You, Me and Us

*The Last Chapter





The night passed quickly and Rin was proclaimed to be in the green zone. Everyone finally let out a sigh of relief. Those few hours were suffocating to them. Rin was wheeled into a one room suit that was big enough for all of them to fit in. Kris sat by her side, he didn’t want to leave.

“Hyung, you should go back and change.” Kris shook his head. He didn’t want to leave, he wanted to be with her when she wakes up. He wants to be the first person she sees when she wakes up. “You need to change, I don’t think Rin would like to see you in her blood.” He looked down at his once white suit, it was now stained red.

“Joonmyeon, could you buy me some clothes? I-I don’t want to leave.” he reached out and held her cold hand. “Chanwoo is sleeping too.”

“Okay.” He heard the door close. The others went back to change and wash up, her brothers went to settle certain things, Lay stayed. Rin was hooked up to machines and there were bandages all over her. She wore an oxygen mask to aid her breathing. Seeing her like this made Kris feel bad, she never looked so fragile before. The only time that she looked like that was the other time when she was in the hospital. The little boy stirred in his arms making him look down at him, he looked like an angel when he was sleeping. Kris planted a kiss on his forehead.

“How old is he?” he turned towards Lay.


“He’s adorable.” Lay said softly, it made Kris smile.

“I know.”

“Is he hers?” Lay asked again. He wanted to know if that was his nephew.

“I think so. She never spoke to me about his father. But he has dimples like her.” Kris let out a soft sigh. “I miss her smile.” He whispered and held her hand tighter. “Wake up soon.”

The door was pushed open and Lay’s parents came in looking all flustered. Their eyes went straight to Rin, his mother tear up and his father held her as they walked towards the bed.

“Mama..” Lay called out and she burst into tears and she hugged her husband. They just stood there crying, no words needed to be said. Their pain and anguish for all these years, they finally got the peace they were looking for. Their missing daughter was alive and she was closer than they thought she would be. Her mother went up to her and brushed her hair backwards as she covered .

“My princess….my baby girl.” She whispered. She looked up at her husband who joined her by her side. “Our baby is alive, she is alive!” she exclaimed softly. “She was so close to us, I didn’t recognise her. I’ve failed as a mother.”

“Mama, don’t say that. It’s been so many years, we wouldn’t know how she looked like, what we remembered was her when she was a child. I felt something when I talked to her, but I didn’t realised that she was mei mei.” Lay hugged his mother. “You felt it too right? How she could make us smile so easily and she liked the same food as us. We had a connection.”

“I-I should have noticed it earlier. She has too many similarities.” Mrs Zhang cried.

“It’s okay, as long as she is safe.” Mr Zhang said and hugged his wife and son. They have been suffering all these years from their lost, they can finally lift that burden off. When he heard what the Lu’s have done, he was furious. No matter how much you wanted power, one shouldn’t use underhand means. That was despicable. His rage increased when he heard that his daughter was alive and hurt. They couldn’t forgive them even though they were relatives. He almost lost his daughter again. They rushed over to the hospital as soon as they settled some matters and they met her adoptive brothers. With hearts of gratitude, they thank them for taking care of her all these years. He knew that they were good people.

“Mama, that’s her son.” Lay pointed to the boy in Kris’s arms. They stared at the boy and smiled.

“My grandson?” she walked over to have a better look. “He is handsome.”

“Is he yours?” Mr Zhang asked Kris.

“No, I don’t know who is. When I found her, she was a single mother.” He cradled the boy and Chanwoo snuggled towards him, just like what Rin would do. “But I wouldn’t mind being his father. He already calls me his dad.” He smiled at the sleeping child. He couldn’t express the joy when he hears Chanwoo calling him appa. He wouldn’t get sick of hearing it, instead he wants to hear it all the time. Kris looked up at the parents. “I’m sorry, because of me she is like this.” He looked down, the guilt haunted him. He caused her to become like this, her parents would hate him as well. That was what he thought but they did the exact opposite. Her mother came up to him and held his free hand gently making him look up.

“Don’t say that. It’s because of you, we can see her again. If you didn’t find her, we would still be waiting for her.” she smiled slightly. “We know about her previous lives, someone came to tell us about her before I gave birth. They told me that she will be someone very important because she will be the only one that can release a boy from a curse. You are that boy aren’t you?” Kris couldn’t say anything and looked at her with tear brimmed eyes.

