
You, Me and Us

**This will be a really long chapter, it's 18 pages on MS Word. But since it's a special chapter why not? Oh and I also changed it to second POV, so that when you read, it will seem like you are Rin instead. Enjoy!!




Chapter 24 – Special


Loud music shot through the quiet room, making you groan. You reached out and grabbed the phone to turn off the alarm. Despite the strong feeling of wanting to fall asleep again, you pried open your eyes to check the timing, it was 8 in the morning. I have a meeting at 9:30 later. Placing the phone back on the side table, you stretched and pulled back the blanket. Before you could get out, you got pulled back into someone’s chest.

“Sleep, it’s still early.” He mumbled before breathing unto you neck making you shiver. Turning around you watched as he falls back to sleep. How can he look so handsome when he sleeps? You brushed his hair backwards and he snuggled towards you. Tilting your face up towards his, you place a kiss on his lips and smiled before trying to leave the bed. He wouldn't let you go. “You need to sleep.”

“I can’t, I got an appointment at 9:30. You rest, you look terrible.” He grumbled as you got out of bed and pulled the blanket to cover his exposed chest. He has been staying up the past few days, his company is working on a new project and it took up a lot of his time. Shaking your head, you went to wash up. You looked at yourself in the mirror and saw the growing eye bags on you paler than usual skin. Recently you have been feeling more tired easily. Maybe it was the projects you were working on. You dismissed the thought and got ready for work, changing into your work clothes; a white blouse and a navy blue pencil skirt. Stepping out of the bathroom, you placed another kiss on the man sprawled out in your bed and walked out.

“Morning!” D.O greeted you with a smile. He was wearing an apron and holding a spatula. “Did you sleep well?”

“Good morning, oppa.” You smiled and got out some juice from the fridge. “I been sleeping well but I’m still tired.”

He frowned and placed his spatula down. “You have been working too hard, take a break some time.”

“I will after I seal these big deals. What’s for breakfast?”

“Pancakes with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages and toast.” you salivate as he read out the list of food he prepared. He makes the most delicious meals after your mother.

“Sounds good.”

It’s been two and a half years and everyone changed. They all stopped working as agents and moved on with life. Luhan went back to China to take over his father’s company. You haven’t seen him in a while since he is based there permanently. You still keep in contact and he is doing well with the business.

Kai and Sehun took up dancing and joined competitions. They won first for a few and got scouted to be choreographers for idol in the entertainment industry. Baekhyun, Chen and D.O took up courses on singing and became vocal teachers in a school. D.O on the other hand has his own side job, he operates a café just down the street that became really popular amongst the young people. It was also featured on magazines and TV programmes.

The oldest of the group, Xiumin, took up courses to become a barista and he now works at D.O’s café serving the best coffee in town. He is one of the reason why the café became popular, who can resist a handsome and cute barista? Kai and Sehun do help out at times and when they do, the café will be packed with giggling girls.

Chanyeol discovered his talent with musical instruments and he mastered them faster than anyone else. He also honed his rapping skills and composed his own music. Slowly, he is paving his way to become a composer.

The calm leader Suho became a teacher in a school, where he teaches high school students. With his good looks, he has gotten a huge fan club amongst the girls, charming them with his smile.

The most surprising one is Tao, he used his martial arts background and became a stunt man. He caught a director’s eye and got a lead role in a move that shot him to stardom. He is now an A list celebrity, filming movies, dramas and most recently, he got into the music industry. Baekhyun and Chen were helping him with his vocals while Chanyeol who teaches him to rap.

You brother, Lay went back to study and topped the cohort in his year and that landed him an internship with the top hospital in Korea. He is really busy and you couldn’t see him as often as you wanted too. Interning at the top hospital wasn't an easy thing and it can be tiring but he was doing something he likes, that’s what matters. When he has free time, he helps out Kai and Sehun with choreographing or just have a jam session with Chanyeol. Those were his hobbies before and it helped him relax.

Last but not least, Kris, he took over his father’s company and they opened a branch in Korea where he can stay near you and Chanwoo.

You are now working for you parents. They taught you the ropes of business and you helped them venture into Korea. They made you the director of the branch and you lead a group of 15 employees. It is small but cosy and it was like a small family working together. The company has been doing well and despite it being new in the Korean market, rapidly gaining market share and recognition and now the company was in the top few jewellery companies around. Top stars have been spotted wearing your company’s jewellery, garnering the attention of the population. You also have celebrities what does free marketing for you as your company sponsors them with jewellery for special occasions. Recently, a number of organisations that approached me about wanting to do collaborations or be business partners has increased making me busy for the past one month or so.

“What time do you have to leave?” D.O asked as he placed the plate of food in front of you.

“Around 9, I still have about an hour. Where are the others?” you asked with food in your mouth making D.O glare at you. He never did like you talking with your mouth full.

“The usual, Tao came home late from filming so he is knocked out. Chen and Baekhyun hyung went for a convention in japan they won’t be back until tomorrow. Chanyeol hyung went back to his parent’s house. Xiumin hyung should be up by now and the two youngest are probably still sleeping. They were up late choreographing a dance. Suho hyung went to school already.” You nodded and smiled. Everyone was busy but they enjoyed what they were doing.

“You are up early.” Xiumin walking in looking refreshed. You couldn't help but wonder how he does it, waking up early and still look so energised. Kris would just sleep in and not care about anything else.

“Morning oppa. I have an early appointment. And if it goes well, I’ll seal the deal.” he smiled and made himself a cup of coffee.

“Do you want some?”

“Nope, I’m fine with my juice.” You didn’t drink coffee. You would drink tea sometimes but mostly would be water or juice. Your phone rang showing your secretary’s name.  



“Good morning, Nara. Is anything a matter?”

“I’ve just been informed that the client will be arriving earlier than expected. He will be arriving at 9 instead.” Looked at the clock, it was already 8:30. So that left you with about thirty minutes before the client arrives.

“Okay, I’ll be down by 8:50. Do prepare the necessary documents.”

“Will do.”

“Thank you and see you later, Nara.” You hung up and took in the last bites of the food before bring the dish to the sink.

