You, Me and Us





“Have you tracked her down?” Daeryong shouted into the phone as they speed down the roads. “Seoul Hotel? Okay, I’ll see you all there. And bring the things along.”

“I swear is anything happens to them, I won’t let anyone of them live.” Soryong slam his fist on the steering wheel. The both of them were angry, whoever kidnapped their sister should be prepared for their last day. When they saw Rin and Chanwoo get taken away, they were shocked, flustered, worried and angry. They got the whole entire company to track her down, their uncle was also very worried. He was prepared to call the government for help. The atmosphere was tense as they got closer to the hotel. Their day didn’t start on the right note. The both of them saw the news yesterday and immediately knew that something was wrong. They wanted Rin to be happy and was planning to bring her to the wedding and crash it. But right now, all that matters was that she is safe. They arrived at the hotel and got out. They met with another group of people who were waiting for them.

“Do you have everything ready?” Daeryong asked their leader.

“Yes, we have everything settled. The hotel is willing to assist us if anything arises.”

“We found the person who took her away. He is now in one of the ballrooms.” The tallest of the group mention. “But the room is now occupied, there is a wedding going on.”

“A wedding?” Soryong asked and they all nodded.

“The wedding of the heiress of the Lu Fashion Corp and the heir of Wu industries. The wedding is about to start.” Colour from Daeryong and Soryong’s faces drained away immediately. Anyone could guess what was going on. They clenched their fist and it shook in anger.

“Do we have weapons?” Soryong asked through clenched jaws. He was fuming and so were the others. They all considered Rin as their sister and if anything happened to her, they would never forgive themselves. As long as RIn and Chanwoo are fine. She hasn’t had the smoothest sailing life, but she did not deserve to be treated like this.

“Yes.” They replied in unison.

“Let’s go.” Together the 9 of them walked into the hotel lobby and people stopped and stare at them. It was like something you will see out of a movie or drama, they all wore long trench coats, sunglasses and most of them had earpieces on. 3 of them were also carrying suitcases. Despite all the attention they were gathering, they couldn’t be bothered. “Let’s go save our sister.”


Kris paced in the room, he was at a lost. The wedding was going to start and he couldn’t escape. He was a prisoner. He was being forced into marriage. He didn’t have his phone and he couldn’t contact the others. He knew that he couldn’t go against that lady, who knew what she was capable of doing to Rin. He locked his door and tried to hold out as long as he can. He has wasted enough time and he doesn’t plan on wasting any more.

“What should I do?” he ruffled his hair in frustration as he sat on the bed. There were guards outside his room and he couldn’t just run out like that. He needed help from outside. He looked at the phone by the bed. “Why didn’t I think of that earlier?”

Kris picked up the phone and dialled for the reception.

"Hello, welcome to Seoul Hotel, how may I help you?”

“I need help but I want you to just talk to me like I’m a guest calling for a booking. This is very important.”

“What are you-“

“Please help me. I’m calling from room 1365, this is really important.” There was silence over the other end.

“Yes, we have a special promotion right now.” the receptionist replied signalling that she understands.

“Is it possible to make a call through the reception?”

“That’s right, it is for a limited time only.”

“Could you connect me to this number? Make it fast too.”

“Is there anything specific you are looking for?” he gave her the number and the call transferred. The whole room was silent and he could hear his heart beating really hard against his ribs as the phone rang.

“Pick up.” he whispered.


“Chen!” he nearly shouted but hushed himself remembering that the guards were outside. “Thank goodness.”

“Hyung?” Chen was shocked.

“Yes, it’s me. You have to get me out of here. Like right now.”


“I being forced into marriage! They wanted my parent’s company all along. They took me away, locked me up for 2 days, and now I’m stuck in the stupid hotel room guarded by 10 men. I have neither energy nor the strength to get myself out. They starved me Chen! You have to help me!” he begged.

