Chapter 28


*Not Edited 


3rd POV

                  “Oppa.” Changmin looked up and saw Sulli walking towards him with a confusion written on her face, but a smile still present, “Any reason why you suddenly asked me out on a lunch date? You know I have a boyfriend.” She teased as she elegantly sat down across from Changmin.

Changmin let out a chuckle while nodding, “I know. Don’t worry I just want to talk you about something.”

“And what’s better way to do it than at my restaurant.” Hong Seok-cheon walked towards them with a bright smile holding menus on one hand and champagne glasses on the other. He skillfully put the glasses in front of the two while giving each a menu, “You have a great view, the windows are tinted so no need to worry about Dispatch taking photos of you two, and the whole upper floor is rented by our Changmin over here so you can talk about whatever you need to without fussing about anything going out of this room.”

“Also, I’m your chief for this lovely afternoon and my mouth is zipped.” Seok-cheon bowed.   

“You rented this whole floor?” Sulli asked with wide eyes in shock, “And also requested Seok-cheon Oppa as our chief? Oh my, I feel like this lunch is going to be a rollercoaster.”

“Why don’t we order our lunch first.” Changmin said as he told Seok-cheon his order followed closely behind Sulli. The chief smiled and went towards the kitchen to start cooking.

“How have you been?” Changmin asked after taking a sip of his water, “I, nor has anyone from SM, has seen you ever since that disagreement we had few weeks ago. I heard from your manager that you haven’t even talked to your members. I know they are extremely worried about you.”

(A/N: The ‘disagreement’ is in chapter 19. It’s when Sulli finds out about Hyun leaving SM)

“You may see it as a disagreement, but for me it was an honest fight.” Sulli stated tightly as she was reminded back to that day when she realized that how selfish people can be without even knowing it. Trying hard to forget the story that Hyun’s mom told her made her eyes’ glossy. Sulli effortlessly put the napkin on her lap, “I do feel bad for not talking to my members, but I don’t think I will be able to face them right now.”

 Of course, Sulli felt bad. She knew that her members have no fault in this whatsoever, but she also knew that if she sees them than there is high chance that she will blurt everything out and that’s the last thing she wants to do. The stories that Hyun’s mom told her is not for her to share; it is up to Hyun if she wanted other people to know her secrets.

“Why is that, Sulli?” Changmin’s voice held irritation as he tried hard not getting mad at the young woman in front of him who had on an emotionless face, “They are your members who have been with you throughout your trainee days. They were with you when you during hard and happy times. They have seen you in your worse and best. They deserve an explanation about that day.”

“I could say the same, Oppa.” Sulli looked Changmin right in his eyes, “What about your old members? What about Junsu, JaeJoong, and Yoochun Oppa? Don’t they deserve an explanation about how you and Yunho Oppa act?”

Changmin’s eyes got wide from shock as he let those words process in his head. Ever since they left the group, everyone around him and Yunho have been careful about not saying those forbidden names. Even now, many sunbaes and hoobaes are on their tip toes as they talk with them.

“Here’s your Ravioli with stuff beef.” Seok-cheon tried hard to not comment on the tense atmosphere that surrounded the table. It was so tense that both of them didn’t even react to Seok-cheon popping up suddenly as they continued to stare at each other, “Here’s your pasta tossed with fresh cherry tomatoes and basil.” He put the warm plate in front of Sulli before walking away silently to go back in the kitchen to start the desert.

Not caring anymore, Sulli looked away and grabbed her fork. She twirled the spaghetti around her fork before taking a bite, “What is it that you need to talk to me about?”

Changmin cleared his throat when he realized that he was acting like a child. Even though he is older than Sulli, she was the one being more adult about this situation. “I actually wanted to talk you about that day.”

Sulli nodded indicating that she was listening.

“Why did you say that we didn’t know ?” Changmin asked, “Why were so pissed that we didn’t talk to Hyun? Or the fact that you weren’t mad that she betrayed us?”

