You, Me and Us



Rin POV:

I opened my eyes to see sunlight seeping in through my window with a weight resting on my stomach. I looked at the clock on my wall, it was 10 in the morning. I stretched my aching body as I pushed the blanket away only to be pulled back. I froze when I remembered the events from last night. Looking down at my waist was his arm wrapped around tightly.

“Ssleeppp.” He nuzzled into my neck and let out a soft sigh tickling the hairs on the back of my neck. He held me tightly and didn’t let go. It was warm and comfortable being in his arms, it made me want to stay in his arms. I waited until I heard soft deep breathing from behind and decided that it was clear to move. Slowly, I held his hand and pried them away just enough for me to escape and placing my pillow in between his arms. He hugged the pillow tighter as he shifted positions and I watched him from the side. He became more handsome, more mature looking. It feels like a dream, him sleeping in my bed and me waking up to him by my side. I took my phone and snapped a picture of him, I didn’t have pictures of him the last time. This was just for keepsake.

I open the door softly and walked out to prepare for the morning, Chanwoo would wake up anytime soon. As I prepared breakfast, I thought about what you should do, now that you remember everything. I let him stay in the house because he didn’t have anywhere to go and I felt responsible for the wound he has and that was when I couldn’t remember. But now, I felt a bit uncomfortable and worried. He was staying with me and he knows who I am, why is he doing this? Should I let him stay? Should I acknowledge him?

He is the one who made me fall for him time and time again. In this life, it happened twice. I am quite certain that I was starting to like him more than I should have before I remembered. No matter how much I wanted to hug him, acknowledge him, the memories wouldn’t let me. Those pain and sadness I went through, it prevented me from opening my heart to him again.

I sat on the chair as the pan heated up. I couldn’t help but wonder if Lay was doing fine. I remember him calling out to me, both my name and nickname. When the explosion happened, I lost consciousness, but I did hear him screaming my name. I pained me to know that he might have thought I died and would have gone through a lot of pain.

I thought about Qian, she was there at the site, which means that it was a success. She probably had a hard time as well and that includes Chen too, he cared for me a lot and he knew my secrets. I thought about Jongin and Sehun, how are they now? Have they grown more and stopped being so childish? But as I thought of these questions, those unpleasant memories appeared along with it. I sighed and started cooking. I had to make a decision whether to acknowledge him or not. Will it do any good if I told him that I remembered? He doesn’t even know I lost my memory. My current life is as good as it can get, I liked my life right now. I should let go of the past shouldn’t I?

When I was plating the food, he stumbled out with his bed hair looking flustered. His eyes roam around the room before it reached me. He stood there and scratched his head.

“Morning.” He voice was low and raspy. I nodded at him before going back to my cooking. I closed my eyes and let out a breath, I have to do this. I choose to pretend that I don’t know him. It was the best choice as of now, it wouldn’t disturb my current life or his. He went to wash up and Chanwoo woke up. He walked out of his room rubbing his eyes and I looked at him.

“Good morning, did you sleep well?” I bend down and hugged him. He rested his head on my shoulder before nodding. “Let’s get you washed up.” I carried him to the toilet when Kris came out with a towel hanging around his neck. He was dressed in a black wife beater and black track pants, his hair was damp from the shower.

“He woke up?” He took Chanwoo from me. “You continue what you are doing, I’ll take care of him.” I took a step back and walked to the kitchen pausing in front of the table.


Why is he being like this? Being so nice and all. I’m not saying that he wasn’t nice before but he changed his attention to someone else but now he is focusing on me. Is it because she isn’t here? The more I thought of it, the more confused I got and my head hurt. Were my memories really worth remembering? I let out a sigh.

“What’s with the sigh?” I turned and there he stood. He placed Chanwoo on the ground and he ran straight to me.

“N-nothing.” I said as Chanwoo crashed into me. He looked up and smiled.

“Good morning eomma.” I bend down to his height and patted his head.

“Good morning.” I pinched his cheeks and he stared at me.



“You are smiling.” he smiled and clapped his hands. “Eomma is smiling!” he cheered. I touched my face and felt my lips curling upwards. I was smiling. “Eomma is so pretty.”

“Thank you.” I kissed his cheek and brought him to the table. I looked up at Kris and he was doing something on his phone, he stuffed it into his pocket before walking over. We had a normal breakfast.

“Do you have anything on later?”

“No.” I fed Chanwoo who was busy playing with his cars.

“I want to get something for Chanwoo.” I looked at him.

“Oh, no. it’s okay. We have enough things.”

“I want too. Just take it as a present from me and a way to thank you for letting me stay here.” he sounded a bit sad.

“I really can’t-“

“Rin, it’s okay. I would like it if you accept it.” he looked really sincere. I paused and looked at him.