“What am I supposed to do? You know that we tried-“

“I have to leave. If I don’t, I don’t know what she will do. She will hurt them! She is in danger!”

“Who will hurt who?”

“Luhan’s mother. She is the one behind all this! And until I’m married to her daughter, she will stop at nothing. She is going to hurt them, Jongdae. I have to protect them!”

“What do you mean?” Chen’s voice sounded worried. “Who is she going to hurt?”

Knock knock. He turned to the door. The handle moved and someone was trying to come in.

“Hey, open the door!” they pounded on the door and he was losing time.

“She is going to hurt my family! I need to protect them, I have to make sure that they are safe, she has my phone.” the door burst open and he dropped the phone as the men grabbed him and punched him in the stomach. He coughed and they dragged him out of the room.

They didn’t give Kris time to catch his breath when they pushed him into the waiting room. It was only in a matter of minutes where he will be going down that aisle. It was a nightmare for him. From the other side of the door, he heard loud murmurs and cheers.

“The groom!” the doors in front of him open and a bright light blinded him. The crowd cheered and the guard pushed him unto the aisle. He just stood there as people clapped with bright smiles on their face. He looked around and he felt suffocated. He looked up and saw his friends clapping with grim expressions. His feet were glued to the floor, preventing him from moving.

“You won’t see her ever again.” her words rang in his head as he locked eyes with the lady and she signalled him to walk.

Fear built up, he couldn’t afford to lose her again, he will rather lose his life than to have her disappear from his life again. With a heavy heart, he took his first step forward. Those few seconds felt like hours to him, everything was in slow motion. With each step he took, Kris’s heart grew heavier and it got harder for him to breathe. To him, the aisle was endless, the distance just got further and further. The closer he got to the podium, the worst he felt. All he wanted to do right now was to run away and find RIn. But that will come with consequences, and he knows that something might happen to her if he didn’t follow that lady’s orders. He was torn.

Kris stopped in front of the podium, he couldn’t help but think, is this it? He looked towards his friends, his eyes were begging them to help him. They all returned the same gaze, they knew what he was going through but they couldn’t do anything. Out of all of them, Chen and Lay had the most stoic expressions. Though they may seem indifferent, they had their hands clenched tightly. They didn’t like what they were seeing, and after that phone call, they were more than angry.

Lay couldn’t believe that his auntie would do such a thing, all this for the company? He never thought that they were such people. Yes, he knew that they were out for power and they were coming for his company as well but to stage a kidnap just to make Kris marry Xue? That was just despicable. He wanted to help his friend who was standing on the stage who looks like he was dying, his friend was crumbling in front of him. Lay knows that Kris loves his sister, he forgave him for what happened 2 years ago. He couldn’t blame Kris when he couldn’t remember anything, what Kris felt towards Xue was just a sibling love. He didn’t know what love felt like, he couldn’t feel before and therefore not know what love feels like. That was not something Lay could blame him for.

The past 2 years, he has seen him go through a tougher time than all of them. He knew that Kris was blaming himself but he kept mum about it. Lay knows that Kris had a connection with his sister, just like him, but theirs was something deeper. They were fated to be together. Lay watched as Kris turned around and his expression turned into one that was in pain.

“Jongdae.” He called out softly, Chen looked at him. “We have to help him.” it was something he needed to do. He was saying this as the brother of Kris’s loved one, a friend and a buddy. No brother would watch their brother go through something horrible, and Lay wouldn’t just sit back and do nothing. It would be something that his sister would do as well. He was willing to take the chance.

“I know.” Chen whispered. 

“And now the bride!” the people clapped and cheered as the door open. Xue was holding her father’s arm. Any guy would think that she was beautiful but Kris didn’t even look back at her. His back was facing her as he grabbed unto his hair and blinked his tears away. He heard comments saying the bride was beautiful and all but all he could think of was if they were okay. He never felt so helpless before, he felt useless and played with. He was just listening to them like he was a puppet. A lump rose to his throat as he thought of not being able to see her again. Turning to his last hope, with tear filled eyes, he looked at his mother. ‘Please help me! Stop the wedding.’ He mouthed. But before she could say anything, someone grabbed his hand making him turn.