“I’m glad she managed to do what she is meant to do. We heard from Yixing that you were born without emotions. We knew that you were someone special. Though I and my husband are upset about what happened, we know that you were put into a predicament. It’s not your fault, it’s her fate.” She glance at Rin who was still sleeping. “Thank you, for protecting my daughter. Thank you for bring her back to us.”

Her father let out a small smile and patted his shoulder as Kris sniffed. They understood him, how he felt, everything. He looked at Lay who smiled back at him with tears in his eyes. His eyes show gratitude, it made Kris smile back. He felt like everything is getting pieced back together, slowly, bit by bit, he believed that it will get better. He wiped his tears at the back of his hand and looked at Rin, hoping that she would wake up soon so that they can start another part of their life together.

Everything will be okay.

Two days passed but she still hadn’t woken up yet. Kris grew more worried but the doctors assured him that she was resting, she lost a lot of blood. Everyone visited her including Teen Top and Yongju.

They were furious at what had happened and wanted the people behind it to be served a sentence. But because it’s her relatives it was more complicated, the Zhang’s were to decide if they want to press charges against the Lu’s. They couldn’t make up their mind, one part of them wanted to, after what they did to their daughter but another part of them couldn’t. They are still relatives and Luhan was like a brother to Lay. They were in a dilemma. They twins suggested that they wait for Rin to wake up before making a decision since she is the victim. They all agreed and the Lu’s were kept at the organisation. Luhan felt so guilty that he didn’t enter the room, he couldn’t face her parents, not after what his family did. Mr Zhang made him come in and told him that he was like his son, he knows that Luhan is feeling bad about what happened but it wasn’t his fault. No one expected this to happen. His wife also reassured Luhan that they have nothing against him.

Kris stayed by Rin’s side all day and night. He barely ate or slept making the people around him worried. They tried to make him eat, even the Zhang’s tried to persuade him but he would just say that he wasn’t hungry. He never left her side, the only time was when he needs to use the toilet. Teen Top brought clothes for Chanwoo and Suho got him clothes to change. He was staying in the hospital with Rin and got an extra bed for Chanwoo to sleep in. Every day, he would put Chanwoo to sleep before sitting by Rin, holding her hand and cleaning her face. He would talk to her until he falls asleep. Anyone could tell how much he cares for her.

He would wait until she wakes up, even if that takes days, weeks, months or even years. He would wait for her.

“Rin, wake up soon.” he whispered as his head hit the soft cushion on her bed. He stared at her face as his eyelids dropped. Before he knew it, he fell asleep. He slept soundly, the others didn’t make any sound when they visited. He needed all the rest he can get. They just sat there and waited, they were waiting for her to wake up.

It was in the afternoon and they were all still sleeping. The whole room was quiet, only the heart monitor could be heard. It was then her finger moved, a twitch. A while later, it twitched again for the second time and this time more obvious. From under her eyelids, there were eye movements and then her eyes flutter open. Due to the bright light shining in from the window, it took her a while to adjust to the brightness. Her body felt sore and numb, she felt like she couldn’t move her body at all, it would hurt her too much if she did. As she got used to the pain, she felt something warm on her right arm. Turning slowly, she saw him sleeping with his hand on her arm. He held onto her as if she was going to leave him.

His hair was messy, eyebrows furrow together and there was evident eye bags under his eye. He looked haggard and pale. He must have been so worried. Just then, a tear slipped out from his eyes. He was crying in his sleep.

Reaching out, Rin touched his hair gently so that she wouldn’t wake him up. Though she felt tired and weak, seeing that he was alright made her feel slightly better. She ran her hand through his hair gently and she loved the feeling. The man stirred and she retracted her hand as he open his eyes. It took him a while to notice what was happening around him. His eyes widen as soon as he laid eyes on her and tears filled up his eyes.

“Rin.” he breathed out softly and his grip on her arm tighten. He thought he was dreaming. She smiled and reached out to wipe the stray tear and rested her hand on his cheek. He looked terrible, his skin was pale and his hair was messy. His eyes were bloodshot and there were stubbles on his face. Despite all that, he looked handsome to her. Feeling her touch, he nuzzled into her hand; his lips quivered. He wasn’t dreaming.