“Because she didn’t betray anybody.” Sulli replied like it was obvious, “She did what she thought was right. And also you guys really don’t know about Hyun.”

“I don’t get what you are trying to say. Hyun as been working for SM for about 8 months, I think we knew almost everything about her.” Changmin said.

“What’s her brother’s name?” Sulli suddenly asked. Changmin froze as he looked at Sulli with confusion. The fork and knife in his hands stopped their movement as well.

Sulli put down her fork and gave her full attention to the man sitting in front of her, “Yes, she has a little brother.”

“What’s her mother’s name?”

“What’s her dream job?”

“What is the one thing that she holds dear to her heart?”

Sulli fired questions at Changmin without any break. Every questions made Changmin realized that he didn’t know anything about the ‘friend’ he made in those 8 months. Those times that they spend together was full of laughter but he could not recall any time that Hyun ever talked about her private matters.

“How about this: What is her favorite color?” Sulli asked again, “If you have spent time together for 8 months, you should at least know her favorite color.”

“I...I…” Changmin’s eyes were full of regret, “don’t know.” His soft whisper was enough for Sulli to realize that she had struck a cord with him.

“It’s green.” Sulli answered with a sigh, “I only realized her favorite color was green when I visited her house and her mom showed me her room. She had a lot of green accessories and a green duvet. Her mom said that green was her favorite color ever since she was a child.”

“You visited her house?” Changmin asked surprised. He had no idea where she lived or the fact that she lived in a house instead of an apartment.

“It was the day of the argument.” Sulli explained, “After I read the article, I blackmailed my manager to tell me the whole situation that happened in SM when Hyun Unnie left. I went to visit her at her house, but she wasn’t home and I got to meet her mom.”

“But that doesn’t explain your attitude that day when you saw us in the practice room.” Changmin was starting to piece together the puzzle slowly in his head.

“Part of it was because of the fact that nobody told me about Hyun Unnie leaving like that,” Sulli put her hands up stopping Changmin who was just about to interrupt, “Which I do understand. I was fragile at that time and you guys didn’t want to put more stress on me.”

“The other reason being?” Changmin’s question faded off.

“The big reason was after hearing Unnie’s story.” Sulli looked out the window into the cloudy day. Dark clouds blanketed over the horizon indicating that a rainfall could occur anytime now. She rested her face against her palm thinking about the old times, “Unnie was always there for us. She knew what would make us feel better. What food we liked. Always bringing us lunch and sitting down with us. We always went to her to talk about our problems and she would stop all of her work to listen to us. She would comfort us and make us feel so normal. For that one moment we weren’t idols, but normal human beings.”

Changmin listened closely to Sulli as she continued to be lost in her own world.

“That day when it was decided that I would go on a hiatus was because Hyun Unnie stood up for me. I had a panic attack and she was the one who calmed me down. She fought knowing that it will jeopardize her job just so I can have a small vacation for my health. We weren’t idols to her. We weren’t people who make large amount money. We were just friends. And friends have each other’s back.” Sulli finally turned towards Changmin with a heartbroken face that made him almost gasp.

“Even I didn’t know anything about her.” Sulli continued, “I never knew who she really was because I was too caught up in my own world. I still think about the times when I would go complain to her about my problems, how much pain was she in those moments? Yet she never showed it. She would listen and help me as much as she can. She would smile when I smiled. She was the best Unnie, but I was the worst dongsaeng ever. I was selfish. You were selfish. Yunho Oppa was selfish.”

“We all were selfish.”

Changmin remained silent as he went through memory lane. All the times that he was stressed out, Hyun was always there for him. She would make him laugh and always knew what would make him feel better. The hardship that came with being an idol would sometimes get unendurable. The nonstop practices, interviews, variety shows, and performances can get mentally and physically hard. However, talking with Hyun about the most random things made those moments feel so…normal.

He wasn’t Chagmin of DBSK.

He wasn’t part of one of the biggest boyband of all times.