“If you insist.” He smiled, sadly if I must add.

After breakfast, we all changed and I waited in the living room. We were all dressed and had our shoes on, he left something in the room and went to get it leaving his phone on the table. His phone started to vibrate on the table and I walked over.

Chen Chen.

It continued to ring until it stopped. That’s when I noticed that he had a ton of missed calls and messages, they were from the others. It vibrated again, it was a call by Jongdae again.

“You phone is ringing.” I said aloud.

“It’s nothing, just let it ring.” he said form the room.

“But it’s by the same caller. It must be urgent.” He walked out of the room with his jacket. I looked at him and pointed to the phone. “You should answer it.” he wore this look and seemed really bothered by the phone call. It took him a while before he picked up the phone, he was hesitating. He sighed and picked up the call.


“Hyung!” I heard Jongdae’s loud voice from over the receiver and he walked into Chanwoo’s room.


“Where have you been? You missed the rehearsal and all-“ that was the last I heard as he closed the door.

Rehearsal? What did he mean by rehearsal? I heard harsh whispers from behind the door and he sounded really stressed. It wasn’t long before he came out with a slightly pained look.

“Sorry, it was from my friends.”

“What is it about? Your room is finished?” I tried to sound normal but I was died curious about it. He was avoiding them and I wanted to know why.

“Not exactly. It’s about something else.” He said softly.

“What is it?” I probed him and he looked at me and my heart started racing, his gaze was intense and there was sadness inside.

“I’m getting married.” He whispered but it hit me hard. He was getting married. He didn’t show any signs or mention anything. No ring on finger, no happy smile, no talking to or about fiancée. I tried to remain calm and keep my facial expressions together. So the rehearsal means the wedding rehearsals? Doesn’t that mean that his wedding is coming up?

“Really? Shouldn’t you be with your fiancé instead of staying with us the past few days?” I looked away and rested my eyes on Chanwoo. I tried to sound like I can’t be bothered by it but the truth is I am.

“She-she doesn’t know. I needed a breather that’s all. I needed a break away from them.” his voice was strained.

“I see. Congratulations.” I said as I walked to the door. My heart was breaking yet again and it hurts a lot. The sadness began piling up inside and I know that most of my emotions are back. I am almost back to being Han Se Rin. The one who gave everything for the one she loved. Han Se Rin had good memories and bad ones. The bad ones out weight the good ones, it was too painful for her and that’s probably why she chose to forget them but fate didn’t allow her to live as Jung Ye Rin.

I turned back and he was leaning against the table and his head was hanging low. He kept sighing and seemed really distressed. Knowing that he is getting married was painful but to see him like this, my heart aches even more. He should be happy with her. She should be the one making happy, she has all I ever wanted.


She had to make him happy. My fate with him has already ended. Our fate already ended when I died. We have nothing to do with each other anymore.

“Let’s go.” I said as I open the door. I was determine to not let him get to me. We are now strangers. That is my decision.


We took a cab down to a shopping district and he pulled us into a children’ clothes store. He scanned through the clothes on the rack and grabbed a handful of clothes.

“Let him try these on.” he handed the clothes to me. He smiled and pushed me and Chanwoo towards the changing room. Inside, I dressed him up in the clothes picked out for him and he looked good.

“Go and show Kris.” he ran to Kris who was waiting outside.

“Who is this?” he bend down and wore a fatherly smile. “Who is this handsome lad?”


“You look so handsome. You will grow up and become a heart breaker.”

“Your son is really good looking.” The sales person said. The other employees gathered around Chanwoo and commented.

“Your parents have good genes. I’m jealous, you got a handsome appa.”

“Ya, he is just there.”

“But it’s true! His wife is pretty too, they are lucky.” She turned back to Chanwoo. “You must be happy to have good looking parents aren’t you?”

“Ne!” they squealed at him.

“You are so cute!! Can noona take a picture with you?” he looked back at me and I nodded. The lady smiled and took out her phone, soon all the employees inside the shop wanted to take photos with Chanwoo. I helped some of them take pictures.

“Can I take a picture with you too?” I heard one of them asking Kris and I didn’t feel so good inside. I didn’t turn and just watched them play with Chanwoo but I kept my ears open. There was a short pause before he spoke.

“I don’t think my wife would like that. I’m sorry.” My heart picked up pace when he said the word wife. I looked down and took in a deep breathe, what is he thinking? He is going to be a married to another woman but here he is claiming to be my husband.

“Just one picture, please?”

“I don’t know.” I could feel him staring at me. Chanwoo came running to me and I hugged him to distract myself. Why is he making things hard for me?

“Did you have fun with those pretty noonas?”

