
Dragon Bracelet
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    If you looked up the word awkward in the dictionary, I'm pretty sure a picture of this dinner would be next to it. Kris was sitting at the head of the table, Snake at the foot, with Ryu and I across from each other at the sides. Ryu and I were chewing our slices of pizza but Kris and Snake were doing nothing but staring at each other and taking occasional swigs from the coke bottles in the front of them. 
    " teacher wants to meet with you two." Ryu finally said, obviously desperate for anything that could break the tension. 
    "Are you in trouble?" I asked, concerned. Ryu had been working very hard at school—studying and always showing up on time, even having Snake explain anything he didn't immediately understand. 
    "I don't know. She gave me a paper," Ryu said, standing up. "I'll go grab it."
    "Take your time." I smiled. Ryu nodded, pressing a quick kiss to Snake's forehead and darting up the stairs. 
    Once he was gone, Snake seemed to relax. He took a large bite of a pizza, looking over at me. 
    "How are you?" Snake asked me, looking genuinely interested. I smiled, flicking the pizza box open and tossing another slice onto his plate. 
    "I've been good. What about you? Is your hand alright?" I asked, concerned. Snake showed me the faint scar on his palm, wiping the sauce from his mouth with the back of his wrist. 
    "I'm okay. Thank you." Snake said, his eyes flicking over to Ryu when the other boy reappeared. 
    "Here you go." Ryu smiled, casting a wary look at Snake before handing me the folded white paper. 
    I flipped it open, quickly scanning the neat handwriting. It only requested for Kris and I to meet with Ryu's teacher tomorrow at 9:15 am. I shrugged, handing it to Kris to study. 
    "I'm sure you're not in trouble." I reassured Ryu. He nodded, finishing off his coke and standing to get another from the refrigerator. 
    I followed him, seeing Snake's bottle was close to empty, and bent down next to him while we rummaged the shelves. The cold air from the fridge billowed over our faces and I hoped Kris and Snake weren't secretly killing each other behind us. 
    "God, this is so awkward." Ryu whispered. 
    "I know. They used to be fine. We have to get them talking again." I said. Ryu nodded, plucking up a bottle and handing one to me. 
    We settled back at the table, a rare smiling flitting across Snake's face when I handed him the drink. 
    "Snake. This is supposed to be a safe, neutral place." Kris said suddenly, looking sternly at Snake. Snake raised one eyebrow over the lip of his bottle, silently challenging Kris. 
    "What are you talking about?" I asked, getting the urge to beat the heck out of Kris if he started a fight. 
    "That means the dragonsblood knife in your pocket should have been left at the door." Kris continued, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table. His shoulders and biceps tightened, showing off his new muscle mass threateningly. 
    "Snake! You didn't!" Ryu scolded, smacking the back of Snake's head. Snake rolled his eyes, set the bottle down with a clink, and then reached into his pocket. The knife was skidding along the table a few seconds later, slowing in front of Kris and spinning slightly. 
    "Happy?" Snake snapped sarcastically. Kris nodded, carefully picking up the blade by the handle and tossing it onto the kitchen counter where it landed with a clatter. 
    "Thank you." Kris said calmly. "I don't understand why you feel the need to be armed. I'm not going to hurt you."
    "Bull." Snake snapped, crossing his arms and tipping his chair back with one booted heel on the table edge. Well, at least they were talking. 
    "The only reason I lost my temper last time was because you threatened Tao. As long as you don't do that again, you'll be safe here." Kris said, still in that same calming voice. 
    "Yeah, right. You're just waiting for the right moment to cut me down." Snake said roughly, narrowing his eyes. Kris sighed, taking a long gulp before playing with the empty bottle. 
    "I'm aware of the rivalry between our two races. It doesn't mean I believe it's right." Kris said. 
    "I don't either!" Snake exclaimed. "But that doesn't mean I can trust you."
    "Snake—" Ryu started, about to scold and reassure. I lightly kicked him under the table, silently signaling for him to let Kris and Snake work it out themselves.
    "Alright." Kris said, scraping his chair back and standing up. He stopped just behind Ryu, his proximity making Snake stand up as well. 
    "What are you doing?" Snake asked, stepping behind Ryu protectively and pushing Kris back a few steps. 
    "Hit me." Kris said, looking levelly at Snake. 
    "What?" Snake frowned, looking puzzled. 
    "If you don't trust me, you might as well hit me now and get it over with." Kris said, raising one eyebrow. 
    My own eyebrows shot up, looking between the two of them. Sure, Snake was strong, but Kris was fully grown, not to mention newly buff. Kris would rip Snake apart. 
    "I'm not going to—" Snake started, looking uncertain for the first time tonight. 