He wasn’t this big role model that almost every rookie idol group looked up to

No. For her, he was just Shim Changmin. A boy who was only few months younger.

Sulli saw Changmin’s wheel turning. She had no desire to make him realize what he and everyone at SM did was wrong, but being here and him asking all those questions just made her blood boil. However, it wasn’t his fault. Being an idol takes up about 90% of your life while the other 10% is usually saved for special people like family members and close friends. You unconsciously become selfish.

“What made her leave SM and become their lawyer?” Changmin asked.

Sulli sighed knowing that this particular question was going to come up sooner or later; however, she was hoping for the latter,

“That I cannot answer.” Sulli said as she finished up her pasta, “It is not my story to tell. If you want to know, you have to connect Hyun Unnie yourself.”

Changmin nodded understanding Sulli’s logic. The reason behind Hyun’s leaving was much more than he thought. There was way more factors behind it, but so many people at SM, including himself, immediately labeled Hyun as a betrayer. Guilt was surging inside Changmin as he put down his fork and knife; his appetite gone.

Sulli looked at Changmin’s almost full plate with shock written on her face. Changmin never left food on his plate. He ate until the last crumb,

“Not hungry?”

Changmin nodded softly while drinking his water. Before Sulli could help her Oppa, who was looking heartbroken, her phone rang. She took out her slick black phone from her purse and was shock to see the caller id.

“Heechul Oppa?” Sulli mumbled grabbing Changmin’s attention.

Sulli slide the icon and put the phone to her ear, “Hello.”

“Sulli!” Heechul’s voice was easily heard from the other side due to the dearly silence that surrounded the upper floor, “Where’s Hyun?”

Changmin’s eyes got wide in shock. Did Heechul Hyung still talk to Hyun? Questions surrounded his mind and he wasn’t the only one as he noticed the surprise look on Sulli’s face as well.

“What do you mean, Oppa?” Sulli asked.

“I mean where is she right now?” He asked again in urgent.

“I don’t know.” Sulli replied, “She could be at her work place or even home.”

“Her freaking house is burnt!” Heechul almost yelled, “There are police tapes surrounding her house right now. The neighbors said that her family have moved away, but they don’t know where.”

Burnt kept on repeating in her mind as everything that Heechul said start to process in her mind. Changmin was just as shock as Sulli as he heard everything clearly.

Composing herself Sulli answered back, “Just wait there Oppa. We’re coming to her house right now.”

“We?” Heechul asked.

“I was having lunch with Changmin Oppa and we both are coming there.” Sulli didn’t even asked Changmin if he was coming knowing full well that he’ll come no matter what. It doesn’t matter what he said about Hyun, she was still a dear friend to him.

“That’s good because we definitely need his help.” Heechul didn’t explain further as he ended the call.

“Let’s go.” Changmin said with a strong voice as he got up and put his phone into his front pocket of his jeans.

Sulli got up as well putting the napkin that was on her lap on the table.

“Wait!” Seok-cheon said as he fast walked towards them holding two white bags. “This is your favorite oreo cheesecake. I packed it when I heard you guys were leaving.” He handed one of the bag to Sulli who immediately smiled and thanked him.

“And here are macaroons for you Changmin.” He passed the other bag to the surprised Changmin who idly took the packet.

“How did you know that I liked macaroons, Hyung?” Changmin fully remember that he never mentioned anything about his favorite dessert to Seok-cheon.

“Actually, JaeJoong comes here a lot and he told me once that he tried to make macaroons for you when you debuted but they didn’t turn out so good. He said they were your favorite dessert and eventually, now, he has mastered the recipe.” Seok-cheon said, “Actually whenever all three of them come, they tend to talk about the past a lot and laugh at the memories they made throughout the years.”

“Thank you, Hyung.” Changmin gave a small smile after looking at the pink packet in the bag with heavy eyes, “I’ll eat this well.”

Seock-cheon patted his back, “You can pay me for this lunch another time, you guys should hurry. I could hear Heechul’s panic voice all the way in the kitchen.”