“Yi Fan.” Some vapour appeared on the oxygen mask as she spoke. His heart leaped when she called out his name, his birth name. Though his family members call him by his Chinese name, he grown to dislike it because of the curse from his ancestors. That’s when he changed it to his English name, Kris. But the way she said his name, it made his heart swell and it made him feel like the happiest man alive. The way his name rolls off her tongue was just melodious to his ears. He reached out and touched her hand that was cupping his face. Taking her hand, he brought it to his lips and placed a long kiss on it. His tears ran down his face like waterfalls, a tear slipped from her eye; she was crying too.

“I’m sorry. I-I couldn’t-“ He couldn’t continue as he choked on his own words. He felt extremely bad for what happened to her, he made her go through all those pain. She shook her head slowly and she wiped his tears away ever so gently.

“It’s okay.” Her voice was raspy and was dry. “It’s not your fault. Don’t cry.” holding unto his other hand, she gave him a lightly squeeze. It took all her strength to do so, she never felt so weak before. “I’m okay.” She whispered and he nodded. As long as she is okay, that’s all that matters to him. She reached out wanting to take off the mask but he stopped her. Wiping his tears away, he pressed the button next to her bed and held her hand. A few moments later, the nurses and doctors came rushing in. The ruckus woke up the others, they sat up groggily and wondered what happened.

“Miss Jung!” the doctor called out and came over to her. He checked her vitals and the nurse stood next to him. “How are you feeling?”

“Weak and in pain.” she whispered and her hands went for the mask again.

“Let me help you with that.” the nurse carefully lifted the mask of her and Rin felt much better. It didn’t feel so suffocating.

“You seem to be doing better.” the doctor smiled. “I’ll give you another small dosage of painkillers to help relieve the pain. You need all the rest you can get.” She nodded and they left the room.

“RIN!” Chen exclaimed and ran towards her.

“Jongdae.” He just smiled and held her other hand. He couldn’t believe that she was alive all this while, she didn’t die. He didn’t lose a friend. She looked around and the others stood before her. She smiled as she met their eyes, she missed their faces. There was someone missing from the group, someone she has been longing to see.

“Where’s Lay?” her voice was soft and fatigue slowly got to her. She was fighting sleep because she wanted to see her precious people.

“He went back yesterday. He should be coming later.” She looked at Kris and nodded.

“My baby?” Kris smiled and turned to the side revealing a smaller bed. He bend down and tapped the boy that was curled up under the sheets.

“Chanwoo? Wake up.” the boy stirred and rubbed his eyes. “Eomma’s awake.” The boy rested in the crook of his neck as Kris carried him towards Rin.

“Hey baby.” She called out with a small smile and Chanwoo reached out for her. Kris placed him on her bed and the boy crawled to her and she pulled him into a hug.

“Eomma!” he hugged back and rested his head on her shoulder. She placed a kiss on his temple and wrapped her right arm around him. She was glad that he was fine.

“I’m glad you are okay.” Her eyes dropped and they felt heavy. Kris sat down next to her and held her arm.

“Rest. I’ll be here.” she smiled before her eyes closed. She slept with a smile on her face.


It was in the evening when she woke up to someone touching her face. Opening her eyes, she saw her son smiling down at her. “Eomma.” He said and she heard shuffling, and then he came into her vision. The person she has been waiting to see. Looking at him, she felt a lump in and tear blurred her vision.

“Mei…” he breathed out and held her hand in his. “It’s really you.” he reached out and brushed her hair away from her eyes and smiled at her as tears ran down his face. It was tears of happiness.

“Ge ge.” He smiled brighter. He loved hearing her call him that. All these years, he has been waiting to hear her call him again. He could finally hear it.

“Say it one more time.” she smiled, showing a set of identical dimples.

“Ge ge.” He wiped his tears away and smiled brightly. He has been waiting for this day all his life.

“That’s right, I’m you ge ge.” Everyone watched this touching reunion of the siblings, they couldn’t help but tear as well.

“Yi xing?” a female’s voice echoed through the room. The middle aged couple came in and they looked the bed where Rin was. Their eyes widen when they saw her awake.