“Ne, but eomma is prettier.” He showed it using his hands and I couldn’t help but smile. “Eomma looks pretty like this.” He cupped my face and squeezed it and I let out a soft chuckle for the first time. I couldn’t remember my own laughter and it sounded foreign. 

“Really?” he nodded. “Are you happy that I’m your eomma?” I asked softly and he nodded again.

“Very happy.” I kissed him on the cheek as I picked him up and the employees all smiled at us.

“He is really cute and well behaved.”

“Thank you.” I smiled at them.

“Omo, you have dimples too. No wonder he has such lovely deep dimples, he got them from you.” I just smiled lightly at them and they wouldn’t stop staring at us. I brought him back to the changing room and changed him out of the clothes before coming out. I placed the clothes on the counter when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Rin.” I turned around to find him right behind me. “This lady wants to take a picture with me.” I looked at the sales lady behind him. I look back at him and was waiting for my answer.

“If she wants to then go ahead.” I said and his face fell a little. He suddenly leaned towards me and whispered.

“Can you think of an excuse? I really don’t want to take pictures with people I don’t know.” he was so close I could smell his cologne and I heard the staff gasped slightly as he leaned in.

“What do you want me to do? You are attracting people.”

“It’s not that I want too, they just keep coming even when I tell them I’m married.” He remained in his position. “Just play along, my wife.” His breath brushed my ear and sent a shiver down my spine. He pulled back and smiled. Was he planning to give me a heart attack?

I looked at the sales lady who was anticipating an answer before looking back at him. I turned towards her.

“Erm, about the picture if you really have too, take it with my son. Both of them.” she smiled and nodded. I looked at him before handing Chanwoo over to him.

“It’s just a picture.” I said and moved away. Another employee moved in and helped take the picture. I walked to a rack of clothes and saw this really nice looking pale blue shirt paired with jeans.

“It will look good on Chanwoo.” I said and took it in my hand. I was about to turn back when a sharp pain hit my chest, I grabbed the area near my heart.

‘Not here.’ I have a side effect from my injury. I’ve been having these pains in my heart and have been on medication. Because previously I seldom go out, I have these sessions at home where my medicine is. This is the first time I’m having it outside, I didn’t expect to have an attack so fast since I had one a few days back. It totally slipped my mind to bring my medicine along.  

I grab unto the rack and hunched over gasping for air. I dropped the clothes that I was holding, my vision is becoming blur. I took out my phone and dialled a number. My hand shook as I held it to my ear.

‘Please pick up!’


“GE!” I gasped. “It hurts. It hurts a lot.” I bend forward and let out a loud gasp before falling unto my knees.

“Where are you?”

“Rin?” he called out and I heard footsteps coming from behind.

“Outside.” I panted and tears were streaming down my face, my hand didn’t have any strength and the phone slipped from my grip unto the floor. My legs gave way and I fell sideways but he caught me.

“Rin? What’s wrong?” he pushed my hair back and held me tightly. “Rin, you are scaring me what’s wrong!”

“I-It h-hurts.” I whispered clenching unto my chest. I was breaking out in sweat. He saw my phone and grabbed it.


“Yes. Something is wrong with Rin, she is in pain.” he looked through my bag. “No.” He hung up and grabbed my things throwing it over his shoulder.

“Could you help me with her?” he asked a nearby staff and they help place me on his back.

“Rin you have to hold on. Stay with me okay?” his voice shook and he held Chanwoo by the hand before rushing out to grab a taxi. He massaged my legs as he carried me and I hid my face into his shoulders. He boarded the taxi and cradled me in his arms before telling the driver to go to the hospital.

“Just a little more.” He kept talking to me, trying to keep me awake. The taxi drove down the streets and my head was really light, my vision became really blur and my eye lids drooped. “Stay with me Rin, don’t sleep.” He held me tighter and rubbed my arms to keep my warm. “Don’t sleep on me. Don’t you dare leave me.”

“Don’t you dare leave me again.” he whispered. “Yi ning, don't go.”





Hi! The story has been coming really slowly so I can't update fast:( Oh and don't worry, she will meet Lay later on in the story even if it's just for a while, I'm not too sure about Kai and Sehun though. I'll see how the story goes:) Thanks for commenting, subscribing to YMU!! So here is a slight spoiler for the next chapter since I'm not sure if I'll update in the next 2 days. 



“Rin?” He stared at me with serious looking eyes. “I’m going to ask you a question. I hope you can answer me truthfully.”

“Do you want me to stay?” 






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Chapter 24: That girl would be so spoiled!! And definitely overprotected
Chapter 23: I'm so happy right now! They deserve each other after everything they went through in all their lifetime..
Chapter 20: NOOO!! What the heck!!
Chapter 17: Why is it happening again?! Let them love each other in peace!
Chapter 15: Yes! Just say yes!!
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