You, Me and Us



The sun was high up in the sky when they left for the orphanage. Hand in hand, we walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus. Looking at the weather, it was a good day for some exercises and to be outdoors.

“Chan ah, let’s go.” I said as the bus arrived and they travelled until it was our stop. We walked down the street towards the orphanage when Chanwoo stopped walking.

“Eomma, ddeokboki.” He pointed to the street side stall. “For hyung.” Looking down at my watch, it was just past 3 in the afternoon. The kids should be having their snacks by the time I reached. Thinking of it as a reward for Jungkook on his tests, we stopped by and got a few dollars’ worth of ddeokbokki.

“Let’s go.” I held his hand in my left and the food on my right and started walking. “Chan ah, you are going to meet hyung later, are you excited?”

“Yes!” he nodded. We walked out to the outskirts and I could see the house in a distance. Someone was waiting outside the gate.

“Oh, hyung!” Chanwoo waved with his free hand and he looked up before smiling.

“Noona!” he waved back and jogged to us. But before he could reach us, someone stepped in front of me and stood between me and Jungkook. We were surrounded a group of students.

“We meet again.” one of them walked up to me and smirked. I recognised them, they were the boys that were harassing the kids. I clearly remembered kicking their butts the last time, it seems like they are back for more.

“What do you want?” I asked them calmly, I didn’t flinch away when his stare turn into a glare.

“What do I want?” he raised his eyebrows at me and snorted before circling around me. “I want you. A rematch. Do you think I’ll forget about the last time?”

“Noona!” Jungkook tried to move forward only to be blocked by his guys.

“Don’t you think this is childish?” I eyed him in the eye. “Just because you lost to me? That wasn’t even a fight, it’s called self-defence.” I watched as his jaw clenched tighter.

“Don’t mess with me.” he said with his jaw clenched.

“Who said I was messing with you? You were messing with my family and that made me take action. You are the one who is messing around.” my grip on Chanwoo tighten, judging from the fumes coming out from his ears, he wasn’t going to sit back and do nothing. I am prepared for anything, as long as Chanwoo is not affected.

“You.” his fist shook in anger and I slowly pulled Chanwoo behind me. “You are so dead.” He lunged at me and I leaned backwards avoiding his fist. I moved backwards while dodging and protecting Chanwoo. He lifted his leg and aimed it at my stomach, I barely dodged it.

“Stop avoiding!” he shouted and I couldn’t take action, not when Chanwoo is with me.

“Noona!” Jungkook broke free and was running towards me.

“Behind you!” the other guys attacked him. Though he wasn’t very good at fighting yet, but he managed to protect himself. I had to do something or this whole thing won’t end and I dropped the bag of snacks that I bought for the children.

“Just you wait until I get you.” his arm came swinging towards me and I grabbed it before it could hit me. I let go of Chanwoo before I flipped him over my back.

“Chanwoo!” He ran to me and held my hand again. The student groan in pain and cursed. He stood up and spat on the floor.

“That’s it.” he took out a knife from his pocket and held it in his left hand before smiling evilly. He walked towards me before attacking me, swing his knife like a mad man. There was a slight stinging on my cheek, I must have gotten cut. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Chanwoo. I stumbled backwards as he pushed me. He laughed and walked to my baby.

“Let’s play.” My whole head went into panic mode. If there was an emergency alarm in built in everyone’s head, I had a hundred of them ringing in my head right now. That student is crazy.

“No!” I got up and ran to Chanwoo, I reached him as the student raised his knife. I covered Chanwoo with my body, I couldn’t think of anything else, as long as he is safe, that’s all that matters to me. I waited for the blow or some kind of pain on my back but there wasn’t any. Carefully, I turned around and someone stood in between me and the student. He was holding onto the knife with his bare hands, blood dripped down his hand.

“Who the hell are you?” the student shouted and tried to attack him but it was futile. The stranger held fast.

“Don’t you dare lay a finger on her or I will rip out all your organs one by one.” He said through gritted teeth. I couldn’t see who it was but his back looked really sturdy and broad. I looked at Chanwo who was in front of me.

“Are you okay?” I touched his body and made sure he isn’t hurt in anyway. “You must be shocked right? I’m so sorry.” I hugged him tightly. I was really sorry, he was so young but he had to go through all this issues because of me. “Eomma is sorry.” I couldn’t help but think that he didn’t deserve me as a mother. I wasn’t a good one in the first place, exposing him to these things. I looked back the 2 males as they stared at each other.

“Whoever you are, don’t think you can get away with this.” The student let go of the knife and decided to make do with his fist. He threw a punch at the male in front of us. He easily dodged it and grabbed the student’s arms at the same time. He pinned the student down within seconds and sat on top of him. The student was making a fuss under him.

