guess what will happen next but your story not in that category.. I can never guess what will happen next.. Update soon..
Chapter 21: This makes me fangirl sooooo much! My feels is just everywhere!
Chapter 21: ahahahahahaha! she got tongue tied and star struck meeting the man.. OH HONEY! haha.. then again, maybe i would be, too...
you couldn't have done it better than this, i loved it... and Jackson was such a proud boyfriend, bragging about his girl to his parents...
and their intimate moments alone...?! TT^TT my innocent mind