You, Me and Us




Rin POV:


I sat in the café with Chanwoo, he was playing with a new car toy that Changjo bought for him. I looked down at my phone and it was 2:15 in the afternoon.

Another 5 more minutes.

I was going to meet them. The brothers whom I’ve not been in contact in 2 over years, my brothers whom I can’t remember. I didn’t know what I should say when I meet them, will it be awkward? Or will it be normal, will I be able to remember them? My stomach started to flip and churn. I picked up the glass of water and drank it hoping it will calm my stomach. Is this what it means to be nervous?

3 days ago, Oppa called eonnie over when I sort of confronted him and they talked to me about it. I really wanted to meet them and so they agreed to help me contact them. But if my brothers didn’t want to see me, they can’t do anything about it. I didn’t have to worry about that as they agreed to meet me immediately.

They wanted to accompany me since it might be awkward for me since I’m not able to remember them. However, oppa has schedules and eonnie has some last minute work emergencies. Therefore I’m here waiting alone with Chanwoo.

I clasped my hands together and sweat started forming in my inner palms. I look down at them, it was weird, and I wasn’t able to feel that last time. I’ve taken notice that I’ve been able to feel my own touches even without holding Chanwoo. Just being near him, I could feel things even if it’s just a little. I still didn’t know why I couldn’t feel, I thought it was because of my accident but it doesn’t seem to be the case.

“Chanwoo ah.” He turned to me. “How are you feeling? You are about to meet 2 more uncles.”

“2 more?” I nodded. He smiled. “I like it.” It may seem weird but hearing his voice actually made me calmed down a bit, my stomach stopped flipping around.

“What do you want to drink?” 2 males came in. A few other customers looked in their direction from the sudden loudness.

“I want a cappuccino. Luhan wants espresso. Lay what do you want?”

“Anything.” I immediately turned to the voice, I didn’t know why I did that. That calming voice was a voice I’ve heard before. It was so familiar but I couldn’t remember where I’ve heard it before. His name was unique too.

“Do the others want something?”

“I don’t think so, Sehun wants bubble tea, Jongin wants his fried chicken.”

Luhan, Lay, Sehun and Jongin?

“Okay, we’ll get them later.” Even the names sounded strangely familiar. I craned my neck out hoping I could get a glimpse of them but they had backs was facing me. My heart beat increased its pace and their names filled my head. I know that I’ve heard their names before but where? I closed my eyes and tried to remember, if I just let it go, it will bug me forever. I thought hard.

Lay. Lay. Lay. 

I repeated that name over and over again in my head. There was this sense of familiarity that I can’t quite get.

“Eomma.” I opened my eyes. “Eomma are you okay?”

“I’m okay.” I smoothed out his hair. “I’m just trying to remember something.” As much as I tried, I just couldn’t remember.

“Ohh!” his car rolled off the table and fell onto the ground. He ran after it and I watched him. One of the guys helped him pick up the car. I got a good look at his face as he turned to face Chanwoo. He had black hair and nice features. He bend down and talked to Chanwoo and he smiled revealing a set of and really deep dimples.

An image appeared and I was somehow into that it. There he was standing in front of me in the setting, he smiled and rested his hand on my head. He looked the same just that he had dark brown hair instead of black.




Just like how I was in, I was pulled out and I gasped, taking in air as my heart raced. My sight became blurry like the time I had blood rushing to my head. I saw patches of black and I grabbed onto the table as my vision cleared. What was that? I looked up to find Chanwoo walking back to our table. Looking behind him, the 2 males weren’t there anymore.

“Where are the 2 uncles?” I asked him as I helped him onto the chair.

“They went off.” He pointed to the exit. Something inside me told me to run after them.

“Chanwoo, can you wait here for a while? Don’t move okay?” he nodded and went back to play with his car. I ran out of the café turning left and right. I didn’t see them or him. My left side was clear but I wasn’t too sure about my right. I turned to face the café and used my left eye, I squinted and saw their retreating figures in a distances. I wanted to run after them, but my body wouldn’t move. I just stood there like a statue as they slowly disappeared, only their heads could be seen now.

His image came to mind again. More images came one after another flashing pass like a slide show. He was smiling at me. That emptiness inside me was slowly feeling up, just by a little bit. A name came to mind.

“Yixing.” I whispered.

