Just us two.

Just one look

To say that chloe was surprised seeing Jackson at her doorstep that evening would be the understatement of the year. She had no idea he was going to come visit her, he always came at the cafe but when she saw him at her door she thought she was going to faint, not because of the fever but because he was there in flesh and blood and not just in pictures and in her laptop screen, he was there and he had come to see her because he had been worried about her since their call that morning. She had tried not to sound too sick, if that was even possible but had failed miserably and Jackson had figured her out in a total of 5 seconds but she kept denying him, the guy had enough stress already. She didn't want to add to his burdens. But then he waltzed into her home, made her food got her medicine and took care of her. She fell for him even harder than she already had. There was no use in denying it anymore she liked wang Jackson and not just in a friendly way. But she had no idea how to tell him or how he felt.

But she could see it from the way he looked at her, the way he worried for her, the way he held her, he liked her too but was taking it slow for her sake and deep in her heart she wanted it to be this way for a while, where they could just be themselves without having the pressure of a relationship to maintain, though she knew they would surely reach there, one day. For now this was good enough for her, but she knew her heart was going to explode, when sometimes he came too close or said something too cheesy, she was falling in love with him, and even she couldn't pinpoint where and how that had happened. That night when they watched a movie, she didn't resist when he pulled her towards him, this time she didn't even hesitate, she wasn't going to fight this, and went to him willingly. Truth be told, she was never interested in that stupid movie she just wanted to sit with him quietly and cuddle, well if he let her and he did.

Then the meds kicked in making her feel sleepy, but she had no intention of letting Jackson leave her alone, so she tried to resist sleep, she'd had enough of staying away from him, right now she just wanted him to be next to her, she felt him pick her up and put her in her bed, just when she thought he was going to come to bed with her, he turned to walk away from her, she thought he was leaving her again and the thought terrified her, so she told him to stay with her and he said yes having very little will power to reject her. When she felt Jackson's arms around her, she thought she had reached heaven, she moved even closer to him and buried her face in his chest, he smelled heavenly, like spicy and musky and cinnamony all rolled into one. She wanted to fill that scent up in a bottle or never ever let Jackson go. She would be very happy with both. For now she just closed her eyes and pushed all thoughts of the nights she spent in pain without him and drifted to sleep in his strong arms.

The next morning Jackson woke up and it took him a total of 5 seconds to remember where he was. Oh yeah! He was at chloe's house, she'd asked him to stay, in a way that he could not say no to, he thought if he would ever be able to say no to her, probably never. She was just too cute to resist. Then he looked at her, even with her hair all wild around her face and messed up she was easily the prettiest girl he had ever laid eyes on. Her lips were slightly pouted, her nose scrunched and forehead wrinkled, he wondered what worried her even in her sleep and brought his hands up to move the hair out of her eyes and he cupped her face lightly, she sighed in her sleep and the wrinkles on her forehead smoothed, like his touch made everything okay and she recognized it was him touching her even in her sleep, he smiled at the thought and moved his hand to trace her lower lip, as soon as his hand touched them, they parted, Jackson swallowed and withdrew his hand. He wanted to kiss her right then and there but it would be wrong on so many levels. So he just looked at her for five more seconds and decided to make her breakfast, she was still sick and she needed the food in her system. It was still early and Jackson had woken up on his own no alarm needed. Well his early schedules at least did one good thing, he had apparently become a morning person now.

Shaking his head he got up, he had at little trouble untangling himself from Chloe as she totally wrapped herself around him, her arm thrown around his torso and their legs tangling together, her head still pillowed on his chest, she looked so peaceful. When he was finally able to get up he headed to the bathroom to do his business. After he was done he went to the kitchen to decide what to make for breakfast and quickly decided on pancakes, yum, he loved pancakes. And he was sure she'll love them too, maybe if he was done a bit early he could try making the cup cakes chloe had once fed him. Wow those were heaven, maybe he could get her to make them for him again. Teehee! He felt giddy at the thought. As he was getting started he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. It was mark.

"Yeah" he said.

"Well hello to you too! Am i interrupting?" 