“Thank you.” Both Sulli and Changmin gave him a quick hug before leaving the restaurant.

“Is it okay if I come with you Oppa?” Sulli asked, “My manager left; I was suppose to text him when lunch was over.”

“Of course.” Changmin smiled at her before walking towards his car that was parked in the underground garage of the restaurant. They got into the car and Sulli put in Hyun’s address on the GPS.

“I hope nothing too bad happen.” Sulli whispered afraid to speak aloud. Changmin couldn’t agree more.


                  Two figures leaned against the small wall that was across from the Hyun’s house. They both were in deep thought and the empty neighborhood made it more silent than it already was.

Another two figures walked towards the two tall male with quick footsteps.

“Oppa!” Sulli voice called as they got closer. Changmin was right beside her as he noticed another figure leaning against the wall with their hood up blocking their face beside Heechul.

“Yunho Hyung?” He squinted his eyes before they got wide in surprise as they finally stood in front of the two male, “Yunho Hyung, what are you doing here?”

“Yunho Oppa?” Sulli looked just as surprise as Changmin. She would have never thought that she would meet him in front of Hyun’s house.

“I dragged him with me.” Heechul answered their question before nodding towards the house that was right in front of them. Sulli gasped as she took in the scene.

The house was not fully burnt, but more than half of it was covered in black ash. A yellow police tap surrounded the whole property including the front yard.

She quickly crossed the small road and stood on the sidewalk looking at the house with heartbroken face, “What happened?”

“That’s what I want to know.” Heechul replied from right behind her. All four of them were now standing and taking in the dreadful scene in front of them.

Without missing a beat, Sulli pulled out her phone and quickly found Hyun’s number and called her. She put it on speaker as the ringing started.

“What are you doing?” Yunho asked. It was the first time he spoke ever since Changmin and Sulli arrived.

“I’m calling her. That’s the only way we’ll find the answer.” Sulli replied.

“Hello.” Hyun’s soft voice made the three male to pause. It’s been a while since they heard her voice that they almost forgot how calming it was, “Sulli-ah!”

“Hello Unnie!” Sulli replied with a big smile on her face happy to hear that her Unnie’s voice was light and happy. Even the other three noticed the change in her voice.

“Where are you Unnie?” Sulli asked.

“I’m in my office right now working.”

“You got your own office?” Sulli was surprised. In SM she only had a cubicle.

“Yeah.” Sulli heard paper rustling in the background, “C-Jes gave me a private office in their building even when I told Mr. Baek, the CEO, that I didn’t need one. But he wouldn’t listen to me and pretty much forced it upon me.” They heard her chuckle causing Heechul to smile a little nice to know that she’s being treated right.

“That’s nice of them.”

“How’s your hiatus, Sulli?” Hyun asked with her voice full of concern, “Are you resting well?”

“I’m doing very well.” Sulli smiled knowing that Hyun will never stop worry about the people she loves.

“That’s good. If you need anything or want to even talk, just call me and we can meet up, okay?”

“Okay, Unnie. I can always count on you.” Sulli was nudged on the shoulder by Heechul reminding her of the real situation of why they were calling her.

“Oh yeah, Unnie, what happened to your house?” Sulli asked, “I wanted to come and visit you, but your house is burnt. Are you okay? How’s your family?”

“We are all fine, fortunately.” Hyun change in voice caught everyone’s attention. She sounded more stern, “Mom and Hyo came back from grocery shopping when they noticed the fire and immediately called the fire department. I came after work when the fire was already put out and our stuff was packed. Eventually, the police are treating the incident as a crime scene because they cannot seem to find the source of the fire. Actually thanks for reminding me, I should call them and ask if they found anything.”

“Where are you guys staying now?” Sulli asked concerned, “If you need a place to stay, you can always come over to my apartment. I have enough room.”