“Rin?” I turned around and saw 2 tall guys behind me. They looked alike, identical twins to be exact. They looked a bit worried and a bit awkward, maybe it’s because I wasn’t reacting to them. They had this feel around them, it makes one think that I’ll be safe with them. As long as I’m with them, I will be in good hands. They had this protective aura.

“Do you remember us?” they ask hesitantly.

“I’ve seen your pictures before.”

“Really? Okay. What are you doing outside?”

“Nothing, I thought I saw something.” I turned back to the other direction, they were long gone. “Let’s go inside and talk, Chanwoo is inside.” they nodded and we went inside together. Chanwoo’s face lit up as soon as he saw me and the 2 males following behind.

“Eomma.” He waved and I nodded before gesturing the 2 of them to seat on the other side. “Are they uncles?” he asked me with sparkly eyes. I ruffled his hair and nodded.

“Yes, introduce yourself.” He stood up on the chair, put his hands on his stomach before bowing.

“My name is Jung Chan Woo.” He smiled brightly and they returned it.

“Hello. We look the same right?” one of them asked him and he nodded. They let out a soft laugh before looking at me.

“My name is Daeryong and this is Soryong. I’m the older one”

“Nice to meet you.” I bowed slightly and the atmosphere was a bit awkward. “I can’t seem to remember everything yet, just give me a bit more time, I’m sure I’ll remember.”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to force yourself. We know that not all memories will comeback. Even if they don’t comeback, we are hoping that we can maybe make new memories with you.” Daeryong said.

“We were really happy that you wanted to meet us, it means a lot to us. You wanting to meet us is already enough.” Soryong said.

“I think I have to remember.”

“Mei, you don’t have to force yourself. You are living a good life right now-“

“But it’s hunting me.” I looked at them. ”The memories, they are hunting me. I see them in my dreams, I see them on the road, everywhere. It hurts, I don’t know what’s happening it’s making me all confused.” I blurted out things I’ve been keeping inside, the times I’ve been seeing these images, the familiar people. “I need to remember or I won’t be at peace.”

They looked at each other and back at me, I wanted to know, more than before. Ever since those images appeared, I couldn’t help but think about it, who am I? What was I like before? Did I really had a tough time?

“I won’t ask you to tell me, I want to remember it on my own.” I said softly. “But I would like it if you could answer my questions if I have them.”

“Anytime. Just give us a call or a text, we will come running down.” Daeryong smiled and took out a card. “This is our name card with our number.” I took hold of it and looked at it toughly.



Jung Dae Ryong & Jung So Ryong

IT Specialists


“You do IT?”

“Yes and actually you did too.” Soryong said. “One of the best around too.”

“I did?” they nodded.

“Next time we will show you, we got some clips of you working.” I couldn’t believe I did IT. Who would have thought that I was working at 20, I mean who would have thought I was working professionally and doing dangerous stuff like fighting. Now they told me that I was one of the best in IT as well? I must have had an eventful life with lots of achievements.

“That would be nice, maybe it will help me remember.”

“Eomma, I want ice cream.” I turned to my little cutie.

“Ice cream in this weather? It’s getting cold I don’t think you should be eating that.” He pouted and slumped against the chair.

“Tell you what, why don’t uncle Dae treat you to ice cream?” he looked up immediately with sparkly eyes.

“Yay!” he cheered and clapped his hands. I looked at them and they smiled.

“Let the child have what he wants once in a while. They deserve to be spoilt sometimes.” He took his jacket and stood up.

“He is being spoilt everyday by 6 uncles and 1 auntie. And now to the list another 2 uncles. Why do you think I’m strict with him, I don’t want him to become spoilt.”

“We promise we won’t do that all the time. But it will be hard since he is our only nephew.” I let out a sigh as I got up and followed them out of the shop. The cold wind greeted us and I zipped Chanwoo’s jacket up just to make sure that he is warm.

“You should zip up too.” Daeryong came up to me and zipped up my jacket.

“I’m fine, I can’t really feel the cold that much.” He frowned.

“Still, you have to keep warm. You get sick more easily when it’s cold. We can’t have that happening now that you have a child to take care can we.”

“Thank you.” he patted my head.

“No problem.”

