The wall

Just one look

Chloe was working in her cafe like any other day. It was nearing lunch time but she was so swamped with work, she had no time to eat. It had been a while since she had last seen Jackson. He was busy flying in and out of the country, pleasing millions of fan girls. When he wasn't busy flying, he was busy practicing. They barely had time for calls these days but he did call her each and every day. He looked dead tired every single time and almost always fell asleep in the middle of their calls. She laughed remembering this one time when both of them had fallen asleep without hanging up and the call was still connected when they'd woken up in the morning.  He had woken her up with a sweet song and his low voiced laugh. She smiled remembering all those times, missing Jackson even more than she already was. 

She told her workers to handle the cafe for a bit while she finished some work in the back room. She walked in and powered up the computer to sort some kind of problem that coming up while she overlooked the files. It was better to sort that kind of problem now while it was still fresh and she could figure it out quickly. She sat there looking at all the calculations thinking what had went wrong when the door opened and there stood Jackson wearing a bright smile.

"Chlo." He said. She looked up at the sound of his voice.

"Oh my gosh, Jackson!" She got up and flung herself at him. He caught her with ease and twirled her around in a circle before setting her on her feet. 

"Why didn't you call?!" 

"Because I wanted to see this reaction from you. Why would I call when I can get this smile on your face by showing up unannounced?"

"Ahh! I'm so happy. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." She hugged him tight.

He held her with one of his hands on the back of her head and other on her waist. "You look so beautiful. Why have I never seen you like this before?" 

Chloe tended to dress very casually, even for work but today she dressed up a bit, in a high waist pencil skirt and a white blouse that she wore tucked in. She had high heels on her feet and her hair was done in a messy low bun. Jackson's eyes did a full sweep of her from head to toe and Chloe blushed when he his lips. 

"You look hot!" He spoke his thoughts out loud. 

"Stop!" She shoved her face in his neck while she blushed furiously.

"You’re y as well as cute. Aren't I just the luckiest man in the world to have you?" He said while he poked her cheeks.

"Okay stop showering me with compliments and come to the point. I sense something fishy, what do you want?"

"Hey, now this isn't fair! I can’t even complement my girl now? So much for telling the truth. Huh." He flipped his nonexistent hair making Chloe chuckle. "But I do want something."

"See! I knew it."

"Chloe, will you go out on a date with me?" He asked while maintaining eye contact. She almost swooned at the intensity of his eyes.

"What? Date?" 

'Yeah. You, me, lunch. How does that sound?"

"What if I say no?" She said looking smug.

"Are you playing hard to get baby?"

"What if I am?!" 

"Well, too late for that." He said and threw her onto his left shoulder making her squeal. She kicked her legs and pounded at his back to make him put her down.

"Wang Jackson put me down right now." She pretended to sound angry but another squeal escaped her lips when he tried to remove his hands while still balancing her on his shoulder.

"Yah!! Don't let go! Are you trying to make me fall on my ?" She screamed at him.

"Baby, make up your mind, up or down. I'll give you one more option. Yes for that date or no?"

"YES! Now put me down, on my feet!"

"See that wasn't so difficult. You could have just said yes."

Chloe huffed and puffed while glaring at him. He just laughed and brought her face closer to his to press their lips together. Chloe immediately kissed him back and melted under his touch. He grabbed a hold of the pin holding her hair together, pulling it out he threw it across the room. His hands buried in her hair bringing his body closer to hers. She held onto his biceps her nails digging into them. His fingers tangled into her hair, tugging and massaging her scalp. When Jackson pulled back both were breathing hard with Jackson having a smug look on his face.

"Wipe that look off your face or I'll wipe it with my fist!" Chloe showed him his fist making him laugh. There was no way she meant what she said but she was feeling brave today. 

"There was no way I agreed to this with my own fair will." 

"Sure you did."

"No, I didn't. You put your mouth on me and I couldn't think." She puffed out air from her cheeks in frustration.

Jackson grabbed her again and kissed her lips. Soft and slow, she melted into the kiss. "You're so hot when you're pissed." He grazed her ear with his nose planting small kisses behind her ear and neck. His warm breath on her neck was causing goose bumps to break out all over her body. 

"Can't think, again." She breathed out and he laughed letting her go but still kept his arm around her waist.