“Have to leave early?” Xiumin asked as he sipped on his coffee.

“Yeah, the client is arriving early. I have to be there before he comes.” You smiled and places the washed plate on the drying rack.

“All the best!” you smiled and nodded.

“Thanks for letting us stay for the night.” Occasionally, we will stay over at their apartment when Chanwoo refuses to leave his uncles. We have some clothing in the house and that made it more convenient for us. Yesterday was one of those nights when Chanwoo would refuse to leave Jongin.

“No problem, you should stay over more often. We miss playing with Chanwoo.” They both smiled.

“I’ll make it a point to bring him over as often as I can.” You picked up your bag and before you could turn around, you were tackled at your legs.

“Eomma!” you looked down at your soon to be five year old boy.

“Good morning to you too.” you kissed him on his cheek and hugged him. “Where is uncle Jongin?”

“Here.” He came down with a very messed up bed hair and smiled. “This boy has been bugging me to bring him out since he woke up.”

“You are one of his favourite uncles. Deal with it.” he just laughed and behind him came Sehun with an equally messy bed hair.

“Going to work so early?”

“Yeah, the client is on his way.” I ran my hand through Chanwoo’s bed hair, he and Kris have the same bed hair. You are always surprised at how they can be so similar yet they are not related by blood. It was fascinating. “Chanwoo, you must listen to teacher okay? Eomma can’t pick you up today so uncle Jongin and Sehun will pick you up.”

“But I want eomma to come.” He pouted and you hugged him.

“Eomma is sorry. I have so many things to settle. I promise that later when I come back, I’ll bring you for ice cream. How about that?”

”Okay!” he smiled and you squeezed his cheeks. They were chubby and squishy. He has grown taller and more handsome. He can speak Chinese, English and Korean though the other two languages are not as fluent as Korean. It was still a work in progress. He was a handsome baby and you know that he will become a heartbreaker when he grows up, just like his father.

“And I believe that uncle Kyungsoo has made something special for you today. Eomma wanted to eat it but he didn’t let me.”

“What is it?” his eyes lit up and and turned to D.O.

“It’s a surprise. After you brush your teeth, I’ll give it to you. Uncle Kyung’s new recipe!” he smiled and nodded. You glance at them and they nodded. Today was a special day. You straighten up when a pair of arms wrapped around you.

“Babe, why do you have to leave so early?” his voice was low.

“I’ve been repeating this for three times, next time I’ll record it and play it!” the others laughed and you smiled. “The client is coming early, I can’t make them wait can I.” he nuzzled into your neck and sighed.

“You have been so busy, I rarely see you.” he pouted and the others just at us.

“Yi fan, I’m not the only one. You have been busy too. After I seal these deals, I’ll have more free time. I really need to go or I’ll be late.” You pried his arms away from you and faced him. He looked handsome even with his bed head.

“You look tired.” He frowned a little and caressed your cheeks.

“I am, but I’ll be okay. Don’t worry. I’ll see you later.” Smiling, you gave him a peck before walking to the door.

“Don’t over work yourself!” you waved and left the house.




“Is everything prepared?” Nara nodded and a few moments later a couple came into the office. You stood up to welcome them as they walked closer and that’s when you realised that they looked familiar.

“Oh, you are….” He held out his hand and you took it in yours giving him a firm handshake before doing the same to the lady standing next to him.

“Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Wong. My name is Rin and I believe we have met before.” They smiled.

“Yes, I believe we have. It’s a small world huh, I didn’t know that you do business now.” Mr Wong mentions as you gestured for them to seat down. You sat after him. Nara, your secretary brought them tea and stood behind you.

“I too didn’t expect myself to be doing business. But it’s interesting to help out with the family business. I get to learn things I’ve never learnt before.”

“Ah, we have heard. The long lost daughter of the Zhang’s. We didn’t expect it to be you, but I’m glad that they managed to find you or is it the other way round?” you chuckled softly. “It’s good to see our friends smiling again. They didn’t deserve to go through all that pain.” Mr Wong said and you nodded.

“And besides, having such a talented, smart and beautiful daughter. They must be elated.” Mrs Wong mention making you shake your head from her compliment.

“Oh, I’m not all that you said. I just try my best to help them. But thank you for your compliment.” The both of them smiled at you. “We should catch up soon, but first I think we should continue our meeting? I wouldn’t want to waste your time. The both of you are busy people.” They nodded. “Have you seen the contract that I’ve sent to you?”

“Yes, we have. There’s something we would like to discuss about.”

“Sure, which might it be?”

“We were wondering about the spokesperson, do you have anyone in mind? Because it’s a collaboration between automobile and jewellery and that our concept is something clean cut, fierce with class. We are a bit worried about who will be able to pull it off.” Mrs Wong said.

“Nara, may I have the file?” she handed you the file that you have prepared beforehand. The Wong’s are known for being very careful and detailed before they sign contracts. Keeping that in mind, you prepared this file in case they asked about it. Placing the file on the table, you opened it and revealed the picture and details of the celebrity you had in mind.

“Like you mention, you want someone that can give off the clean, sophisticated yet fierce look. Our jewellery is working on a new line that will attract more men. And this celebrity actually fits all the criteria. His sharp gaze and features gives him an aura that no one can copy. He also wears our jewellery on a personal daily basis, he also has a wide range of fans which includes males and females in both Korea and China. You can take a look at his profile.” They read his achievements and they smiled.

“I see you have done your research. He should do fine. How did you get him to be the spokesperson? He is a top star and very busy I presume.”

“Actually my husband was the one that convinced him after a little bribe of sending him on a trip to Paris for two weeks.” You smiled. “He is a family friend and a very supportive fan of our jewellery brand.”

“The chairman of Wu industries? You got yourself one talented guy. We were thinking of working with them as well.” Mr Wong mention.

“If you like, I’ll arrange a meeting for you. I know that it’s hard to get a meeting with them. He did mention that he would like to do business with your company a while back.”

“That would be nice.” They looked at each other. “I think, that’s about it. Where do we sign the deal?”