Hyun laughed rang through the small group causing Yunho’s heart to skip a beat. He forgot how her laugh sounded,

“No it’s okay. Hyo went to Hong Kong for his internship and study abroad program and Mom went to back to our village with a,” Hyun hesitated for a bit before continuing, “friend and I’m living with my friend right now. We all are doing well. I like living with my friend; it’s nice.”

“That’s good.” Sulli replied back looking at the other three male’s faces, “Call me whenever you need anything, okay?”

“Okay.” Hyun chuckled before a male voice called for her on the other side, “Sulli, I have to go now. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”

“Bye Unnie.” Sulli hanged up her phone before looking at the other three.

“At least she’s okay.” Changmin said looking at the house before looking at the small circle that the group made.

“You’re right.” Sulli said, “But why are you guys here?” Sulli asked both Heechul and Yunho.

“I don’t know why I’m here.” Yunho replied while putting his hand inside of his pockets, “Heechul Hyung suddenly dragged me here from my apartment.”

Everyone turned toward Heechul, who was standing with his arms crossed over his chest, wanting an answer,

“I think Mr. Kim Young-min, our CEO, is up to something.”


Thank you guys for being so patient with me. 

I got done with my finals and started a full time job. I work from 9 am- 7 pm

so I had to wake up extra early to write small amount of this chapter which is 

9 pages. Thank you for understanding guys! 

I left with a cliffhanger! I hope you guys like the chapter. 

Please do tell me your opinions, upvote, and subscribe!

Thank you guys! Love y'all!

Present time ft. Homin and Heechul:

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AmyDick #1
Chapter 33: Sudden appearance of heechul which give a little light on hyun's and jyj but the way tovictory is still long ahead to get. Gotta wait for hyun action after receiving the document.
AmyDick #2
Chapter 32: I think you need to go to the original plot line after all the yoohyun's love line. Time to be serious.
Thanks for updating anyway.
youngmin22 #3
Chapter 31: It's okay, i'm happy that you update. I love this story
Fighting authornim....
mettugiworld #4
Chapter 31: Thank you. I always be no 1 fan of this fanfic. Haha
Giannarodz23 #5
Chapter 30: Amazing update soon
AmyDick #6
Chapter 31: I was shocked at first. Is it real? Was the words i said when i read my friend's post on facebook but then it hasn't prove yet and we still didn't know the truth.
For me if really yoochun did it i don't know if i'll still have respect him but i hope he is innocent. For real he has been built his clear image for years but this news is a shock that i don't know which one is true since everything is blur. I also didn't follow news that much but i feel a bit relax after cjes gave statement.
mettugiworld #7
Chapter 31: I know what you feel authornim. My heart really hurt. I'm angry with media posting something that not related to YC. I'm also confused with so many statemen from pollice and his agency. The pollice investigation also so slow to uncover this case. And YC side doesnt hav chance to speak up to pollice. His agency still wait for official summon from pollice. And medias were far away and too much. They attack YC like he's already a criminal. In fact he didnt investigate yet by pollice. And the news always about girl side.

This scandal really make me headache and hurt. I've been sick since last night. I also cant cry although I want. But, my heart still shake and hurt. I wanna cry or put my anger on something or someone but I cant.

I really hate JTBC and Channel A who report him in media like they're dumb and not clarify first on YC side or pollice. This is too much. They must deserve worst than this
sn123456 #8
Chapter 31: I just hope I haven't been in love with the wrong guy for many years. I wish he will be found innocent. My Chun isn't such a man.
mettugiworld #9
Chapter 30: Honestly I dislike Sulli. But yeah its okay its yur story. Heheh

I hope more triangle love story between Yoochun-Hyun-Yunho. Haha
MystMayden41 #10
Chapter 30: Gosh Heechul, you just realised your CEO isn't all SM idol believes he is lol.

Awesome come back from Sulli to Changmin author-nim when they we're talking in the restaurant. If only that happened for real when JYJ we're made to look like the bad guys and still are looked upon as the bad guys.

When Yunho finds out the friend Hyun's staying with, he's going to be one greeneyed monster :p:D