"You ready to go?" 

"Yes." She said shyly. This was their first date. Sure they were together for a while now but he had never asked her out because of his obvious celebrity status. She had always wanted to go out with him like a normal couple. All this teasing him was just occasional when she felt bold, he looked like he could handle her just fine. She was still the shy, simple girl with simple needs. 

He helped her put on her coat. He held her face tenderly in his hands and kissed the top of her head. The look in his eyes said a million things he couldn't say out loud. He could say it, it was fine with him but he knew she wasn't ready for it. She had a lot of walls around her. She might seem like she was fine and out there, but Jackson knew better. He was giving her time, he had never been a patient man, but he tried to be for her. He pushed the thought away and concentrated on his very first date with his girlfriend. 

"Now would be a good time to introduce me to your staff I think." He told her. He had to almost tackle one of his staff earlier to get to the backroom. They had only let him through when he'd called Kaitlyn and she assured them that he was good and to let him through. He felt good knowing that she had a faithful staff. People like Chloe only deserved good people around them.

"Would that be okay?" She suddenly looked worried.

"Yeah! You trust them right?"

"Yes, of course I do." 

"If they can keep a secret then I think it should be okay." He beamed at her.

She linked her arm through his and walked out with him. She called all of her staff to a corner and introduced him.

"Everyone, there wasn't an opportunity before, but this is my boyfriend Jackson Wang. And babe these are the people I love, cherish and trust with my business." 

"Hello. Please take care of me." Jackson bowed low and the staff bowed back. Chloe introduced them one by one with their names. Jackson shook some hands and bowed to the others. After introductions were all done and they walked out of the cafe to the van where Jackson's manager was waiting. 

"Oppa annyoenghaseyo!" Chloe greeted him brightly.

"Chloe ah~ annyoeng. Have you been well?" 

"Yes oppa." She leaned forward and pecked his cheek. He looked surprised but chuckled.

"Hey!" Jackson exclaimed. "She's my girl hyung, you're going to have to fight me to get to her." 

Chloe and manager just laughed and ignored him. 

"I never asked you where we were going. Where?" She asked him.

"You'll see." He just smiled mischievously.

"Oh-kay I don't like that expression on your face. What's cooking in that head of yours?" She knocked his head lightly.

"Nothing!" He gave her an innocent Wang puppy look and she pinched his cheek. 

They reached their destination and Jackson held the door open for her like a gentleman. When she saw where they were, her footsteps halted and she stood gaping at Jackson. 


"Yeah! It's where we first met Chlo. This is a place with memories for me." 

They stood outside the hamburger place where they had first met each other. The food might not be good but this was a perfect place for their first date. He grabbed her hand and led her towards the entrance of the place. When inside Jackson ordered their burgers and she stood in the line with him the whole time linking her arm with his. Sometimes he would turn back and tuck her hair behind her ear or her cheek lovingly or kiss her forehead. These little gestures meant so much to her that her heart swelled. When they had their food Jackson asked her.

"Do you want to go to the playground and eat?"

"The same place we went to once?"

"Yes. Do you want to go?" 

"I'd love to! Let's go." She said as she jumped up and down excitedly. She had wanted to go to that magical place again where Jackson and her had connected truly for the first time. That place was special to him but they hadn't had the time to get back as Jackson had been too busy to take her. They got back into the car and Chloe handed his lunch for manager oppa. 

"Oppa we got food for you." 

"Thank you sweet girl. It's such a good change. Usually it's me buying food for him and his brothers."

"I know! Please enjoy it."

"Thank you." 

He then drove them to the playground and they sat on a bench in the shade and ate their food. The conversation was light and hearty. Chloe laughed lots and enjoyed her food. They made normal talk about their likes, dislikes and hobbies. Suddenly Chloe asked him.

"Don't you miss fencing?" She was way too casual for the touchy subject.

His expression turned sombre but he answered her question. "It's been a long time. But yeah I still do miss it. I loved it very much." He cracked a small smile.

"I'm sorry; I can't just bring up touchy topics like this casually."

"No, it's okay. It's just that whenever anyone talks about it, it makes me miss home and my life back home."

"What was it like?" She asked curiously.

"My life back home?" When she nodded he thought about her question for a while. "It was normal. I was just like any other kid my age. The only difference was that I was strikingly handsome than the other kids." 