“Mei mei, they have been waiting to see you for a very, very long time.” Lay took a step back and the couple came closer to her. Rin looked at them and smiled. Both siblings got their features, and the most prominent ones were the set of dimples.

“Mama, papa.” She called out and the lady’s hand went to cover , muffling a sob from escaping. The couple were crying and the man held Rin’s hand and gave her a squeeze. Rin probed her elbow up when a sharp pain shot through her side, making her whimper in pain. Immediately, Kris ran to her side and helped her up. Turning to him, she gave him a smile, he smiled back and wiped her tears away before nodding.

“My baby,” the lady whispered. “My daughter.” She hugged Rin and she hugged back. The lady was so warm and it made her cry more. The warmth of a family, she has been yearning for so long after the death of her adoptive parents. The man smiled down and he reached out to him, she wanted to hug him too. He came over and hugged his wife and only daughter. For once after a long time, Rin felt complete. She was surrounded with friends that will never leave her, brothers who will always watch out for her, a family with a loving heart, an adorable son and him; the love of her life.

The doctor came in and gave her a small dosage of pain killers to help relieve the pain a little. She will still feel the pain but it wouldn’t hurt as much. They also elevated the bed slightly so that she was sitting up, that’s when she saw all of them. Chen, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Suho, Xiumin, Tao, D.O, Kai, Sehun and Luhan.

He stood at the corner of the room with his head down. He felt so ashamed. He was her previous ‘employer’, he didn’t treat her well and she disappeared while saving his sister. When he found out that she was Lay’s long lost sister, he felt even worse. He treated his cousin like dirt. He lived in guilt the past two years, he didn’t know what he could do to get rid of the guilt. The only way he thought of was to live with it. Then it happened again, this time it was his mother, she kidnapped and attempted to kill her niece. He couldn’t face her, even though the Zhang’s have mention that they got nothing against her, he couldn’t help it. He felt that he didn’t deserve their kindness, not after what his family did to them. He turned to the door and was about to leave, he couldn’t stand being in the same room as her. He felt shameful.

“Luhan.” He paused as his hand reached out for the door. “Luhan.” She called again. He closed his eyes and tighten his grip on the door knob. What did he deserve to have his name called out from her lips? The way she called him wasn’t one that was angry, it was calming and full of concern. He couldn’t look at her.

“Han ge.” That did it, he broke down and cried. That was the nickname she gave him when they were younger. He remembered the little girl that was always smiling back at him. The girl he treated like a sister. “Come here.” he shook his head.

“I don’t deserve to be here.” he whispered. “Not after what my family did to you. Not after how I treated you.” He expected her to let him go or at least shout at him. But what she said caught him off guard.

“Thank you. Thank you for standing up for me.” that made him turn to her, he was greeted by her smile. He was dumbfounded

“H-How can you say that? After all that’s happen?” He didn’t understand why she could forgive him so easily, after going through all that, no one in the right mind would forgive so easily. The only person who will do that was her.

“You didn’t know about me. It’s not your fault, I wanted to help and brought it upon myself. But you stood up for me, I know that took a lot of courage from you to stand against your mother.”

She was selfless, she was the same little girl he knew. All she thought off was others, always placing others before her.


“I don’t blame you. I can’t blame you.” she smiled. You are the brother I always looked up to besides Yi xing. You will forever be that ge ge, nothing will change that.”

“Luhan, don’t feel bad. If mei mei forgives you, you know you can’t do anything. She is as stubborn as I am.” Lay said with a smile.

“I am not stubborn. You are.” She looked at him with an amused face.

“No, you are. If not more stubborn than me!” he folded his arms and she glared at him.

“No, I’m not!”

“Yes, you are!”


“Enough, my goodness. Our children are as stubborn as you. Of all traits, they had to pick up your stubbornness.”

“I am not stubborn.” Mr Zhang said making his wife roll her eyes.

“How did I survive all these years with these two stubborn guys?” That made everyone burst into laughter. Luhan laughed along. He caught Rin looking at him with a warm smile. Slowly, the burden of guilt that he has been carrying got lifted.

“What’s going on here?” the twins walked in and Rin gave them a small wave. Their eyes widen and they smiled. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. I’m still tired but I’m good.”

