You, Me and Us




Kris POV:

Her house was small, she had few rooms, but it was just enough for 2 people. It was cosy and it felt like a real home. She had multiple sets of things, utensils, toothbrushes, slippers and even guys clothes. It made me wonder how many guys has been in and out of her house, a slight jealousy built up inside.

But something was weird about the house, she had multiples of lots of thing but there weren’t a set of items that I was looking for. A male’s to be specific. She is with a child, but I don’t see any trace of the father anywhere. There weren’t many pictures as well. I looked at the photo frame resting on the drawer opposite me. It was a picture of her and Chanwoo. She wasn’t smiling but he was the opposite, he was smiling brightly. She looked really different in the picture, it was like she didn’t have emotions. I took off my jacket and placed it on the floor before changing into the clothes she passed to me. Surprisingly, they fitted me though the track pants is a bit short. I sat down on the bedding she laid out for me and I couldn’t help but think of Rin. Is she really the Rin that I’m looking for? I let out a sigh and laid down on the soft bedding. I missed her a lot.

My phone vibrated and I reached out for my jacket. There were 5 messages from the members.


Hyung, where are you?

Where are you? Mei is looking for you all day…

Will you be coming back for dinner?

Are you okay?

It’s late, where are you? Are you coming back? Please reply.


I looked at the messages and I didn’t want to reply, I wanted to get away from the house, it was no longer a place for me to relax, to rest and to have my own space. It did the opposite, it took my space away, I couldn’t sleep and I was suffocating. I needed to breakaway. I tossed my phone unto my pile of clothes and stared at the ceiling. I had been following her the past few days, no weeks. I know it sounds wrong but yes, I was stalking her. Seeing how she behaved when she was out and with Chanwoo, I am sure that she is Rin. But she doesn’t seem to remember me or any other members. How did she even survive that blast?

It was a good thing I had a bad feeling I had this morning or I would have lost her again. My heart was in my throat when I saw her against the boys and when one of them was about to stab her I almost went crazy. I couldn’t lose her again. Looking at my hand, it was painful but so worth it. Now I’m in her house with her in the next room. I am this close to her but there was two thing blocking me from her. One, does she have the birthmark? Two, if so, why doesn’t she remember me. There has to be a way to find out if she had the birthmark. That was my main objective for now. I only have 4 days here and I’m planning to make good use of it. I caught a glimpse of the clock, it’s 3 in the morning, and 4 hours has passed since I came here. Outside, a light flashed and it followed by a thunder roar. It was going to rain.

I closed my eyes to catch some sleep as the rain tapped against the window playing a soft lullaby.


They flew right open and I sat up. I listened carefully and I heard soft gasping among the rain sound. Standing up, I made my way to the door and opened it slowly and was shock by what I saw. I fling the door open and ran to her, she was collapsed in the living room near the kitchen. I lifted her in my arms and pulled her hair away, she was perspiring a lot.

“Rin?” I was worried and held her tightly. “What’s wrong?” a soft gasp left and she clasp her hand over it. She was clenching unto her chest, she was trembling.

“Rin? Is there anything I can do?” inside I was panicking, but I had to remain calm.

“P-Painn k-k-killers…..c-cupboard.” She said as she removed her hand. I placed her gently on the floor before running into the kitchen. I ran through all the cupboards in site.

“Rin, where is it?” I asked as my voice shook. I could hear her in pain, I wanted to take that pain. I wished it was me that was in pain.

“O-On the l-left……b-browwnn bottle.” I went to the left and as soon as I opened it, the brown bottle stood there. Grabbing it and water, I ran back to her and helped her up, she was so pale and she shook a lot. My heart ached. How much pain is she in? I took out a pill and grabbed the glass of water. I placed the pill into and immediately followed with water. She drank it and coughed. I hugged her tighter, she was so cold. Tears sprang up into my eyes as she gasp for air in my arms.

“It’s okay.” I whispered to her as she grabbed unto my shirt. Her fist was curled up into a ball. I began to rock her in my arms, I couldn’t bear seeing her in pain. “I’m here.” I rested my head on hers as she calmed sown, the pill seemed to be taking effect. I looked down at her and she had her eyes close, her breathing slowed down a lot. Her top had slipped down her left shoulder where she was clenching. Lightning flashed and the whole room lighted up. I began choking as I pulled her closer to me. She had a scar where her heart was, it was a small circle. I shifted her position so that she was resting on my right arm, slowly I pulled up her top and I closed my eyes as I breathed out a shaky breath. I hugged her tighter and I was bawling my eyes out. I sobbed and nuzzled my head in her hair. All those years of longing, I finally could let it out.