"I bet you were." Chloe laughed.

"Mom was well when I was little, she really wasn't that sick and she could move around a lot. We were just a normal family. I went to school and did fencing practice with dad every day. We bonded over fencing a lot. He was happy that at least one of his kids is into sports as my brother was not interested at all." He took a deep breath and continued. 

"Then my brother left for Australia and I was so alone in the beginning but I learned to be happy for him quickly. I put my all into fencing and took care of mummy. She got sick then, it wasn't much at first but from there on she only got worse. All those years of doing gymnastics took a huge toll on her body. I worked hard at school. My grades were average. I wasn't much different than I am now, the same fun loving Jackson who makes everyone laugh. Then there was news about the JYP audition at school and I'd never wanted something so much in my life. I talked to my dad and he disapproved. We came onto a deal and I worked extra hard for the games and took first place all over Asia. Just like I'd promised my dad." 

"Both of them supported me then, they just wanted me to be happy. From there on I never looked back. I cried the whole way on the plane from Hong Kong to Korea when I first left home. But I never let my parents see my tears. I miss it all so much sometimes. I'm still in contact with my fencing team; those people come right after Got7 in my life. Got7 is everything to me now. My members are great. You wouldn't believe me, but all of us used to be awkward once upon a time. I remember this one time all of us were together; it hadn't been long since we'd started training together."

"We all went out to dinner on an occasional free weekend and we all just sat there waiting for the food. No one said anything. I had to make a total fool of myself to make them laugh and get the atmosphere going. We've been through a lot. You know when yugyoem broke his ankle while tricking jaebum got so worried he let yugyoem eat breakfast in bed every day. Even piggybacking him if he wanted to go somewhere." Jackson smiled slightly at the memories he cherished.

"This place casts some sort of spell on me, I tell you. I suddenly start getting all emotional when I'm here." He laughed his deep laugh.

"No, I like it. These are the things I don't know about you. It's nice to get to know you even more." She said as she the back of his neck.


"Yeah." She smiled as he pecked her lips.

"TMI for first dates don’t you think?" He said grinning.

"Nah, I think I'm good." She smiled back.

They finished their food and took a taxi back to the cafe where Jackson gave Chloe a sweet parting kiss which made her heart flutter. She walked back inside with several thoughts going through her head thinking how she was lucky. So so lucky to have a person like him in her life.


It was night time and she was just about to go to sleep when she heard someone knock. She was suspicious to who it could be but opened the door anyway. There stood a dead tired Jackson with a tired smile on his face.

"Hey." Chloe hugged him and pulled him inside. "You could've just come in, why knock?" He knew her pass code now.

"I didn't want to scare you, it's so late already. I didn't even think and just got inside a taxi and gave them your address. I'm so tired in can't even walk straight." He had his eyes closed but he embraced her tightly.

She run her hands through his soft hair and massaged his scalp a bit. "Have you had dinner?" She hoped he wasn't skipping any meals to top it all off.

"I ate before practice ended." He collapsed on the couch bringing her with him so she laid on top of him. He wrapped his arms and legs around her, not giving her any option to move, completely trapping her in him. His breathing was even and she wondered if he had fallen asleep. She shook him a bit to tell him to change and then sleep on the bed. This couch would only give him a sore back.

"Babe, sleep on the bed." She said as he woke up.

"What?" He cracked one eye open looked around disoriented.

"C'mon let's get up and get you to bed." She again attempted getting up but his hold was too strong. 

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He looked deep into her eyes and moved some stray strands of hair which stuck to her face. He gently her face from forehead to chin and ran his thumb along her jaw. 

"Are you okay?" She asked him gently. He was making her worried.

"Yes I'm okay, I'm just really tired and I messed up a lot today and I just." He paused. "I want to kiss you."

"Then kiss me." She breathed and moved up to press their lips together. The kiss was slow and leisurely when suddenly Jackson flipped them and she lay beneath him now. Things had never been this heated between them before. They had shared some intense kisses but his passion reached another level today.