“If you continue to move, I’ll break you arm.” He twisted his arm and the student shouted in pain. Turning back to the other members of the group. “If you don’t want to end up like him, I’ll suggest that you all stay where you are.” The others just stood frozen in their places. I straighten up and took out my phone before dialling a number.

“Hello is this the police? There is a group of students here who attacked civilians for no apparent reason. They have a knife and someone is injured. Yes. Thank you.”

“You !” the student shouted before screaming in pain.

“One more word from you and I’ll make sure you will never use your arm again.” I looked at the person who helped me. It was the person who I met at the foot of my apartment. He looked right back at me and I couldn’t help but noticed the beads of sweat on his forehead.

“Thank you. The police will be here soon, can you hold him for a while more?”

“Yeah. Are you okay?”

“Yes.” He smiled a little.

“That’s good.”

“Noona!” I looked behind him and I ran to Jungkook.

“Ya, are you okay? What are we going to do about these bruises?” I touched his bruise on his face and arms. He could have been more injured.

“Noona,” I looked at him. “Are you worried about me?”

“Of course why wouldn’t I be? You are injured.” He looked at me wide eyed.

“But I thought you can’t feel.” That’s when I stopped moving. I couldn’t feel but here I am concerned about him. I was worried. “You have an expression as well. Noona, you are changing. Did something happen?”

“It’s not time for this. Could you take Chanwoo into the house? I’ll deal with the police.” The police siren could be heard in the distance. He nodded and held out his hand to Chanwoo. They picked up the bag of snacks along the way and went into the house.

I turned around and looked at the boys who were standing together, they flinched when they saw me. They were just following that one crazy student. It made me wonder what made them think of following him instead of studying. In a distance I saw the police car and went forward.

“You called for assistance?” I nodded.

“That’s the student that was waving the knife. His other friends are standing at the corner but they didn’t do anything so do take that into consideration. Whereas that student I think he needs to be sent to the hospital for a check-up.” the police nodded and took over. They handcuffed him and took the students into the car. I watched them drive off before turning around.

He stood there looking at me. There was a sudden chill down my spine and I looked back at him. I couldn’t hold his gaze for long and shifted it to his hand which was bleeding. Without thinking, I walked over and grabbed his hand carefully. Looking at his wound, it seemed slightly deep but nothing I couldn’t fix.

“Let’s go inside.” I said and pulled him to the orphanage. He followed me quietly but I could sense him staring at the back of my head.

As soon as I went into the house, I made him wait at the door before grabbing some clean towels. Taking his hand in mine, I wrapped it with the towel, we had to stop the bleeding first. I tied the knot tightly and he hissed in pain. Startled I looked up at him wondering if I hurt him a lot. He wasn’t looking at the cut but at me.

“I need to stop the bleeding.” I said looking away and brought him into the room where Chanwoo and Jungkook were. “Sit here and apply pressure.” I went out to get their mini first aid kit as well as some surgical tools which I insisted they have. I never knew why I insisted on having it, now I know. I looked at him he seemed a bit pale probably from blood lost, he was still perspiring. He seemed to be holding on so I went to Jungkook first, I needed the wound to stop bleeding as well.

“Jungkook ah, come here.” I placed the kit on a clean cloth and he moved towards me. “Take off your clothes.”

“Huh?” he looked a bit surprise.

“Take off your clothes so I can see if there are any other internal injuries. And it’s not like I’ve never seen you topless.” He nodded and took of his top. Though he was young, he was really fit and had abs. he had bruises around his ribs and I probe around those wounds carefully not wanting to hurt him. He didn’t seem to have any internal injuries, he just sustained some bruises and cut. I kept in mind that the other person was still in the room and quickly went to treat Jungkook’s cut just above his lips and on his cheek.

“All done. No lessons for you today. No dancing as well. You need to rest until you recover, at least a week, minimum.” He groaned in displeasure. “Listen to me if you want to recover fast.” I patted his head and turned to that man. The towel turned red and he got paler.

“I need a new towel and a basin of warm water. Could you help me ask the aunties outside?” I bend to Chanwoo who nodded before running out. I walked to him and sat in front of him. Taking his hand I placed it on my lap. I slowly unwrapped the towel and he winced in pain. The towel got stuck to the wound. I unwrapped it as fast as possible not wanting him to be in pain and looked at the wound. I heard Jungkook exclaiming softly behind me.

“Jungkook ah, I need a small chair or table. It needs to be sanitised.”

“Okay.” He went out as one of the helpers came in. I covered the wound and thank her for the water and new towel. Chanwoo sat next to me.

“Chan ah, why don’t you go outside and play with your hyungs and noonas? Eomma has to finish this first before I can play with you.”

“I want to stay here.”