“Rin.” she didn’t move, I cupped her face. She was asleep. I couldn’t help but caress her cheeks, the once sunken cheeks were now back to how they were supposed to be. “Thank you.” I whispered before planted a kiss on her temple and sat there with her in my arms until I cried finished.

I picked her up easily and carried her to the room before placing her on the bed. But she didn’t let go of my shirt, I was stuck. I picked her up and sat down next to the bed with her on my lap. I took her pillow and placed it between her back and my arm. I leaned back against the wall and took in the feeling of having her in my arms. I’ve been craving for her touch, her warmth and for her to be in my arms. Now she was, I couldn’t get enough of it. I didn’t care if my arm became numb due to lack of blood circulation. All I wanted was to have her in my arms.

I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder and I opened my eyes. Chanwoo was staring at me with his big eyes. I looked down at Rin, she was still sleeping in my arms.

“Good morning.” I whispered and he nodded before sitting beside me. Sunlight was streaming in and I got to see her room for the first time. It wasn’t very feminine or pink, it was like a regular room. I looked at Chanwoo who rubbed his eyes. “Did you sleep well?”

“Ne,” he crooked and pointed to Rin. “Why are you holding eomma?” I gestured him to come closer before speaking.

“Yesterday your eomma was in pain. She is okay now I think but she won’t let me go.” I pointed to her fistful of my shirt.

“Eomma, is always in pain. Chanwoo is sad.” he reached out and her hair, she shifted a little and snuggled towards me. I couldn’t help but smile. But I thought of what he just said. She was always in pain. “Eomma, will faint and hold here.” he pointed to his chest. It was the same as yesterday, she was clenching her chest where the wound was.

“Eomma, don’t be in pain.” he touched her hand and I couldn’t help but smile at the child in front of me. He really cares for her a lot, really mature for his age. I reached out and touched his hair.

“You love eomma a lot don’t you?” he nodded before smiling, revealing a set of dimples. “Eomma is the prettiest and the best.” He held out his before staring at it and clenched his fist leaving his thumb out. It was so cute I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Your eomma is really pretty.” I looked down at her and she was really beautiful, compared to 2 years ago, she looked slightly older but her beauty can’t be hidden. “She is the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.” I tucked her hair behind her ear.

“Chanwoo ah.” He looked at me. “Can you do me a favour? Could you go to your room and on top of my clothes, my phone is there can you help me get it?” he nodded and ran out only to come running back in a few seconds later. He handed it to me and I ruffled his hair.

“Thank you.” I unlocked my phone and turned the camera on. I had to take a photo of her, it was so picture worthy. I snapped a picture and smiled at my work, before showing it to Chanwoo. “Pretty isn’t she?” his eyes open wider.

“Wah!” he exclaimed as he looked at the picture. My reaction was the same as his, she looked like a goddess, a sleeping beauty.

“Come here, you too.” I took a picture of him. His bed hair, big eyes and chubby cheeks were a killer combination. He was adorable. I showed him his picture and he covered his mouth with two hands as he laughed. i was probably grinning like a fool right now.

“Chanwoo ah. I’m staying for 4 days. Please take care of me too.” he nodded and looked at me.

“What do I call you?” he tilted his head to one side.

“Anything. You can call me uncle, hyung or Kris, it’s up to you.” I didn’t really care about it as long as he is comfortable.

She stirred in my arms and I looked down before Chanwoo could say anything. He crawled towards us and sat on her other side. Slowly she opened her eyes and I looked right back at her. Her eyes widened and she sat up immediately.

“What are you doing here?” she exclaimed.

“You don’t remember? Yesterday you were in pain.” she looked at me and touched her shoulder.

“But what are you doing in my room?” I sat up and placed her pillow on her bed.

“I carried you here after you fell asleep. I wanted to go back but you wouldn’t let go. I pointed to the crumpled edge of my shirt. So I stayed in the room with you.” she looked at me suspiciously before looking at Chanwoo who walked up to her and gave her a big hug.

“Eomma, you were so pretty when you are sleeping.” She hugged him back and patted his bottom. “You didn’t let him go. You were holding tightly.” He exclaimed and I bit back a laughter and cleared my throat softly.