“Just sign over the line.” He took out his pen and signed. You smiled and offered them a hand shake as they stood up.

“It’s nice to be business partners with you. I’ll arrange for the procedures to start next week. If you like, you can come down and observe the photo shoot.”

“That will be lovely.” They stood up. I believe I still owe you a cup of coffee.”

“Ah, yes. Just let me know when the both of you are available. I’m make myself available and bring my husband along.”

“We will be in contact. It’s nice to meet you again, Rin.”

“It’s my pleasure to meet you too, Lin. Have a safe trip back.” they nodded and Nara showed them the way out. Looking down at the contract you just clinched, there was an indescribable joy inside. The Wong’s weren’t the easiest clients to deal with but yet you managed to settle a deal with them. This was something worth telling your parents about. You never thought that working in a company would be so rewarding. All those contracts that you managed to clinch for your parents, and it gave you a sense of accomplishment that is different from you worked as a bodyguard.

Walking back to your desk, you placed the file down and rubbed your temples. You could feel a headache coming. There was a knock on your door and Nara came in.

“Have they left?” you asked with your eyes closed, hands still rubbing your temples.

“Yes, I made sure they left before coming back in.”

“That’s good, what’s next on the schedule?” there was flipping of pages before she spoke.

“You have an appointment with Tao’s company to discuss the spokesperson deal at 11AM, another appointment with SM industries regarding the upcoming collaboration for our new range at 2 in the afternoon. A business lunch with the director of Korshion to sign the contract at 12PM. Lastly, there is an sales meeting at 4PM.” You let out a sigh. There were so many things to do and you weren’t feeling your best.

“Director, are you feeling okay?”

“Eonni.” you mentioned this to her and the other employees many times. When there aren’t any clients around, they are supposed to call you noona, eonni or just your name. You weren’t a fan of titles.

“Eonni, you look pale. Do you want me to cancel the meetings?” you open your eyes and smiled at her.

“It’s okay, the faster we seal the deals, the earlier I can take a break.” What you said make her sigh.

“You should really rest. What if you collapse?”

“I won’t, I’ve been through worse.” You were stubborn as usual. “Nara, can you help me make arrangements to get a cake? It’s Chanwoo’s birthday today and there is going to be a surprise.” She smiled when at the mention of his name. He was adored by the whole company. You brought him around with you at the start but when he was old enough to be placed in a school.

“What flavour would you like?”

“I’ll leave it up to you. You make the best decisions when it comes to cake. Chanwoo likes anything you pick.” You laughed and she nodded. “Have it be ready by 5:30 in the evening. I’ll go and pick it up.”


“Thank you, Nara.” She smiled before leaving the room. You dropped your head unto the table as the headache got worse. Maybe I’ve been overworking yourself. The headaches got frequent these few days and you didn’t have energy. Adding on to all that, you were always feeling tired. There were so many things you needed to do and you forced yourself to lift up your head. Staring at the computer, it was time to work. The phone rang and you picked it up.

“Eonni, your youngest brother is here to see you.”

“Send him in!” your mood immediately changed 180 degrees. There was a knock on the door and he popped his head in.

“Noona!” you broke into a smile and stood up. He came in and his friends strolled in behind him. You gave him a bear hug which he gladly let you.

“How are you? I haven’t seen you in a long time. Did you forget me?” you pouted and he laughed.

“Noona, I missed you too. But I was busy with album preparations and concert tours. I wanted to call you and meet Chanwoo!” you smiled before pinching his cheeks.

“Aigoo, my jungkookie is famous!” you turned to his group mates and bowed. They smiled at your interactions, the both of you were like really siblings.

“Take a seat and make yourself at home. Do you want anything to drink or eat?”

“It’s okay, we can’t stay for long.” the eldest said and you nodded. As idols, they are busy. Two years back, Jungkook debuted in a boy group that does hip hop. From the start of their debut, they gathered attention and now they have a significant amount of fans from Korea, China and even in America. You were proud of him.

“I heard that you have a new line coming out, can I see it?”

“So you came to see me because of the new line?” you raised your eyebrows at him.

“Part of it, but I missed you noona.” He hugged you and you patted his back.

“If Kris sees you like this, he will lock you out of the room.” you snickered as you remembered what Kris did previously. He asked your parents for you hand in marriage on the night you were discharged and they agreed. He propose again nearer to your wedding date and it was the romantic walk by the beach and he went down on his knees. You got married six months after you left the hospital.

Ever since you got married to him, he became more possessive of you. He didn’t like it that there when other guys were touching you and would always pull them away and that included your brothers. Jungkook was one of the victims of being locked out previously. The only person that he couldn’t win against was Chanwoo. Now, you were almost in your second year of marriage and he kept showing you sides you have never seen him in before. It made life more interesting.

“But hyung isn’t here now. Let me hug you before I go.”

“I thought you wanted to see the collection?” he pulled back and grin.

“That too.”

His group, Bangtan Boys were one of the celebrities that you sponsored the jewelleries too, the other two are Tao and Teen Top. You convinced your parents to make a product line for the males and when you launched it, it became a success. Ever since then, you have been working to produce more jewelleries for the males. They were your ‘guinea pigs’ in a way. You test your products on them and collect feedback.

You took out a box and opened it and they gathered around you. “Tell me what you think of it and remember no leaking.” You warn them every time they get to see the collection before it is released. You didn’t want any leakage of designs.

“It’s nice, the colours and designs are awesome as always.” They all smiled.

“One word when you see the jewellery.”



“Hey, that was what I wanted to say! Erm, it looks high ended.” V, earned a whack on his head and the other members talked talking at the same time. Saying that jewellery is high ended, and that he didn’t make sense.

“Thank you boys. Those were the words I’m looking for.” They paused and smiled at me.

“You are welcome noona, I hope it will sell well like always.” He looked at the clock on my wall and sighed. “We have to go.” He looked sad.

“We will see each other again. I’ll personally bring down the jewellery and I’ll see you then.”

“Okay. Help me tell Chanwoo happy birthday and sorry I can’t make it. But I promise, I’ll send him a birthday present.”

“I will, you take care okay? Rest and eat well.”

