His First Visit

Love Is Never There For Me

This isn't exactly rated. But it may contain words such as and say there will be noises. If you can't handle that please do not read this chapter.


"Yes! Nice pose! Keep it up! Ok! We're done for today."

Min Kyung did a 180 bow and thanked them for their good work. Whew! The photoshoot is done.

"Oh, Min Kyung. You have a vistor waiting for you in the dressing room."

"Oh. Ok thanks."

Who was visiting her? Min Kyung walked into her dressing room. dropped open. Key was there! In crutches!

"Key! Why are you here? You're released from the hospital already?"

"No. I forced my way out of the hospital."

"That means you should be here!"

"I wanted to see my Min Kyung." Key said walked closer and closer. Min Kyung blushed. Key was there so close to her.....Min Kyung felt that it was so sudden she suddenly pushed Key. Key clutched his arm.

"I-i'm sorry!" Key chuckled and whispered "Just kidding!"

Min Kyung was embrassed. "G-get out!" She kicked him out of the room. Not literally though. She pouted. She checked her schedule. No more work to do. She'll go home for today. She walked outside and Key was standing there waiting for her.

"Your gonna go home looking like tat?"

"I didn't bring my wig today. If I can, I'd wanna avoid looking like this out in the streets."

"Ok." Key followed Min Kyung as she was walking home. When Min Kyung got home, Key just broke into her house.

"Yah! What are you doing?"

"What you mean what I'm doing?"

"You broke into my house!"

"No I didn't. I'm just here."

Min Kyung grumbled and walked to the kitchen. She looked at the clock and so did Key. 7:55PM.

"Key......go home. You wouldn't want to see my mom."


Min Kyung gave him a glare that meant "I said go home, SO GO HOME NOOWWWWWWWW!!!!" Key gave her a sympathetic look. Min Kyung looked at the clock, she was having antsy pants on her.

"Fine then, get up. We are going upstairs to my room." She got Key up and the door knob made a sound. Min Kyung looked at the door anxiously. She dragged Key up to her room and locked the door.

"You're not gonna do anything to me right?"

"Shut up! My mom's home." She knew who she was home with. What's his number now? Number 203 who's been on the bed with her? She stared at the creak her door formed. Her mom was with a man and went into her room. She sighed. She was too ashamed to show Key her mom.

"Please, I'm begging you. Go home!"

Key stared at her. Min Kyung was on the verge of tears.

"Ok, I got it." Key stood up and went outside.

"I'll come to your house tomorrow after school and check up on your injuries." Key was surprised.

"Do you know my address?"

"No....gimme it?"

"Ok, here."

Min Kyung looked at the address.

"Ok, I'll be there." Key nodded and left. Min Kyung went back into her room. She could hear so much noises. She took out her iPod and put the headphones on. Felt so much better~

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for you support starlove!

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Ashyunchick20 #2
Hello hello ~Shinee dance~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, to check out my fanfic bout Shinee ^_^
Thanks :) :)
no dont goo!!!<br />
update soon please
Lol!! Sry itz cuz i havent got any new ideas 2 update :P
i can't remember where i left off! lol. that means i have to re read :D
Mihi is soo mean to her bff..<br />
what kind of friend is that...<br />
awwww she went to thank Key!!soo cute<br />
update soon please
swimmer #7
OMG!!! MIHI IS SO EVIL!! stupid evil mihi...<br />
vikKiBeoMin #8
oh gosh!!! evil MIHI!!! rawr!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
update soon!
swimmer #9
awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEY SAVED HER! again...<br />
STUPID MIHI! minkyung better be prepared when she sees mihi again...<br />
UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
awwww...Key saved her...<br />
she better be prepeare for Mi Hi<br />
update soon please