“Uncle!” Chanwoo called out and struggled to get down from the bed. It made Rin laugh, it hurt her a little. Kris chuckled and helped the boy down, as soon as his feet touched the floor he ran towards the twin towers.

“Hey buddy, how are you?” Daeryong carried and planted a kiss on his cheek. The two of them interacted with the boy, introducing to him the other uncles in the room as Rin watched on. Kris was watching her watch them with a smile. She never fails to make him fall deeper and deeper in love with her. With just a smile, he falls into a hopeless pit. He is intoxicated by her and he would never get out of it.

“I got a question.” Chen asked and everyone looked at him. “Who’s the father?” Kris’s heart clenched as he watched her pale a little. He wanted to know who he was a long time ago but now he wants to avoid it. The guy that gave her this precious gift, she must have loved him a lot. Everyone was looking at her. She looked down and played with her hands. Should she tell them? Rin couldn’t help but wonder. Would it be the right thing to do? Sooner or later, they will find out.

“Oh, if you don’t want to tell us what happen it’s okay.” Her mother held her hands and patted it. “It must have been a hard time for you, he left didn’t he? “

“Who is it? Who is that bastard?” Lay asked with his fist clenched. He wanted to hunt that man down for making his sister pregnant and leaving her along. The twins laughed and everyone looked at them confused.

“Rin, I think you should tell them or they will come out with other reasons.” Soryong smiled and nodded. She looked up at them, she could feel Kris’s stare on her. Taking a deep breath she spoke.

“He is my son. I don’t know who the father is.” Kris’s heart fell, did she sleep with more than one person? Was it a one night stand that left her pregnant? His mind came up with many reasons.

“I don’t know who his father is because,” she looked at Kris, she knows that he wants the answer more than the others. “He isn’t my biological son. I adopted him.”

He looked into her eyes when she spoke, his shoulders relaxed from being tense. Relief washed over him and he took in a deep breathe, without him realising, he was holding his breathe. She didn’t sleep with anyone. She wasn’t with anyone else before him.

“I adopted him.” she repeated as she gazed at him before offering him a small smile.

“I have a nephew!” Lay exclaimed. “I’m an uncle!” He was actually relief that nothing happened to her. Even if the child is adopted, he will still be his first nephew and he will spoil the child with his love. He made up his mind to treat him like his own son.

“And we are grandparents!” her parents smiled at her, they knew that she had a reason for adopting the boy. It didn’t bother them, they were actually happy about having a grandson they can spoil. Lay went to the boy and waved.

“Hello, I’m uncle Yi xing, you can call me uncle Xing!” Chanwoo looked at him.

“Ah! Che.” Lay didn’t understand what he was trying to say when he remembered, he help picked up a boy’s car at a café a while back. That boy was Chanwoo.

“Oh, you are that boy!” he smiled. “Nice to meet you.” the boy smiled and showed his dimples as well. “Can you see those two people there?” the boy nodded. “Those are your grandparents. Grandmother and grandfather.”

“Chanwoo, greet them. They are eomma’s parents.” Daeryong placed him on the floor and he stared back at them.

“Hello, my name is Chanwoo.”

“Hello, you are a handsome little boy.” Mrs Zhang smiled and reached out for him. Chanwoo walked over and let her pick him up. “You look like your mother.” He looked at them when they spoke. He didn’t understand anything.

“It’s time to teach you Chinese.” Rin smiled. Her family was complete.

“Chanwoo ah, let uncle bring you out for a while. We can get your favourite food.” Soryong said and the boy nodded before leaving with his uncle.

“Rin, we need to settle the case. We can’t keep them in the company any longer.” Daeryong went straight to the point as soon as the door closed. “The lady, your auntie, she has already confessed that it was all her doing. We can press charges and pass it onto the police. Since you are the victim, we are leaving it up to you.” the whole room became silent.

Looking at Luhan, his face changed to one that was in pain. It’s his family and they were family. But then again, what she did was wrong. She contemplated on what to do when she felt a hand slip into hers. Kris held her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze. He knew that it will be hard for her to make a decision but he wanted to let her know that whatever decision she makes, he will support her.

Having him hold her hand made her more assured. She knew that once she chooses to do this, it will take her a while to get over it. Looking up, she looked at Daeryong, Lay, and her parents before glancing at Luhan who was looking at the ground.

