Time to Launch the Plan?

Love Is Never There For Me

It was half a month after the incident. They still haven't caught the culprit yet. Min Kyung was worried. The culprit was obviously aiming for Key since he was very close to her. Min Kyung bit her bottom lip. Who is this person. Why is he trying to kill all the people around me? What is his motive? Min Kyung wondered. She sat back on the sofa in the living room, thinking. Ring. Min Kyung jumped. A text! From who? Min Kyung checked the text in her phone. It was Key. Let's go somewhere. I wanna discuss the person who was trying to kill me so many times. Maybe we can lure that person out. Anyways, Meet up at the cafe. Key. Min Kyung got up and went to the bathroom. She shouldn't be too flashy if she was going to try to blend in with Key. Her hair wasn't helping her at all.

She went into her room and looked in the wardrobe for the plainest clothes she could find. It wasn't very cold outside so she chose a beanie, white autumn jacket, a black t-shirt, light sky blue jeans, and a pair of black converse. She went out the door to meet up at the cafe. Key was already there.

"Hello! So what are we going to discuss?" Min Kyung asked.

"Let's walk around. I don't think we should stay in one place for long since people are already staring." Key said. Min Kyung looked around. People were staring like what Key said. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She did look like she was Hy in those clothes.

"Ok then." Min Kyung said. Key and Min Kyung walked down the street in silence. After a while of walking down the streets, Min Kyung found something quite wierd. She felt as if the people on the streets were there, watching them.

"Key....I think people are watching us." Min Kyung whispered to Key.

"You're just hallucinating. Nobody is watching us." Key replied. Min Kyung knew Key was hiding something.

"You're hiding something."





"Ok. Stop with this childish game of yes and no. Nobody is watching us. End of story." Key said and walked. Min Kyung pouted and followed. She constantly noticed that Key was looking in the mirror reflections of the shops. She heard a soda can crack noise as if somebody stepped on it and turned around. Nobody was there. She must be hallucinating like what Key said. Key suddenly stopped walking and Min Kyung crashed into his back.

"Dude! Don't just stop walking all of a sudden!!" Min Kyung cried.

Key turned around.

"Sorry for what I am going to do next, but please it in."

Min Kyung gave him a puzzled look. Key moved closer. Just the moment before their lips were going to touch, a glass bottle whizzed through. A huge crash sound was made. Min Kyung turned to see who it was.

"Looks like we lured him out. Seems he really doesn't want me to be by your side." Key said. Min Kyung couldn't see the person. He was wearing a cap and a mask that covered his face. He tried to run but he was caught. The people that Min Kyung thought was watching them caught him. Min Kyung looked at Key.

"So you do know them. He was with you." Min Kyung said.

Key didn't reply. What was there to reply to? The head of the people who caught the stalker came up to Key.

"Young master, should we reveal his face?"


"Reveal his face!!" The man who went up to Key shouted to his people. Those people pulled off the cap and mask. The person was......IM HO!!!

"Im Ho?!??! How-What-Why-When-Who-" Min Kyung stuttered. She was at a loss for words. She never imagined that her crazy stalker was him. Him out of all people.

"Hm, it's you. You were in her official fan club the other day. However, you just dressed differently. A privacy fan is it?" Key asked Im Ho. Im Ho smirked.

"I should've stabbed you more." Im Ho replied.

"Why? Why Im Ho? Why you out of all the people?!? Why!?!" Min Kyung asked. Im Ho looked at her.

"You were too beautiful. And he was the one who stained you. I know what you think about your father's death you think it's your fault right?" Im Ho asked. Min Kyung looked at him. Her facial expression meant yes. Im Ho continued on.

"Well it isn't. I checked. And I know the real reason. It's because your father-" Key cut him off by sending him a kick enough to knock him out.

"Bring him away." Key said. Min Kyung was surprised at his action.

"Key!! He was going to share information about my father's death with me!! How can you know him out??" Min Kyung asked. Key looked at her.

"You do not need to know since your father is already dead. There's no difference between knowing and not knowing because you can't bring your father back from the dead." Key said.

"Then who are those men?"

"They....They are my friends. I asked them to help me out lure him. No it works. There. I'll be going now." Key said. With that, he left with the rest of them. Min Kyung watched them go. My father's death is not my fault? What is he talking about? If it's not my fault, then who's fault? Min Kyung wondered.

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Ashyunchick20 #2
Hello hello ~Shinee dance~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, to check out my fanfic bout Shinee ^_^
Thanks :) :)
no dont goo!!!<br />
update soon please
Lol!! Sry itz cuz i havent got any new ideas 2 update :P
i can't remember where i left off! lol. that means i have to re read :D
Mihi is soo mean to her bff..<br />
what kind of friend is that...<br />
awwww she went to thank Key!!soo cute<br />
update soon please
swimmer #7
OMG!!! MIHI IS SO EVIL!! stupid evil mihi...<br />
vikKiBeoMin #8
oh gosh!!! evil MIHI!!! rawr!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
update soon!
swimmer #9
awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEY SAVED HER! again...<br />
STUPID MIHI! minkyung better be prepared when she sees mihi again...<br />
UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
awwww...Key saved her...<br />
she better be prepeare for Mi Hi<br />
update soon please