He kissed her roughly but thoroughly, one hand grasping the back of her neck controlling the kiss. She responded equally passionate, heat coursed through her body. Jackson's hand left a fire trail on her body wherever it moved. His warm body hovered on top of her; she could barely feel his weight. Her hands tangled in his hair tugging and pulling him closer and closer to her. His other hand roamed the side of her body coming to rest of her hip, after a while he moved the hem of her sweater upwards and his hand came in contact with the warm skin of her hip. Her back arched off the couch pressing herself closer to him and a moan left her lips. His tongue explored each and every corner of as if memorizing everything.

Chloe tugged and bit onto his lower lip teasing him then withdrew a little which made him growl. Her hands reached his oversized shirt and she clutched onto it, shoving it upwards as of telling him to take it off. He got his signal and broke the kiss; he took off his shirt in one fluid moment over his head before tossing it on the floor. He attacked her lips again, her hands felt every muscle in his torso and back raking her nails against the smooth skin making him groan.

He pinned both of her hands above her head and trapped her legs restraining any movement and suddenly she stilled. Her blood ran cold in her veins. She felt as if all of his weight crushed her, when in reality it wasn't. She couldn't move, she couldn't breathe, and she couldn't fight. She felt as if she was underwater and gasping for one breath. Her vision became dark like she couldn't see. She only saw how that person had tied both of her hands and legs. She only heard her screams of agony and his menacing laugh over and over in her head.

Jackson noticed the change in her movements and immediately stopped. Her eyes were closed and she struggled for breath. He had already let go of her hands and was about to get off of her when she said.

"No." She gasped. "No" It was louder this time.

"Hey, hey are you okay?" He still hovered on top of her, he touched her cheek to calm her down.

"NO! GET OFF OF ME!" She screamed at him and pushed him off the couch, he landed on the floor startled by the sudden outburst.

"Baby but-" He moved closer to her with his hands raised to see if he had hurt her unknowingly.

"DON'T COME CLOSER! I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU DO! GET OUT! Just OUT!" She moved back and when she hit a wall she collapsed on the floor. Her eyes were shut tight and she had both her hands over her ears.

He stared at her for a minute as of trying to understand what just happened. Then after a minute, it clicked in his head. Something about his actions had made her remember a past. A past she still wasn't ready to tell him about, a past which was eating away at their relationship. Rage formed in his chest and he saw red.

"You know what?! I'm done. Done with you and your walls. I'M ING DONE!"  He put on his shirt and walked to get his bag. He wore his shoes and slammed the door after him when he walked out without sparing a single glance at the love of his life sobbing on the floor.

A/N: HELLO! they're fighting now. that's not good right? i told you the drama was nowhere near done..haha,,i'll have an update out soon so wait for that. please leave comments! thank you! did y'all like the first date? if yes you let me know.. ne readers jjang! i'll see you..until next time..


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Please leave comments everyone! I need a pick me up to write the next update.


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wangkonggirl #1
Hi, i freaking love the story! Too bad it hasn't been updated :(
Killerkhaos #2
Chapter 23: Please continue with your story! It's hard to find good Jackson/oc stories and I really love what you have so far. Hope to read more soon
PeriwinkleSwirl #3
Chapter 12: Once the chapter started Got7's confession started and my fingers curled at the chapter and the music.
Chapter 23: I hope Jackson can accept Chole... I can't imagine if I was in the same situation as Chole.... Update soon.... ;)
Killerkhaos #5
Chapter 23: Finally the truth comes out! Awesome chapter! hope the next chapter comes out soon!!
Chapter 22: JYP family is so friendly... I love them... I want to see the couple bracelet that Jackson gave Chole... Update soon..
Chapter 21: Awhhh! Mama Wang is just so sweet and adorable! I wish I could go toJYP Nation!! D:
Oooo I can't wait to see what happens with JYP! :D :O
Chapter 21: Awwwww!!! They are too sweet... His mom is supportive mom... I don't know what else to write... Some of stories I have read, I can guess what will happen next but your story not in that category.. I can never guess what will happen next.. Update soon..
Chapter 21: This makes me fangirl sooooo much! My feels is just everywhere!
Chapter 21: ahahahahahaha! she got tongue tied and star struck meeting the man.. OH HONEY! haha.. then again, maybe i would be, too...
you couldn't have done it better than this, i loved it... and Jackson was such a proud boyfriend, bragging about his girl to his parents...
and their intimate moments alone...?! TT^TT my innocent mind