“Noona, too. You look tired and you lost weight.”

“I will.” You walked them to the lift and waved goodbye.




By the time you finished your schedules of meetings, it was 5 in the evening and you were utterly exhausted. Despite the tiredness that grew along with the day, you managed to clinch another two deals making it three in a day. In the process of moving about, your back started hurting in the afternoon all of the sudden but you put up with it. You made a phone call to your parents and told them about the deals, they were elated and proud of you. Your mother noticed that you sounded tired and asked if you are okay. You told them that you were tired and you weren’t feeling too well and asked them not to worry and promise to take care of yourself. Once inside your office, you rested your head on the table and sighed. You couldn’t show up all tired for your son’s surprise birthday party when you weren’t in your best condition.

“Just hang in there Rin, another few more hours and you will be in bed sleeping.” Grabbing your bag, you bid the employees goodbye and left. You flagged a cab down and made your way to the school where you are meeting Suho. The both of you were going to collect the cake together. Once you arrived, you called to inform him.


“Oppa, I’m here.”

“I’ll be there in 3 minutes. Wait for me at the gate!”

“See you.” you smiled and looked at the school that he works in. the atmosphere of the school matches his and it reminded you of your school days. You were interrupted by a phone call.


“Mei! I don’t think can make it today. There is a last minute surgery and they asked me to help out. I’m sorry!”

“You can’t help it. I’ll just tell Chanwoo that you can’t make it.” Inside you were disappointed. Jungkook and Teen Top weren’t coming due to conflicting schedules. Chanwoo was looking forward to see Lay again but now he can’t make it. Imagine how disappointed Chanwoo would be if you were this disappointed.

“I’ll try to rush down after the surgery-“

“Gege, it’s okay. You will be tired. It’s not easy to be an intern, go and rest you will need it. I’m sure Chanwoo will understand. He is a big boy now.” you heard him sigh over the phone.

“I’m missing my favourite nephew’s fifth birthday.”

“You can always be there for his sixth. Or a belated birthday party.”

“True. Thanks mei and sorry.”

“I’m fine.” You heard his name being called in the back ground. “You better go.”

“I’ll call you again! Love you.” with that he hung up and you stood there. All the people that Chanwoo wanted to meet, they won’t be there at the party. He has been waiting patiently to see them and you wanted to surprise him. But it seems like your surprise will not happen. You can clinch contracts but you definitely failed at preparing surprise meetings.

“Rin!” you turned and saw Suho running to you. He dressed casually in a plain t-shirt and jeans. He held his blazer in his arm and carried his bag. You had to say that he looked good, but not as good as Kris. The female students squealed as he ran past them, it made you chuckle at the sight. He was like an idol in the school. “Did you wait long?” you shook your head and you noticed the female students staring at you.

“We better go, or I’ll get killed by your fans.” He turned around and smiled at the students.

“It’s going to get dark soon, go home soon okay? It’s not safe for girls like you all to be wandering around.” I scoffed inside, he just killed them inside. Does he not know that the students has a crush on him?

“Mr Kim, is that your girlfriend?” one of them asked and my eyes widen. He looked at me with equal surprise and we both laughed.

“I’m sorry but he is like an older brother to me and besides,” you lifted up you left hand. “I’m married.” The students let out a sigh and you couldn’t help but laugh. “But, it seems like he has someone in mind.” You eyed him and nudged him with your elbow. He turned red and pushed you out of the school.

“What are you talking about?”

“Oppa, don’t lie to me. I can see the way you look at her is different from the others. It’s the way Kris looks at me.”

“I can’t hide anything from you.” he murmured. “Let’s just go and get the cake.”

You went to the bakery that you frequent and got the cake that Nara helped order. It was a lovely cake and you made payment before leaving.

“Let’s go and get Xiumin before heading back.” You nodded and the both of you took the cab to the café where he was closing the shop. Entering the café, he looked up from the counter and smiled.

“I’ll be done in a few. Have a seat first.”

You waited as Xiumin finished up his chores and stared out the window. The party was starting at 6PM and Kris was about to reach home soon. You couldn’t wait to give your baby boy his birthday present. He has been wanting the new toy but you would always tell him no. Kris agreed to buy him the toy since he has been behaving himself. It will be a present from the both of you, of course it’s not just the toy. Trust Kris and everything gets blown out of proportion, he arranged to have the family fly back to china for a month to rest and have fun. He wanted to show Chanwoo where he used to stay. You smiled at yourself and shook your head silently. Kris never fails to surprise you.

Your phone rang for the nth time and you picked up.

“Nara?” it was weird for her to call you when it’s over office hours.

“Eonni, the director of StarAsia just called saying he wants to cancel the contract.”

“WHAT?” you stood up from the chair, making Suho and Xiumin jump in shock. You bowed slightly and moved one side. “What do you mean? This is too sudden! We signed the contract last week and the deal has been processed. The supplier and factory has already started the production!”

“I know, he just called and didn’t specify the reason. But I think they got approached by Utopia.” You ran your hand through your hair speechless. How could a company just back out like that? They should know that there are consequences and they have to pay three times the contract fee. You closed your eyes and started to think.

“What time did he call?”

“He called me a while ago. You are the first person who knows about it.”

“Give me his number, I’ll call him personally. Send me all the documents you have on hand, I’m not going to let our efforts go down the drain.”

“Okay.” You hung up and let out a frustrated shout. You shouldn’t have sign the contract with that man, there was something about him that you didn’t like. He had this aura that he wasn’t someone you could trust. It was your first time seeing him last week, the other times you assigned one of your male employees to attend to him. There were rumours that he was a ist and it just proved when you met him last week. He kept making inappropriate comments about gender and you didn’t like it. If it weren’t for their company’s good image, you wouldn’t have sign a contract with them. Grabbing your tablet, you open the documents before calling your company’s lawyer number.

“Rin, is everything okay?”

“No, I’m going to kill that bastard! How dare he just back out like that?” you snapped. The anger inside can’t be calmed until you solve this problem. That man, he looks down at females, he thinks he is much more capable than them and he wants to step over them. That’s probably the reason he is cancelling. You are about to prove him wrong and show him that you can’t be stepped over.