"Not really." He said. 

"Where's your girl." 

"She's asleep." He smiled just thinking about her.

"Staying the nights already are we? Yoekshi you are the wild and the y wang Jackson. I'm sure she wasn't able to resist your charms."

"Yah! It isn't like that you idiot. She's sick. And what can i say about the charms. I am the wild and the y."

"Yah! What did you say? She's sick? Why didn't you tell us earlier? Does she need to go to the doctor?"

"Woah woah mark tuan breathe. She's fine now, i gave her medicine and made food for her and them we slept, that's it. Don't let your imagination run wild."

"I'm glad she's ok. Is that Jackson?" He heard jb's voice from behind. "Yup. wait a sec jb wants to talk to you."

"Uh huh."

"Yah imma i thought i told you to call!"

"But i texted hyung~" 

"That isn't enough for me. Call when i tell you to call ok?"

"Yes hyung."

"I thought you would come home though. I guess you two are already close enough." 

"Aniya hyung nothing like that. She was sick, so i stayed and took care of her."

"Ah kurae? Is she ok now?" He sounded so much more composed than mark, indeed their leader.

"Yes she seems to be but i don't know yet since she's still asleep." 

'Well i just wanted to tell you that we have no schedule until 1 this afternoon so don't hurry." Jackson could tell that jb was embarrassed through the phone.

"Oh! Ok thanks hyung."

"Well take care of her. And call for a ride ok? Be careful when you leave her place."

"Yes hyung~"

"Who is that on the phone? ~ is that Jackson hyung?~ hyunggg~ let me talk to him."

"Yah imma he's gonna be home anyways talk to him then." Jb was clearly struggling to keep the excited maknae at bay.

"Hyung~ i miss u~~~~ tell noona i miss her too." Bam bam said not giving up.

"Tell bammie we miss him too." Jackson said smiling.

'Will do! Ok then i'm hanging up. Bye "

"Bye hyung~" then the phone went dead.

Jackson could not believe mark had come to such a conclusion, he thought he was the one with the dirty mind and not mark. He shivered and shook the thought out of his head. Why was it feeling so stuffy suddenly. He took off his shirt, well it didn't matter since it was only him right now. He was almost done but it was too silent for his taste, so he decided to play some music. The new song by his Miss A sunbaenims "Only you" started playing. Ooh! He loved this one. He was immediately started singing along to the song without him realizing that chloe had woken up and stood in the doorway shocked to see him shirtless and dancing to a girl group song. She had never thought she would witness such a scene in her life. He suddenly turned around and saw her standing there, a huge smile formed on his face and just then the chorus came on and he pulled her with him to dance together.

Dareuen yoejawan dalla ppoenhan saranguel sirhoe

Neaga noe manhi johaheado, ssanggwanobseo noeman issuemyoen dwae

Daram namjawan dalla ijen kueman badajwo

You'll be my baby baby baby noe! 

Daran namja malgu noe

Noe noe noe noee!!

Both of them danced together and after the song ended both of them were laughing so hard they could hardly breathe. After the laughter died down it turned a bit awkward with Jackson shirtless and chloe's messy bed hair, Jackson produced his hoodie from somewhere and put it on. ped. 

"Good morning." He said as he turned the music down and came closer to her, enveloping her in a bear hug and she chuckled. She wished every morning would be like this, in her mind. 

"Good morning." She said inhaling his scent from his shoulder, where her head was buried. She wrapped her arms around his waist tightly.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked lightly her hair. It felt so good she wished he would keep doing it forever.

"Yes. And you?"

"The best sleep I've had in months." He told her honestly and she smiled.


"Uh huh. C'mon now go and freshen up. We're having pancakes for breakfast. Oh! And are you feeling okay now?" He asked worry evident in his voice.

"Yes i'm feeling like myself today. And you're cooking for me again. Why do you want to spoil me?"

"Because you deserve to be spoiled. Now go get your moving, or you're gonna be eating cold breakfast."

"Yes mom" she said and he laughed his hyena laugh.