“I trust that you will take care of my daughter.” The man said and placed Xue’s hand in his. She held his hand tightly as she smiled at him through the veil. She was really happy. Kris could only stare at her with lifeless eyes and he smile faltered a little. She may have his body but she will never have his heart. He was an empty shell now.

“We are gathered here to celebrate the…” the pastor went on and on, going through the whole process. Kris just stared blankly in front of him, he didn’t bother to look at Xue. “If there is anyone who oppose to this marriage, please voice out or remain silent forever.”

 Kris closed his eyes and hope that someone will stand up. There was silence behind and he looked at the officiant, he was about to open his mouth when a few chairs were pushed back.

“We object.” His heart leaped out and turned to the two guys who were standing up. The crowd started to whisper and Xue looked worried. Her parents on the other hand were pissed. But What Kris felt was relieve as he looked at them. They gave him a slight nod and he smiled a little.

“They must be tired from work.” The man said and calmed the guests. “These boys are tired and they just let out a slip. They don’t have anything against them.” he smiled but the look in his eyes could kill. The two of them didn’t flinch and just remained standing. They knew what they were doing and they won’t back down.

“No, we know what we are doing, uncle.” Lay looked at him in the eye. He wasn’t afraid, he had enough of that family’s tactics. “Kris, he doesn’t want to get married. Stop forcing him too.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” The older man just looked around as the guest started talking.

“Oh come one, don’t fake ignorance.” Lay raised his voice a little, it was still calm but under that tone of his. “Stop forcing your daughter on a man that doesn’t like her.” that one sentence made the whole room gasp. “All you want is the company, just admit it!” the older man’s face turned red in embarrassment. He never felt so humiliated in his entire life. The lady beside was the same.

“What are you talking about? My daughter is in love with him-“

“Yeah, it’s one sided.” This time it was Chen who spoke up. He could tell that steam was coming out from the couple’s ears.

“You are spoiling a perfect wedding with your nonsense!” he signalled to two guards to take them away. That’s when the whole of EXO stood up. Everyone was watching them.

“Sir, I’m sorry but we all object to this marriage. My friend isn’t a willing party here.” Suho said on behalf of the whole group. They all wanted the best for Kris.

“Guards! Take these people away. They are spoiling the wedding!” the guards came up and grabbed their arms but they just shrug them off. Kris took a step forward towards his brothers when that happen but someone held him back. Looking back at Xue, she held his arm tightly and shook her head. He stared at her and she flinched.

“Don’t touch me.” he hissed. Her hand immediately dropped. Now there was a scene where a group of 10 males objecting to a wedding. The guest were stunned at this revelation. The older man called for more guards and now they were struggling to break free. He was forcing them out of the wedding. Kris went forward but a guard stood in front of him.

“Move.” The guard remained where he was, he watched as his friends get taken away. They could fight but if they fought here, that wouldn’t be a good impression on Luhan. “I said move.” Kris raised his voice a little. The man just grabbed him and pushed him back next to Xue. The older man turned to the officiant.

“I’m sorry about the commotion, please continue.”

Kris watched as his friends were dragged away, the officiant was lost as to whether to continue or not, Xue was holding unto his arm. His blood was boiling, no one treats his brothers like that. But before he could do anything else, the front door burst open and a group of guys walked in. They were dressed in black and the guest started fidgeting.

“Everyone out!” the one in the middle shouted and the guest didn’t know who to react. He took out a gun from under his coat and shot it in the air. The guest screamed and they all fled.

“What is happening?” the parents were stun and they didn’t know what to do. EXO managed to break free during this frenzy and went to Kris.