“Mr Song? This is Rin. I have an issue right now and I need you to help prepare to file a lawsuit against StarAsia for terminating contract without a valid reason. I’ll try to talk it out with them but they still insist on having their way, please go ahead with it. I’ll email you the details. Thank you and sorry to bother you after working hours.” You hang up and punched in that man’s number.

“Rin, calm down.” they tried to talk to you but weren’t in the mood, that man just made your day worst.

“I can’t until that man gets what he deserves. He thinks that women are weak and he can step over us. I’m going to show him that he is wrong, so wrong.” You saw them look at each other and shrug, you couldn't be bothered and paced around and he finally picked up the phone.

“Mr Hong, what is the meaning of this?” you asked calmly. “We have already gone through the contract and adjusted it to your liking. The production has already been processed.”

“I’m sorry Director Wu, I don’t want to have anything with your company anymore.” You could see the smirk on his face. Anger boiled, did he treat this whole contract as a play thing? Millions of dollars are involved.

“Is that your reason? That is totally unreasonable!” you raised your voice a little. “You can’t just back out without a valid reason. There isn’t anything wrong with the production or funding’s.”

“I made a mistake at the start. I shouldn’t have approached your company, I should have made clear who was running it. I don’t like the fact that YOU are running the company.” That did it. You were beyond pissed. He was calling off the contract because you were a female?

“So just because I’m a female, you want to end the contract? What happen when YOUR company came to us over and over again, asking us to do business with you. Your company was the one pestering us, when we rejected you kept coming and even stayed in my office! My employees had to chase you away.”

“It’s true that I wanted to do business with the company but when I saw you for the first time as the director, I didn’t like it. I had no choice but to sign it first. Now that I’ve got the power, I’m dropping the contract. A mere female like you don’t deserve such a high position.” You clenched your fist and you were starting to feel dizzy.

“You know what, if you want to cancel go ahead. But be prepared because we are suing you and your company.”

“You can’t do that.” he snarled.

“Oh yes I can. You must have forgotten that in the contract I stated that if any party should decide to terminate the contract, they will have to pay a penalty three times the contract amount. Do go and check it again and make sure to open your eyes bigger. It’s my pleasure doing business with you Mr Hong, I hope you like your present you will receive tomorrow.” With that you hang up. You let out a laugh of disbelief and stared at the floor, the dizzy spells were getting stronger. Holding unto the nearby chair for support you called your lawyer again. It was a good thing that you always made sure you had evidence when signing contracts.

“Mr Song? Sorry this is Rin, I’m sending you a recording of my conversation with the director of StarAsia. Do not just sue the company alone, I want to sue him personally for gender harassment. I have previous recordings of him, I’ll send it all to you.”

“I’ll start preparing and I’ll send it out by tomorrow. With the information that you are giving me, it should be more than enough.”

“Thank you, if you need any other information, do let me know. Sorry to trouble you.”

“It’s my job. I’ll do my best to help you.”

You glared at your phone and the anger won’t subside, the dizzy spells weren’t helping either. You called Nara and told her what happened and asked her to inform the other employees. They had the right to know and that they need to help find another business partner to fund the production. The amount isn’t a small and it wouldn’t be easy to find a company with a last minute notice.

You were feeling stressed out by this sudden news and you didn’t know who to tell you parents about it. They trusted you and yet, you let this happen to the brunch. This was your first lawsuit, you were afraid that this will tarnish the company’s image and wondered if you made the right choice.

“Rin, are you okay? You look pale.” Suho went up to you and held your arm. You took deep breaths and tried to calm yourself down.

“I’ll be fine.” You smiled weakly and walked to the table where your bag. You froze suddenly as pain erupted from your abdomen. You let out a whimper and held onto your stomach, the pain was unbearable; it felt like people stabbing you multiple times. You fell onto your knees as tears fell down your cheeks.

“Rin!” they ran to your as you hugged yourself. “What’s wrong?”

“It hurts.” You managed to say as you gasp for breath, your vision was blurred with tears. You were shaking and you heard Xiumin calling for an ambulance. Suho held you in his arms, rubbing your arm and asking you to match his breathing. After calling the ambulance, Xiumin called Kris. You didn’t manage to hear the conversation, the last thing you heard was Xiumin telling him that I’m in pain and I’m about to pass out. Unconsciously, you wrapped your arms around your stomach and you saw black.




You were woken up by some shouting and you blinked. You weren’t at the café, instead you were greeted by bright white lights shining on you from above. Confused, you lifted your hand and noticed that you were connected to an IV drip. I’m at the hospital?

You didn’t know why you were here, the last thing you remember was extreme pain and Xiumin calling Kris. Still feeling tired you sat up and looked at the empty room. You couldn’t help but think, how long were you out? Before you could grab your phone on the table you heard his voice.

“Who is he?” you heard Kris raise his voice from outside the room, he was angry. “Who caused her to become like this?” there were some whispers asking him to calm down, that was what you presumed.

“What is happening?” you were clueless. Checking your phone, you realised that you slept for almost a day, you missed your son’s birthday. You felt awful and pulled the blanket off you when the door opened, it was Kris. He ran to you immediately and wrapped his long arms around tightly. Stunned, you just let him hug you.

“Thank goodness!” he exclaimed softly and kissed your temple.

“What are you talking about? Why am I here?” he cupped your face and made you look at him.

“You silly girl, I told you not to overwork yourself and take care of yourself. Do you know how worried I was just now? I thought I was going to lose you for the third time!”

“I’m fine. I was just feeling dizzy and tired.” His frowned and pinched your cheeks making you yelp.

“No, you are not okay. You won’t be for the next few months. I want you to stop working.”

“What?” you shouted. You loved working, you loved what you were doing right now, why should you stop? “No! I want to work, my parents trusted me with the company and I’m not going to let them down. I’m going to slay that bas-“ he silence you with a kiss.

“I’m asking you to stop work temporary. You can work from home but no more stressful things, it’s going to hurt you and the baby.” you froze.