    "You brought the dragonsblood knife; you were obviously planning to fight. So go ahead; hit me." Kris said. I started to stand to tell them both to knock it off, but this time Ryu kicked me under the table with the same look I had given him. 
    "But...but you haven't done anything." Snake said in a small voice, looking very seventeen all of a sudden. 
    "Exactly!" Kris exclaimed, a pleased smile hinting at his mouth. "I haven't done anything, and I'm not going to. So we can just stop this whole alpha-male-dominance thing." 
    "Alright..." Snake finally said, sitting back down. Kris grinned, also sitting down, and they both began to attack the pizza in earnest. Ryu and I shared a pleased but exasperated look—an I-can't-believe-that-worked expression—across the table, rolling our eyes.  
    "You can let go of your glamour, if you want." Kris said, nodding at Snake. Snake looked self-conscious, casting an uncertain expression at Ryu before nodding. 
    It was like a veil had been lifted suddenly from his skin, revealing a lot more dark red scars. There were suddenly thin scars between his fingers, along his arms, across his neck. I was sure I would be able to see the scar on his spine if I looked now, but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. 
    After a few more minutes, Snake seemed fully relaxed, despite having his skin on full display. We moved to the living room to relax before bed, and Ryu and I fell asleep together on the couch. I woke to Kris and Snake talking in low voices. 
    "—hunter in the area. Do you know anything?" Kris asked. Snake shook his head, his elbows resting on his knees. 
    "Didn't a local hunter kill a pixie like three days ago?" Snake said. Kris nodded, sighing. 
    "I've asked around. According to my sources, the hunter lives in a private townhouse on the other side of town. I don't know his first name or what he looks like, but his last name is Taylor."
    I heard Snake's startled intake of air, watching Kris' head snap up to look at him quizzically. 
    "Do you know him?" Kris asked. 
    "That was...The man who me had that name." Snake said. I opened my eyes another crack, not wanting them to know I was listening, and looked at Snake. He had half-turned, his shirt drawn up to expose the thick scar on his back. 
    "Bastard." Kris said, his voice low and angry. Snake nodded, turning back around and tugging his shirt back into place.  
    "Do you think he can find me?" Snake asked, sounding vulnerable and scared. 
    "No one is going to hurt you. I promise." Kris said seriously.     I felt a warm rush of affection towards his protectiveness, the way he looked so firmly at Snake when he spoke of keeping him safe. 
    "Okay." Snake said, sounding uncertain. They were silent for several moments. 
    "If you get spooked, let me know. I can track him down easy." Kris said. Snake nodded, clearing his throat. 
    "Thanks." Snake said. "I'm sorry I threatened Tao last time. I didn't mean to—I just kinda freaked."
    "I know." Kris said gently. Another few minutes of silence, before Kris sighed. "Let's get these two to bed."
    Kris shook my shoulder gently and I pretended to yawn and stretch, being as convincing as possible. Kris leaned in close like he was going to kiss me, but instead whispered "I know you heard all of that," into my ear. I rolled my eyes, smacking his shoulder. 
    Snake picked Ryu up gently, nodding at Kris and me before starting up the stairs. Kris tugged at my hand, pulling me up after them. 
    I brushed my teeth and washed my face, leaving Kris curled up asleep in bed to pad up the stairs to the loft. Ryu was asleep in Snake's arms, both of them tangled together on the bed. Snake looked over towards the stairs when he heard me pause, offering me a small smile and then looking down to lovingly tuck the covers around Ryu's shoulders. 
    I turned to go but hovered just out of sight, curious as to what Snake would do. I heard murmuring and poked my head over the top stair, trying to see in the dark after Snake turned out the light. 
    "I love you more than anything in the entire world. Sweet d

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Chapter 71: Congratulation on your book! I hope it sells well!
Also welcome back! I've missed this fic ;-; <3
nakita #2
Chapter 70: Glad you back. I'm waiting for this story.... Thank you...
Chapter 10: Cute. I don't have more to say haha
Chapter 8: Well, Tao does have such a good friends for them to gift him that!!! Or well, this is how to have a rich friend is like ?
Chapter 7: Poor Kris. He is enduring so much pain for his wings.
Chapter 6: Wow! What a good chapter ❤.
I have one thing to say. If Tao called Luhan and Luhan put him on speaker, so that Yixing could listen him is it possible for them to wiped Tao's tears? ?? I think that is an error.
Chapter 5: Kris woke up when he left and was searching him? ?so CUUUUUTE
Chapter 4: So sad that there are a lot of people like her around the World. Just live and let live
Chapter 3: Why is everything cute here? ??
Chapter 2: Owwwwww tiny dragon Kris is the cutest in the whole world!!!! I want a tiny dragon, with tiny claws and horns too ????