“Where is she?” the group of man asked as they closed in onto the family. Kris looked at them and they looked somewhat familiar. “Don’t make us repeat again.” they said dangerously.

“Sungjong.” one of them nodded and took a seat as he took out the laptop.

“Hyung!” one of them grabbed one of the guards and dragged him over to them. The guard struggled but he was no match for the shorter guy. He was strong and with one punch, the guard fell unto his knees in pain. The leader of the group bend down and looked at him.

“Where is she?” the guard refuse to say anything and he shot him in the leg making the guard howl in pain. Taking off his sunglasses, he stepped on the wound making him cry out. “Painful isn’t it? So just tell me where she is!” he raised his voice towards the end.

“Sungkyu,” they all turned to the two males walking in. The EXO members looked shocked except Kris. Who wouldn’t be, the two people they were looking for two years ago were walking towards them. “If he doesn’t say anything, kill him slowly.” Daeryong said. His gaze was intense and he meant what he said.

“Hyung.” Kai breathed out when he saw them.

“Sungjong, anything?”

“Nothing. Her phone is on but the GPS isn’t. All she needs to do is to make a phone call….” He murmured.

“!” Soryong cursed and looked at the group of people in front of them. His fist immediately clenched. “You,” he pointed to the officiant. “Get out.” the middle aged male was more than glad to leave. “Woohyun and Sungkyu, search all the CCTVs. Sungjong, continue to trace for her. Hoya and Dongwoo, search the whole hotel if you must. Check all the abandon or deserted places in the hotel. Check the places where people rarely goes to.” the guys nodded and split up.

“Hyung.” Kris called out to them and judging by the look in their eyes, he was in dead meat.

“Don’t ‘hyung’ me.” they glared at him. “We trusted you!”

“I’m being forced! I didn’t want to be here!”

“Because you are here, she is gone.” Daerying said softly. Kris heart beats increased. What did they mean?

“W-what are you talking about?”

“Why don’t you ask him? Ask him who his boss is?” Soryong spat as he kicked the injured guard in the stomach. “Ask him where they are!”

From the tone, Kris knew that something is wrong, terribly wrong. He began to shake his head, as the possible thought flooded his mind.

“No…..No, no, NO!” he shouted. “Please tell me I’m wrong.” The two brothers looked at him straight in the eye. Their eyes were filled with worry, fear and anger. He stumbled backwards, his worst fears came true. He glared at the lady and marched over to her.

“YOU! YOU PROMISE THAT YOU WON’T LAY A FINGER ON HER! WHERE IS SHE??!” Kris raised his voice in anger, he was worried. The lady scoffed before staring at him.

“I told you to go with the wedding and not do anything else.” She looked at her watch. “She’s probably not around anymore.” that was the last straw, Kris grabbed her by the collar and shoved her backwards, he didn’t care if she was Luhan’s mother or not. No one, no one touches Rin and gets away with it.

“How DARE you.” he breathed out. “I WON’T FORGIVE you.” he pushed her backwards violently and she fell.

“Mama!” Xue cried and ran over to her. Xue glared at Kris. He didn’t bother but went for the lady’s handbag which she held tightly. He pulled it away from her and poured out the contents.

“Kris!” Xue tried to stop her but he shoved her away fiercely making her fall.

“I said DON’T TOUCH ME!” he roared making her flinch in fear. He grabbed his phone and looked at it. The lock screen was the picture of them when they ate out.

“Please be okay.” He whispered softly as he turn around to face the others. He looked at Luhan and he felt bad, he bowed a little to apologise.

“She got kidnap this morning in front of us. Both of them.” Daeryong said and that made kris freeze.

“C-chanwoo…” they nodded.

“They were taken away. And we tracked them to this hotel and this guard was the one who pushed her into that van!” Kris couldn’t contain his anger he grabbed the guard and punched him in the face.