“I must have heard wrongly,” you pulled his hands away from your face. “I thought you said-“

“You almost had a miscarriage. It was a good thing that Suho and Xiumin got you to the hospital fast or we would have lost it. We would have lost our baby.” he whispered. “You are pregnant.” He smiled, his eyes were glistening with happiness. “We are going to be parents again.”

You stared at him, not registering what he said. You are pregnant? But you didn’t have symptoms, you thought that your period was late as you have had it come late a few times due to stress. So this time you thought it was the same. You hand moved towards your abdomen, there is a baby growing inside of you. He placed his hand on yours and rubbed his thumb across it. Then it dawn on you, you almost lost your baby.

“I didn’t know..” before you know it, tear fell and you couldn’t control it.

“Hey, don’t cry.” he cupped your face with both hands and wiped your tears away. “You were busy and it’s your first time, you wouldn’t have known about it.”

“But I almost killed it.”

“But you didn’t. Our baby is still with us, he or she is a strong one just like you.” he rubbed his nose with yours. “Thank you, for giving me the best gift ever.” You looked into his eyes and he smiled at you warmly. He placed his lips over yours and gave you a long loving kiss. “Thank you.”

“Where is Chanwoo? I missed his birthday.”

“It’s okay, he understands. He was worried about you. We have a very loving and understanding son.” That made you smile. Chanwoo has always been like this. “I haven't told him about him going to have another sibling. I think you should tell him about it.”

“How long am I?”

“Two and a half months, you are towards the end of your first trimester.” You looked up and saw Lay standing at the door with his arms folded. “Zhang Yi Ning, you really are stubborn. I told you multiple times to take care of yourself. Seriously, why won’t it go into you head?” He spoke harshly but you knew better than to be angry at him. What he said was right, if you had taken care of yourself better, this wouldn’t have happen. He was just worried about you. The others walked in after him and then you saw your little boy. Kris moved to one side, his hands never left you and it went to your shoulders. Chanwoo climbed and sat on your bed.

“I’m sorry baby. I missed your birthday.”

“Are you feeling better?” he asked with worried eyes and it made you smile.

“Yes, I’m feeling much better and I have something to tell you.” you turned to Kris and he smiled. “You will be getting a sibling, you are going to be an oppa or hyung.” You held your breath as you waited for his response. Some kids would throw tantrums and cry, others will be happy but a minority wouldn’t have any. Chanwoo looked at you with his big eyes.

“Does that mean I’m don’t need to play alone anymore? Eomma, when are they coming?” you took a breath and it seems like Kris was also holding his breath.

“Yes, you don’t have to play alone. He or she will come in-“

“November.” Lay said and smiled.

“That’s right, he or she will come in November.”

“That’s still a long way.” he whined and pouted. That made Kris laugh.

“You can talk to them every day.” He ruffled his hair.

“I can?”

“Yes, you just have to talk to eomma’s stomach. The baby are inside. You are going to be a good brother right?”

“I will.” He touched your stomach and lean towards it. “Hello? I’m Chanwoo, your oppa or hyung. I can’t wait to see you!” that made you smile and you know that he will be a good brother.

“Chanwoo,” he looked up at you. “Eomma’s sorry that I have to miss your birthday. Let eomma make it up to you, we can have a belated birthday celebration once I come out. How about it?”

“It’s okay, I just got the most awesome birthday present in the world. Thank you eomma.” His words warm your heart and you cried again. Kris lean down and kissed your cheek.

“Thank you.”


They made you stop working since you were prone to stress which was bad for the baby. Kris took over in place of you and your parents send someone over to assist Kris for the time being. They were overjoyed to find out that you were pregnant and were more than glad to let you stop. Kris won the lawsuit against that director and got the compensation easily. He decided to fund the production using his company’s name and that made it to the news besides that, everything else went smoothly.

The members were overjoyed and celebrated. There was a big party at their house, Teen Top, Yongju, INFINITE and the twins came and congratulated you. Kris decided to move back to the house so that there will be at least someone to keep an eye on you when he wasn’t around.

Instead of just sitting around at home, you moved about a lot like cooking for the members, cleaning the house or even going down to D.O’s café to help out. You couldn’t stand not doing anything and would always find something to do to Kris’s dismay. He was so worried that you would injure yourself. It started to bother you and you would snap at him sometimes. At first he would get angry but then after talking to Lay, he realised that it was your hormones at work. From then on, he became more patient and would even wake up in the middle of the night to get the food you were craving. You felt really blessed to have a husband like him.

Towards the end of pregnancy, things got slightly harder. You often got back aches and you couldn’t sleep. You couldn’t stand for long and often sat in the living room or in bed. Kris never complained once through your pregnancy, instead he told you this. “If I can take away the pain you are having, I would. If I could, I would take over your position so that you wouldn’t have to go through such a hard time.” how can you not love a man like this? He would come home late and tired but he would make sure that he spends time with you, Chanwoo and the baby. Looking down at your swollen belly, you rubbed it gently.

“Baby, this is your mummy. Your daddy is working hard of us. Your daddy, brother and mummy can’t wait to see you, your brother too. Mummy can’t wait to hold you in my arms and take care of you. You will be the most spoilt child after Chanwoo.” You felt some moving inside as you spoke and there was a kick. “You can’t wait to see me too? Come out healthy and strong okay?” your due date is approaching, it will be one of these days when you can hold your baby in your arms.

There was a knock on your door before Chen’s head popped in. “Hey, how are you feeling?”

“I’m good, tired but I’m hanging in there.” He walked over and sat by your bed. He placed his hand on your belly and leaned closer.

“Hey little one? Let your eomma rest okay? Your eomma hasn’t been sleeping well.” you smiled at his words. You placed your hands at the bottom of your belly, it has been feeling a little uncomfortable since yesterday. It was like there is pressure pressing on your lower belly. “Come out soon, uncle Jongdae can’t wait to see you!” just then there was a kick and you gasp, his eyes widen in horror.

“What’s wrong?”

“It kicked really hard. Do you think it’s a boy?” You and Kris decided to not know the gender of the baby until you give birth. The both of you wanted to leave it as a surprise.