“I’m not pressing charges.” Luhan looked up in shock. “Even though it will take me a while to recover mentally.” Kris smiled a little and squeezed her hand again. He was proud of her, this isn’t an easy decision for her to make. Knowing that she cares for her family even after what they have done. Deep down inside, he was sure that she was the one.

“They are family, and I can’t let Han ge be sad. I’m letting them go hoping that they learn their lesson and change for the better. Everyone deserves a second chance and that includes them. But I think it’s best for me not to see them for a while until I recover.”

“Are you sure?” Daeryong asked again. Her parents smiled, Lay too. She looked at Kris who was only looking at her like she was the only person in the room. The way he looks at her with adoration made her heart flutter and she return his gaze. He broke down her wall and replaced it with his own. He will be there for her no matter what happens and he won’t let her go. He will protect her and comfort her when she is down. He was her pillar of strength and she was his.  As long as he is with me, I can overcome it all.

“I’m sure.”




It took her about a month or so to physically recover. Kris was with her the whole time, caring for her and making sure she eats. He practically stayed with her in the hospital for that one month. He didn’t leave her side. The doctor also confirmed that she had regained her sight in the right eye, it called for a celebration. It’s a mystery how she got it back suddenly but the doctor mention that it may be due to shock or any impact.

Luhan went to meet his parents and his sister, he was ashamed of them at first but seeing that Rin has graciously let them off the hook, he decided that he will give them another chance as well. They say that blood is thicker than water. Family means a lot to him. It seems like he didn’t have to worry about them, he never saw his mother in such a weak state and he could tell that she was guilty. Not only her, but his father and sister as well. When he told them what Rin had chosen, his mother broke down in tears. Seeing his mother like this, Luhan knows that they have learnt their lesson. They went back to China a week after Rin woke up, not before leaving her a letter apologising and giving her their thanks regarding the matter. To Luhan, this incident would be forever be etched in his mind and that he wouldn’t be able to look or treat Rin the same way. He knows that she doesn’t blame him and promised to make an effort to make up for the mistakes he made.

Everything else fell into place, Lay and his family were happy after years and years of grieving. They spread the news to their relatives telling them that their long lost daughter has been found. They got to know her better in the month of stay and didn’t waste time making up for the lost time. The boys, apologised to her for being jerks and Chen gave them the ‘I warned you all’ look and happily watched as they asked forgiveness. It may seem like he was making fun of them but inside he was glad that everything was becoming better. Kai and Sehun apologised profusely. She just smiled at them, inside she knew that they didn’t mean it. Slowly but surely, they will mend their broken relationship piece by piece.

“You know, you are an angel.” Kris smiled at Rin as she packed her bags. She was getting discharged. Seeing her forgive people who doesn’t deserve to be forgiven, he couldn’t help but think that she had a big heart. That was one of the traits that made him fall for her even more. She chuckled and looked at him leaning against the door frame with his arms folded. He was just wearing a plain long sleeved shirt with jeans topped with a parka. He looked amazingly handsome.

“I get that a lot.” His smile faded almost immediately and she laughed at his sudden facial change.

“Where? Who?”

“Teen Top. I’m their full-fledged angel with wings.” His face harden and he tried to control his expression. He didn’t like it that she was so close to other guys. She has too many guys around her. She paused and looked up realising that he hasn’t spoken. The look on his face gave him away and she found it cute.

“Are you jealous?”

“I’m not.” He scowled softly. “I just don’t like it that there are so many guys around you. You belong to me only.” He murmured the last sentence.

“But you have to deal with it. I’m always surrounded by guys.” She zipped her bag and he walked over to her.

“I don’t like it.” he said as he stood in front of her. “Not one bit.” He pouted and Rin laughed before cupping his face.

“You don’t have to be jealous, silly. I’m in love you.” she blushed and smiled. He raised his eyebrows on hearing her confession. He broke into a cheeky smile and slipped his arms around her waist, trapping her into his arms.

“What did you say? I didn’t catch it.” she hit his chest and glared at him, the smile on her face failed to disappear.

“You obviously heard it.” He tighten his grip around her and pulled her closer to him, their bodies were touching and he looked down at her.