“Kris hyung.” Suho held him back as the man below him was barely conscious. He was bleeding form the nose, lips, his face was bloody.

“LET GO OF ME! HE DESERVES TO DIE FOR TOUCHING HER!” Kris was closed to being hysterical. He couldn’t bear to lose her again.

“Yes, uncle.” Daeryong held unto his ear piece. He looked at Soryong before calling the others.

“Dongwoo, Hoya, she is definitely in the building. HQ is backing us up, they are sending people. L, go and support Hoya and Dongwoo. We are going down too.” they turned to leave when Kris’s phone rang making him calm down a little.

“It’s her phone!” Sungjong shouted and they ran back. His hand flew on the keyboard. Kris quickly took out his phone and she was calling him. He swiped the answer button and placed it on speaker.

“Babe?” he called out nervously and EXO members raised their eyebrows. They had no clue on what was going on. This was the second time they are seeing Kris all worked up over what it seems to be a girl, it’s just that this was on a totally different level from Xue. He was angry, fuming mad, desperate and worried.

“Babe, answer me!” beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and he started to pace. His breath came out short and fast. The silence was killing him.

“A-appa……” the child’s voice broke the silence.


“A-Appa…….I’m scared.” His grip on the phone tighten.

“Everything will be okay, appa will come for you. Where are you? Where is eomma?” he asked frantically. “Chanwoo?” he called out more desperately. There isn’t any response.

“Got it! In the basement!” Sungjong shouted and Daeryong gave out the orders.

“You guys got it? We are on the way!” the remaining people from their group ran towards the door, the twins followed suit.

“Eomma……..” his sobs could be heard clearly over the phone. “Eomma…”

“Where is eomma?” Kris asked calmly. The child was frightened, he couldn’t afford to frighten him more than he already is.

“Eomma….bad guys…..Chanwoo…protect.” the words came out one by one, it wasn’t in sentences but Kris could make out what he was saying. “Appa…”

“Chanwoo, appa will come for you. Stay where you are!” he took a few steps forward before he heard a shout. His whole body froze and it went cold. It was her voice. “Rin?” he called out, Chanwoo was crying harder.

“Get her!” Kris heard. “Don’t let her escape, we have orders to kill her.”

“RIN! DON’T touch her!” tears were running down his face as he heard the footsteps getting louder and louder. There were shouts and a loud gun shot that slowed his world. Chanwoo was crying and he felt his legs get weak. His heart almost stopped beating. “No, this can’t be happen.” He shook his head as he stepped forward towards the exit. “It can’t be happening again. I am NOT losing you again.” he shouted and ran.

“Hyung! What’s happening?” he was held back by Chen.

“She is in DANGER! I can’t lose her again, I’ll go crazy!” He shouted and pulled away, he stumbled a bit before turning to them, especially at Lay. Lay stood there wide eyed, as if he saw a ghost. He heard the name that came out from Kris’s mouth. He thought he heard wrongly. That name, he has been waiting to hear that name. He has been searching high and low for her. “Rin, she's-”

“W-What?” Chen looked at him and his hand dropped from Kris’s arm. Lay’s face paled, he stumbled slightly. Xiumin held him steady.  

“S-She is alive.” was what he could say before running of. He needed to save them, his son and his girlfriend.





INFINITE to the rescue and Kris is panicking. Action is coming up. 



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Chapter 24: That girl would be so spoiled!! And definitely overprotected
Chapter 23: I'm so happy right now! They deserve each other after everything they went through in all their lifetime..
Chapter 20: NOOO!! What the heck!!
Chapter 17: Why is it happening again?! Let them love each other in peace!
Chapter 15: Yes! Just say yes!!
Chapter 13: Yes finally!! The reunion is near!
Chapter 10: A step closer to her.. I wish Lay knows too so his sorrow will lessen..
Chapter 6: I can't wait for her to have all memories back..
Chapter 4: So close, yet so far... I hope he's breaking the engagement off!