“A boy, it would be nice but I’m hoping it will be a girl. I’m kind of sick staying in a house of males. I need some females.” That made you laugh. “I’m sure that Kris hyung would want a girl too.”


“Kyungsoo made lunch downstairs. Will you be able to come down?”

“Yeah, you go down first. I’ll be right behind you.” he nodded and left the room. Standing up from your bed, you stretched a little. The uncomfortable feeling in your belly felt the same if not more uncomfortable. It shouldn’t be anything. You shook your head and slowly made your way down. It was halfway down the stairs when you felt something leaking. Looking down, you saw water flowing down your leg.

“Oh my god!” you gripped unto the railing and just stared at the water.

“Rin, what are you doing-“ Chen didn’t manage to finish the sentence. You looked at him with your mouth agape as the fluid flowed down the stairs. His eyes widen and he shouted for D.O. “Kyungsoo! Get the car now, I think Rin’s water bag just broke!”

“WHAT?” he came running out of the kitchen in his apron and stared at me in horror. He swiftly took the apron off and grabbed the keys, Chen ran to the room to get my hospital bag and held my arm as I made my way down.

“I’m sorry, the floor is now dirty.” You looked back at the floor, your fluid was all over the stairs.

“It’s not time to worry about this! You are going to give birth!” Chen shouted and they helped you out of the house quickly.

“But I’m feeling fine, really. I don’t feel anything, yet.” Chen shot me a look as Kyungsoo drove the car over. They were panicking more than you. You were the one giving birth not them and yet you were calm. Once inside, they sped off to the hospital. You took out your phone and dialled his number.

“Babe? What’s up?”

“Erm, are you free now?” you asked and nervousness started coming. You felt a slight pain and you grabbed a fistful of your top. This is really happening.

“I have an important meeting in two minutes time.” the pain got stronger and you grabbed the closest thing and it happened to be Chen’s hand.

“God, Rin it hurts!” he shouted as you squeezed his hand tightly as a wave of pain hit you. You closed your eyes and bit your lips.

“What’s happening?”

“N-Nothing. Go for your meeting.”

“No! Kris hyung, I don’t care what you are having but-damn it, Rin, it hurts!” you squeezed his hand again when the pain came. “I swear my hand is going to break if you don’t come here now hyung! Rin’s water bag broke!”

“WHAT! OMG, IT’S HAPPENING! IT’S REALLY HAPPENING!” You heard shuffling over the phone and shouting. “Cancel the meeting and everything after that and even the next two days! My wife is in labour!”

“Kris it’s okay-“

“No it’s not okay! You are going into labour and I promised to be with you when that happens. I’m coming over now. Let Yixing know too!” he hung up before you could say anything.

“Rin, I know you are in pain but can you let my hand breathe? Or at least hold my other hand while this one takes a breather?” you slowly let go when the pain subsided and he yelp as he rubbed it.

“S-sorry.” you had to remain calm, Lay told you that at times like this it’s best to remain calm or least it will affect the baby. Taking in deep breathes, you paced yourself as the pain hit again.

“We are reaching soon! Hang in there RIn.” D.O looked at you through the front mirror and you smiled. Right, I haven't told gege. You dialled his number hoping he will pick up.


“Gege?” your voice came out as a whimper as a wave of pain came again. It was getting faster and faster.

“Mei, what’s wrong with your voice?”

“M-My water bag burst. We are on the way to the hospital.” There was silence over the line.

“It’s not your due date yet right? Isn’t it supposed to be next week?”

“Yeah, but I guess it wants to come out earlier.”

“OMG, okay. How are you feeling?”

“The pain is still bearable but the two people with me are panicking more than me.”

“Make sure they get you safely here, I’ll meet you at the entrance. And don’t worry about Chanwoo. I’ll get the others to fetch him.”

“Okay, see you.”

In about another 5 minutes, we arrived at the hospital and Lay was standing outside with some other doctors. He even prepared a wheelchair for you. By now, you were drenched in sweat. Chen and Lay helped you out of the car and you grabbed Lay’s arm in pain.

“It’s going to be okay. Kris is on his way. Remember to take deep breathes.” you nodded and they wheeled you into the hospital. Half an hour later, Kris came running with his suit in his hand. His hair was messed up and his expression was full of worry, nervousness and excitement. He watched you as the contractions came, you closed your eyes and grabbed the bed sheets. A silent tear slipped out and you let out a soft cry.

“I’m sorry.” he came over and held your hand tightly. “I’m so sorry.” he whispered and brushed back your damp hair from your face. You looked at him with your tear filled eyes and shook your head. He hugged you and kissed your temples, rubbing your shoulder. Another contraction came and you squeezed his hand like you were hanging off a building. He didn’t complain though he did wince a bit. He held your hand tightly.

“Mrs Wu, it’s almost time to push. I want you to take a deep breath and push when you exhale. Are you ready?” Kris tighten his grip on yours and wiped your tears away.

“You can do it. I know you can.” You nodded and the doctor signalled you to push. After pushing for quite a while, you finally heard cries fill the room. Your whole body was washed with relief. Kris kissed your temple and cried tears of joy. Your second bundle of joy is here.

“Congratulations Mr and Mrs Wu, it’s a girl.” Tears flowed endless as you watched the nurse clean her up and checked her condition.

“You have worked hard.” Kris wrapped his arms around you. “Thank you so much.” He pulled away and cupped your face. Tears flowed down his face but he wore a smile that mirrored yours. Words weren’t needed to explain what the both of you felt. It was happiness.

The nurse came over and placed your daughter in your arms. You looked at her face and smiled. “Hi, baby. It’s eomma. Your appa is here to.” Kris touched her head softly and you held her small hands that escaped. She grabbed onto your finger tightly making you smile. Turning to look at Kris, he was smiling like a fool.

“She is beautiful.” He breathed and traced her tiny arms. “She looks like you.”

“I think she looks like you, she has your nose.” You chuckled and look down at your beautiful daughter. You know that she will bring you much joy in your life. The nurse took her back and you struggled to keep your eyes open. You used up a lot of energy.