“I did but I want to hear it again.” he whispered. He wanted to hear those three words that could sent him flying to heaven. She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked into his eyes, she felt like she could drown in them.

“I love you.” just as she finished saying that, he bend down and placed a long kiss on her lips. He missed the feeling of her lips on his and he took his time to enjoy having her lips on his. He smiled and gave her a peck again.

“I love you too.” he said as he hugged her. He felt so blessed. Everything felt surreal to him, he wants this happiness to last forever.

“Let’s go.” She pulled away but he held unto her. “Kris, they are waiting for us outside.”

“What happen to Yi fan?” she rolled her eyes, how childish can the man standing in front of her get?

“Yi fan, we have to leave now. My parents, my brother and my friends are waiting.” they were all going to have a celebration of her being discharged at EXO’s house since it can hold the most number of people. She had to drop back home first pick up Chanwoo from Teen Top.

“I don’t like sharing.” He said into her hair. “I don’t like what’s mine to be touch.”

“Am I a thing?” laughter rumbled in his chest and Rin loved the feeling. Pulling away he look down at her.

“Do you remember our contract?” his tone changed to a serious one making her puzzled. She nodded. “Well, I’m changing a clause in the contract, actually I’m adding. Everything is the same as before, you just need to add a word behind.”

“What is it?”

“Forever.” He gazed at her lovingly. “Let me take care of you forever.” dropped a little leaving a little gap. Is this what she is thinking off? He smiled at her reaction, it was too cute to him.

“Will you, Rin or Yi NIng, let me Wu Yi Fan love you and care for you and treasure you forever until we are old and wrinkly?”

She was right, he was proposing to her right there and then.

“I know it might seem a bit fast and not appropriate seeing that I’m proposing in a hospital room without a ring or flowers, but I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I knew it in all my lives that I’ve had because you occupied my whole head and made me fall for you so many times. You are the only one I want to live with for the rest of my life.”


“We don’t have to get married immediately. You just recovered and all but we can get engaged first. I don’t think I can live without you. So what do you say? This is a once in a life time offer that cannot be passed by.” It made her laugh. Though it wasn’t a romantic proposal, it was good enough for her. Knowing that she means so much to him was more than enough.

“You do know that I don’t come free. You will have to go through my three brothers and numerous guy friends and family before anything can happen.”

“I know, and I’m even willing to go to the moon and back just for you.” he rested his forehead on hers. Her heart beat increased due to the closeness. “It will just be you and me together forever.”

“I think you got that wrong.” He frowned. “It’s not just you and me. This package that you are getting comes as a one plus one. I have to know if you know what you are getting yourself into.” He broke into a smile when he realised what she meant.

“Let me correct myself. It will be you, me and us.” he whispered unto her lips as his breathed brushed them. “I’m willing to take care of you and my little boy. So what is your decision?”

“Where do I sign up?” with that answer, he sealed the deal with a kiss that took her breath away. Both of them smiled into the kiss and tears fall from their eyes.


They can finally enjoy happiness and be with each other. Nothing else matters, as long as they are together.

Togther, they can conquer anything.






That's it, that the end of this story! *cries*

A big thank you to all my subscribers and readers for following me throughout the whole story from the Just Like You to this story. Thank you for your comments! I love reading those as it helps me when I write. Some times I tend to leave out certain factors and your comments made me realise that. Thank you for the upvotes as well! I hope the ending is okay for you all and that you enjoyed the story! Comment and let me know what you think of the ending:) Once again, thank you and enjoy the last chapter!





p.s: I have a special chapter that I'll post tomorrow. It will be my thank you gift for reading my story:)

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Chapter 24: That girl would be so spoiled!! And definitely overprotected
Chapter 23: I'm so happy right now! They deserve each other after everything they went through in all their lifetime..
Chapter 20: NOOO!! What the heck!!
Chapter 17: Why is it happening again?! Let them love each other in peace!
Chapter 15: Yes! Just say yes!!
Chapter 13: Yes finally!! The reunion is near!
Chapter 10: A step closer to her.. I wish Lay knows too so his sorrow will lessen..
Chapter 6: I can't wait for her to have all memories back..
Chapter 4: So close, yet so far... I hope he's breaking the engagement off!