“Ready?” I turned to Soryong who was holding Chanwoo’s hand. “Let’s go!” we walked down the path for a while and we talked a bit, sometimes there was silence but it was the comfortable kind of silence. We went into the ice cream shop and Daeryong paid for the deserts. Chanwoo enjoyed himself a lot. Once we finished, we went out of the shop and headed back home. We walked a few distance before I heard Daeryong’s voice form behind.

“Come here.” I turned to Daeryong who lifted Chanwoo into his arms.

“Ge, you are spoiling him.” I folded my arms and they looked at me.

“But he is tired- wait, what did you just call me?” he asked with wide open eyes.

“What did I call you?”

“You called me Ge. You used to call me that all the time.” I didn’t catch it, it just came rolling off my tongue like it was supposed to.

“What’s that mean?”

“It means brother, older brother. It is the same as being called oppa.” He explained.

“What language is it?” before he could answer, I was pulled towards Soryong. He wrapped his arms around me.

“What the hell? What where you are going! The pavement is not for cycling.” He said furiously. He was speaking in that same language. What surprised me was that I could understand it. His arms held me tightly as if I was in grave danger, I felt warm. The warmth of my brother.


“It’s going to be okay. Everything will be alright. Don’t worry about it.”


I heard his voice in my head, it followed by a sharp pain. I closed my eyes immediately as I felt an immense heaviness inside, a slight bitter taste rose inside.


“Don’t give up. No matter how hard it is, don’t give up hope.”


I saw them hugging me tightly, comforting me. That heaviness inside didn’t go away, it only grew. I was leaning on them and I was crying. The image I could feel what I was feeling then, it was unexplainable. That pain, that bitterness, it was sadness. The pain increased and I leaned unto him for support.


“Whatever happens, we will be with you, no matter what. You will forever be our little sister. We will protect you.”


“Seriously, people like him should be taught a lesson.” He held my shoulders gently and tried to look at me. I didn’t give him a chance, my arms were wrapped around him. That comfort, the only shelter away from that growing bitterness inside, I didn’t want to let it go.

“Rin?” he asked me and I didn’t budge, more images came and grabbed unto him tighter. I saw the three of us in a room working, looking through papers and the computer. Then in another I saw them making food as I sat at the table, they were smiling and that atmosphere was cosy. Then I saw that guy again, the one with black hair, he was sitting next to me. We were in a garden at night and I was holding unto his hand as he cried. My heart squeezed as I saw the image and I gasped in pain.

“Rin? Are you okay?” my legs began to lose energy and I was leaning unto him completely. “Mei?” his tone changed immediately.

“M-my head hurts.” I managed to speak over the fuzziness and pain, my vision became blur and I began to see patches of black. That’s when my legs officially gave way.

“Mei!” he held unto me and tried to make me stand up. “Daeryong!” I couldn’t concentrate, everything was spinning and I didn’t have any strength left, the images continued like a video, flashing pass.

“O-oppa.” I called out. A guy’s picture appeared, the one that Chanwoo spoke to in front of our apartment. He held my hand and looked up at me before smiling.


“Thank you. You are the best girl-friend a guy could have.”


The heaviness inside expanded and I felt like I was chocking. It felt so heavy that it was pressing against my lungs, preventing me from breathing. Did I really know him? He said that I looked like someone he knew.

Another image of him appeared, he was smiling, and he spread his arms wide and enveloped me into his warm embrace. A warm feeling exploded inside and it felt good.  

“I love you,” I felt a small hand touching me, shaking me, I could barely hear anything as I begin to slip into unconsciousness but I caught his cries. He was crying away, I probably shocked my little boy. As much as I wanted to tell him that I was okay, I couldn’t.

“Yi Ning.” Was the last thing I heard before everything turned black.





From the poll it seems like most of you like reading on Idol life related. I like reading fantasy, supernatural and mystery genres in general, I like the others as well but these 3 are my favourite. Any recommandations for any good fanfics? I miss reading.

Anyway, I promise you that this story will be a happy ending. I dont think I can bear another sad ending. I'll leave it up to your imagination until I upload the other chapters:) Sorry if it gets boring.

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Chapter 24: That girl would be so spoiled!! And definitely overprotected
Chapter 23: I'm so happy right now! They deserve each other after everything they went through in all their lifetime..
Chapter 20: NOOO!! What the heck!!
Chapter 17: Why is it happening again?! Let them love each other in peace!
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