“Rest. You need it. I’ll bring her out to see the others.” You nodded wearily and you closed your eyes.

You woke up later to a beautiful sight. He stood at the window in his white shirt and business pants. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbow and the top two buttons were . His hair was messy but you liked it that way. In his arms, he cradled a tiny bundle. He smiled as he watched her sleep in his arms. He is going to be the best father. Wait, he already is. You smiled as he placed a kiss on her head and smiled.

He turned to you and noticed that you were awake. You gave him a smile and he walked to you. He placed his hand on your cheek and you nuzzled towards his warmth.

“Do you want to carry her?” you nodded and he carefully placed her in your arms. You gave her a small kiss and watch her sleep. Kris came over and sat by your side.

“Has Chanwoo seen her?”

“Yes, he wouldn’t stop staring at her.” he laughed. “The others were fighting on who should be her god-father. I didn’t even say that I’ll allow her to have a god-father.”

“While she will have lots of uncles who will spoil her.” you sighed. “I have to set a rule, she is going to be spoilt so badly.”

“You can’t say no to that face.” he placed you head on his shoulder. “I think we make beautiful babies.” You elbowed him and he laughed. “Thank you for giving me a beautiful daughter.”

“Thank you for letting me bring this beautiful child into the world.” You looked at him and he smiled. He place a kiss on you before the both of you are interrupted by a cough. At the door were more than ten light bulbs. Your little boy came running to you and Kris carried him up so that he could see his sister. He was all smiles.

“Hyung, can I carry her?” Tao who rushed down from his schedules asked.

“No, Tao, she wouldn’t want you to carry her. You look too fierce, you will just scare her.” Baekhyun said as Tao shot him a deadly glare. “You will let me carry her right? I’m going to be her favourite uncle!”

“Ah uh, I am.” D.O smiled brightly. “I’m going to cook for her whatever she wants to eat.

“Then I’m going to be her god-father!” Chen proclaimed earning hits from the others. “Kris hyung, say something. We need to settle this!” Kris looked at you and you shrugged. He stood up and walked over to them.

“She will not have a god-father. She only needs one father.” everyone groan when they heard and started arguing. You watched as Kris agrued with them, he was totally against having a god-father. He is going to be a fool for his daughter. Turning to Chanwoo who was still staring at his sister.

“Chanwoo, you will take care of her right?” he nodded immediately.

“Appa told me that I need to protect her from bad guys. I cannot let other guys come near my sister.” He said proudly and you let out a soft laugh before looking down at your daughter.

“You are going to be spoilt by your uncles, grandparents, brother and daddy.” you her chubby cheeks. “You are going to be a daddy’s girl aren’t you? And you will slay the boys like your daddy does to the girls.”  You could imagine Kris, Chanwoo and the others being super protective over her. Imagine her having her first boyfriend, he will have to get through 19 guys excluding her father and brother in order to date her. The thought of it made you grimace how the future might be and you bend down towards her ear.

“Don’t worry, mummy will support you. We have to survive in a world full of males, so only the two of us can support each other.”

In the past, never would have thought that you will be alive today, married to the love of your life let alone having his child. Everything is like a miracle to you. You are glad that everything ended up alright. You gave him emotions and he brought you sadness, anger, worry and happiness. But if it wasn’t for that person, you wouldn’t have a stable job, friends and family that loves you, a caring son and now the latest edition to your family, a beautiful daughter.

Without him, all this wouldn’t happen. He turned around and met your gaze. You smiled at the man who gave you all this; the love of your life, the father of your children, the keeper of your heart.

Without him, you wouldn’t be where you are today.

With him, you can do anything.

With him, you will forever be happy.








This is really the end! I hope you enjoyed the special because I did. hahahahaha. 

I currently have mixed feelings, happy that I finsihed this story, sad because I won't be writing this story anymore. But I guess I could always write another story with Kris again; that will take time. Anyway, I'm glad most that of you enjoyed the story:) And to those that followed since the first story, another thank you! Every time I read the comments, I feel motivated to continue writing. I did have trouble trying to finish this story multiple times, there were times that I just didn't know what to write. But reading the comments, I felt that I couldn't let the readers down. (MissMixi, you were the first one to comment in my story, thanks! Your first comment in Just Like You gave me the motivation to continue to write.) 

To qinmad, regarding your question about Chanwoo, he is just a character that helps to move my story forward; he is like a sidekick. I made him sound like he looks like Kris or that they have similarities but actually they aren't related. Let's just say that he has a good memory for a three year old boy that so happens to be handsome looking. For him to look like Rin and Kris is just a coincidence to make it seem like they make a convincing family, image wise. And regarding why he could make feel Rin feel emotions again, I was thinking of a way to make her feel again without having to add Kris into the picture so early. Adding another male into her life will make it seem like there will be a love triangle so I settled for a kid. He is just special:) I hope that answers your questions!

If anyone else has questions, I'll be more than glad to help clarify them. Just comment below:)

I just started writing another EXO member story since my holidays are almost here. I'll post it up once I think it's ready to be read:) (I'll put up the link here) Any guesses on who it is? One last thing, for my story, I've used all 3 types of POV; first, second and third. I'm just wondering which one did you prefer?? It might aid me in writing for the future stories. Do let me know below, I'm just curious to see which form of writing is better. 

I think I've wrote too much so I'll end off here. Once again a VERY BIG THANK YOU to all and enjoy!

Happy Lunar New Year eve!! :)




Start: 19/11/14

End: 18/02/15

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Chapter 24: That girl would be so spoiled!! And definitely overprotected
Chapter 23: I'm so happy right now! They deserve each other after everything they went through in all their lifetime..
Chapter 20: NOOO!! What the heck!!
Chapter 17: Why is it happening again?! Let them love each other in peace!
Chapter 15: Yes! Just say yes!!
Chapter 13: Yes finally!! The reunion is near!
Chapter 10: A step closer to her.. I wish Lay knows too so his sorrow will lessen..
Chapter 6: I can't wait for her to have all memories back..
Chapter 4: So close, yet so far... I hope he's breaking the engagement off!