“It’s not something you should see.”

“But he will be in pain. I want to stay with him.” he pointed to the man. “Eomma is always in pain but when you are with Chanwoo, you are not in pain anymore. I want to help him.” he was such a caring child.

“Okay but have to sit there so you can’t see it okay?” he nodded and sat by the guy.

“Noona, is this okay?” I turned and saw him carrying a small chair.

“Oh, that will do thank you.” he placed it in front of me and I placed his hand on it. I put on a clean set of gloves and sanitised the tools.

“This will hurt, I don’t have any anaesthetics around here.” I looked at him. “Can you bear with the pain? I’ll try to get it done fast.” He didn’t say anything but just stared at me. “If you want you can use my shoulder if it gets to pain.” I said and moved closer to him. I was sitting sideways. I handed him a clean towel. “For you to hold onto or bite in case it gets too painful.” He held unto it.

“I’m going to start now.” I said as I uncovered the wound. Taking the solution, I poured it into a tray and dapped some cotton wool in it. I looked at him once more as I took a deep breathe. I dapped the wound to disinfect it. He flinched in pain and he tried to pull away.

“I’ll be quick.” I said and quickly spread the solution around the wound. I knew it hurts, I knew how it felt. He was breathing heavily when I finished disinfecting and I tread in the non-absorbable sutures into the needle and held it with a needle holder and forceps. I took a glance at him and he was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. Veins appeared on his forehead and he was clenching his jaw. Chanwoo was holding unto his other hand. I went straight into sewing the wound and he let out a groan in pain as the needle went through his skin. I didn’t know why but my heart was beating really fast, hearing him in pain made me worry more.

I continue stitching doing basic knots all the way while making sure that the wound is sewed up neatly. I suddenly felt a weight on my shoulder and he was resting his head on it. I could hear him breathing and my shirt became wet.

“Hang in there, I’m almost done.” I said and did the final few stitches. I cut away the thread and clean away any remaining blood with a clean cloth and water. Taking out surgical plaster, I pasted it on his wound and took some bandages to wrap around it in case the plaster came out.

“All done.” I said as I secured it with a clip. “You need go and get it checked. The wound should heal well but if you have any fever, do go to the hospital and check if there is any infection.” I said as I removed my bloodied gloves and cleaned the trash. “If it heals well, the stitches can be taken out in 2-3 weeks depending on how fast you recover. No contact with water or anything and avoid using your right hand.”

I turned to him but he was still resting on my shoulder. I placed his hand on his lap and lifted his head slowly. He had his eyes closed and I made him rest against the wall. Checking his pulse, he was perfectly fine. He probably passed out from the pain. I took off his jacket and placed it one side. I stood up and made him to lie down, taking a pillow and placed it under his head. I made sure his hand was away from anything and placed a blanket over him.

“Let him rest. He must have been in a lot of pain.” I whispered and I carried the dirtied tools out. I asked Jungkook to bring Chanwoo to the kids to play saying I’ll join them soon. I went back into the room with a tub of water and a cloth. I dapped the damp cloth on his forehead and cleaned the sweat away. I made sure he was all covered up and pushed back his damp hair. He frowned a little and stirred, I pulled back in case he woke up but he didn’t.

“Why are you frowning?” I asked quietly. “Don’t you know that will make you have wrinkles?” I placed my index finger on his forehead where his brows were gathered. Slowly, he stopped frowning and I placed the cloth in the bucket.

“Se Rin.” he called out and I looked back at him. How did he know my name? This wasn’t the first time, I rewind back to a week ago where he stood outside the building. He called me Han Se Rin as well. Back then I didn’t know who I was so I didn’t respond to him but now I couldn’t help but wonder how he knows me. He was handsome, he had a tall nose bridge and long eyelashes. The dark blonde hair definitely suited him and he is also tall. Somehow this scene seemed like déjà vu, I am sure that it happened before. I reached out to touch the tip of his nose when a tear slipped down from his eyes. It followed by another, he was crying in his sleep.

“Rin.” he called out again. I didn’t know what to do, everything seemed so familiar but so distant at the same time. He seemed like someone I knew but I who? Seeing him cry in his sleep made my mood heavy, is this what you call sadness? It’s been so long since I last felt something, even if it came back, I wouldn’t know. I wiped his tears away and I looked back at him. I began to his hair gently.

“Yi fan.” I whispered. A few moments later, I widen my eyes. I just blurted out a name. I drew my hand back and clasped it together. I was feeling weird on the inside. I shook my head and stood up. I took one last look at him before I left the room.

“Yi fan.” I whispered again and that name remained in my head.




Just a short update. 

20/12/14 ->  ❤ ♡ Happy Birthday Jiayingzxc!!! ❤ ♡ 


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