“Really?” she asked me softly and I nodded. “Thank you for yesterday.”

“No worries.” I said as I got up, boy my legs were aching and numb. I grabbed onto the side table as I got up, they felt like they could give way any moment.

“I’m sorry, you should have woke me up.” she came over and helped me up and rested me on her bed. “I’m heavy.” She murmured and she started to massage my calves.

“No, it’s okay.” I pulled her hand away. I didn’t realise who close we were until she turned to me. Our nose barely touched and she quickly withdrew her hands. “I’m okay. Don’t worry about it.”

“O-Okay.” She stood up and grabbed Chanwoo. “Let’s brush up and have brunch.” She walked out of the room and I collapsed onto the bed. I let out a shaky breathe, she was so close. My heart was beating really fast and the only one who could make it like this is Rin.

It took me a while to calm my heart down before brushing up. Both of them were already in the kitchen when I got there and I sat down next to Chanwoo. Rin had her back to me and I remembered her cooking with an apron on. The fragrant smell of eggs and pancakes entered my nose and made my mouth water. I felt a tug on my sleeve and looked down at Chanwoo.

“Do you like eomma?” he asked softly and I gulped. Was I that obvious? As if he heard my thoughts, he smiled and gestured me to come closer. I lean down and he whispered into my ear.

“I’ll call you appa.” I pulled back and saw him grinning at me. Me, appa? What is this boy thinking? He has a father but he is going to call me appa?

“But you have appa right? I don’t think you should call me that. How about hyung?” I whispered back. As much as I wanted him to call me that, it isn’t right. He shook his head

“Chanwoo got no appa, only eomma. You can be appa.” Then it hit me, he doesn’t have a father. How is it even possible unless she is a single mother? Does that mean I have a chance with her? “You like eomma. Uncles like eomma but it’s different. You really really like eomma.” The uncles I presumed are her twin brothers and Teen Top. She isn’t in a relationship with any member. I felt relief inside. She is still available.

“If you want too.” I pat his head as she placed the dishes on the table. She plated 2 pancakes and some eggs on my plate before cutting the pancake up for Chanwoo. She really grew these 2 years, and she is a good mother.

“Is it not to your liking?” she asked.

“Ah, no. Thank you for making brunch.” She nodded and I picked up the knife in my left hand. I tried to cut up the pancake so it would be easier, I’m useless without my right hand. It was hard but I didn’t want to get help, blame it on my pride. 5 minutes had pass and I was still trying to cut up the pancake. Then a hand appeared in took the knife away from me. She took it and cut it into pieces like what she did for Chanwoo before placing it in front of me again.

I picked up a piece with my fork and placed it into my mouth. It melted immediately and the mixture of butter and syrup was just the right amount of saltiness and sweetness. Her pancakes were definitely the best.

As I ate, I found myself looking at her again. The way she curled her hair behind her ears, the way she ate, and even the wiping , it all seemed so beautiful to me. Seeing how she took care of Chanwoo and the household, I thought about what it would be like waking up to her in the morning, and holding her in my arms. What will it be like if we became one family?





I still have a few minutes before Chrismas Eve ends so here is an update!

How is the story so far? I hope you are liking it. There will be more ints in the later chapters especially between Chanwoo and Kris. Things will be getting more interesting so do look forward to it but don't have your hopes too high, I'm worried I won't be able to live up to your expectations. Thanks for the comments and if it's not too much, please do continue to comment, I like to know your thoughts or feedback. Spam if you want too, I don't mind:)

Enjoy, comment, subscribe or upvote! By the way, did you see Kris new hairstyle or hair colour???? He went blonde!!! Love it! hahahhaha:)

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! 





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Chapter 24: That girl would be so spoiled!! And definitely overprotected
Chapter 23: I'm so happy right now! They deserve each other after everything they went through in all their lifetime..
Chapter 20: NOOO!! What the heck!!
Chapter 17: Why is it happening again?! Let them love each other in peace!
Chapter 15: Yes! Just say yes!!
Chapter 13: Yes finally!! The reunion is near!
Chapter 10: A step closer to her.. I wish Lay knows too so his sorrow will lessen..
Chapter 6: I can't wait for her to have all memories back..
Chapter 4: So close, yet so far... I hope he's breaking the engagement off!