I am to be a what!??!

Love Is Never There For Me

Ring ring. The sound of Min Kyung's cell phone awoke her. Min Kyung groaned.

"Who is it now?"

She picked up the phone.



"Yo chill woman. Sup Mi Hi."

"You don't sup me. You haven't been going to school for the whole month already!!"

"Yeah, I turned in the letter saying I won't be going to school anymore."


"So there you go. Now I'll take my afternoon nap. Bye." She said and hung up before Mi Hi had a chance to say another thing. Min Kyung flopped down on the bed. She sighed and turned around in her bed. She closed her eyes and remembered what happened yesterday at the agency.


"Lee Hy, what is the meaning of this. You are so popular now, and you're quitting!??!" Her boss asked.

"I apologize."

"This is not a game. It must be that you are very tired. Very well. You can go take a break and come back and do better."

"Boss, this is not something that I think is a game. I have thought about this for a night."

"Then think about it again!!"

"I do not think it is neccesary. My answer will still be the same. I am quitting."

"You!! I'll give you one more chance, stay!!"

"I apologize. You must be tired today boss. My decision is not something that I think is a game. That is all. Goodbye."

I walked out and closed the door.

"HGSUHFISUDFHSIUDAGHUISDAGHLS" (Some random scream) The boss screamed. He pushed everything down the floor. I looked down. He must be pretty angry. I earned him plenty of money after all.

I walked out of the agency.

~End of Flashback~

Min Kyung sighed. She couldn't sleep. Her goodbye concert is tonight. She got up.

"Maybe I'll go for a walk. A disguise is something I need now."

She walked to the bathroom and changed. She hid her hair under a beanie. And wore clothes that can cover her face. She walked out the house.

As she was walking, she noticed a couple of teenagers. She recognized them. They were her fans. And from their look, they didn't seem happy.

"Why is Hy quitting?" That was the question they were asking themselves. Min Kyung turned around and walked the opposite direction. She looked down. She made her fans so upset. She went home and went back to bed, again.

Night time fell, her manager came to get her. Time for the goodbye concert. Her manager escorted her to the stage. They took care of her from there. Min Kyung looked around the dressing room. It is the last time she'll be here.

Min Kyung walked out to the stage. She used to hate walking there. Now, she wanted to enjoy every moment of it. She got up the stage and sang the song she won many many awards for. Her first song. The concert was coming to an end. She had something to say.

"My fans, I know that you are deeply disappointed that I am quitting. The reason for my sudden decision has to do with some personal problems. Remember, I still cherish all of my fans. Goodbye."

Min Kyung was about to walk down the stage and leave when her fans did something taht surprised her.

"Don't worry Lee Hy!! We'll always love you!! Nobody can take your place in our hearts!!"


Fans got up to cheer for her. Min Kyung smiled up to them. Her last time on this stage. Such a sad thing to say.


Key walked down the streets. It was Min Kyung's goodbye concert. He was wondering if he should go. But won't he just make her more upset? He shook his head. He shouldn't go. Out of the corner of his eye, Key noticed something. Men in black suits. Key recognized them.

"We have to get to Lee Min Kyung." One of them said. The others nodded and went off towards the direction of the stage where Min Kyung was. Worried, Key followed them.

At the stage, he could not believe what was there. The limo. That limo!! They are here!!! And this quick!??!

~In the dressing room~

Min Kyung was about to leave when five men burst in.

"Wh-what are you people...."

"Do not be afraid. We know your father."

"My father?"

"Yes and I am your grandpa." A man said walking in. Min Kyung looked at him. She recognized him. As if they have never seen each other in a long time.


"My grandaughter. I have deeply missed you and would like to know about how your life is now, but we must speak about the real matters. You are to be our next clan leader. A mafia boss."


Sorry for not updating for so long. I can't keep track of time. XD

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Ashyunchick20 #2
Hello hello ~Shinee dance~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, to check out my fanfic bout Shinee ^_^
Thanks :) :)
no dont goo!!!<br />
update soon please
Lol!! Sry itz cuz i havent got any new ideas 2 update :P
i can't remember where i left off! lol. that means i have to re read :D
Mihi is soo mean to her bff..<br />
what kind of friend is that...<br />
awwww she went to thank Key!!soo cute<br />
update soon please
swimmer #7
OMG!!! MIHI IS SO EVIL!! stupid evil mihi...<br />
vikKiBeoMin #8
oh gosh!!! evil MIHI!!! rawr!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
update soon!
swimmer #9
awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEY SAVED HER! again...<br />
STUPID MIHI! minkyung better be prepared when she sees mihi again...<br />
UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
awwww...Key saved her...<br />
she better be prepeare for Mi Hi<br />
update soon please