We Meet.

Love Is Never There For Me

Sigh. When will class be over with? School's supposed to end soon. Min Kyung wondered.

Ding dong. The school bell rang for the end of the school day.

Min Kyung yawned. "The boring school day finally ended." She muttered to herself.

She walked out of the classroom. She felt her phone vibrate and took it out of her pocket. Grandpa. She picked it up.

"'Sup grandpa." Min Kyung greeted him over the phone.

"Hello. I'll be sending bodyguards over to pick you up after school. So stay in the school."

"Nah. I don't need bodyguards. I'm fine by myself. Nobody's gonna attack me."

"Min Kyung-" Min Kyung cut him off.


She hung up on the phone.

"Ah. I did it again. Grandpa's going to be angry at me now."

Min Kyung walked out of school and onto the streets. Rustle. Min Kyung turned around and saw nobody.

"Wierd....am I imagining things?" SHe muttered to herself. She walked on. She kept having the feeling that somebody was stalking her. She had to find somebody to help her.

She saw a police officer and walked up to him.

"Um...I feel as if somebody is stalking me." She told him.

"Oh really, Lee Min Kyung?"

"Wh-How do you know my name?"

"We've been looking for you for a really long time. Even our boss is getting angry with us."

She felt somebody wrap a cloth around her nose.


She couldn't break free. That person was too strong!! Before Min Kyung fainted she smelled a cologne she knew so well. It couldn't be....


Key was walking down the streets and saw something on the floor. He picked it up and immediately recognized it.

It was Min Kyung's cell phone.

"Ah ah. She got herself into some trouble again. Hm? What's the smell?" Key muttered to himself.

He sniffed the cell phone. Cologne. It was a cologne that he recognized and knew very well.

"That basterd!! He seriously did this even though I warned him not to touch her!!"

Key ran off. Who is this basterd?


Min Kyung regained conciousness.

"Ahh~ You're awake now? Finally?"

Min Kyung opened her eyes wide. Standing in front of her were people she didn't recognize. Except for one.


"Hellloooo!!" Jaejoong greeted her.

"What are you doing? Untie me this instant."

"Well you see....I can't do that."


"You see, I was a spy in the Kim family. I was born a child from a grandfather-grandaughter relationship. I cannot be seen. Because of my background, people look down on me. Thinking I'm rubbish. But the boss promised me a better future. The boss said we'll get rid of all those people who looked down on me. That includes you!!"

"Wha-? I never did such a thing!!"

"Yes you did!! Both you and Kim Ki Bum!!"

"I-I never did!!"

"You both did!! Even though you're unaware, you two insulted my pride. For that you are going to pay!!"

"Who's your boss? I have no grudge against your boss!!"

"Oh yes there is!! Plenty of grudeges to that fact!!"  A voice said from somewhere

Min Kyung looked around the room. Where was that voice coming from?

"Look over here Lee Min Kyung!!"

Min Kyung turned and gasped. There was somebody sitting on that chair, somebody very familiar.

Jaejoong kneeled down in a respectful way. The other people did the same.

"Boss, we have completed our mission. Here is Lee Min Kyung. Please grant our wish now."

"Boss? But this person is...." Min Kyung's voice trailed off.

The boss sitting on the comfy chair looked down on her. The boss.....The boss was......

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Ashyunchick20 #2
Hello hello ~Shinee dance~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, to check out my fanfic bout Shinee ^_^
Thanks :) :)
no dont goo!!!<br />
update soon please
Lol!! Sry itz cuz i havent got any new ideas 2 update :P
i can't remember where i left off! lol. that means i have to re read :D
Mihi is soo mean to her bff..<br />
what kind of friend is that...<br />
awwww she went to thank Key!!soo cute<br />
update soon please
swimmer #7
OMG!!! MIHI IS SO EVIL!! stupid evil mihi...<br />
vikKiBeoMin #8
oh gosh!!! evil MIHI!!! rawr!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
update soon!
swimmer #9
awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEY SAVED HER! again...<br />
STUPID MIHI! minkyung better be prepared when she sees mihi again...<br />
UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
awwww...Key saved her...<br />
she better be prepeare for Mi Hi<br />
update soon please