After he was done with the food, he sat at the dining table finally pulled on his shirt back and waited for her to come out. She never took long enough. He had heard everyone say that girls took their sweet time in doing everything, especially getting ready, but all the women in his life got ready really quickly, like his mom and Chloe too, even young ji never took too long.

Just as he was spacing out, chloe came. She was wearing another one of those loose sweaters but a bit shorter this time and the one sleeve falling off a bit, exposing her shoulder. He looked at her from top to bottom and then smiled in appreciation. 

"You look very pretty." He blurted out unable to control himself.

"Oh why thank you so much." She said smiling.

"What?! I'm serious."

"Sure sure." She said and started serving them both food.

Both ate in comfortable silence. After they were done, she told him she would do the dishes since he cooked for her. He said it was okay since she looked a lot better today, no longer too pale, the color back in her cheeks. As she did the dishes he thought of how to convince her to stay until his schedule, he knew she wouldn't like missing another day of work but she needed rest, he quickly told himself.

So he walked to her from behind, put his arms around her waist and pulled her back to his chest. She was startled a bit initially but relaxed almost immediately after that. She could sense he wanted to say something, bit she would gladly wait until he said it. 

 "How long until you have to be at work?" He said as he moved even closer and rested his chin on her bare shoulder. 

"Just an hour more. Why?" 

"Well i don't have any schedule till 1 and i was wondering if you would stay with me? and you need rest too. Going to work immediately won't help you. You might get sick again." He said hurriedly.

She just laughed. "So you want me to stay until 1?"

"If you can yes." He admitted in a small voice.

She turned off the water, dried her hands on a towel then moved to face him, she put his arms around his neck and said.

'Okay! You're right i do need rest." 

Jackson beamed at her and picked her up twirling her around in a circle. She giggled. 

"I might need the so called rest, but I'm making lunch and that's final. I'm not going to let you spoil me." She said, arms still around his neck.

"You can do whatever you want. Just stay with me." He said very intensely.

Don't fight it she told herself. 

"I'm not going to go anywhere" she said equally serious. She usually got shy and talked about something else in moments like these, but she held the eye contact and replied to him, it didn't miss his notice.

"So what do you want to do until lunch?" He asked her 

"Umm i have something in mind though promise me you will say yes once you listen to it." 

"Okay okay i promise. Now tell. What is it?"

"I want to watch Dream Knight." She said as her eyes shined.

"No no no no nooooooo." He started chanting.

"But you promised." She whined.

"I would have never made such a promise if i knew what you had in mind. Chloe ah~ it's just too embarrassing for me." 

"But oppa~~~~ i want to please." She pulled full aegyo on him

He thought for 2 seconds and then sighed, resigned.

"Fine." He said. 

"Yay!!" She jumped around, gave him a quick hug and went to the tv to play the episodes.

After she was done setting up she pulled him along who seemed to be rooted on his spot.

"C'mon." she dragged him to the couch, he sat down. She immediately went in his arms. "Relax" she cooed. "I won't make fun of you, promise." 

"Fine." He tried to stay grumpy but a hint of a grin was threatening in his lips. She smiled looking at him encouragingly.

The show started and all conversation ceased, when Jackson's scene would come out he would squirm uncomfortably and she calmed him down with her touch, which worked every single time. Jackson noticed Chloe swooned a little every time jaebum came on screen. It's like she had that starstruck expression on her face. She even started to squeal when their dance battle scene came on and wooted loudly when Jackson did his martial art trick.

"My man!" She shouted at the screen without noticing him. He smiled so wide his face was about to split in half.

Episode by episode went by and it was already time for the last two episodes. She paused the video then. 

"C'mon let's make lunch first. I mean i'll make lunch and you can just watch me." 

"Ha ha no way. Like i'm so good at staying still and watching right? I'll help."

"Only little bit." She gave in. 

"Fine. A little bit." He agreed.

She made chicken soup and kimchi fried rice while Jackson helped with this and that. After a while they were done cooking, Jackson set the table like he always did.

Both sat down and she served him some soup in a bowl.

He ate it after blowing on it for a while as it was piping hot. After he swallowed he seem to think about it for a while. She grew impatient and asked him.

"Is it okay?" She asked, worried.

"OH MY GOD! okay? This tastes like freaking heaven chloe. OH MY GOD!  This tastes better than the cupcakes. No wait nothing tastes better than them. Yah you need to make them for me again."

"Sure sure. Finish this first." She said sounding like a mom and he pouted.

Soon they were done both with the lunch and the dishes. Both sat on the couch again and she resumed the video they were watching. 'One sweet day' was the name of that one. It really was a sweet episode. Jb and in young finally were together. She felt giddy watching those scenes with Jackson beside her, she moved even closer in his arms and he only tightened them around her. 

When Jackson unconsciously confessed to min chloe squealed loudly and started singing the lines of the song 'some' while poking his cheeks. Jackson was turning redder by the second, she found it too cute. In young and jb were now on the bridge, both her and Jackson knew what came next, but chloe refused to look at him, she felt too shy. Jackson was looking at her, as she turned red beneath his gaze for no reason, he then caught her chin and made her look at him. His heart thundered in his chest. 

Now or never Jackson. Say it. He thought.

She still refused to look at him finding the ground so much more fascinating. He cupped her face with his hand, her eyes shot up to meet his. He moved his face closer to hers, their fore heads almost touching. Chloe leaned in a bit unconsciously. 

"Tell me, tell me you feel it too chloe." He said. His voice coming out in a breathy whisper.

Chloe stopped breathing. The drama on the screen now long forgotten.

"Yes." she answered him in small voice, barely audible. "Yes Jackson i feel it too." 

She saw him beam at her brightly and he leaned in as if to kiss her, but his lips went to her forehead instead. She gasped, a shock running through her body. He pulled back and looked deep into her eyes. All she could see in his was love, for her.

"We'll take this slow. As slow as you want. Thank you for telling me this. Thank you." He brought up the hand he was holding and kissed her knuckles.

"No, thank you for coming into my life again." She smiled at him and snuggled deeper into his chest, she felt his lips in her hair.

Both resumed watching the drama with smiles on their faces.



A/n: yehet! Another update for you guys! A mini confession here! Teehee! I thought i should put you all out of your misery and make things move forward a bit. So here it is! Please please please leave comments..i wud love to know ur thoughts.. And i wanna thank pawlinne17, Jaielhun07, secretreader, markzyjackzyluver for always commenting and supporting this fic. I value all of your thoughts. Well i hope all of you have a lovely weekend. Thank you all! Ne readers jjang! I'll see you all next time, until then.



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wangkonggirl #1
Hi, i freaking love the story! Too bad it hasn't been updated :(
Killerkhaos #2
Chapter 23: Please continue with your story! It's hard to find good Jackson/oc stories and I really love what you have so far. Hope to read more soon
PeriwinkleSwirl #3
Chapter 12: Once the chapter started Got7's confession started and my fingers curled at the chapter and the music.
Chapter 23: I hope Jackson can accept Chole... I can't imagine if I was in the same situation as Chole.... Update soon.... ;)
Killerkhaos #5
Chapter 23: Finally the truth comes out! Awesome chapter! hope the next chapter comes out soon!!
Chapter 22: JYP family is so friendly... I love them... I want to see the couple bracelet that Jackson gave Chole... Update soon..
Chapter 21: Awhhh! Mama Wang is just so sweet and adorable! I wish I could go toJYP Nation!! D:
Oooo I can't wait to see what happens with JYP! :D :O
Chapter 21: Awwwww!!! They are too sweet... His mom is supportive mom... I don't know what else to write... Some of stories I have read, I can guess what will happen next but your story not in that category.. I can never guess what will happen next.. Update soon..
Chapter 21: This makes me fangirl sooooo much! My feels is just everywhere!
Chapter 21: ahahahahahaha! she got tongue tied and star struck meeting the man.. OH HONEY! haha.. then again, maybe i would be, too...
you couldn't have done it better than this, i loved it... and Jackson was such a proud boyfriend, bragging about his girl to his parents...
and their intimate moments alone...?! TT^TT my innocent mind